Russian Translation by frederickson866,frederickson866

Russian Translation

(This is a work of fiction)

“Hello, yes this is Bill Thompson.”

I was just putting the finishing touches on a 6 month North Sea geologic study and looking forward to taking a couple of weeks off when the phone rang.

“Hey, Bob Brown. How are you? It is been awhile, old friend.” I spoke into the phone to the caller that was clearly long distance.

“You’re working with a Russian oil company? How did that happen?” I listened to my friend explain that he was now VP of exploration at a large Russian oil company.

“What?… 3 weeks?… Siberia? Bob, I really appreciate the offer but I just finished a North Sea study and I’m looking forward to taking some time off… Okay, okay, I’ll give it some thought,” as I tried to get rid of my old friend and focus on where I might go on my vacation.

30 minutes later the phone rang again and it was Bob.

“Yes Bob, I’ve given it some thought and I don’t think this is something that I’m really interested in. Double my normal fee? Well that is temping but….” Okay I’ll give it some more thought. Good bye Bill”.

As I hung up the phone I thought to myself they must be really desperate. I decided a long time ago to price my consulting fee just a bit above the average in the industry. This kept the jobs to people that were really interested and serious enough to be very clear about what work they wanted and the results they expected. This got me in and out quickly with no lingering corporate crap to deal with in the middle while they decided what they wanted done.

About 40 minutes later the phone rang again. Sure enough it was Bob.

“No, Bob I haven’t had a chance to really think about it,” I said as he cut me off to explain the sweetened deal.

“Triple?… First Class?… 24 hour translator? What is a 24 hour translator?” He was very vague with that explanation but the triple pay would allow me to take a really nice vacation when this was done and go somewhere really special.

That afternoon I finished my North Sea project and sent it off to my client. 2 days later I was on a plane first class to Moscow. It took an additional 24 hours to get to the small town in Siberia. It was November and it was cold – I couldn’t imagine what this place would be like in January and February. I grabbed my luggage from the train and began looking around for someone that looked like a translator.

Alisa tapped me on the shoulder. “Are you Bill Thompson?” she inquired in perfect English.

“Yes,” I replied and turned around to see a lovely young lady about 22 years old with deep blue eyes and long blond hair that hung past her neck and down into the heavy dark coat she was wearing. I guessed she was about 5ft 9inches but beyond that I couldn’t tell much about her figure because of the heavy layers of clothing she was wearing. Her face however, was gorgeous, just beautiful. She could have easily been a model.

“I’m Alisa, your full time assistant. Come this way, I have a taxi waiting for us,” she said with the efficiency typical of many Europeans.

When we approached the taxi, the driver got out and opened the trunk to the car. I noticed a suitcase in there already, which I thought was unusual but perhaps it belonged to the driver. I laid mine next to it and climbed into the backseat of the car.

Even though it was late afternoon, the streets were dark because of the time of year and the distance we were to the north pole. The darkness made it difficult to tell exactly what we were passing. It didn’t look like a very big town and I suddenly became concerned about my accommodations. We soon pulled into a driveway and there stood a new 3 story hotel about the typical size of a Holiday Inn Express that you would see in the US. Considering where we were, I was actually quite pleased.

The bellman was at the car and pulled both suitcases out of the trunk the second we pulled up. They were waiting for us at the reception desk once Alisa had paid the driver and exited the taxi. There was lots of talk in Russian but the clerk got excited when Alisa said “Bill Thompson” and the clerk handed me a large brown envelope.

Alisa turned to me. “He would like you to sign the register. The bill is being paid by the company and it includes any meals or other costs you might incur while staying at the hotel. The bellman will take our luggage to the executive suites.”

“Oh Alisa,” I said, “would you thank the bellman but I prefer to take my own luggage up to the room. Just something I’ve always done and it gives me the chance to wander the hotel and stretch my legs after a long trip.”

The bellman handed me a single key and wandered off toward the front door of the hotel.

I didn’t quite understand where Alisa’s room would be and why they didn’t hand her a key also but perhaps she checked in earlier. When I grabbed my luggage, Alisa grabbed the other suitcase and she followed me into the elevator and made no move to press a different button after I did. She followed me down the hall, waited until I had inserted the key and then followed me into the giant room.

“Alisa,” I said turning to her once the door was closed, “I don’t understand where you are staying.”

“I am your assistant. I stay with you.”

“No there is only one bed. I don’t understand what is going on here. There must be some mistake. You can’t stay here. It’s just not right,” I stammered.

She looked at me with tears welling up in her eyes and began shedding the layers of coats and sweaters. She got down to her bra and panties. “Am I not pretty enough for you? I’ll make love and give great blowjobs.” She reached around and unhooked her bra and let it fall off her front, revealing two of the most fantastic tits I have ever seen, probably a C cup with just a hint of sag. Each one had a prominent pink nipple that stood up about 1/2 inch (1.5 cm). “I can ask for a replacement for you if you don’t like me.”

“No, No – I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I just didn’t realize your duties as translator included this,” starring at her amazing tits.

“Yes, our VIP’s with the company get services 24 hours a day, even when they aren’t working at the company.”

My brain went into overload – I’ve never been in a situation like this. I didn’t want to take advantage of someone that might be exploited.

I headed to the closet and pulled out a large terrycloth robe and put it around Alisa.

“No, I do not want a different translator.” I turned around facing her. “I’m sorry but I’m a bit old fashioned. I believe the most important word in making-love is love. I’m here to do a job and in the process I have met a beautiful, charming, intelligent woman with a delightful personality. Lets just see where that takes us, okay?” I said kissing her on the forehead.

“Okay, so I’m a bit tired from my travels. What do you say we stay in, order room service and make an early evening of it?” Noticing the single king sized bed, “well we’ll have to work something out on the sleeping arrangements but we are both adults and I think this will work out just fine,” I smiled.

I think this made Alisa feel better.

Dinner came and we ate just chatting about this part of Russia and the political, economic and social issues of the day. Alisa was amazingly brilliant. Her insight into issues in Russia, often had a unique perspective. Afterward we decided to watch some Russian TV and although I couldn’t understand a single word of it, Alisa helped translate some of it and the rest was easily deciphered from the body movements. Eventually Alisa got really quiet and she slumped over and laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and sat quietly just enjoying having this beautiful woman next to me.

Eventually I shook her quietly and said, “Hey beautiful, it’s time for bed. You need to wake up so you can go back to sleep.”

She groggily got up and opened her suitcase an pulled out some black lacy underwear.

“Sorry,” she looked at me sheepishly, “this was all I brought. I was expecting something different.”

“No need to apologize”, I said. “I’m the one that didn’t understand what was going on and changed the rules on you.”

She removed all her clothing and put on the lacy attire and climbed into bed. She rolled over on her side and within a minute she was sound asleep.

Feeling tired also, I removed all my clothes except my boxers and climbed into bed. I rolled over on my side facing away from Alisa and within minutes the stress of the 2 days of travel caught up with me and I fell fast asleep.

“Bill, Bill, wake up the electricity is out,” I heard as someone started shaking me. It was Alisa and for some reason she seemed to think it was important to let me know the electricity was out. “Okay thanks,” I mumbled trying to get more sleep.

“No you don’t understand, when it is 45 below outside, this room is going to get really cold in just a few minutes. We need to share body warmth,” Alisa said and with that she got out of bed and fumbled and found her purse and produced a flashlight. She went to the closet and grabbed every extra pillow and blanket and dumped them onto the bed. She then removed all her clothes and climbed back into bed and slid up right next to me.

“Bill, you need to remove your underwear,” she said.

Not sure why but I did as she asked and reached down and sent them to my toes. She then reached over and wrapped her arms and legs around me. I wrapped my arms around her and instinctively began rubbing her back.

We lay quietly for a few moments and I do have to admit I was feeling warm, well perhaps in more ways than one.

“Bill,” Alisa said in a quite voice. “Your cock is pressing hard against my thigh. Can you either make it go down or stick it between my legs. It kind-of hurts”.

“Okay, have you seen how beautiful and sexy you are? It ain’t going down,” I said incredulously.

I reached down and pushed my cock toward her crotch and at the same time she parted her legs slightly and my cock slid wonderfully along her pussy. Alisa let out a moan and then pushed her legs back together trapping my cock next to her pussy.

I looked at Alisa in the dark “Don’t you dare move or I’ll end up shooting cum all over this bed.”

“You mean like this,” and she gave her legs a playful squeeze pushing my cock closer to the place it really wanted to be.

