Women's Bondage Reformatory School Pt. 02 by palm09,palm09

Labia lips puffed around these thick dildos as a thin elastic strap ran between the front and back of their micro-mini skirts and through an eyelet in the base of the dildo to hold it in place. Claire wondered if this pussy hobble chain was worse than her dildo pole, but hoped to never find out. Unlike the students in the prior cellblock, these girls each had nipple rings, from which they supported a pair of shiny bells. These girls all had large red ball gags that stretched their tender faces and displayed their white teeth and glossy red lips forced in a massive circle. Their hands were chained behind their backs at the base of their collars. Claire felt pity for these students, as the prison they were bound for was harsh.

Several of these prisoners, or students if they still could be called that, approached their cell bars. Claire was shocked as they began to gyrate their pussies towards her, and she saw their clitorises enlarging. Realizing they wanted Claire to touch them, Claire flushed in shame as she wondered why these beautiful girls would demean themselves like this to her. These prisoners were unable to even attempt to communicate because their ball gags were so large, but moans of desperation soon filled the entire cell block. Claire began to panic. From every cell a beautiful prisoner flung herself against the bars, often forcing her breasts far into the hallway, as each crudely gestured for Claire to come closer and touch. Claire felt, through her pussy, that the track of her dildo poll which ran through the center of the cellblock hallway would allow her to carry on straight or turn left or right to the entrance of each cell if she chose. She shuffled past the first eight cells, but then felt a strange pity as she rotated on her dildo pill and approached the cell of a gorgeous brunette.

The brunette legs were too tall and breasts too full for even this skimpy prison outfit. Not that her uniform covered anything, Claire noticed as she gazed at the thick dildo widely spreading the brunette’s smooth labia lips. As Claire looked closer, she noticed small spikes in the dildo that must have been activated with the turn of a key in the dildo’s base. While the spikes were not cruel enough to harm the brunette, Claire understood how this dildo would provide more irritation and not enough stimulation. The brunette’s clitoris gyrated in anticipation as Lucy gingerly placed her fingers around it.

Immediately she heard the brunette’s nipple bells call out as her breasts engorged, and she heard a deep moan of pleasure from behind the ball gag. The brunette rode Claire’s fingers with desperate pleasure until Claire felt the wetness of orgasm spill down the sides of her spiked dildo. The brunette gave Claire a look of gratitude as she turned back into her cell. Claire gasped as she now saw the size of the butt plug this poor brunette was forced to endure. In a panic, Claire used her pussy to push her dildo pole back onto the center track of the hallway and rushed out of the cellblock. She was relieved to push open a door and find herself back again in the quiet hallways of a university.

Claire resolved she was going to follow all the rules of the reformatory, as she did not want to be transferred to prison. Her own prison hat she wore caused her to blush, but she recalled her bow which signaled she was still a student and lady. While Claire would not have considered her outfit ladylike, compared to the prisoners’ piercings, plugs, and gags she did feel more refined. Or at least as refined as a chained girl, exposing her breasts, and impaled on a dildo pole in a skimpy school uniform could.


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