The Pleasure Boy 29

An adult stories – The Pleasure Boy 29 by Denker42,Denker42 Judith and I slept soundly through the night without disturbing each other. She woke up slightly before I did. Sounds of flowing water, first from the toilet and then the shower awakened me, and I was already on my feet desperate to pee when she at last came out of the bathroom, wearing a terry-cloth robe with a towel over her hair. “Good morning, Jim,” she said brightly. “Did you sleep well?”

“Very well, Ma’am, thank you. But please excuse me for just a moment. I have some urgent business to take care of before we start the day.”

“Go right ahead,” Judith told me. “And take your time to shave and shower. I’ll be in the kitchen, making a start on some breakfast for us. Stay naked, and leave the cock cage off,” she added. “You won’t be wearing it any time soon.”

“Very good, Ma’am,” I said, and disappeared.

When I emerged and went to look for Judith, there was a mug of coffee waiting for me on the kitchen table, and the smell of bagels toasting. Judith was at the stove, scrambling eggs. In a few minutes, we were sitting at table together eating them, along with cottage cheese and sliced tomatoes from the fridge. I was silent, waiting for Judith to open the conversation. After a few bites of food, she did so.

“James,” she began, “I’m sure you have a million questions that Myrna was in no position to answer. There will be some that even I can’t answer at this point. Only after the trial period, will we (meaning just the two of us, not the whole corporation) be in a position to negotiate your long-term contract – which will be personal with me, as you insisted.”

“You told Myrna that you thought the trial period had to be at least three months. The Corporation and I agree, but we’ve decided that the trial period must be used partly to train you in human resource management, partly for you to teach me what you believe I need to know about 24/7 Dominance but, most important, for the two of us to develop and recommend policy guidelines for the Company’s lifemate program. That means, your trial period will take as long as it takes. It will be over when you are qualified in Human Resource Management – HRM as everyone calls it – to my satisfaction, when you are satisfied with my competence as a lifemate Mistress, and when the Corporation has either killed the program or established a firm policy on its support for lifemate staffing.”

“I’m a member of that committee, and will have a large but not decisive voice in its approval. Your father and other members of that committee will have to be convinced that lifemate relationships are good for the Corporation and that supporting and subsidizing them is worth what it will cost. I’ll have to be convinced that lifemate relationships and the policy that you and I are recommending will be good not only for the Corporation but for the lifemate partners as well. Also, staffing for the Mars project imposes a time constraint on the design and implementation of our program. The bottom line is that what I’m hiring for now is the whole trial period. If we can’t have the program up and running a year from now, we’d do better to drop it now. ”

“That’s fine,” I answered, “but what it means is that the contract you sign with me (or whoever) will have to be flexible: subject to termination or change. In effect, we’ll be designing the whole program, as we revise the broad terms of our contract. Its details will be personal to us, of course, but its main features will apply to almost everyone.”

“We’ll need a mentor to help us draft our initial contract, get it approved and registered with the Geisha Guild and then help us revise it, perhaps on a monthly basis as we go along. A good choice for that role might be Myrna Stiles who did my initial interview.

“I agree,” Judith said. “She made her career and her company promoting lifemate relationships. She’s in one herself. She probably knows more about them – about making them work and adding value to lives – than anyone else.”

“In general, I think mentoring is something we ought to encourage. That would be a new function for my HR department – and a job for my lifemate partner, at least at the beginning.”

I was silent for a moment, hesitating. I wanted to ask Judith about her sexual needs, and was looking for some way to do this politely, in a way she might be willing to answer. At last I started, “Before I start asking specific questions about the job you’re hiring for, I have a question about your BDSM background, and what you’ll expect to learn from me: Last night you handled me very well. I could see that you’ve played before. What further experience and knowledge are you looking for? And, if I may ask Ma’am, what really turns you on? What kind of sex will you be wanting from me? I’ve already seen that you’re a natural Dominant with plenty of experience of BDSM as foreplay. What else will I need know about you, if you choose me for this job?”