“Holy shit you’re evil,” I moaned and grabbed Alisa tighter. “Be merciful to a foreigner that isn’t use to having a beautiful, sexy Russian woman in his bed. You do that again and you’ll sleep in the wet spot. I am the boss,” I smiled.

“Oh you think you’re in control here do you,” Alisa replied giving her legs a squeeze and letting out a tiny giggle.

“Oh fuck,” I moaned.

We both laid there quietly just hugging each other in the total darkness for quite a while. Then I felt it – a slight twinge as Alisa tightened her legs around my cock ever so slightly. Then again a little harder. Again a little harder. Again a little harder. Again a little harder. Now she was pushing her hips into mine to get my cock to slide up and down her pussy. Each time she pushed it was with more force and longer strokes. She was now breathing heavy and mumbling something in Russian. Her lips met mine and instantly her tongue found its way into my mouth.

Three minutes later she screamed out and her body convulsed as she had an orgasm. She mumbled a lot of Russian and was breathing heavily. She started to quite down and she whispered, “I haven’t cum that hard in a very long time.”

I kissed her hard on the mouth and whispered back, “I need some alone time, I have a huge problem down there that I need to fix and soon,” I was panting and trying to keep it under control.

She smiled, winked and instantly disappeared below the covers and about a second later I felt her mouth engulf my entire cock. I could feel the suction as she pushed it down into her throat and pulled it back out until the tip made contact with her tongue where she swirled her tongue against it and then pushed it back into her throat.

She did about 3 strokes and I pulled back the blankets to give her some air and so I could play with her hair and squeeze those fantastic tits that were rubbing against my thigh.

I only lasted about 2 minutes and I felt that wonderful preorgasmic feeling spread all over my body. Suddenly with the force of Krakatoa, my cock exploded shooting hot molten cum into the source that was giving me pleasure. Alisa simply took it, she didn’t cough, sputter or choke. After about the 4th shot of cum I don’t remember much but when I did regain conscious I felt her gently suckling on my softening cock trying to get the last of the cum out of it.

She let it pop out of her mouth and headed back to the head of the bed dragging the covers with her. She put her head back on the pillow and said, “see no wet spot. We Russian women are very resourceful.”

At that very second, a click sounded, the clock on the nightstand began to glow and a whoosh of warm air came from the vent above the bed. “Wow I’m beginning to like this place – the women are resourceful and the timing of the electric company is perfect.”

Alisa curled up next to me and we both fell instantly asleep.

I woke up the next morning to knocking on the door. Alisa was already up and dressed and I could hear her answer the door in the other room and assist with the breakfast cart that was being pushed into the room.

“Hey Bill, time to rise. Breakfast is here. We have a meeting with Bob Brown at 10:00. The Exploration team wants to meet at 13:00. The head of engineering and his staff want to meet us at 15:00 and some intern wants to meet you at 17:00,” said Alisa from the other room, looking at the contents of the brown envelope I was handed when we checked in.

“Who’s the intern?” I asked pulling back the covers and looking for my underwear.

“I don’t know, I haven’t met her yet,” she replied. “Her name is Irina. Bob set it up and that is all I know.”

“Oh yes!” Alisa exclaimed as I walked into the other room still looking for my underwear. “That’s what the pleasure stick looks like. It looks as good as it felt. Damn that was nice last night,” as she got a dreamy look on her face.

Not sure where my underwear went to as I sat at the table and ate breakfast. Alisa was quiet and would look over at my lap and squirm a bit in her chair as she also ate breakfast.

When finished, I quickly took a shower, dressed and we both headed to the hotel entrance where there was a car waiting to take us to the office complex.

The day went really quickly as I met with various groups to get to know them and discussed what I would be working on over the next several weeks. There was no need for Alisa in my meeting with Bob so she went off to do other things but she became an indispensable part of my work because almost no one spoke English and one of the things I was going to have to do was to bring the company up to latest technology and geologic concepts.

“So Bob, what is the deal with the translator? You know I don’t do that shit. I don’t need a prostitute,” I somewhat admonished Bob.

“Bill, I am so very sorry. I had no idea they offered “that” kind of service until after I scheduled it. Apparently we have a lot of slimy Chinese executives through here and they contract a company to provide “full service.” I just asked who we used and contacted them. When I found out what they were doing I called around and couldn’t find anyone that had an English translator. I finally called them back up and threatened them if they didn’t send me someone that spoke English I would turn them into the agency for exploited women. Is she okay?” Bob asked.

“Yes, that is the weird part. She speaks better English than I do. She is amazingly well educated, smart, beautiful, I can’t figure out why she is doing this,” I pondered.

“The Russian government is really weird, they don’t like people leaving and leaving can cost a lot of money. There is almost no opportunities for well educated people. Sex is big money here, the government turns its head. So if you are a woman and you want enough money to get out of here, this is one way to do it,” Bob said.

At 17:00 Alisa and I walked over to the conference room where I was to meet Irina, the intern that Bob had arranged for me to meet. As we rounded the corner I saw the glass conference room with Bob and a beautiful young woman seated and talking quietly. I opened the conference room door and Alisa and I stepped in. Alisa and Irina locked eyes and both instantly screamed and ran to each other and hugged.

Bob and I looked a little stunned. “Well Bob”, I said, “they either know each other or this country has some really unique greeting rituals”.

“I’m guessing they know each other,” Bob said, still a bit confused.

The Russian began to be spoken like I hadn’t heard since I got there.

I leaned over to Bob, “any idea what they are saying?”

Bob looked really confused as he listened intently to the Russian being spoken so fast it all sounded like one word. “It’s either an orgy, a book club or a drinking game. It makes no sense.” Bob pondered shaking his head and listening intently.

“Ladies, I’m sorry to break this up but we came here for a reason,” I spoke loudly to get control of the room.

“Oh, so sorry,” Alisa said, “we haven’t seen each other in years, since we were roommates in college.”

“College,” Bob and I said in unison. Now making a lot more sense than it did a few moments ago.

The girls quickly settled down and the proposal Bob had, was for Irina to shadow me while I was in town. Irina had just completed her masters degree at Utah and the thinking was that I could help jump start her career by pushing her into the new technology instead of having her learn the existing outdated system they were planning on dumping anyway.

We discussed my plans for the new technology transformation over the next several weeks. I would roll it out to division managers over the few weeks I was here and help them apply it to the geological work they were doing. After I was gone they would teach their staff. They could supplement that with consulting from the software vendor. Irina’s help would be invaluable as they moved forward to implement the system corporate wide. She would serve as the main person to make sure it gets implemented consistently throughout the company.

The meeting lasted about an hour and afterward we all decided to grab some dinner. Bob picked an excellent restaurant that gave us the opportunity to talk and get to know each other a bit better. After the meal Bob paid the tab and excused himself and indicated he had some obligations at the house. I’ve known Bob a long time and he is a classic early to bed, early to rise person so I knew dinner was the only thing he was going to join us for.

The girls wanted to party and although I’m usually up for a little night life I was feeling a whole lot of jet lag and tomorrow I wouldn’t be able to exist off of adrenaline like I did today. The girls looked at me funny when I explained my jet lag but both understood. Alisa explained her obligation to Irina and although it was clear they wanted to go out to a club, I suggested they come back to the hotel and they could catch up in the front room while I slept in the back.

Irina drove us back to the hotel and on the way she spotted a liquor store and made a brief stop. Her and Alisa jumped out and within 5 minutes they were each carrying a bottle and what looked like a bag of snacks.

The room was set up as a suite with a living room and behind it a bedroom with a bed. There was a thin door between the rooms that allowed it to be closed and block the light from the other room but not much else. When we got back to the hotel room the girls got the party ready by laying everything out on the table and getting the glasses ready.

I, on the other hand, used the restroom and made a bee line to the bedroom and made ready for the night. The full day of work and the 2 days of travel had finally caught up with me and I was exhausted. My head hit the pillow and I was asleep.

I was having this weird erotic dream about sword swallower’s. I slowly opened my eyes and both Alisa and Irina were taking turns deep throating my cock. Somehow they had managed to roll me over on my back and pull my underwear down to my ankles. They were both naked and lying on the bed near my cock. I had seen Alisa naked before and she is amazing with one of the prettiest faces I have ever seen and a smoking hot body to match. Irina on the other hand seemed nice but somewhat ordinary. However, I had only seen her with a bulky sweater on. I was shocked when I saw the huge tits on the skinny body. They had to be at least a DD.

