Reality of Life with Parents Pt. 01

An adult stories – Reality of Life with Parents Pt. 01 by insa,insa I hate my fucking dad, Jesus…

Why he has to be like that. Always showing dominance being a jerk to everyone.

Yes I forgot the cupcakes for party. Was it such a big of a deal to make a fight about that?

For him always.

Hey I’m Matt and welcome to my stupid life.

I am a proud 18 years old and your average nerdy highschooler.

And here I am back from 10 extra minute walk for cupcakes! ehh…

“Here he is, have you forgot your head at the market this time?” my lovely Dad said grinning at my entrance.

I just walked past by ignoring him.

As I entered the kitchen something else catched my attention. My mother was looking very different than normally. Preparing some fancy dish for guests she looked amazing.

I had a good view so trust me.

And look I am your average 18 year old, I don’t have iron will, okay?

My Mom, Kate, was rather shy and never wore dresses like this.

She was a history teacher, 38, with slim pert body and bright green eyes.

And I must admit now…nice breasts. Her loosen blonde hair ended right under her shoulders. Tight dress she put on really did a job. It was pretty short ending just around the shortness to not look slutty. It put emphasize on her slender legs and round ass.

“Did she work out lately” I thought to myself.

Her lingerie underneath was clearly visible.

My school friends always gave those stupid comments that she had amazing body but I always played it off never really giving it a thought. Looking at her now I must agree that they might have had a point.

So, I just kept glancing at her standing back to me. I had pretty good view.

“Don’t take it to yourself Matty, he just is like that. He had a rough week at work.” she comforted me.

Bringing me back to reality.

“Sure, Mom but he is always like this” I anserwed putting cupcakes on the corner.

“Maybe go with him to the gym again. You will bond together…besides self-confident boys are-…”

“Yeah and I will be a gym bro, ughhh look how good I move this metal thing from one place to another” I responded with funny voice

She laughed faintly at my comment.

“I’m not saying moving metal things are important but this would boost up your self-confidence Matty, you know with guys it is important have it. I know how to defend myself from those “Bad Boys” but many girls can’t and that give them edge on you honey. I see it everyday in school” She stated.

I now catched myself staring at her hot legs imaging where they end.

“Jesus Matthew think straight” I thought to myself.

I wanted to change this boring subject.

“I see you couldn’t stop yourself and wear these white Converse’s” I grinned.

She turned over to me with smile.

“Don’t be so smart Matty” she said as she moved closer.

“I will wear heels later but I still think Converse’s look good with everything.”

“What do you think not too much? Your father has couple extra wishes this year for his birthday and I couldn’t decline because he works so hard…” She justified herself

“Especially with those 20 yo girls on the gym” I thought to myself.

Kate now standing 1 meter from me, posed in front of me shyly.

She constantly adjusted her dress to not be too short, her breasts in great sight as her neckline was pretty deep.

I couldn’t believe he made her wear this for a party.

As she was standing there I wanted to say something brave but I just felt a heat wave flow over my body and I just mumbled that she looked pretty.

She smiled with her innocent green eyes and reached to my hair comepletly ruffling it.

At the same moment Dad entered the room.

“So did you buy them or what?” He asked.

He must have immidietly spotted how red I am cause without giving me a chance to anserw he added.

“You will never find a hot gf like I did with your mom if you will get so red after one short walk to bakery”.

He was 2 years older than my mom and was accounting manager in local company. Unlike me (because I was rather slender) he was jacked, going to the gym 3 days a week.

I even once went with him but didn’t like it there. I spotted tho that he was well known there. Also many fit girls talked with him knowing him well.

“Yeah, cause you are such an alpha dad…” I shaked my head responding to his stupid allegations.

“You actually don’t have to be jacked dude with overgrown self confidence to get girls, dad. Many smart girls prefer nerdy guys.” I looked at Kate to find her approval.

“John, give him a brea-..mmmhmhm” Mom tried to defend me as John grabbed her by her ass and turned her closer to himself.

His tongue entered her mouth and twisted around hers inside.

At first she gave it a fight knowing that I am a close spectator. But his will made her almost completely give up. Her body was now fully free for his rude hands.

His knee between her legs making her dress rolling up exposing her firm tigh.

Only her ass cheeks bloking the dress from going completely up.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Her tongue now returning the pleasure to his.

His hands roamed over her body for good 10 seconds.

My jaw was on the floor. I suddenly felt blood rushing to my cock as I never seen a woman and specially my mom being handed like this.

She moaned in his mouth when he eneded the scene with tight squeeze of her ass cheeks

“Jesus, Johnnn have some maanners” she tried to play angry as he released her, Her cheeks fully red.

“I’m sorry but I couldn’t stop myself at your sight. I will be right back and help you with a dish, honey.” John explained

He turned over on his feet and gave me big smile leaving the room.

Mom clearly embarassed ignored me, turned to cutting board again and said unsteadily.

“Boys will be boys… I will finish a dinner now before guests come by, you can go play on your computer Matty”

“Um, sure” leaving the kitchen I gave her a quick glanse…

“Fuck” I thought.

What have i just witnessed. My cock still hard.

“Maybe dad is right about some things” I thought as I heard his steps on stairs.

Not wanting to see his face I rushed to my room. Shutting the door behind I catched a glimpse of someting metalic and shiny in his hand as he entered back the kitchen. It had crystalic red heart at the end of it. Having no idea what was that I let the thought out of my head and put on my headphones.

Blurred voices came out of the kitchen as I heard my mom saying something in rather negative tone. Respond from my dad was self-confident and firm and I didn’t hear any anserw.

The volume of radio in the kitchen went up and my game started.

“A little chill before all those guests come by” I thought as I locked my champion and put my favourite playlist on.

I tried to doze off into the game but my thoughts kept backing to vulnerable body of my mother imagining her exposed.

“Why was it so hot…” I thought as I died again in game.


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