High School Dates Ch. 14

An adult stories – High School Dates Ch. 14 by m_storyman_x,m_storyman_x Chapter 14 It felt good to be home again. I was greeted, by both mom and Betsy, warmly. Both of them included kisses, though Betsy’s were quite passionate. She made it clear that she missed me very much, though that didn’t translate into having … Read more

Teacher – 06 Day 1 – End of the First day and New Beginnings by DBSKR123

A literotic sexstories: Teacher – 06 Day 1 – End of the First day and New Beginnings by DBSKR123 , Ever since HB 2469 passed, or the H-Bill as it was often called, Humiliation is the approved form of discipline. Laura, a high school teacher, breaks a rule and finds herself having to deal with … Read more