I was in heaven as each of them tried to outdo the other. I finally couldn’t take any more and erupted shooting jet after jet of cum inside Irina’s eager mouth. When I was done and Irina had popped me out of her mouth, Alisa attacked her like a mad woman, pushing her tongue into Irina’s mouth, trying to get at the sweet nectar from my cock.

I hate to confess this but I actually fell back to sleep. When I awoke the next morning I was again wearing my underwear and I was sandwiched between Irina on one side and Alisa on the other. I moved slightly and Alisa rolled over to me and nestled her head in my shoulder. She also draped her arm over me and let her hand rest on my underwear right where my cock was. I don’t think it was a conscious thing and despite the moan, she was clearly fast asleep.

I just laid there with this beautiful angel in my arms and listening to her peaceful rhythmic breathing. I tried not to think about her hand on my cock but my cock certainly did and it arose to the occasion. Eventually I heard her breathing change and I felt tiny kisses on my chest as she came out of her sleep.

“Oops, did I do that?” she whispered in my ear and squeezing my cock. “Please fu.., no…, please make love to me. I want you so much.”

I sent the underwear down to the ankles and kicked them off. Somewhere a condom appeared and Alisa rolled it onto my cock and then sat on me, grabbed my cock and aimed it at her pussy. She dropped all the way down on me, taking my cock to the hilt. She moaned and then began rocking back and forth.

She eventually leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. We began making out like teenagers with my cock fully embedded into Alisa’s pussy. I can’t ever remember kissing a woman with the intensity as I did with Alisa. We made out for what seemed like hours joined at 2 places, our mouths and my cock and her pussy. We devoured each other as Alisa rode my cock, rocking her hips back and forth.

Suddenly she broke our kiss, sat up and closed her eyes. Alisa bore down on me as far as she could, her body went stiff and she screamed. “Oh, FUCK YES!!”

Her pussy began squeezing my cock as Alisa screamed “YES, YES, YES.” Her orgasm must have gone on for at least a minute. She suddenly recovered and flipped over on her back and spread and raised her legs. “Fuck me. Please fuck me Bill. Fuck me like you have never fucked any one before.”

She begged and pleaded with me. Who am I to turn down a woman in need. I leaned over Alisa and in one swift motion drove my cock into her as far as it would go. “Oh YA,” Alisa screamed.

I backed up and drove into her again. Again she screamed when I hit bottom. I began getting into a rhythm and Alisa let out one continuous scream. I wasn’t sure if she was having one long orgasm or if she was just over stimulated by what I was doing.

After about 15 minutes she screamed “STOP, STOP, I can’t take any more. I pulled out of Alisa and ripped off the condom. I gave my cock a couple of strokes and shot cum all over her stomach and tits. Exhausted, I flopped over on my back and onto the bed next to Alisa.

I couldn’t believe Irina slept through that. I was catching my breath as Alisa laid her head on me and hugged me. Suddenly I felt wetness on my chest. I looked down and tears were streaming out of both Alisa’s eyes.

“Hey wow,” I said. “I thought it was pretty good. I don’t always hit it out of the park but I thought my performance was better than crying.” I tried to lighten the mood while I stroked Alisa’s hair to try to comfort her and figure out what was wrong.

She lifted up her head and I saw tears streaming out of her eyes. “It has been so long since I’ve made love with someone. I missed it so much. It was so wonderful. One of the best nights I have had in a very long time.”

“But… I thought….” I paused and then stopped that train of thought and decided now was not the time to bring up her current job and duties.

She put her head back down on my chest and hugged me tighter than normal. There was a really long silence as she pondered what ever was going through that pretty head of hers. I just couldn’t think of anything to say that would help ease her pain, what ever it was. So we lay there in silence.

“Bill? Were you serious when you said the other day that you were old fashioned and you only make love and love was the most important part?” she asked tentatively. Not wanting the wrong answer to her question.

“Of course I meant it. You are an amazing woman. You speak better English than I do. You are smart, witty, have a delightful personality and I might add, drop dead gorgeous. I would be crazy not to fall in love with you,” I said softly rubbing her back.

“But Bill… I’m a whore.” She spoke with a tear in her voice. “How can you love someone like me?”

“Did I demand that we have sex or did you want to make love to me? I like who you are. I want to get to know Alisa – who she is and what she wants to be – her hopes, dreams, what she wants out of life. I don’t really care where she has been but I do want to know where she is going,” I said giving her another hug.

Alisa raised her head and gave me a huge smile and suddenly she pushed herself up towards me and gave me a kiss that I soon won’t forget.

We broke our kiss and Alisa whispered, “make love to me again. I love your cock inside me.”

“I’m an old man. You have to give me at least 20 minutes to recharge between love sessions. Besides I thought you drained me in the last one,” I smiled back at Alisa.

Suddenly Irina rolled over, still asleep, and landed facing us. She slid her hands under the pillow leaving her amazing tits completely exposed.

Alisa sat up and looked at me, looking at Irina. “They look amazing,” she said.

“Yes, they do,” I said testing the waters. “I bet they feel great also.”

“Umm. I’m not to sure about that,” Alisa said looking at me curiously. “I tell you what. I’ll feel them for you and let you know if they are worth your time and effort.”

“Always looking out for me and what’s best for me.” I looked at Alisa.

Alisa reached over and gave Irina’s tit a giant squeeze. Irina moaned involuntarily and Alisa released her tit and put her hand on top of mine.

“Oh yuck, you wouldn’t like them at all. Here try these.” She smiled and pulled my hand to her tit and forced me to give it a squeeze. “There, now isn’t that better.”

“Wow, a little bit of jealousy. That can be kind of sexy in small portions.” I smiled back at Alisa.

“Good grief. What do you have in those tits. I’m as hard as steel,” shocked that I had arisen to the occasion so quickly.

“They are filled with love and I’m going to make you the happiest man in Russia. You won’t be able to get rid of the smile at all today,” Alisa said reaching back to my now hard cock.”

Suddenly a condom appeared and Alisa mounted me and sat slowly down on my cock. It was like she was enjoying a fine wine – nice and slowly to get the maximum pleasure. When she bottomed out she let out a load moan. She raised up and did it again.

She got into a slow rhythm but began to speed up. Each time she would bottom out she would scream a little louder and do it a little faster the next time. Soon she was just a blur with her blonde hair being flung all over and I was getting a little nervous about the noise waking up the neighbors.

Suddenly she stopped just as quickly just frozen while bottomed out on my cock. It seemed like it lasted an hour but it was probably only a second or two. She had this surprised look on her face like something was about to happen she did not expect. She let out a scream and every muscle in her body began to twitch.

Her pussy began squeezing my cock like nothing I have ever felt. My cock instantly exploded shooting cum into the condom. I came more than I ever would have believed. Watching this incredible goddess have a mind blowing orgasm while on my cock and the intense pleasure she was giving me in the process was something I will never forget.

“Shut the fuck up Alisa. Stop screaming in my ear. He just can’t be that good. Can’t you see I have a hangover,” Irina said as she was waking up.

Alisa was too busy recovering to answer her friend.

“Jesus bitch. The last time I heard a woman scream like that she was…” There was a long pause. “Oh my god, you’re in love with him,” Irina said incredulously.

“Well thank you for telling him, bitch!” Alisa seemed a little angry. “Yes, I love him.” Then she turned to me. “I love you, damit. No wait. I love you,” and she kissed me lightly on the lips.

I reached around her and pulled her on to me as tight as I could. I kissed her deeply. I felt the bed move as Irina got up and a few minutes later heard that distinctive sound of someone throwing up in the toilet.

Alisa broke our kiss and shouted to Irina. “You were in America to long. You have forgotten how to drink.”

I got up and went to help Irina get cleaned up. From the bedroom I heard a voice. “Get her a robe, so she can cover up those things.”

“Too late, I’m going to throw her in the shower.” Irina was covered with vomit all down the front of her. I let her lean over the toilet while I went and turned on the shower. When the water was sufficiently warm I picked up Irina and headed for the shower. I had planned on going in with her to make sure she didn’t fall and hurt herself. At the very last second Alisa appeared and wedged herself between Irina and me. “I got this.” she smiled at me.

“Don’t trust me?” I asked.

“You, I trust completely. Her, I have seen drunk and display a certain moral freedom. I got this,” Alisa said, gently pushing me away.

