The Hook-Up

An adult stories – The Hook-Up by Explorer222,Explorer222 After an hour of drinking and schmoozing with my three girlfriends I’m horny and looking for a hook-up. I’ve dressed in a way that usually works–tight toreador pants, high heels, and a nylon, snug button-up top that accents my perky tits, especially when I leave top three buttons undone. I think it’s “sexy-classy”, but my girlfriends rolled their eyes when they saw me. Screw them. I’m the one who usually gets hit on first. I’m twenty-seven and won’t look this way much longer. Sooner or later, I’ll meet the right guy and settle down.

It’s late and the hotel lounge is nearly empty. The trio dance band is about to quit. A lone man at the bar has caught my eye. He’s big, very big, at least six-six, and not fat. I’m only five-five and have never been with a guy like that. He could throw me around and have his way with me any way he wanted. Yum…

He’s looking our way, and I give him a smile, in spite of the fact that he’s probably ten years older than me. A return grin materializes on his handsome face. I turn away shyly. If he’s the confident type I like, and if he likes what he sees, he’ll come over to our table. I make it a point not to look in his direction.

“Uh, oh,” says my friend, Susan. “I think we are about to have company. My goodness he’s big.”

I turn and find he is standing over me, ignoring the other girls. “Let’s dance,” he says in a way that’s more of a command than an invitation.

“Okay,” I reply. He takes my hand. We walk to the dance floor. “The music stops at eleven,” he says in a deep voice. “We have only time for one dance to get acquainted. Put your arms around my neck and look at me.”

“Yes, sir.”

I can’t believe I just said that. It just came out. Was it meant to make fun of his brazenness? Or did it come from somewhere else? In any case, my arms come up.

“My name is Carl,” he says, as he rests his huge hands on my hips. We sway to the slow music. I feel the eyes of the musicians on us. They may have been on the verge of stopping, but not now. The predator has pounced, and they want to see what happens.

“I’m Shawn,” I reply nervously. “It’s usually a boy’s name, but not always.”

He chuckles. “You are definitely not a boy. What are your measurements?”

I’m shocked. “That’s not an appropriate question to ask a girl!”

“You are tired of appropriate questions,” he says with a grin. “You’re seeking authenticity with a compatible partner.”

That’s true, but not with a strange man in bar.

He continues. “You’re in your late twenties, unattached, exploring life. And something is bothering you.”

“Oh, what is that?” This guy is putting me on, but I go along.

“The difference between your fantasy life and your real life.”

Bingo. How does he know that? I look at him in a new light. Is he some kind of shrink? He’s obviously a well-educated professional of some type.

“That’s an interesting speculation,” I say. “Are you a psychiatrist?”

“No, just an observer of human nature. And a lover of women of a special type.”

A special type? What does that mean? Alarm bells are ringing.

“What do you mean, ‘special type”?

“A woman who is curious, open-minded, adventurous, willing to take risks, and is of course good looking.”

I laugh, relieved that he hasn’t said something offenseive. “That describes a lot of women, including me, I hope…not so special.”

He responds with a knowing smile. “I’m holding back describing a few other characteristics.”

“I’ll bet you are,” I tease. “You’re probably a married man with three children on a business trip, looking to pick up an innocent young thing like me.”

“Wrong. I’m not married, or even, as they say, ‘attached’. I’m a seeker, like you. I hardly think you are an innocent young thing.”

He pulls me a little closer, and I let him. My heart is pounding. I’m wildly attracted to this guy, and his blatant assertiveness. But I know I should be careful. Weirdos come in all packages.

We shuffle around the dance floor, body to body. He’s a smooth dancer, controlling and easy to follow. After a few turns he lowers his head to speak in my ear. “I’m staying in this hotel. When the music stops, we will walk to your table. You will say goodnight to your friends and come with me to my room. There you will answer any question I care to ask and do whatever I tell you to do. We will have an unforgettable experience together. I have a sense about you, and I’m seldom wrong.”

I’m flabbergasted. No man has ever come on this strong right out of the gate. And he makes no bones about expecting to dominate me. It tingles my toes. I just look at him.

“Of course, you are hesitant,” he says. “You’ve just met me. I could be a misogynistic serial killer. You have to make a snap judgment, trust your instincts. You will not be harmed.”