“You should know from the start that I like almost everything in sex that doesn’t involve my own submission. Even in vanilla sex, I want to be the fucker, not the fuckee – the one who takes, not the one who is taken. If you accept me as a Mistress, you’ll get plenty of sex, but almost never in the missionary or doggy positions. I might let you have me that way once in a blue moon, as a special treat, but you’ll be face-fucked and ridden cowgirl style a lot.”

“I’m enough of a sadist to enjoy giving pain, as long as it’s just and consensual. I like to be the martinet, the disciplinarian. I’ll never flog you just because I feel like it, but if you enjoy the cane, I’ll find small reasons to use it. You can expect that I’ll keep you on your toes – to a level you’re willing to accept.”

“I’ve had sex with women, but always in the butch role. I’ve never pegged anyone, but only because I’ve never had the opportunity. Is pegging within your limits? If it is, and if I take you on, expect your ass hole to get plenty of exercise.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I answered. “I enjoy getting pegged and I’ve been trained for it. I can come when I’m taken that way. You can peg me any time.”

“But tell me this, if you can: You performed last night, like an experienced Mistress. What is it that you feel you need to learn? What would you be expecting me to teach you?”

“I’ve played a lot,” Judith answered, “but I’ve had no experience at all of lifestyle D/s. I’ve been reading up since your father talked to me about it, but I’ve had no experience at all. Except in my imagination.”

“But you’re an experienced executive and manager,” I told her. “The skills for handling a subordinate and a submissive are pretty much the same. There are differences, but you’ll learn quickly enough.”

“What are those differences,” she asked me.

“The differences are the level of intimacy involved and the level of responsibility that you accept for your sub’s well-being and development. Your subordinates go home at the end of the day. A lifemate sub won’t have time to live apart if you’ll expect him to do some of your house works as well as serve and support you in your job.”

“But you don’t need to think about that now. Time enough when you have a live-in sub to handle. If that’s me, we’ll work it out together when the time comes. With your new lifemate, whoever he is, just keep in mind that the relationship is much more intimate than anything you’re used to – more intimate than marriage even – and that every submissive is different, both in their limitations and in what they need to flourish.”

Judith paused and thought for a moment. Then she continued: “At the office, I’ll expect you to dress and behave like my other subordinates – so that you don’t stand out, but set them an example, of competence and loyalty. At home, I’ll have you go naked most of the time, except for a cock cage which will come off frequently, but only when you ask beforehand that you be allowed to cum. Then I will remove the cage and give permission eventually, after you’ve been used and toyed with to my satisfaction. Often I’ll have you to entertain me with a wanking performance. When I could get them to do it for me, I loved to watch my play partners mastur­bate. The combination that of need and effort and shame that they display is just delicious.”

“How do I sound to you? Do you still want to work for me?”

“More than ever Ma’am. You sound like the kind of Mistress I dream of.”

“Glad to hear that. I’ll give you another dose of harsh treatment, and maybe test your limits a bit, before I send you home. But before we get to that, I want to finish answering your questions about the job.”

“Well, to begin with, I’d like you to confirm some points that Myrna Stiles covered in that preliminary interview. And there are a few points that came up casually in our conversations last night and this morning that would be good to pin down.”

“First is that my contract will be directly with you, not with Woodruffe Electronics, and it will be a lifemate contract from the start. It will have no trial period as such, but will provide for alteration or termination after one year, if no corporate lifemate program is forthcoming. In effect, this first contract is for a trial period of one year. Is that correct?”

“Yes, though I want you to know from the start that I’m not seeking to engage a lifemate just because your father and his company want me to. I really was convinced that the idea has merit; and I was attracted to it partly by own feelings and needs. I may very well take a lifemate, no matter what the Company decides. If they cancel the program but our relationship is a success, I may offer you a new contract without Woodruffe Corp. in the background.”