Both woman emerged from the shower all clean and ready for the day. Irina really did look better and was more awake and alert but you could tell she was suffering from a major headache. I quickly showered and we all got dressed and headed downstairs to our driver that was ready to take us away to the office.

The day at the the office was fairly routine. I had a couple of meetings with Bob in the late afternoon and so the meetings were in English and we did not require Alisa to attend. My last work of the day was with Bob and when we finished and left the meeting room Alisa was waiting for me.

She grabbed me by the arm and led me down an empty hall. “I got a test to make sure I don’t have any infections that I could spread to you. I want to make extra sure I’m okay before we stop using the things.” I looked completely confused. “I want you to shoot your hot cum in my pussy, okay?”

“Oh the condoms. That is sweet.” I said, now understanding what she was talking about.

“I quit my job.” She blurted out.

I stood there stunned, not sure what to say.

Alisa continued. “Look I’m not looking for anything from you. I just don’t think I can do what I’m required to do given how I now feel about you. I have a problem, however, my employer said no,” Alisa said.

I was confused. “How could they say no?” I asked.

“She grabbed me by the arm. “These are not nice people. They sell women and drugs. They don’t like to lose revenue.”

It finally dawned on me what was going on, this was the Russian mafia. “Oh my god Alisa. You have to promise that you will not leave my side. Promise me?”

“That is the best promise I have ever made.” Alisa said with some trepidation and some joy.

We decided that after last night we would stay in and order room service. Secretly I was glad Alisa agreed because sitting in a public restaurant did not sound like a good idea. We ordered our meal and shortly later came a knock on the door.

I stepped forward and opened the door expecting room service. The door flew open and in stepped a man carrying a gun. He said something to Alisa in Russian and pointed the weapon at her. They argued for a few minutes and Alisa turned to me. “He is taking me to the Middle East where I am to be sold.” She stood there in shock.

“I don’t think so.” I looked back at Alisa and I summoned everything I had studied and practiced in my oriental fighting classes over the past 20 years. In a flash I shoved the heal of my fist into his lower jaw. At the same time I grabbed the hand with the gun and pushed it upward and twisted it out of his hand and tossed it onto a chair. I grabbed his upper arm with both hands and lowered my body. He flipped over me, I yanked his arm and he did a 180 before landing on his stomach with a loud thud. I held the arm tight and drove my knee into it as hard as I could. The bone broke with a loud crack.

I released the arm and put my foot and weight on his back just below his neck. I turned to Alisa, who was in shock. “Are you okay sweetheart?” I asked very concerned. She nodded, still to much in shock to talk.

“You need to translate for me, okay?” She nodded again. “Tell this ass-hole to tell his employer that if anyone comes near you I’ll break them in two. I’m letting him live so he can take this message back to his employer. If he comes near you again, he won’t be so lucky. If they come after me, I’ll shut them out of every oil company in Russia. Now tell him to get out of here and never let me see him again.”

Alisa translated as I had a asked and with a lot of grunting and groaning and realizing he had only one good arm, he slowly stood up and ran out of the room and down the hall.

Alisa grabbed me and started crying. She just stood there for the longest time. All I could do is rub her back and try to comfort her. A few minutes later room service arrived which brought Alisa back to reality.

“Oh my god my sister. I have to go,” Alisa screamed.

“You have a sister? Where is she?” I asked now seeing the urgency of the situation.

“She is in my apartment alone. She lives with me.” Alisa was now panicked again.

“Look you are not leaving, they would grab both of you. I have a better idea. Come with me.” I grabbed her by the hand and we ran down to the lobby of the hotel. Sure enough, our driver was still there, thinking that he might be needed later that night. We had gotten to know Alexei over past several days and he was a real go-getter, an awesome guy that would do anything for you.

I gave him the mild version of the story and told him we need to get Alisa’s sister here safely and as quickly as possible. Alisa gave him the address and I gave him $100 US Dollars and encouraged him to go as quickly as it was safe to do so.

As soon as he got in his car I asked Alisa to call her sister and tell her to pack a bag and only open the door for Alexei.

Alisa said it would take about 30 minutes to do the round trip to her apartment and back and was delighted when the car pulled up 20 minutes later. I thanked Alexei profusely and he commented he would be back tomorrow morning.

I hustled both women back to our room and as soon as the door was closed an intense discussion in Russian began. I can’t speak a single word of Russian but I know enough body language to understand Alisa hadn’t told Anna everything about her job as a translator. Anna wasn’t happy but you could tell that Alisa had done it to protect her sister. Eventually Anna settled down and gave her sister a giant hug and you could tell all was forgiven.

Anna actually seemed familiar. She was a younger carbon copy of her sister and as such she was drop dead gorgeous. I could tell she was smart like her sister and like her sister she spoke perfect English. I could also tell she worshiped her sister and would do anything to please her.

I didn’t know much about Alisa’s family life except her sister was her only living relative. Apparently her parents were killed in a fiery car crash a couple of years ago. They left enough money for Alisa and Anna to live comfortably, however, Alisa was trying to earn more money so they could leave Russia and move to an English speaking country.

With Anna settled in we ordered another round of room service and began contemplating the logistics of 3 people living in a room with one bed. We also made the rule no Russian language spoken in the room, only English. However, Alisa and Anna frequently broke that rule by calling each other suka blyat, and giving each other ugly looks but hugging afterward. I later found out what that meant (fuck you).

We talked about splitting up into 2 rooms but Alisa didn’t want her sister in a room without my protection and I didn’t want Alisa in a room without my protection. We were located in the best room as far as protection was concerned and the hardest room to get in and out without being seen, so no one wanted to change rooms. The default answer was the 3 of us would stay here and try to make it work.

When bedtime came, Anna got completely undressed and crawled into the bed. Wow did she have a nice body, as nice as her sister. They were virtually identical. Alisa removed all her clothes and climbed into the bed. I stood there for a few seconds trying to decide my options but figured, what the hell and removed all my clothes and started to climb into the bed.

I heard Anna shout. “Holly shit that is a really nice looking cock.” I tried to ignore it but Alisa grabbed it as I climbed into bed. She grabbed me and pushed me over her sandwiching me between her and Anna.

Alisa decided she was going to whisper in my ear, play with my cock and giggle.

Anna sat up. “Okay, lets make an agreement. I’ll ignore you two and you ignore me. Just do what ever it is you are going to do and tomorrow morning no one talks about anything they saw, heard or did?”

Alisa didn’t ever bother to answer her sister. She pulled back the covers and slid down to my cock and sucked it into her mouth in one swift motion. All three of us let out a moan in unison. I got hard instantly and I heard a distinct “oh my god,” from Anna.

Alisa started sucking on me like a mad woman, making more noise than she usually does. I heard moaning coming from Anna and looked over to see her legs spread and she had her hand in her pussy frigging herself as fast as she could.

Suddenly I felt a condom going on and Alisa mounted me cowgirl and began slamming down on my cock like never before. We did that for about 5 minutes and she got up on all fours and wanted me to do her doggie. We did that for about 5 minutes and she pulled away, laid on her back and spread her legs and begged me to fuck her.

I got on top of her and was going to lower myself into her. However, as soon as she felt the end of my cock at the entrance of her pussy she put her legs around my hips and pushed her heels into my butt as hard as she could which pulled her pussy onto my cock all the way as far as it would go. She actually fucked herself that way by releasing herself and then using her legs to pull her pussy over my cock as hard as she could. After about 5 minutes her breathing got heavy and she let out a loud scream. She pulled her pussy onto my cock as hard as she could, held it there and began shaking and trembling.

I felt her pussy gripping and squeezing my cock and that was it for me. I let out a grunt, pushed my cock into Alisa’s pussy just as hard as I could and released jet after jet of hot cum into the end of the condom.

I rolled off of Alisa and left her panting and trying to catch her breath. It was then I heard Anna shouting. “Fuck me Bill. Fill me with that big cock.” I looked over and saw her hand frantically working over her pussy.

Suddenly I felt Alisa poke me in the arm. “Put your cock or finger or what ever in her and get her off. Just make her shut the fuck up.”

I looked back over at Anna and reached out to replace her finger with mine. Anna saw what I was about to do and raised up, leaned over and put her lips on mine. She had just stuck her tongue in my mouth when her whole body began shaking uncontrollably. This must have been the grand-daddy of orgasms because it just went on and on.

I rolled back over to Alisa. “Done. I fucked the shit out of her.”

I heard a feeble, “thank you. You’re wonderful.” I stared at her for a moment and realized she was fast asleep.