I believe him, probably because I want to. My fantasy is to be sexually dominated, and no boyfriend, or girlfriend, has ever come close. Finally, I find my voice.

“What is this ‘sense’ you have about me?”

“You are brave. You’re not afraid to purse your desires.”

A chill runs through me. Am I really brave enough to go with this man? The music stops. My arms linger on his shoulders. He squeezes my hips and stares down into my eyes.

For a long moment neither of us speaks. Then he steps back, takes my hand, and walks me back to the table where my girlfriends have been watching every move. He addresses them as a group.

“Shawn and I are going to my room for a nightcap. It’s room number 942. She’ll call you tomorrow.”

They stare at me with their mouths open. I’ve made my decision. “Don’t worry,” I say. “This is my new friend, Carl. He promises to take good care of me.”

They are too dumbfounded to reply. Carl turns and, still holding my hand, leads us through the door and toward the elevators. “It was a good idea to tell them your room number,” I say. “They’ll know where I am and worry less.”

He laughs. “I could’ve given them any number, but it’s the right one. You think they’ll come up to check on us?”

“I doubt it. We’ve all gone off with men in bars. But never this abruptly.”

We enter the elevator. The doors close. I expect him to kiss me, and he does, pulling me hard against him with his hands on my ass. My body comes up off the floor as I cling to his neck, my mouth open to receive his tongue. I surrender to him and match his lust with my own.

The doors open on the ninth floor. He releases me and again leads me by the hand. It’s like I’m a little girl being dragged home to be punished. We reach 902. He drops my hand to retrieve the keycard from his pocket, clicks the door open, and pushes me gently into the room. The door closes with a substantial click. I hear it as a signal of my vulnerability.

The room is a suite, with a bar, full kitchen and sitting area. I see a portion of a king size bed in an alcove off to the side. The sitting area has a small couch, a coffee table, and a large upholstered chair with an ottoman.

He leaves me standing by the door and walks to the bar, where a bottle of champagne is leaning in a bucket of ice. He has obviously prepared to bring a woman back to his room. It makes me feel cheap and special at the same time. He pours two glasses and hands one to me.

“I’ve already had quite a bit tonight,” I say. “You don’t want me falling asleep.”

He chuckles. “No chance of that. Drink it down. I want you relaxed.”

“Is it all about what you want?”

“Yes. And what I want is to make you crazy with desire to please me. You will have no choice, and having no choice will make sex better for you than ever before. From this moment you will respond to all my commands with ‘yes, sir’. Failure to do so will result in physical punishment.”

I shudder. What have I gotten myself into? I take a step back. “Are there no limits? What about a ‘safeword’?”

“You won’t need one, but if you say ‘Chicago’, whatever we’re doing will end, and you will be free to go.”

“Why ‘Chicago’?”

“It’s easy to remember and not likely to come up in conversation.”

The fact that I have a ‘safeword’ is reassuring. I gulp down the rest of the Champagne. The alcohol hits, and my arousal goes up a notch. The last of my inhibitions fade into the background. I stand before him, ready to follow his orders, excited and anxious at the same time.

“There are two bathrooms. The one through that door is yours for the duration. Mine is off the bedroom.”

Thank goodness. I need it. “May I use it now, sir?”

He smiles. “Be my guest. I will do the same. But when you come out, I want you in your slacks, shirt, and heels, but nothing else. No underwear. Is that clear?”

I gasp, imagining what I will look like in this outfit with nothing under it.

“Yes, sir,” I say and head for the bathroom.

Never has a man played with me like this. It’s always off with the clothes and onto the bed. I’m stirred by the idea of being naked under the thin material of my pants and top. He will see the outline of everything, and any touch will be intimate.

It takes me about five minutes to re-do my outfit and fix my makeup. I pull my shoulders back and look in the full-length mirror. My bra-less breasts stand tall, outlined clearly in the silken top. The high heels and tight pants do their job of highlighting my basketball ass. I’m incredibly turned on, and I look down to see a damp spot on the crotch of the toreadors.

I hear faint music. Carl must be setting the scene for my ravishment. I open the bathroom door. The music is louder, and I recognize it as Ravel’s seductive Bolero. I’ve fantasized about being fucked to this piece. No doubt that Is about to happen.

