First Time with Katie by Kain12

My girlfriend, a hotel room, myself and no interruptions. I met Katie when we were sophomores in high school. She was a hot, little brunette who played field hockey and softball, so she was in great shape. At 5’6” and around 115 pounds, she would make all the guys and some girls in the school

The Switch by sandstorm3636

Marcus is trying to get laid by treating his girlfriend to a fancy dinner, but she is just there for the food. Marcus was sitting in the corner of the restaurant he agreed to meet his girlfriend Katrina at. He had been eagerly waiting for her at first but after a while with no sign

Comforting Mom pt 6 Christmas Cruise Day 4+5 by Unclear_Thoughts

Continuation of Comforting Mom series. Christmas Cruise Day 4+5. Christmas Cruise completion. Someone’s phone starts playing, “Wake me up before you go-go, don’t leave me hanging on like a yo-yo…” I hear moans and groans as someone silences the phone. One by one the ladies get up and head for their rooms. Each one kisses

The Lifeguard Part 3 by ghostwritten

***Author’s note*** Check the tags on this one, a section is pretty rough. Feel free to skip to the next set of stars and if it is too hard, the rest isn’t like that. Thank you. Lifeguard 3 After the previous night’s unwanted visitor, I woke up nervous about going to work. I did my

Ralph At 50 Part 1 by SnakeBiteRalph

Pussy was right around the corner, or should I say right down the hall. Ralph At 50 My name is Ralph. I am a light skin Black man. I am 50 years old. I am 6-4 in height and weigh 210 pounds. I am a recently retired computer technician. The years have been good to

C6 – Serendipity Pass – Freshly Paved Streets / Final Edit by JoeRogue

A hard day, a cold driving rain, a lonely figure and a night of chance. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, characters, persons, alive or dead, or beings of Earth or the multiverse, past, present or future, is purely coincidental. Unless, of course, I’m psychic, in which case this a

Hermia Aphrodite (Chapter 1?) by pANTSU

This is a fantasy. I tried to throw in enough details to give it some sense of plausibility, to help with immersion, but I recognize that it probably can’t really work in reality. Probably better to just treat it like magic, or just ignore it. I have included multiple binary and non-binary tags, although as

Phantom Phallus – The Completed Saga by CarnationWriting

Phantom limb syndrome is a condition in which patients experience sensations, whether painful or otherwise, in a limb that does not exist. It has been reported to occur in 80-100% of amputees, and typically has a chronic course, often resistant to treatment. But what happens when witchcraft, an over-eager 18-year-old boy, and a sexy crush

Ralph and Varni Part 1 by SnakeBiteRalph

My name is Ralph and I am 6 feet 6 inches tall and weigh 230 pounds, slight muscular build and I am a light skinned black male age 35. Varni came from South India and had a technical background and needed a place to stay until she found an affordable apartment. Ralph and Varni Part

Am I Bi? by pdave213

I would like to think that everyone questions their sexuality. More men should be open about it. My story begins, ironically, at the end of a chapter. After 7 years and another struggling year, my wife and I decided that it was best that we finally folded and got a divorce. Naturally, I think we