We all woke up refreshed and ready to go. As weird as things were in bed last night, everyone kept to the promise and no one mentioned the previous nights activities. Anna couldn’t take her eyes off my cock as I got dressed but she didn’t say a word. After we got dressed and had breakfast, we went downstairs and sure enough the car was there waiting to take us to the office.

I knew I was madly in love with Alisa and I adored her sister. I also knew that staying here in Russia was no longer safe for either of them. I decided it was time to have a talk with Alisa about our future. So at the next break in our day I grabbed Alisa and found the nearest empty conference room.

“As you know I’m scheduled to leave next week. I love you so much and I want you to come to America with me and bring your sister.” Alisa’s eyes began to tear up. “I wish I could promise you more but I’d like to go to the American consulate this weekend and get you and your sister travel visa’s to the US. I’d like you to stay for 6 months and we’ll see where that takes us. I think your sister might not want to leave her friends but 6 months will give her time to see if she likes the US and by then she will be a little older and her big sister might be okay with her going back to Russia by herself if that is what she wants.”

“So you are asking me to stay?” She was now smiling and crying at the same time.

“Yes, for 6 months. Maybe more…” I smiled and raised my eyebrows.

“Damn it I love you and fuck this corporate, no display of affection, policy.” Alisa got up, ran around the table and started hugging and kissing me.

Just then Bob came around the corner and looked into the window of the conference room. He opened the door. “Yo, get a room and not one with a window to the hallway.”

“Jim, is taking Anna and me to America for 6 months.” Alisa said, bubbling over.

“Awesome idea. If there is anything I can do to help just let me know.” Then he whispered in my ear. “Put a ring on her finger. She is the best thing to ever happen to you. I have known you a long time – this is the happiest I have ever seen you.” Then he headed to the door and pointed a finger in my direction. “Take my advise.” He stepped out of the room and closed the door.

“What was that about?” Alisa asked.

“Oh he wants me to change my geologic interpretation on block 8 to pelagic deposits. I don’t think so.” I quickly replied back.

Alisa paused for a second and looked me in the eye. “Okay, don’t tell me, but tonight when I have my hands on your balls, you’re going to sing like a canary.” She kissed me on cheek and left.

On Saturday, the 3 of us went to the US consulate office. I explained to the lady at the desk that I was here to help Alisa and Anna get travel visa’s to the U.S. and they would be staying with me. She asked for my name and address and then asked for Alisa and Anna’s passports. She typed some things into the computer and then seemed to be frustrated and tried something else. She tried a couple more times without success and then got what looked to be a supervisor to come help.

The supervisor tried a couple times without success and then picked up the phone. She turned to the original lady that helped us and said it was above her pay grade. She then spoke into the phone and in a few minutes a man appeared.

“Hi, I’m James VanderBeek, assistant to the ambassador. You must be Bill.” He shook my hand.

“Which one of you is Anna?” She held out her hand. “Anna, it is such a pleasure to meet you. I am so happy that you want to visit the United States,” and he shook her hand. “That means you must be Alisa. I am happy to meet you as well. If the three of you would accompany me to conference room C I think we can get all the paperwork finished.”

He turned to the supervisor. “Prepare travel visas for Alisa and Anna, make them indefinite, mark them XP and I’ll put the ambassadors signature on them.” She seemed surprised by the request but nodded her head.

We entered the conference room and Mr. VanderBeek instructed where we should sit. “I’ve instructed our staff to upgrade your visas. It will get you through customs a littler faster.”

“Now I’m sure you are wondering why we are here and why all the confusion out front,” he began to explain.

Alisa interrupted. “Does it have something to do with me wanting to get away from the Russian mob?”

James smiled but did not seemed surprised that Alisa was involved with the mob. “No. Yes. Well it complicates the situation a bit.”

He turned to me. “So what is your relationship with these two young ladies? I need you to be completely honest with me.”

I explained to him that I was here on a consulting job and Alisa and I fell instantly in love. I wanted to get to know her and her sister so I invited them back to the United States so we could continue our relationship. I want to do the right thing by Alisa but I don’t want to do something stupid and impetuous. Alisa reached over and took my hand.

“So they will be staying at your house in Texas while they are in the US?” VanderBeek asked.

“Absolutely. So what is this about? It certainly isn’t about where they are staying while in the US,” I asked, now really curious what this really was about.

VanderBeek thought for a second. “Unfortunately, I can’t tell you everything until you are back on American soil and I promise someone will tell you everything once you are in the US. However, what I can tell you is, we believe Alisa and Anna are currently in grave danger and the US government wants do everything it can to keep them safe.”

There was a moment of silence then he continued. “We think it would be best if you left today. I can arrange to have diplomatic transportation leave from here this afternoon. I strongly recommend you take it.”

The room fell deathly quiet. I spoke. “James, I’m under contract to finish the week. What I’m working on is very important to the Russian government. It is worth a lot of money to them. I’m sorry but I can’t leave but by all means lets get Alisa and Anna to safety.”

Alisa grabbed my arm. “I’m not leaving without him.”

Anna was pale. “I’m not going by myself.”

I turned to James. “There has got to be a plan B,” I said.

“Yes.” James continued. “We have guest quarters here in the embassy. You are all welcome to stay until the end of the week. Anna and Alisa, it will be much safer if you stay here. Jim, we will provide a translator so Alisa can stay here and be safe.”

“A translator, instead of me?” Alisa glared at me. “She better not…”

James interrupted. “I think George Simmons is available next week and might like the assignment.”

“George, he sounds great,” said Alisa. Then she looked at me. “Sorry. I’m just a little stressed.”

Just then one of the assistants walked in with some papers and handed them to James. He signed several and then told the assistant. “You can staple these to their passports just in case they need them in the States. Have a chopper ready to go at 6:00 pm Friday to Moscow. Have a jet ready to meet them to go directly to Dulles. No, on second thought lets take them into some military base on the east coast, I’ll tell you where. A 6 hour layover and then to Ellington Air force base in Houston. Oh, and lets get them 2 rooms in guest quarters and we’ll need to send someone over to the hotel and Alisa’s apartment to pack their stuff and bring it back.” The assistant nodded and then left.

Okay, even I was on overload and could not understand why all the secrecy and security. I knew the Russian mob was in the pocket of the government but this seemed like overkill.

Friday could not come fast enough. I lied to Bob and told him that Alisa was not feeling well and George, an old friend, was filling in for her. On Friday, I said my goodbyes and promised Bob I would call him as soon as I got back. Irina kissed me goodbye and despite company policy slipped me the tongue. She hugged me tight enough to get the full impact of her tits. She promised she would come visit us in Texas.

When I arrived back at the embassy on Friday, I was told my luggage and Alisa and Anna were already onboard the helicopter waiting for me. James VanderBeek was amazingly nice to us all week and I was disappointed to find out he was on assignment and not available to thank him personally for all his help. I was escorted to the helipad and on my way there I heard the engines start.

The blades were spinning when I arrived and I was shown the stairs. I quickly climbed the stairs and someone already seated pointed me to a seat. Before I could buckle my seat belt we were a dozen feet off the ground. Someone else pointed to the headphones in front of me, so I put them on to help deaden the noise from the engine and blades. I saw Alisa in a seat across the isle from me and she was pointing to a button on the cord.

So I pressed it and spoke. “Hi sweetheart. Sorry I was late.”

“No problem there honeybun.” a male voice replied. “We expected you about 5 minutes ago but always willing to wait on our loved ones.”

I looked over at Alisa and Anna and they were both doubled over with laughter.

“For the new people on this flight and the civilians, the little black button on your headphone cord allows you to talk to everyone. So if you are going to talk to that special someone be sure to keep it interesting and titillating so we can all enjoy,” the same male voice said.

Despite the long noisy trip and my early blunder, it was actually an enjoyable trip with people telling funny jokes and stories.

When we arrived in Moscow we were immediately whisked to a US state department jet that was only parked 100 meters away and 10 minutes later we were in the air headed to some unknown air force base for a 6 hour layover. It was a very nice business jet with only the 3 of us on it as passengers. There were 2 air force pilots in the cockpit and occasionally one of them would get up and stretch his legs and visit for a few minutes. They were straight and narrow military, we tried to bribe them with chocolate but they would not tell us where we were going.

The trip was really long so we tried to catnap or sleep until we landed.

When we landed we were taken down a hall with a man at a desk. He took each of our passports and stamped it, handed it back and said welcome to the United States. We were then taken to a huge room with a few chairs, a desk at the front and man sitting at the desk. The man was James VanderBeek.

