The Pleasure Factory by born2rebellis,born2rebellis

Sandra was a 42-year-old former university graduate and professional business woman. The head of HR of her company selling luxury cars and a leading representative in the state.

One afternoon, her colleague Melanie, handed her a black pamphlet in gold lettering which she obtained from her partner Ross, who was an executive of another sector in a different state that was also part of the franchise.

The pamphlet was sent out by an unknown head-honcho called ‘Christopher.’ A former banker who now resided in Switzerland and was a leading stakeholder in the company.

Melanie was under the impression the pamphlet was just a joke. One of those chain gags that were being emailed around to their high-flying husbands.

The pamphlet was seeking out professional business women who were looking for a change of scenery and occupation in the Swiss Alps. They’d be paid handsomely. Much more than their already lavish salaries.

The successful candidates would be required for 6 months, to live in prestigious conditions with maids attending to their every need.

The illustration on the pamphlet depicted a gorgeous woman placed in a device where her head appeared through a wall. This was followed by blueprint art which revealed the middle of the structure: an adjustable wooden circle encased with foam padding and layered with fabric was placed around her hips like a corset. Meanwhile, at the opposite end of the wall, her ass was on display.

The idea of the adjustable wooden circle was to keep her firmly in place. The flexible foam wouldn’t restrict her breathing and she could be bound tighter than just plain wood yet more comfortable. Due to the design of the structure, it was impossible to slip her hips through the circle, so her ass would be permanently on display.

The successful candidates would be hand-fed all kids of exotic cuisines and their bathroom habits taken care of by a senior matriarch maid who also appeared on the pamphlet with a bed pan in hand, a wry simple across her face along with a padded whip placed in her stocking suspender which served as a makeshift holster.

On the front of the pamphlet a silhouette of a dark mysterious man who had his index finger and thumb cusping the girl’s chin and angling her head upwards to make eye contact.

The woman in the illustration was making laser-like precision eye contact, It was quite the contrast and powerful image which displayed a sense of belittlement and submissiveness on the woman’s behalf and superiority and dominance on the mysterious male figure’s.

Sandra took the pamphlet and laughed it off saying, ”Omg, what kind of whacko would desire such a thing.”

Followed by, “This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.” She then placed the pamphlet into her office bin below her desk and Melanie exited the room laughing. “I thought you’d like that.”

As soon as Melanie left, Sandra’s curiosity got the better of her and she took the pamphlet out of the bin and shoved it in her bag. She didn’t want to look crazy in front of Melanie but there was a part of her that found the idea extremely interesting, even arousing. The pamphlet allowed the reader’s imagination to run wild.

For the rest of the afternoon, Sandra envisioned herself in the device. It made her incredibly excited about the possibilities of what would occur, she imagined herself giving a blowjob and being fucked helplessly, the added incentive of the huge salary also aroused her further.

Her current job was more than often boring when she wasn’t traveling around, even when travelling, she was only enquiring about buying new car dealerships for luxury cars-Hardly her passion!

As the day progressed, she began to become restless and couldn’t wait until she got home that night to finish reading the fancy pamphlet.

That night she rushed home from work and kicked off her black leather flats and undid her belt.

She wore the most gorgeous pin-stripped tight business pants that enhanced every curve of her delicious full-ass. She unbuttoned two buttons from her white collared shirt which revealed her gorgeous cleavage and designer bra.

Sandra then took the pamphlet from her bag and laid down in bed as she began masturbating over the women in the illustration. She thought it was the sexist thing she’d ever seen! She then contemplated her next day at work, how boring and mind-numbing it would be.

The pressures and demands were becoming such a bore and she was sick of going through the motions. She thought about how exciting it would be to switch places with the women from the illustration, not to mention easier! All she’d be doing is receiving pleasure and providing it whilst living in suspense! No more predictable routines. Every day seemed like watching the same movie over and over again where she knew the plot before it had even begun.

Christopher’s goal in mind was to strip the successful applicant of any credentials, status, and aspirations they may have had and reduce or increase them to their true purpose; what he believed were 3 fuck holes, designed to give and receive pleasure.

The name of his manor in Switzerland was dubbed “The PleasureFactory.”

The more she read, the more she found it intriguing. She could see the venture as a working holiday and would explain it away to colleagues quite easily through a transfer. She had no husband to answer to or obligations as Sandra was recently divorced.

She brushed it off as just a crazy fantasy and continued going to work for a while when reality hit. There was nothing more left to achieve in her line of work.

Every day was a drag. She thought of her achievements as void and unfulfilling and couldn’t seem to shake this mysterious Christopher figure’s proposal from her mind.

She continued to think about it all day, every day. Especially when work got to her, which was often, she’d resort to the proposal in Switzerland as a sense of escapism that made her feel at peace and happy. A coping mechanism if you will.

It wasn’t long after when Sandra decided to take her long service leave. Unsure if she’d even return. She never considered herself very close to any of her current colleagues and lived a quiet life keeping to herself. She believed she owed it to herself to experience as much out of life as possible, including all of her kinks.

She wasn’t going to die. What was the worst that was going to happen? She’d be paid a fortune and have a memorable and enjoyable experience? She had nothing to lose yet everything to gain. Life was short after all!

These were just a few ideas that were floating through her mind as she began to justify the venture. She wasn’t seriously considering it at this point-or was she?

After a couple of days of relaxing at home, she decided she was due for a holiday and began searching sky scanner for flights to Switzerland! Regardless of whether she went for an interview or expressed her interest, Switzerland would be an amazing holiday.

Sandra gathered her belongings and the next morning her cab arrived to take her to the airport. By this stage, she was buzzing with excitement-she hadn’t felt this alive in years!

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