Bad Seed Ch.13 by pars001

“Alright, you’re the only one that has never disappointed me. Keep it that way,” Esmerelda said.

Thomas sneered, “you remember mother, I am no push over. I have my guarantees and safeguards in place. Don’t think you can just waltz in and take over, that, would be a grave mistake.”

A slight smile came to her lips, if he wasn’t her son, she’d make a quick union with him. “Alright, get that bitch so we can finish this up.”

“Oh, I plan on it mother now, leave me the hell alone!” Thomas shouted as he cut the com.

The first master looked at his mate and that of the second master. His life energy had already stabilized, as had the second masters.

He was wishing that Wren had managed a few more. True that the two females’ energy had already started the life cycles again. They needed more as the life cycles were only near the building.

He was heading to meet with the other masters. If they could Wren to bring another back, things would definitely improve. The thing was that it weakened her so badly, they needed her out there as well as here.

The first master looked at the readings for the defenses, plus weapons. He nodded as he saw that their defense was indeed further than it had ever been.

“So, Wren increased our defenses before she left?” The first Master asked.

Flugret, turned from the consoles, “yes she did first master. We have been reading a twenty percent increase of the shields since she departed,” Flugret said.

“The strongest that they have ever been,” the first said.

“Indeed sir,” Flugret said. “The thing is? The additions that she made are still there hours later. It appears that she had developed the part shift technique, I don’t think that it will fade.”

“Astounding, I thought that only those at level twenty could accomplish this” the first master said. “It appears that we have seriously underestimated our little Wren. Perhaps…”

A round area of light almost six feet tall appeared, the two masters looked at each other, now what?

Wren had been at it for almost an hour, sub-light was up as well as over seventy percent of warp-drive. At least now they were putting a lot more distance from her brother for repairs. The thing was she hadn’t noticed that whatever she touched was working an hour later.

A sigh escaped her lips as she watched the power gain again. “Well, that ought to help,” she said. “At least now we are better defended. I just wish I knew how I was able to open those portals.” Wren waited a moment as she thought the answer would come to her.

“Warp drive now rising to ninety, ninety-one. Full warp drive within moments,” Trigon said.

“Good,” Wren said slightly distracted. She had the two female Cetians on her mind. She just wished that could bring out more than one at a time. It might speed thing up if she could, then again, she’d have to be… she then gasped. The same portal she had opened before to go to Ceti-5 was in front of her. “Is this stable,” she asked.

“I am reading it as very stable, though I am afraid it will close when you step through. I am reading you as the source of power for it,” Trigon said.

Wren was about to speak when the first master’s face appeared near the portal. “Just a moment master,” Wren said as she thought a moment. Finally decided a moment later, ” alright I’ll be back soon,” she said then stepped through.

The round area of light started to grow more solid, then they were looking at Wren. Wren said just a moment then stepped through. As she expected the portal closed a moment later.

Both the Master’s mouths dropped open, “what are you doing here? The first master asked.

“I am at a moment where there isn’t much to do, I came to free another of those who cannot leave the Chrysalis” Wren said.

“Are you sure that you have the energy? The last time you were exhausted,” the first master said.

“Yes, I believe so, each time I do something, the power I have seems to grow stronger. Please stand back,” Wren said as she reached out to touch the blue sphere.

Immediately, Wren, then a section of the sphere started to glow. This time Wren didn’t feel as weak as a small ball of light emerged from the sphere. Wren nodded then pulled back further as the ball started to elongate. Wren nodded again then a human like shape started to solidify.

Wren breathed out a breath as she knelt to check the female. “There, feel better?”

The dark red-headed female looked up into Wren’s face slightly confused. “I’m not sure, am… am I solid?” Wren nodded her head, the female sat still a moment then threw her arms around Wren’s neck. “I feel much, much better!”

A voice at the back of those there suddenly shouted, “Vasie!?”

The female’s eyes went wide as she shouted in joy, “MATE!”

The third Master stepped through the group to hug the female.

Wren had a huge smile on her face, along with the other two female Cetian females.

Wren sat a moment as she continued to watch the happy reunion. A reach within showed that she hadn’t used that much power, though she thought to rest a bit.

The happy couple seemed to have almost everyone’s attention. That was ’til the first and second Master’s mates gasp trying to move to Wren.

“Wren, NO!” This caused all there to turn toward Wren, she’d already moved to the Chrysalis. She had her hand on it, her and the sphere glowing. “You need to recharge before you try again!”

“I am fine I have more energy than last time,” Wren said.

Very quickly a small ball of light emerged, rapidly elongating. A small cry came from the light causing Wren to curse. She pressed more energy into it, then another dark-haired female appeared.

Rena and Tiane were rushing to Wren as she started to shake slightly. They both caught her then slowly lowered her to the floor.

“Well, not as weak as before,” Wren said as she was able to actually fight the darkness.

Master Wren? Wren heard in her head. It appears that your brother will have his ship up a lot sooner than we thought. I have full warp drive, though he will catch us not long after they engage. I only have twenty percent of trans-warp; I might get a five second burst. That will give us an hour if I wait, I should get more.

Oh shit, she thought. I need to recharge faster, hate to do this. She closed her eyes letting the darkness take her.

It was almost an hour later when Wren’s eyes snapped open. Wren smiled at the four females beside her bed. “You three I know though I apologize, I don’t know your name,” Wren said.

“I am Lota, I thank you for releasing me,” Lota said.

“Glad I could help though I am afraid I am going to have to go. If I don’t, I’m afraid I might not have a ship,” Wren said.

She turned as the door opened, “You have done far more than you think little Wren. Perhaps this will help,” the firat master said laying a hand on her. Wren started to nod, then smiled.

A portal opened in front of her as she arose from the bed then stepped through. Almost immediately she assessed the situation. “What have you got?” Wren asked.

“Trans-warp at fifty percent, your brother got his ship up thirty minutes ago. He has been slowly gaining on us, though we can move a lot further than before,” Trigon said.

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