The Interview Ch. 04 by Hippy_Chris,Hippy_Chris

With that I tugged on Hanna’s leash and left the shop. As we walked down the stairs, I could sense her dropping further and further behind until the leash was tight between us. I ignored her shyness and opened the door to the street. She had no choice but to follow. There were few people about and all at a distance and she was still more or less decently covered. Only the leash connecting us told a different tale. To spare her too much agony I walked quite briskly to the office and went in. She quickly scurried in after me, anxious to be away from prying eyes. I led her up to my office, making her remove her coat before allowing her in and then sat her down facing me across the desk.

“Well, that was fun, don’t you agree?” I asked her rhetorically. “There is something we need to discuss. My dear friend Delia is quite taken with you and wishes to offer her slut Lucy in exchange for you for a day. I think it’s a splendid idea, don’t you?”

“B — b — but, Sir,” she stuttered before I cut her off.

“Hmm, I’m so glad you agree. At your usual time next week, you will report to her at her shop. She will be expecting you. Don’t be late or I will hear about it. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y — yes, Sir.”

She looked sad and wary, but I was determined to try out the joys of Lucy, even if just for a day. I thought it would also do Hanna good, broaden her horizons. I began to plot other adventures for her.


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