“Bill, Alisa, Anna, I am so delighted you made it here safely. Welcome to the United States. After we greeted him I noticed a small light on the desk turned green.

“Please have a seat. I’m sure you are wondering what all this about. They asked me to be the one to tell you because of all the people in the state department, I probably know you best.”

“The story begins long before Alisa and Anna, were born. Your mother and father worked for the US government as undercover information gatherers.”

“They were spies?” I asked incredulously.

“Well that is not what we call people but yes in a manner of speaking. We had an agreement with them long before you were born that if anything ever happened to compromise their identity we would pull them out and bring them to the US. Then the bad thing happened and somehow their names got put on a list and we knew in a matter of hours it would be intercepted by the Russian intelligence service.”

“Alisa, you were away at college and Anna, you were suppose to be in the car. Why did you get out of the car? Well despite that, it worked. I’m sure the Russians thought no one would be stupid enough to leave the kids, so they really thought your parents were killed in a car crash and they left you alone. All we could do is put money in your parents account and hoped you would be okay.”

Alisa’s eyes got big. “Are you telling us our parents are alive?”

“Right on the other side of that door.” James pressed a button on the desk, the door opened and a man and a woman stepped into the room.

Alisa and Anna just sat there in shock. When they realized it really was their parents they shot out of their chairs and ran screaming over to their parents. There was a lot of crying and hugging.

James looked at me. “See why we needed a 6 hour layover?”

“I’m not so sure they are coming home with me. What happens from here?” I asked.

“That’s really up to them. I’m really sorry we couldn’t tell you what was going on. We knew Alisa was saving money to get out of Russia and we knew she was involved with the mob. We were hoping she would get her money and get out of Russia quietly. What we didn’t know was how much the mob knew. She was there quite a while and the longer she was there the more confident we were they knew nothing. However, when she fell in love with you, quit the mob and they attempted to take her out of the country we knew she was no longer safe. Fortunately you provided security for them and then delivered them to us. I think that worked out well for everyone involved. No matter what happens we still have a plane ready to take you to Houston in about 6 hours. However, I think we can be a bit flexible.” He looked over to the 4 people that were still hugging and crying.

After about 20 minutes the 4 of them came over to where we were. Alisa and Anna were smiling but looked a mess. It was obvious they both had been crying, their eyes were wet and red and puffy and they had tears and other fluids all over their face. It was clear both girls were on overload. Alisa looked at me and in that first second just staring at me like she didn’t know who I was. Then it snapped and she jumped into my arms and just started crying all over again. She pushed her face into my shoulder and just hung on like her life depended on it.

Her mom and dad put their arms around us and tried to comfort their daughter. I looked over at Anna and reached out and waved her in to join us. She grabbed my arm and hugged it as I pulled her into our group.

After a few minutes Alisa looked up at me and smiled. “Mama, papa, I want you to meet Bill. I am in love with him. He is the kindest, smartest, most giving man I have ever met. He made sure Anna and I were safe, risking his own life.”

Her father replied, “We have already heard about Mr. Thompson and what he did to bring our family back together.”

I smiled. “No. No Mr Thompson. Your daughter is very very special to me and I would like to be a part of her life and family as much as she will let me. So Bill, just Bill. If that is okay with you.”

Alisa’s fathers face lit up and smiled. “Bill welcome to the family.”

For the next couple of hours it was chaos and I really did think it was a good idea to let Alisa and Anna connect with their parents and figure out what they wanted out of their new life. Although I was in love with Alisa and I knew she had the same feelings for me – I didn’t want to inject my opinion on their family future. I was an outsider and I knew and trusted Alisa and what ever she wanted would be okay with me as long as it made her happy.

I figured this would be a good time to just walk. Walking would help me think and give me a little exercise, after the plane trip I needed both. I opened the doors that led to the hallway and was greeted by a large uniformed military person.

“Staff Sargent Jones to escort you around, sir.” He said.

“I wasn’t aware I needed an escort but okay. No offense but you aren’t really my type so I think I’ll dispense with taking your arm,” I said.

“That’s fine, sir,” he replied with a rehearsed military voice completely missing my humor.

We walked down the long corridor in silence.

“So Sargent, I never did get the name of this Air Force base. Where are we,” I asked.

“I’m sorry sir, I can not give you that information,” he quickly replied in the same monotonic voice.

“Really?” I paused and looked at him.

“I’m sorry sir, I can not give you that information,” he restated.

“Okay,” I said as I resumed walking. I spotted a set of double doors on my left that looked like another hallway behind them. “Let’s try this way for a change.” I said as I made the left.

The Sargent instantly stepped in front of me. “Sorry sir, this area is restricted.”

“Oh, okay. Well, we will continue the way we were then,” I said as we continued walking down the hall. At the end of the hall was another set of double doors.

I reached for the door and the Sargent instantly stepped in front of me. “Sorry sir, this area is restricted.”

“Okay, well Sargent in every great relationship there is always an agreement of shared responsibility. Why don’t you lead and take me somewhere that I can go.”

“Yes sir,” he quickly replied.

We turned around and started walking in the opposite direction, again in silence.

“So, Sargent what are my options as far as places I can visit,” I said breaking the silence.

“Men’s room, mess hall, sir,” he replied.

“Well, as long as my options seem unlimited, lets head to the men’s room. However, I leave it to your discretion. You’re leading,” I said.

After walking in silence. “So Sargent, can you tell me the name of the building we are in?” thinking this might give me a clue where we were.

“Yes, sir,” he quickly replied.

Again there was silence. “Well, Sargent, and what would the name of this building be?” I asked.

“Building B, sir,” he again quickly replied.

Okay I deserved that. We continued to walk in silence. Suddenly he stopped and opened the door on his left. Sure enough, there was a sign that said MEN. The only sign I had seen on any door since I arrived.

I stepped in and immediately heard behind me “ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, CIVILIAN IN THE ROOM!”

“Well Sargent, usually I just get a band to play or the crowd cheers when I go into the men’s room. So thank you for the announcement,” I said turning around.

“You’re welcome, sir,” he replied continuing to use the same monotonic military voice.

I did my thing and the Sargent and I headed to the mess hall. He opened the door for me and sure enough he shouted, “ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, CIVILIAN IN THE ROOM!”

There were probably over a 100 soldiers in the room and not one of them looked up nor did they stop talking. I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at an empty table. My mind wandered to Alisa and her family and what changes were in store for them. I knew so little about their lives in the US and somehow wished I had stayed and been part of the re-acquainting meeting happening in the other room. However, something else said this was not my place. It need to be the four of them and they would include me when they were ready.

I got another cup of coffee and went back to my table. I had almost finished my second cup when I heard… “ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, CIVILIAN IN THE ROOM!”

This time the room came to dead silence and every male soldier in the room turned to the door to watch the two beautiful women that just walked in the room. Alisa, Anna, their mother father and James all entered the room along with a guy that looked just like Sargent Jones. I stood up and instantly Alisa came running over to me, jumped into my arms and covered me with kisses.

I looked over at Sargent Jones. His eyes were bugged out and it looked like he might be having a stroke.

“Sargent!” I said in my best military voice, “at ease or you’re going to hurt yourself. They’re called women.”

“Alisa, why don’t you say something to the Sargent in your native language.” I smiled at Alisa and knew she would think of something clever to say.

“сильный военный, скажи мне, что любишь меня,” [strong military man, tell me you love me.] she said.

The room erupted in unison as everyone in the room said, “Я люблю тебя” [I love you]. It was if it was practiced and rehearsed – but it wasn’t.

“What the F… just happened.” I was stunned. I noticed James had his head down shaking it and his hands in his face. “Fucking military drones. Dammit.” He swore.

Alisa was beaming at all the people that could apparently speak her native language.

Suddenly a man stood in the middle of the room. “GENTLEMEN… AS YOU WERE! As of this moment, these civilians are off limits. Anyone caught talking to them will be severely punished. Do I make myself clear!”

The room erupted. “YES, SIR!”

The man walked over to us and stood in front of the Sargent.

“Sargent, I’m not blaming you for this. However, you should not pass out every time you see a woman. Son, go out and get yourself a girlfriend.” He started to leave and then turned back. “That’s an order.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” he replied.

