One Stubborn Arsed Lass!

An adult stories – One Stubborn Arsed Lass! by SweetCaroline1982,SweetCaroline1982 One Stubborn Arsed Lass!

By Sweet Caroline

Author Note: A special thanks to my editor for this story, AVCG for a much-appreciated effort on this timely story.

It all began just before quitting time. Everyone else had left the office when Art came storming up to her desk.

“What the heck are you doing making me late on the night of St. Patrick’s Day! Janyce pouted slamming her closed fist down on his desk. I have plans for tonight and they didn’t include staying here! Especially with someone like you.

“Your date has been cancelled and my revenge is just beginning, lady!” Art said. He jumped out of his executive chair and grabbed her arm.

He yanked hard on her arm and pulled her around the side of big pine desk. She started to cry at her sudden unforeseen predicament. He pushed her down on the floor onto her knees. Art now towered over the scared lass. There was a sudden panic in her brown eyes. Janyce looked up into Art’s stern face and knew he meant business.

“You are a contradiction in terms. Art said as he began to lecture her.

“You wear your hair like a grown woman. However, you insist on dressing like a street walker. And, on top of that you are a first-class bitch, my Irish lass. I’m the one who is going to do something about it right here and now.

“How dare you think you can demean me!” Janice said. Her hands firmly placed on her hips.

“You are one stubborn arsed lass!”

Janyce sat down on her bottom on the floor. This gave Art a very interesting view. One of her green corduroy skirt down the back at her white underwear and panty band. They fit tightly on her round shapely bottom. If only he could see her butt crack too. Still, it was a stirring sight for him that normally would have put him off his game. However, on this holiday night, he had business to finish before he or his co-worker could play tonight.

His hand took a light grip on the unlucky lass and her flowing light brown long hair. He guided her to the wooden chair in the corner of his office. Janyce wiggled her bottom and crawled after Art across the dirty floor on her hands and knees.

As Art turned to sit in the chair. Images that Janyce had worked hard to bury came rushing back from her childhood. One especially strong memory with a parental hairbrush when she missed her weekend curfew. That one lingered in her memory even five years later. That’s because her well-paddled behind was red and purple bruised when she yanked down her pajama bottoms the next morning as she saw her bare butt in her bedroom mirror.

All that pain flashed before her eyes as Art yanked Janyce up and over his lap. This put Janyce’s butt high in the air. just her fingertips and toes touched the floor of the executive vice president’s office of Echo.

“Art please don’t do this to me. Janyce said as she struggled to get to her feet.

However, firm pressure in the small of her back prevented her from getting up.

“No, not my skirt! Janyce said. She began to struggle harder as she felt Art flip her skirt up onto the small of her back, so that he had an unobstructed view of her panty-clad arse.

Art trapped one of her hands and pushed it up between her shoulder blades in a wrist lock that prevented her from getting away. A second later her white cotton bikini panties had been pulled down around her knees.

Art couldn’t help but laugh when he saw her white triangle shaped patch of skin that had been covered by her swimsuit earlier at the Jamaica Echo Hotel pool. He could see at street level from his window. The vagina area was surrounded by red sunburned flesh and her bushy brown bush.

“Looks like I’m going to have to make your behind the same color. And, it’s not going to be white, Janyce!”

The Echo hotel account executive had fudged her sales numbers. Art had discovered the annual booked parties was in the red thanks to the lies and collected unearned commissions, she had fraudulently taken from the company.

Now Art could get down to the ‘nitty gritty’ heart of the issue. He lightly ran the tips of his fingers over her quivering arse flesh enjoying the way it rippled as the volatile Irish lass tried to avoid his touch. He also liked the way Janyce ground her pantyhose covered vagina into the rapidly swelling penis trapped inside his sage light green slacks.

Art raised his right hand high above his head and brought it down hard on her upturned behind.

Suddenly without warning Art landed two swift sharp swats. A bright red handprint sprang up on each of her panty-clad delineated butt cheeks. Janyce through her head back and howled in pain.

“Yeow! Oh, Art! Please have mercy on me!”

“You should know better than to let yourself fudge your figures and hurt the Echo annual booked numbers. Art began to lecture Janyce as his large hand delivered a steady rain of blows on the attractive senior annual echo sales executive. Each hand like-paddle pounded her vagina down on his raging hard on.

Art pulled down the white bikini panties over her hips and down her long legs before continuing her spanking. Janyce’s behind continued to get redder and redder under Art’s heavy hand. Honestly, if she didn’t know better, she would swear she was being paddled like at school. Here and there were deep purple bruises began to appear on her tender flesh.

“You should watch your Echo annual figures and use plenty of judgment.” Art continued his lecture punctuating each word with a loud spank to drive his point home. And, by all means you need to learn to buy panties that fit you properly on your bottom.

Art’s hand had begun to throb from spanking her so hard from the swats he had given her now swollen butt. However, he didn’t think Janyce had been punished enough, yet so he looked around for something else to use on her. The delay was un-nerving for Janyce.

While she waited, she could hear Art moving around behind her. She wiped the brown-haired bangs out of her face. However, she knew better than to look back over her shoulder to see what he was doing behind her. Janyce felt him hook his fingers into the waistband of her pantyhose. One yank and they too joined her panties down around her knees.

Janyce’s spanking began suddenly without warning for her. Art had picked up a heavy wooden ruler from the drafting table next to the chair. Art was using the hard flat surface as a paddle.

The sharp stinging swats as she was paddled soon began to warm her behind.

Janyce bit her lip to keep from crying out as the pain continued to grow in her arse.

Art continued to paddle Janyce’s behind with hard swats across her bottom. He watched her bottom slowly changed to a darker red as the blood continued to be drawn to the surface.

Intense heat was radiating from her behind like the burner on a stove. Art continued to deride Janyce as her spanking continued until her former classmate began to throb in burning pain. Only then did Art slow down. Janyce’s fine behind was now cherry red with a smattering of purple bruises dotted both cheeks of her bottom.

Janyce was moaning steadily now. She had begun to shift her weight from foot to foot in a futile dance to ease her pain.

Art could see small blisters beginning to form on her battered behind. As they continued to grow they threatened to burst like drops of water over her hillocks.

As suddenly as it started, Janyce’s first adult spanking with her behind being paddled was over. Art dumped her unceremoniously on the floor at his feet. There was no longer a single spot on her behind that was not a bright red or a patch of purple.

“Now haul your butt over to that corner until I decide where we go from here.” Art ordered. Keep the skirt up and your panties down around the knees. Art wasn’t satisfied until Janyce’s nose was buried in the corner. She felt a gush inside her cotton underwear in awe how Art had tamed one Irish lass through her sore arse. She knew not to touch her blistered behind. However, she did shake her tail in an open invitation for Art to take her to the big St. Patrick’s Day dance.


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