The lights have been lowered. Carl is standing next to the upholstered chair, looking at me over his Champagne glass. He’s wearing nothing but the short terrycloth robe provided by the hotel. I’m surprised. Usually, my boyfriends are the last to get undressed. Carl is accessible with a simple flick of the robe. That awareness adds to my excitement.

He points to the place in front of the chair and pushes the ottoman aside. “Stand right there,” he orders.

I comply, and he sits in the chair. “Come closer,” he orders. “Stand between my legs.”

I shuffle forward until my knees but up against the chair. His size puts his head at the level of my breasts. Reaching out, he traces the outline of my body with his fingertips. The thin fabric slides over my skin. I shiver as his hands roam lightly over my tits, groin, and thighs. His long arms reach around my hips, allowing his palms to lightly cup my ass, assessing its shape and texture.

He returns to my breasts. Fingers and thumbs close lightly on both nipples. I moan. My pussy is now soaking. The pressure increases.

“Now tell me those measurements,” he says firmly. It’s clear that this time my nipples will suffer if I hold back.

“Thirty-five, twenty-two, thirty-three, sir”.

“Nice,” he says. “Especially the hips. I like a small, tight ass on a woman. It feels good and makes a good target.”


He continues fondling my ass as he looks up into my eyes. “You were a bad girl not to answer my question before. You deserve a spanking. Lie across my lap.”

I knew this was coming…my first spanking since I was seven. I wonder what it will be like. Will it just be token taps, or will it really hurt? If it hurts, will it excite me further? I don’t have time to worry about it. He turns my body and forces me down over his knees. My forehead rests on the floor on one side, and my toes on the other. My ass is positioned for his pleasure. The Balero music continues to build toward its crescendo.

Carl rakes his fingernails over my butt and the backs of my legs…then down between my thighs…one finger taps at the soft, very wet spot. I whimper and squirm.

“Be still,” he growls. “You are one hot bitch. What would you have done tonight if I hadn’t come along?”

I would have used my vibrator, but I don’t want to tell him that. “I don’t know, sir.”

“Yes you do. You would’ve pleasured yourself. Or you and one of your girlfriends would have done each other.”

WHAP… He slaps my butt, really hard. The sting reverberates through my body.

“Now tell me!”

I take a breath. The humiliation adds another level, and I go with it. “I have Jack Rabbit. It can vibrate my pussy lips and clit at the same time.”

He laughs. “Good girl. I’ll bet you use it a lot.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you put clips on your nipples?”

“No, sir. I’ve never done that.”

“Well, we’ll fix that tonight. Ever had anything in your ass?”

“No, sir.”

“Excellent…an inexperienced slut. Is that what you are?”

Being humiliated goes along with being dominated and is part of my sexual fantasy life. I respond immediately. “Yes, sir. I’m an inexperienced slut.”

“You will soon be a very experienced slut, and my bitch. A good spanking will give you a taste of what happens when a bitch disobeys or resists. Now tell me again what you are?”

I wallow in my vulnerability and humiliation. “I’m your slut bitch.”

He continues sliding his fingers over my ass, now adding light pinches to the stroking. “I like the feel of you through this material, but it will interfere with your punishment.”

He jerks my pants halfway down my thighs. No panties protect me. Cool air washes over my bare butt. I twist in anticipation.

“Nice…very nice,” he says as his fingertips tease the tense flesh. “And all mine, to do with as I wish. But I have to be sure. Put your hands behind your back.”

“Yes, sir,”

It’s not easy, but I manage to work my arms behind me and cross my wrists. He binds them quickly with some kind of Velcro strip. Now I’m really helpless. His cock is a hard ridge under my abdomen. I’m so ready for him to fuck me. Fear of the spanking stokes my desire.

“Please, sir. Not too hard. I’ll obey you, do whatever you want.”

“Yes you will. And you’ll love it.” He draws a fingernail down the crack of my ass and onto my pussy. I buck my hips and groan.


The insidious finger roams over the slippery surface of my outer lips. I take deep breaths and open my legs, inviting him to touch me deeper. His teasing is driving me crazy.

“No, my dear,” he says. “You’re not ready yet. I want your first orgasm to be a memorable one. You need several spankings first. Why do you think that is?”

“I don’t know…oh god… your finger…ohhhhhhh…”

He gives me a hard spank. “Answer me, bitch! You know why spanking is erotic. Now tell me…or I’ll take my finger away.”