The man turned to us and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m General Henson and you must be Alisa and you must be Anna.” He turned to each girl and shook their hand. “I can’t tell you how much we appreciate the work your parents have done for us,” he continued. “I realized we did some horrible things to your family but I hope you also understand it was to protect the lives of your parents so that today could actually happen. The United States appreciates the sacrifice you went through. If there is anything we can do for you, please come talk to me.”

He then turned to me. “You must be Bill Thompson,” and he shook my hand. “The Russian mob is an interesting organization. It is like a bee colony, sometimes you can disrupt it and it doesn’t really notice. Other times the colony goes into full attack mode and self destructs. The broken arm of Demetri Korenkov has set off a firestorm that has forced the central government to finally do something about it.”

“Who is Demetri Korenkov?” I asked somewhat perplexed.

“His job was to grab Alisa from a hotel and put her on a plane to the Middle East. He left the hotel with a broken arm, minus a hand gun and scarred as hell,” he smiled at me.

“Oh ya, I remember him now. We were never formally introduced,” I smiled back.

The general patted me on the shoulder, turned around and walked out the door.

Alisa turned to me and in a hushed voice said, “can we talk?”

“Sure, lets find a quiet corner,” I replied.

“Mama, papa, Anna, can you come join us? Alisa asked.

We all walked to the far corner and sat at a table. Alisa took my hand and started first. “Mama and papa actually live near here. They have a house and it has enough room for Anna and I. Bill I love you so much I actually hurt when I’m not with you. I lost my parents once and I want to make up for lost time.” Her eyes began to tear up and she squeezed my hand.

“Alisa,” I said, “I can’t imagine the emotional roller-coaster you are on right now. I love you so much but I realize it is completely unfair to ask you to make a decision in the next 4 hours given what you have been through in the past 2 hours. My only concern, and I mean only concern, is your happiness. When you’re happy, I’ll be happy.”

“We don’t have to make any permanent decision today or tomorrow,” I continued. “We can let it unfold and do what is right. I have a strange feeling there is an answer out there that will reveal itself over time. You know, I’ve been thinking about buying a summer home. Hey wait, I don’t even know what state we are in.”

Everyone laughed but Alisa’s father whispered in my ear, “Maine.”

“Oh wow,” I commented, “that is great summer home territory.”

“Mama, papa, can Bill stay with us tonight and maybe for a few days while we try to figure all this out? It will also be a great time to get to know him,” asked Alisa.

“Of course he can,” said Alisa’s mother. “I’ll make up the couch.”

“No!” Alisa said raising her voice and standing up. “He sleeps with me in my bed or I’m going to Houston.”

Her mother was somewhat shocked with Alisa’s reaction. Clearly her dad knew things that her mother did not and they got into an animated discussion in Russian.

“Stop!” Alisa shouted and then lowered her voice. “Mama, I’m a whore,” stopping briefly to let her mother absorb the information. “I needed money to get Anna and I out of the country. Despite my education, Russia is corrupt and there are almost no opportunities for someone like me. I’m sorry mama, I had to. Please forgive me.” Alisa now burst into tears and put her head down and openly began to cry.

“Hey, its okay now. You’re safe with me. No one can hurt you,” I put my arm around her to comfort her.

Her mother softened and spoke to her. “So this man gives you money and you take off your clothes and spread your legs for him. I don’t want that in my house.”

“No, it wasn’t like that,” Alisa insisted. He hired me as a translator and when I tried to do, what was demanded of me, he told me no and got a robe and covered me. He told me about making love and how important love is. I fell in love with him mama. He is a wonderful man,” she gave me a huge hug.

At this point Alisa’s father had a quiet conversation with her mother. They talked for about 10 minutes and spoke Russian.

Finally her father turned to me. “Her mother is old fashioned and doesn’t want Alisa sleeping with men until she is married.”

“I completely respect that view,” I said. “Your house, your rules.”

Alisa jumped in. “Am I a guest or am I an adult with my own room?” she looked directly at her mother.

Her mother paused for a moment and you could see tears starting to wheal up in her eyes. “I still think of you as my sweet little girl. I missed so much of your life. I should have been there to protect you and not let the ugly of Russia force you to do things you didn’t want to do.”

She then burst into tears and Alisa went over to comfort her.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” I said after Alisa sat back in her chair. “I have this huge paycheck coming from Russia and still haven’t figured out where I’m going to vacation. There is enough money to treat everyone here to a little vacation. Anyone want to go see a little bit of the USA?”

“You’re paying for all of us?” Anna perked up and smiled.

“Absolutely. I can’t think of a better way to get to know my new family and I can’t think of a better time to see some of this country. You know December is a great time to go to Hawaii,” I turned to Alisa. “I’ll bet you would look really good in a bikini,” I smiled.

“You would buy me a bikini?” she asked.

“Only if you let me help you pick it out,” I winked back at her.

Anna started to say something but I cut her off. “Yes, you too.”

“And will you help me pick mine out also?” she smiled at me.

Alisa rolled her eyes. “Okay sis, take a good look at the plaid shirt and the khaki pants. You’re asking this man to pick out your clothes. You could end up being the only girl on the beach in a flannel bikini.”

“Hey,” I began to protest. “…Hey, I really like that idea, flannel bikini.”

“On second thought, I’ll pick it out and just model it for you or maybe both of them. A girl might need a formal bikini in Hawaii,” Anna smiled at me.

We talked for well over an hour about future plans and scenarios for our lives and being together.

James came back into the room and approached us. “I hate to do this to you but we have a plane out on the tarmac and we need to make some decision on where or if it is leaving. It is at your disposal. Anywhere you want to go.”

“Anywhere?” I questioned James.

“Well, anywhere in the US,” he smiled back.

“Hawaii?” I questioned.

James paused for a moment. “Sure, what the hell. I’ll figure out how to make that happen.”

Alisa’s father spoke up, “but we don’t have time off from work and have to make arrangements.”

“Oh wait, I can fix that,” James smiled and ran out of the room.

About 10 minutes later he returned with the General in tow. The General was smiling. “I was hoping there was something I could do to help this family reunion. How much time do you need?”

“Three weeks,” I quickly replied.

“Four weeks it is,” the general was now beaming. “We have to give the pilots some time off before they can fly that distance, so you can’t leave until morning. However, in the meantime we have some really nice VIP quarters for you to stay at.” The general was looking directly at me.

“General? Is there room for me also?” Alisa asked, not looking at her mother.

“Oh heck yes. The place is huge. Room enough for all of you,” the general continued to grin.

Alisa parents decided they needed to go home right away and start packing. Anna looked confused as to where she wanted to stay.

The general saw her confusion. “Anna, there is maid service at the VIP house. Just press the button on the phone in the kitchen and tell them what you want and they will bring it to you. In fact, if you have laundry, have them come get it and tomorrow morning at 7:00 it will be clean and folded for you. You can give them your suitcase and they will pack it for you, making it ready for your trip tomorrow.”

That last statement provided the information Anna needed and she smiled. None of us did laundry at the embassy and we all had suitcases filled with dirty clothes. She smiled at her parents. “Sorry, mama and papa”.

“That’s okay. You watch after your sister,” her mother replied, looking directly at me.

Alisa whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry. She will fall in love with you just like I did.” She then kissed me hard on the lips.

About 20 minutes later a Sargent approached us. “Sir, I have orders to take you over to the VIP house.”

We all rose to greet him and he handed Alisa, Anna and I each a badge on a long cord. “Here, wear these around your neck. You won’t have to worry about being shot while you are walking around the base.” He paused for a second. “Even then I wouldn’t go to far from the VIP house,” he stated.

“Sargent, you are a plethora of information,” I looked skeptically at the Sargent.

The girls went over to hug their parents goodbye. Alisa whispered something in her fathers ear that I could not hear. I also wished them a good evening and that it was delightful and pleasant surprise to meet them.

The Sargent led us to a vehicle that looked like a golf cart limousine. It had our luggage in the back. Alisa and I sat in the back and Anna sat in the front seat with the Sargent. We drove along a winding asphalt road for about a half mile. Clearly we were at the edge or corner of the base.

We turned into a gated driveway and pulled up to a magnificent house that had to be at least 7,000 square feet. The Sargent pulled the suitcases out of the vehicle and set them at the front of the house. “Would you like me to take them into the house, sir?” the Sargent asked.

“No, I think we have them. Thank you,” I stated.

“The bedrooms are upstairs. Take the elevator on the left or at least that is what they tell me.”

Realizing the Sargent had never been in the house, “Sargent would you like to come in and look around? It looks abandoned,” I stated.