“What I’m trying to say is that I’m doing this in good faith. It started out as a corporate manoeuvre, a human relations move, but after living with the idea for months and interviewing or reading resumes of so many candidates, it’s more than that for me now. I, Judith Arruda, currently Vice President of Human Resources at Woodruffe Electronics (but other things besides, and who knows what in the future), am seeking a lifemate and interviewing candidates for that role.”

“Very good, Ma’am. Thank you for that declaration. I’m interviewing to become the lifemate of a woman named Judith Arruda, not just a Woodruffe VP. You want me to remember that, and to keep it in mind; and I promise you that I always will.”

“Then let me ask, what sort of initial contract do you have in mind? Are you thinking of an indenture contract that would make me your virtual slave, with no rights at all but only the privileges you generously grant to me?”

“Would that be legal?”

“Not at law, Ma’am, but the Guild of Pleasure Workers would recognize it and enforce it on its members. If I signed such a contract with you the Guild would expect me to honour it. If I just quit and walked out, it would revoke my status as a geisho.”

“Would you sign such a contract? Would you advise me to seek that arrangement with someone who would?”

“No and no, Ma’am. I would not sign a contract that did not preclude your lending or selling me to others without my consent, and that did not allow me at least one day off each week, I would not sign a long-term contract that did not provide for periodic review and revision with a mutually acceptable mentor acting as mediator, or as arbitrator at need.”

“For the professional expertise that you are seeking on the Company’s behalf, I think all candidates intelligent and knowledgeable enough to be of use would insist on similar conditions whether they belonged to the Guild or not. To take on high-level assistants without the knowledge and self-respect to impose similar conditions would be asking for trouble.”

“Sounds reasonable,” Judith said. “I can accept all of that. What I had in mind to start with was a geisho with your qualifications, who would serve at home as my companion, bed pet and housekeeper, and at the office as my advisor and assistant. At the office, he would work with me as a high-level subordinate – on policy and administration for Woodruffe’s lifemate program, and on staffing for the Mars project in general.”

“I imagine that most Woodruffe employees, senior or creative enough to be eligible for assistance under the Company’s lifemate program would have similar duties in mind. But I imagine there will be a rough split in our senior people eligible for the program between those who want a talented junior, trainable for high-level responsibilities, and those interested only in a sub’s housekeeping and sexual services. Obviously our corporate preference is for the former, but not all the people eligible for assistance will share that preference. Some will just want a houseboy (or the female equivalent) and kinky sex on demand.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Your policy will have to cover that. Two different types of contract may be needed, and you might offer different levels of subsidy – depending on the salary those lifemates would receive if they were being hired as employees: more for electronics and AI wizards than for administrative staff, and more for admin staff than for janitors.”

“Yes,” Judith said. “This is very good. We’re covering a lot of ground. Do you have further questions?”

“A few, Ma’am. About the human resource management training and office work that you have in mind for me, about the working and living arrangements and about the compensation you mean to offer.”

“The compensation other than my lovely self, you mean.”

“Far beyond monetary comparison, Ma’am.”

“Ahhh! Flattery will get you everywhere, and cash will get me flattery. . . So it goes.”

“For HRM training, I don’t think I need to send you on a course. You were a PhD candidate working on a thesis when your advisor was killed, so I know you can read. “If I give you a couple of videos and books on the subject and set you to work in my department under one of my officers, that should be enough. Of course, you and I will also be discussing Woodruffe’s huge staffing problem in connection with the Mars project. I’ll brief you on that problem in gruesome detail and answer your questions as they arise. I think from reading, some apprenticeship, and from talks with me, you’ll learn all you need to know.”

“For the rest – compensation and living arrangements – at least to start with, you will get monthly pocket money (here, she mentioned an amount which was quite generous) on top of a room in my house and board (meaning breakfast and dinner) with me at my table, eating the same food that I eat. Those arrangements may change later on – for example, if I need to send you somewhere – but that’s how we’ll start off. At work, for now you’ll have a desk and phone. You’ll use our conference room to talk to people, or sometimes my office when I’m involved in the matter. You’ll also have heath insurance and a budget for work-related expenses. Your duties will be as we’ve discussed: assisting me in the design of a proposed Lifemate Program for Woodruffe Electronics Corporation, and an apprenticeship in my department to learn what you need to know and human resource management.”

