War Booty – chapter 1 by Limnophile

Heroic Roman Legion officer is rewarded with several pretty slaves. – – – This story has a few sex scenes but is a historical drama, not wank material. – Caledonia (Northern England), 205 CE My name is Titus Cenius Argentus, but Titus is a common name. Everyone calls me “Cenius”. Before our wedding, my wife


S.O.L. Games: What’s the Time Mr. Wolf? part 1 of 2 by SKOLL

Teachers and 18yo senior women abducted for sex games on remote island replica of their school. ‘choose your own adventure’. This chapter is long. Choice is greedy, 2 students and 1 teacher from previous games, and 1 new girl, a skinny blonde. Game is exactly What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf in cafeteria. While writing chapter


Bad Seed Ch.13 by pars001

The BROTHER TROUBLES “Stealth Trigon,” Wren almost growled. “Stealth achieved, I believe that his ship detected our presence, though I am not sure,” Trigon said as he started to run system checks. “Fire a few missiles at his ship, standard pack, let’s see if they can really see us or not,” Wren ordered. “Compliance master


Being Human – part 1 by levilx

Thank you for reading part one of Pixels story. This is a multipart story. There are multiple sexual situations contained within this story. Please make sure if any of the listed tags do not suit you. To not read further. Or if you are looking for a specific category, as many are covered. “I asked