I want him to continue. I draw on stories I’ve read. “symbol of your control…I must obey or be punished like a little girl…and there’s the eroticism of the stinging pain itself… ”

“Very good,” he says as he plunges his finger in my pussy up to the hilt. His thumb rubs my clit. I’m about to cum.


Blows rain down from his other hand on my helpless butt. He squeezes my pussy to hold me in place while he punishes my ass. The combination is about to send me over the edge. I jerk and twist and cry out.


Suddenly he stops and pushes me off his knees and onto the floor. I roll over on my back, my hands still tied behind me. The slacks are bunched below my knees, leaving my hips and pussy bare. He reaches down and jerks the slacks off. My high heels have straps and stay on.

“A pretty picture,” he says. “And all mine to do with as I wish. Spread your legs.”

I open my thighs. The aroma of my arousal reaches me…no doubt he smells it and knows how turned on I am. For a long moment he just stares at me, making me wait for his next touch. I can’t stand it.

“Please…………..fuck me……..”

“Oh no,” he laughs. “Lots more to do before that. Time to play with your tits. Roll over and get up on your knees!”

It’s not easy without using my hands, and I struggle to comply. He chuckles and guides me with a hand in my hair. Finally, I’m where he wants me, upright on my knees, between his legs, facing him. Instinctively I arch my back, thrusting my breasts against the tight nylon of my top, offering them to him, proud of the way they hold up with no bra. My super hard nipples punch out the fabric like wooden pegs. I’m turned on beyond belief, wanting him to take me, use me.

He smirks. “Your training is going very well, and it obviously suits you. Look at those rock-hard nipples, aching to be caressed and pinched…like this…”


“And these firm tits feel so delicious through your skimpy shirt. I will enjoy having them encase my big cock like it’s a sausage in a bun. Will you do that for me, slut bitch?”


With one hand squeezing a breast, and the other in my hair, he leans forward in his chair and plants his mouth on mine. Eagerly I accept his tongue and return the lust with which he feasts on my lips and mouth. The kiss goes on and on. He pulls my hair, and his fingers tighten on a protruding nipple. I begin thrashing like some animal about to be devoured.

With one last twist he releases me and sits back. I gasp, but remain upright on my knees, in position for more. He smiles. It’s like he’s sitting on his throne and I’m a slave girl at his mercy. Another wave of wantonness passes through me. I stare into his eyes, daring him to do more. His response is to grab the labels of my shirt and rip it open, popping all the closed buttons. He then drapes the ruined garment back over my shoulders, leaving my front naked before him.

“I knew you would have nice tits,” he says, as he runs his fingers lightly over them. “When a woman’s tits look perky in her clothes, they are usually deliciously firm in the flesh. A full C-cup, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

He continues his inspection by hefting the globes in his hands, then gently slapping them back and forth. I close my eyes to savor the sexual stimulation, and anticipating what he might do to me. I feel one tit being lifted, and then his mouth on the nipple. He’s gentle as he licks and gums me, and it drives me nuts.


His mouth moves briefly to the other breast, and then to my lips for another deep kiss. I kiss him back, wobbling on my knees. He breaks off and pulls the ottoman into position behind me. “Sit,” he says.

“You’ll be more comfortable. I’ve only begun to explore you.”

Gladly I relax onto the padded seat. He begins to pull it closer. “Put your legs outside of mine,” he orders. “That’s it. Now I can easily reach all your good parts, like this hot, wet pussy…wide open for my scrutiny.”


“And you can bend over to kiss my cock. I’ll just open my robe. See how ready it is for you? Lower your head and give it a lick…no sucking…just lick it like a popsicle. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

His cock is beautiful…long, straight, and plenty thick. Best of all, it’s totally rigid. My licking it won’t make it any harder, but it may increase the pre-cum oozing from the round head. I go to work, starting at the bulge of his scrotum and licking slowly upward.

“That’s a good slut,” he moans. “Give it three tonging’s, then kiss the top.”

I try, but it jumps around like my tongue is electrified. I have to dab at it, and every contact makes it twitch. It could explode anytime. But I don’t want that. I need it inside me when that happens.

“That’s three,” he sighs. “It likes you a lot. Now French kiss the head.”

