Katherine meets Her Daddy Ch. 2 (rewrite) by kittysub4Dom

After spending agonizing minutes lashing each foot vigorously, he slowly worked his way back up to chastise every tender spot once more before returning to where it all began at her shoulders. Sobbing uncontrollably while trying to catch a breath amidst searing pain coursing through every fiber of her being; He leaned close gently caressing Katherine’s cheek murmuring softly “shhhh shhhh…the worst is yet to come.”

Dragging his nails leisurely down her back and buttocks evoked fresh cries from Katherine at this renewed sensation of burning lines before feeling his hand cupping and stroking between trembling thighs. Discovering warmth and wetness there he said almost as if speaking to himself, “you are just like her, aren’t you cunt?”

to be continued…

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