The Rape Date

An adult stories – The Rape Date by kinkception,kinkception I met her online. We chatted. Sometimes it’s hard to get a conversation started and if you get off on the wrong foot a chat will quickly hit a dead-end – which is a shame, as it’s often a matter of luck – the right conversation point at the right time versus the wrong one. This wasn’t one of those. We immediately hit it off. There were moments for me to show my sense of humor, which she got. She seemed genuinely interesting.

We got talking a little about sexual interests. Not just blundering in. It came up nicely in conversation. She had issues with sex. She enjoyed it. But couldn’t really bring herself to ever agree to moving forward in any kind of sexual situation. I told her I’d make sure she didn’t have to make such a choice.

“What if I say no?”

“Do you want me to promise to stop if you say no?”


To be sure, I pushed.

“What if you change your mind?”

“I will change my mind. I know I will. I want you to promise me you’ll go through with it even if I change my mind.”

“I will”

“I will be really convincing. I’ll mean it. I won’t want it in the moment. Promise me you won’t chicken out.”

“I promise.

I agreed to meet her for coffee. I told her, as I have told anyone I have agreed to do this with, if you meet me in a public place I’ll be a perfect gentleman. But once I get you alone I will take what I want until I am done. Without pause, without asking permission, I’ll make you feel like a three hole slut there to satisfy my cock however I please. Is this what you want? I’ll be saving this chat. There’s no get out of jail free card.

She said yes she understood, and agreed.

The public place I suggested was the bar/restaurant of a nice well-known hotel in San Francisco. She was lovely. Long hair half-draped over her face. A real shyness that was compelling. But when she got talking on topics she was interested in she lit up and forgot the cautious quietness for a while. I liked her.

After we’d nursed drinks for an hour, I suggested we head out. She said okay but with no real idea of where we were going. Was I walking her to her car? Were we going somewhere together. I just walked her to the elevator. Up to the seventh floor. She started looking nervous and getting a bit edgy as we got to the door. Unusual for me I’d asked for a room near the elevator. I anticipated a bit of reluctance.

But I quickly opened the door and bustled her in before she could think too much about it. As the door closed behind her I pushed her up against it and kissed her. She was quite soft to kiss. She seemed to almost welcome it. I held her body in my hands, her waist between them. Was shaking a little but the kiss seemed to calm her down. Maybe this was going to be just a sweet but vanilla encounter.

She was wearing black leggings. I brushed a hand across her stomach and as I kissed her and pushed her firmly against the door I slipped my hand into the waist band and down, beneath the seam of her underwear… she was unshaven. I stroked over her furriness and pressed two fingers one against each labia and either side of the crease between them. She started to push me away. Tried to turn around and grab for the door.

I took her hands. Pulled her fully into the room. I grasped both wrists in one of my big powerful hands and used the other to take her chin. I lifted it.

“Look at me. Look at me. Now look over there.”

I turned her face towards the desk upon which lay a variety of binds, restraints, impact toys, a set of shiny new plugs. She started to shake her body and tug her hands to get away from me.

“I don’t want to. I’m serious. It was just chat. I was flirting. I really don’t want it. My friends know I’m here. I’m serious. NO!”

I could see I was going to have to silence her. I took the belt of the bath robe. Tied it across her mouth and around the back of her head as a gag. She could make noise, but not generate volume. I put music on to hide even that.

She was still making it hard for me. I forced her body over the arm chair in the room. It was the easiest way to get that ass in the air in a position I could hold her in and she couldn’t escape from. Face pressed against the seat of the chair. I yanked her leggings and panties down to her thighs, exposing her ass to me, her pussy like the rest of her body, trembling below. Without further warm up or ceremony I took my tip and placed it at her entrance and just shoved my long thick cock into her hard. Feeling her inner walls parting as I forced her open.

I can still hear her crying out to this day if I close my eyes. Such a satisfying sound. Tears on her face. Just pounding her in and out. Every inch. Deep. As the fucking got harder and deeper her reluctance abated. Instead of fighting it she was just holding herself still, noises uncontrollably issuing from her mouth.

I pulled her over to the bed and threw her onto it. I told her to kneel on it and she did. Was she starting to forget that she didn’t want this. She was kneeling proud – her arms stretched out. On all fours. I pressed her back so her face was in the bed and her ass was up high. I fucked her pussy a little more until my cock was wet from her and holding her back down with one hand I took the tip of my cock and placed it at her rear entrance. She tried to raise herself again. She mumbled a muffled cry. I pulled off her gag temporarily. “No. Not that. Please. Really. I mean it. Please. Fuck me, but not my ass.”

I tried to push it in but she rolled onto her side, collapsing her legs. She was not in a position where I had enough control of her body. “Okay”, I lied.

I let her lay there a moment. I wandered over to the desk. Grabbed the handcuffs. I moved quickly. Flipping her onto her front and cuffing her hands behind her back. I took her ankles one at a time. Withe her hands unavailable she didn’t have the leverage to really fight me off, though she kicked out with her feet. Once they had the ankle cuffs wrapped around them it was easy for me to clip them to the spreader bar. She was powerless to do more than try to wriggle around.

I pulled her to her knees. She tried to rock her body over, but her shins and the spreader making a parted triangle, her face against the bed, her arms folded towards her cuffed wrists in the small of her back. Powerless. Just as I wanted her.

I considered lubing my cock. But no. She’d been bad. She’d fought. She needed to be punished for that. I was kind though. I fucked her pussy a little first. So wet. So aroused, despite all of her protestations. Her gagged screams. Her weak cries.

I placed my tip once again at her tight little pucker. I let the wetness of her juices on my slather over her rear. I put my thumb inside her pussy to get juices on that too. First I pushed that a little into her ass, just to get the lubrication of her own wetness inside her a little before putting the head of my cock back there again. And with one hard swing of my hips, holding her waist tightly with both hand so she couldn’t pull away, I violated her tight little ass with my long thick cock. She made the loudest noise she could and started to cry. Mercilessly I fucked her into submission. Until she started to relax her body and take my cock insider her without fight. I let myself come deep inside her, the swelling as I ejaculated making me even bigger and rougher in the moment. And I let her fall to the bed.

I uncuffed her ankles and wrists and as I lay on my back she put her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arm over me as she continued to cry a little. We lay there for a few moments. She lifted her face to mine and I kissed her. We drifted. Snoozed a bit before we roused ourselves for more. She still didn’t just give it up. Had to be forced. But it was a little easier.

She thanked me via a message a few days after, after saying nothing to me for 72 hours. Thanked me for being real. For not accepting her NO. She told me that in the moment she meant it. The fear. She wanted to run away and leave. But she was grateful that I didn’t let her. It took months for us to have a second date. She couldn’t bring herself to consent that time either. For some people it’s just hard. Thankfully some of us understand, and appreciate that.


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