“In the long run, if Woodruffe approves and launches the program we design, and if we get along and choose to continue our relationship, our new contract will make you my second-in-command in Woodruffe’s HR Department, doing whatever must be done to run that program – which will be the whole of your job at the office, but only a small part of mine.”

“All-in-all, a very comfortable life, except that I will also be working your ass off, and beating it on occasion with assorted implements for that purpose. This last might be considered part of your compensation, as you claim to enjoy it.”

“Anything else?”

“No Ma’am, The terms are just what I thought they would be. There’s nothing to negotiate at this point. Later on, with periodic reviews and changes, we’ll deal with difficulties as they arise.”

“I believe you said something about testing my limits?”

“Yes. You only licked my pussy and met my hairbrush, yesterday evening. This morning, you’ll take the cane – asking for each stroke until you’ve had enough. In that way, you’ll give me some idea of what your limits are – how much of a pain slut you really are.”

“After that caning, I will ride your face as if it were your cock till I am fully satisfied and your face is covered with my cream. Then you will be required to lick me clean. And finally, before I send you home, I will graciously allow you to relieve yourself as you grovel at my feet. What do you say?”

“I will say thank you, Ma’am. You have a delightfully dirty mind, and it will be a privilege for me, in my capacity as a pleasure-slave, to endure what you imagine.”

And so we spent the morning. Judith bent me over the back of an armchair and warmed my bottom with a heavy tawse until it felt twice its normal size. Then she caned me, making me thank and ask for each successive stroke until I had reached my limit. After each stroke, I was to say: “Thank you, Ma’am. May I have another stroke just like that?” and then to end it: “Thank you, Ma’am. That sound flogging was just what I needed!” In this way, I took about 40 strokes before I felt her starting to lose interest. Then I groaned, “Thank you, Ma’am. That sound flogging was just what I needed, and it was about as much as I can take!” This was not strictly true. I have been trained to endure pain, and would have fainted or gone into a fugue state before she broke me; but there was no point in showing off, nor in frustrating my Domme in this way. The caning had been about as much as I can take with pleasure, and part of being a professional submissive and pain slut is to know when enough is enough.

Then she had me fetch a yoga mat from a closet, spread it out on her rug, and then lie down on it – on my back, with my head on a small pillow which she had placed at one end. Nude herself now, she knelt over my face, letting me watch from underneath as she stroked her pussy slowly, using two fingers to part the lips of her vulva while the middle finger diddled her clit. Soon, the whole area grew moist and swollen; and then, droplets of her lubricant fell on my eyes, my mouth, my nostrils. Soon she began to rub herself on my face, smothering me with her cunt. When she felt me struggling to breathe, lifted herself a little to let me get some air. She rode my face slowly at first, then faster and faster, having me lick her along whole crotch, between clit and anus. At length she came, drenching me with her fluid, and falling forward to lie over my chest and belly with her gaping vulva beyond reach of my tongue, but literally reeking of sex and showing me every detail of her swollen vulva. In this way we rested for a time, catching our breath.

Finally, Judith said, “Now it’s your turn. I told you that I like to watch my partners masturbate. I want you to do that for me. Imagine that I have some friends over to watch your submission to me. Put on your best performance for us. Do not come until I give permission.”

I thought back to the first time that Mistress Lotte had required me to mount a show like this for herself and for her lifemate Mitch. I’d been required to stand at the food of their bed wanking myself for their viewing pleasure while they watched and gave instructions. Standing naked before Judith now, I closed my eyes, folded my hands behind my head, and used this memory to get hard. Then, I sank smoothly to my knees, spread my thighs wide apart and, with my right hand began to stroke myself slowly while leaving the left behind my head. Judith watched me avidly. I kept my gaze downcast, submissively avoiding eye-contact, until she ordered “Look at me! And don’t look away!”