The Sargent looked white. “No sir. Officers and VIP’s make me nervous, even just knowing they were here.” He quickly got on the vehicle and sped down the driveway.

The house was magnificent, with the entry and great room as you enter the house used for entertaining and large social gatherings. You could see into the backyard from the great room and it contained a pool and hot tub. To the right was an open kitchen and to the left was a hallway and sure enough there was an elevator that went to the second floor.

We sent the luggage up to the second floor with Anna so she could have the first pick of the rooms. Alisa and I stood by the back window and stared out at the pool and hot tub. We finally went upstairs, only to find Anna completely naked leaning over her suitcase which was sitting on the bed.

“I picked out my travel clothes for tomorrow and everything else is going to the laundry,” Anna said defending her appearance. “Well it is off to the hot tub,” she smiled and walked out of the room.

Anna had placed our suitcases in the room next to hers on the bed. Alisa unzipped hers and pulled out several pieces of clothes and set them on the bed. She then took off all her clothes and zipped them into the suitcase. “Guess where I’ll be? If you wish to join two naked women in the hot tub you should be carrying a bottle of wine and three glasses.” She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and headed out the door.

“Oh heck, I can succumb to peer pressure,” I said to myself. I removed tomorrows travel attire from my suitcase and tossed my clothes in the suitcase. I took all 3 suitcases and set them outside by the front door and called the maid service to pick them up. I then spotted a bottle of champagne, grabbed three glasses and headed for the hot tub.

I sat the champagne and glasses on the edge of the hot tub and spotted a small bathhouse next to the pool. I spotted what I was looking for inside and emerged with three white terrycloth robes and a stack of towels.

“Feeling a little shy?” Anna asked looking directly at my cock.

“Feeling a little horny?” I replied.

“You know me so well,” Anna smiled and licked her lips.

“You wish,” Alisa chimed in.

Alisa had opened the champagne and poured a glass for her and Anna. I stepped into the hot tub and sat between Alisa and Anna. Instantly a hand from each direction wrapped around my cock. I expected Alisa to say something but all she did was smile at me. I stretched out both arms and brought them across Alisa and Anna’s shoulders. My hands dropped onto a tit and I began to squeeze.

Alisa reached over with her other hand, grabbed her glass and brought it to my lips. “You seemed to have your hands full.”

I pinched her nipple in appreciation and she closed her eyes and moaned slightly. Anna saw what had just happened and put her glass to my lips. I rewarded her like I did Alisa. The girls had interlocked fingers and were slowing rubbing my cock up and down the length.

We sat in the hot tub for about 45 minutes just talking about our pending adventure and drinking champagne. The girls were doing quite the number on me and I finally stood up and announced, “I need a happy ending.”

I looked over at Alisa. She was red and breathing heavy and I don’t think it was from the warm water. I looked over at Anna and she was in the same condition. In a flash, both girls were out the of the hot tub. They grabbed towels and Alisa threw me one.

Alisa grabbed my hand and led me into the house and to a small carpeted room that had a TV and some overstuffed chairs. “On the floor, on your back,” she ordered me. “I want you to lick my pussy like only you can.”

I got on the floor and Alisa began to crouch over my head.

Anna stood over me, looking directly at my cock that was standing straight up. “Please Alisa. Please, please. I’ll do anything for you,” Anna begged.

“Okay, but you make sure he cums hard, really hard, and as deep into your cunt as possible.” Alisa said as she was positioning herself on my face.

“Yes, yes, I promise, I promise” Anna said in a raspy voice, overwhelmed with lust.

The next 20 minutes were a blur. I think Anna came a couple of times but Alisa continued to grind on my tongue. Alisa was maxed out and gave a scream and rolled off me and onto the carpet next to me. Anna was lost in her own little world, relentlessly pounding up and down my cock. She suddenly got this weird look on her face and dropped hard on my cock. Her pussy gripped me like nothing I have ever felt before. She screamed as I shot stream after stream of hot cum deep into the depths of her pussy.

Anna laid on top of me and began kissing and licking Alisa’s juices off of me. Suddenly she stopped and was completely still. She was sound asleep. I looked over at Alisa. The long trip from Russia, the emotional ups and downs from the day and the champagne, hot tub and sex had taken their toll and she was also asleep, naked on the carpet next to me.

I went upstairs and turned down Anna’s bed and did the same to Alisa and mine. I carried Anna, still sleeping, upstairs and gently laid her into her bed. I did the same to Alisa and then laid down beside her.

I woke up the next morning alone in bed, hearing Alisa singing what sounded like a Russian folk tune in the shower. I decided she needed company and I quickly got up and headed for the shower.

“So is that morning-wood or are you just glad to see me?” Alisa said in a sexy Russian accent.

“Yes,” I could only mumble and stare at her amazing tits and beautiful face.

“I’ve been thinking about you all morning,” she continued with the accent. “My pussy is wet and ready,” she said as she leaned over the shower bench and opened her pussy lips.

I mounted her dogie, and pushed my cock into her until it bottomed out. She let out a loud moan and I grabbed her hips and began thrusting in and out of her. I decided we had time and the plane wasn’t going to leave until we were onboard so I set the pace for a nice leisurely fuck. Every time I thought Alisa was going to cum I slowed down. This was making her crazy.

Finally, she had enough and she screamed, “fuck me hard and fast.” She began pushing against me but I was going to have none of that. I grabbed her hard by the hips and began slamming into her as hard as I could. Her orgasm began to rip through her and she began to scream. “Oh god, oh god. I’m cumming so hard. Oh shit. Oh my. That’s enough, I’m going to pass out. Stop. Enough!” she screamed.

“No, not until I… give… you… this..” I panted and pushed into her as hard as I could and let loose a torrent of cum. My whole body twitched each time my cock exploded into her. Grunting these primal sounds as I twitched and pushed into her as hard as I could.

I slowly released Alisa and she spun around and sat on the shower bench, eyes closed, body limp breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. I grabbed a nearby handicap bar and hung on.

Finally she started to come out of it. “It just shouldn’t feel this good. No man has ever come close to making me feel like this. It is indescribable.” She was still breathing heavily and had that well fucked grin on her face.

I did a quick rinse and grabbed a towel and stepped out. I had just finished drying off when the phone rang and I picked it up.

“The base commander called and said the pilot wanted to leave in an hour and our suitcases should be at the front door in the next few minutes,” I shouted to Alisa as she was stepping out of the shower.

I quickly got dressed and decided I would try to set out breakfast for everyone before we had to leave.

“Hey, shake a leg in there,” I shouted to Anna as I passed her door and saw her just climbing out of her bed. “We leave for Hawaii in 45 minutes.”

“I’m sore from all the fucking I did last night,” she moaned walking over to her bathroom.

“Well buck-up. You can commiserate with your sister when we get on the plane.” I smiled at her.

When I got downstairs I discovered someone had been in and already set out a breakfast that would feed a dozen people. I brought the suitcases in and opened mine. It was meticulously packed and ready to go.

A few minutes later the girls arrived and we quickly ate breakfast. We grabbed our suitcases and headed out the front door. Our driver was there waiting to take us to the airstrip.


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When we arrived at the airstrip, Alisa’s parents and the plane were waiting for us. We had just gotten out of the vehicle and unloaded our suitcases when Alisa’s phone buzzed indicating she had gotten a message.

She reached into her bag, read the message. She then quickly turned to her parents. “Mama, Papa– Bill and I had a long talk last night and I decided after the trip to Hawaii I would return to Houston with him,” she lied to her parents about us talking and deciding on her living place.

Alisa waited for the reply from her parents and I grabbed the phone from her hand and read the message.

“From Irina:

Tell Bill I’ll be in Houston in 6 weeks – going to be there for a month. Taking classes.”

Alisa turned back in my direction. A little shocked that I would steal her phone. She then started to turn red as she realized I had read the message. She then whispered in my ear, “I love you and I trust you, however, some of my friends display a certain moral freedom that can cause problems.” She looked down hoping for my forgiveness.

I leaned in, smiled and whispered back, “there is a story there I have to hear. I love you, only you. I would never do anything to hurt you. I promise.” I smiled back at Alisa and lifted her chin and kissed her lips lightly.

She jumped into my arms and kissed me hard on the lips. Her parents looked confused but just then, one of the pilots stuck his head out the door of the plane. “The plane is pre-flighted and ready to go. Wheels up in 5 minutes. Time for everyone to get on and buckled in. We are loosing valuable beach time,” he smiled.


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