The crown glistens as it bobs around. I go after it like a frog grabbing a fly. Once it’s in my mouth I squeeze it with my lips and tongue it all over. He has to pull my head up by my hair to make me stop.

“Enough!”, he stretches. “I’ll want more of that later, but first things first. You said you’ve never experienced nipple clamps. That’s about to change. And a few other things.”

I’m surprised. All my other lovers would be fucking me at this point. Get me naked, feel me up, experience my mouth on their cock, and then stick it to me. This guy is clearly different. I will probably cum a couple of times before he gets his. But whatever…he’s in charge.

The nipple clamps come from a box under his chair. It’s a sizable box, so it must contain other toys. In fact, he presents me with a choice of clamps–a simple screw type, one with pincers like a crab claw, and a third the kind with a couple of three-inch thin wooden strips and sliding rings.

I laugh. “That last one looks like a couple of miniature chopsticks.”

“It really doesn’t matter which one,” he says. “They all can be adjusted to provide just the right pressure to generate constant stimulation while other things are being done to you, usually a whipping.”

With that word hanging in the air, he reaches into the box and pulls out a small leather- thonged flogger. He lays it on my shoulder and then drags it down over my tits and abdomen. “I always have this handy in case of any disobedience or resistance. You’ll be getting a sample so you’ll know what will happen if you’re not a good girl.”

“I’ll be good,” I say. “I like the chopstick clamps.”

He laughs. “Me too. Maybe someday I’ll take you to a Chinese restaurant and poke you with real chopsticks to remind you of tonight.”

“A dinner date? I thought tonight was a once and done kind of thing.”

“We’ll see, miss slut-bitch. Now push out your tits.”

I think there’re already pretty prominent, but I manage to pull my shoulders back a little more and lean toward him. He hefts a boob and squeezes to puff out the nipple, which already sticks out a good half inch, erect and super sensitive. His other hand positions the thin sticks above and below the target, then slides in the rings to cause the sticks to come together with my teat in between.

“UUMmmmm… that hurts so good…it’s hurting a little more now…AAHHH….”

Carl smiles and kisses me on the mouth, smothering my protests. I squirm on the ottoman as he tightens the bars a bit more.

“That’s about right,” he says, pulling back. “The pain will fade into the background but will always be there to keep those nerves agitated. Now for the other side.”

My other nipple is quickly captured. I look down and see what look like two miniature airplane propellers. Carl apparently sees the same resemblance and gives each a twirl. The sting is intense; I close my eyes and come up off the seat with a shriek.


He kisses me again, lots of tongue, and a finger begins tapping on my so exposed pussy. I quickly focus on this new sensation. He probes gently, like he’s a doctor looking for abnormalities. It feels sooo good. I open my eyes and find him staring at me, gauging my reaction to each contact. He avoids my clit, but comes so close that I gasp.

Abruptly his hand comes away and disappears into the box of toys. “I know your body well enough now to use this,” he says. “It’s a fingertip vibrator, a sleeve that fits over the end of my index finger and contains a miniature vibrator. Used properly on an already stimulated pussy it’s guaranteed to produce multiple orgasms. The one on the finger of my other hand is for working your ass.”


“You’re going to love it.”

“What about you? Don’t you want to fuck me before I’m a dishrag?”

Carl laughs. “I’ll probably have my first orgasm just watching you.”

I don’t know what to make of all this. My nipples are burning and my pussy gushing. I never heard of a fingertip vibrator, and I’ve tried them all. This hook-up may be too much for me. But my body wants it, and I’m not about to say ‘Chicago’.

He reaches behind me and frees my wrists. “Scoot forward to the edge of the ottoman and put your arms around my neck. That’s it. Now put your feet up on the back of my chair, on either side of my head. Very good…now hold on. Try not to cum.”

I follow instructions and end up with my pussy and asshole out in the air in the space between the ottoman and his chair, totally open and accessible to whatever he wants to do. A low hum tells me the vibrators have been turned on.

At the same time, I hear the music stop and start again from the beginning. Ravel’s building climax will be repeated. No doubt Carl will apply his vibrators in time with the music. I will be a player in the orchestra.

I feel the first tingle on my pussy lips, and then another near my asshole. I close my eyes and focus on the sounds and sensations, knowing that this hook-up will be life changing.


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