From that point on, I followed Judith’s gaze as it roamed over my body. The pleasure she was getting in watching me work at myself aroused me further. I felt the scrotum tighten my testes, and the tingling in that area that comes just before a climax. Knowing that I was not to stop stroking my swollen, pulsing penis but also that I was not to cum until allowed to do so, I locked the muscles down there and refused the orgasm. Strict mastur­batrix that she knew to be, Judith enjoyed my suffering without a word for about five long minutes. Then she said, “All right. That’s enough now. Stop what you’re doing. Hands behind your back.”

I quickly obeyed. “Do you trust me?” she asked.

“Are you still testing me?” I answered. “Then I know I must.”

“Very well, then,” she continued. “I am going to cage you again, and send you home to suffer. As you perceived, it’s the last part of the test. I know you want relief now, but I am going to make you wait. As I told you, I have one more interview to do. It begins tomorrow evening, and will continue overnight, just as yours did. That candidate has experience in human resource management, but unless he’s a better submissive than you are, which is not likely as he has not had your traning, the job will be yours. If you still want it, of course.”

“No matter what happens with him, it will take another few days to formally make the decision. At that point, whether I hire you or not, I will call you in and remove the cage, so it will be almost a week before you get to relieve yourself. For now, I’ll just get rid of that woody with an ice pack and put the cage on.” And that’s how it went. With some difficulty for her and pain for me, Judith got the cock cage on me and locked it. Then she told me to get dressed and go home.

As you can imagine, the time passed slowly. Four days later, in the afternoon, Judith phoned to ask if could come to her house that evening. Of course, I agreed to do so. When I arrived, she had me strip and handed me a small key. “You can free your equipment now,” she said, “and finish what you were doing.”

Without asking questions, I undressed quickly, unlocked the cage and took it off – first, the cage itself and then the ring, passing under my balls and fitting snugly against my body, which held the cage in place. Then I dropped to the floor in front of Judith, kissed her foot and commenced to wank myself in earnest, making short work of it. In about two minutes I ejaculated, shooting ropes of semen onto the bath towel that Judith had spread on the floor.

“Thank you, Ma’am,” I said.

“Don’t you want to know if I’m offering you the job?”she asked me.

“Of course, Ma’am, but it is not my place to ask. I must be patient and wait for you to tell me in your own good time. Or so I have been trained.”

“Well then, if you want it, the position is yours. You can call me ‘Mistress’ now, if you accept.”

“It will be a pleasure and privilege to serve you, Mistress. I thank for entrusting this position to me, and will do my best to be worthy of it.”

The irony was not lost on me that in entering the service of Judith Arruda, I had accepted a place in my father’s business after all. I resolved to make no mention of the job when I next had dinner with my parents, but they already knew because my new Mistress had emailed her boss on her choice and on Myrna Stiles’ involvement as mentor. Dad congratulated me, and told me he was proud of me, adding that he had seen the shortlist of appli­cants considered, and fully agreed with the choice that she had made, “quite apart from my being your father.” He repeated that he had not influenced her choice in any way.

Mom also congratulated me, saying “Serve her well and proudly. You’ve just been given about the best job that a young man of your training could get.”

Later, in private, she told me, “Not to worry, but as you’re still only a journeyman, not a master, you’re stretching Guild rules a little by entering this contract on your own. Technically, Judith Arruda should be contracting with a master for your services. Myrna Stiles, who interviewed you, knows this perfectly well, so Judith Arruda probably knows it also. But since Myrna will be drafting and registering your contract, and will mentor you as a couple, she can always say that you are serving under her supervision, so I doubt that anyone can make trouble for you. Just be aware that the issue is there, and that as an up-and-coming lifemate, you need to keep Myrna on your side.”


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