Life Of The Party by Casuallywritten

“Hi officer, I changed my mind, there’s been a bit of a mix-up,” Alex said in a blurted rush to the startled DPC collection officer standing in front of her.

“What, your Alex Whittleham right?” Came the stark reply from the officer.

“Well I submitted the form but…” alex froze for a second, “Sorry I mean I don’t know what happened I just got this notification about authorization and… and I think someone has tried to hack my account.” She said trying to look as innocent as possible.

“Right,” the officer said sarcastically. “Well, I don’t know what you think is happening. But I know for a fact that you did file the volunteer meat girl submission. The authorization link you clicked on is IP tracked, and it definitely came from this house. As far as I’m concerned the paperwork is already done and you have already given up your rights. Besides, I already have a purchase order for a meat girl about your grading. So we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way.”

It was then that Alex really noticed how tall and muscular the woman in front of her was. How stern her face looked and how little she made Alex feel by comparison. She doubted she could win in a fight against her.

“Alex is everything alright?” Her mother’s voice came from inside.

“Mom help!” Alex yelled as she turned to open the door, trying to escape back inside.

Every nerve in Alex’s body suddenly felt like it had been lit on fire. The shock of electricity coursing through her side, caused her muscles to lock up involuntarily and she let out a strangled yelp as she dropped to the floor. The collection officer holstered her taser and attached a set of cuffs to Alex’s wrists, pulling her arms to secure them behind her back. Alex struggled to maintain her consciousness as the officer pulled a gag across her face. Pulling the large black ball into her mouth and securing it tightly behind her head. A stream of dark yellow urine leaked out from Alex’s denim shorts pooling around her quivering body, as the officer started to cut off Alex’s top with practiced hands.

The door opened and Alex’s mother let out a shocked cry.

“What are you doing to my daughter!” She shrieked at the officer.

“Ma’am your daughter signed away her human rights to the DPC some fifteen minutes ago. I’m just here to collect her.” She said as she pulled away the cut fabric of Alex’s top with ease.

“No, no there has to be a mistake she has been with me for the last 15 minutes, there’s no way she could have.” Alex’s mom replied.

“Well I don’t know what to tell you, the volunteer form has already been submitted and approved. She is now the property of the DPC and I have a buy order already so we have to get moving.” The officer said snipping Alex’s bra and roughly pulling the fabric from under her. Alex struggled weakly as her now bare c-cup breasts were pressed against the concrete below, little stone digging into her nipples. Her mother looked on in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Please there has to be something we can do. Take me instead. Just let her go.” Her mom said pleading with the officer.

“No! look like I said it’s done. Her human rights are already gone and she is already the property of the DPC. Now I don’t know what the hell is going on with you two, but she is a legal adult and she has submitted a request to become a volunteer meat girl. As far as I’m concerned that’s all that matters, and I have a job to do here.” The officer said sternly, clearly sick of whatever drama was going on in this household. She wrinkled up her face as she bent low to cut off Alex’s short denim shorts, a dark patch of piss staining the side of the fabric.

“Then take me as well. I can’t go through this again. Let me volunteer as well so I can be with my daughter until the end.” Her mom said desperately, tears flowing freely down her flushed face.

“Whatever gets us done here quicker, you better not be as much trouble as your daughter here.” The officer replied, reaching onto her belt to pass a digital tablet to Alex’s mom. “Just fill your information into this and strip off, we are already running late.”

With drool slipping around her gag and down her chin, her hair matted onto her face mixing with her tears. Alex looked up at her mother trying to plead with her to not give herself up like this, she couldn’t let her mom die because of her own stupidity. Her desperate cries were muffled by the gag in her mouth.

Her mother for her part looked down at her lovingly but with a deep sadness in her eyes. Taking a deep breath and putting on a brave face she entered her details into the pad, before passing it back to the officer.

Alex shivered involuntarily as the officer peeled off her soaked shorts, before snipping and yanking off her panties. Now completely naked, Alex felt utterly helpless. The cool air tickled her hairless, wet crotch and thighs. The rough concrete grazed her skin with every small movement, and her jaw already ached from the large gag in her mouth. She looked on helplessly as her mother stripped off her own clothing, exposing her large d-cup breasts, and unshaved crotch. Despite her age, she was in reasonably good shape, with the exception of a few stretch marks here and there. Her breasts still held a fullness that Alex would have hoped hers matched when she grew that old. Meekly her mother obliged the officer as she turned around to have her hands bound, and opened her mouth when told to accept the gag. With little else left the officer closed the house door and yanked Alex to her feet. Grabbing her arms by the cuffs and marching her in front, with her mother shoulder to shoulder as she guided them to the collection van.

The short walk down the driveway felt like an eternity to Alex. With her face a mess, her legs wet from her piss and the skin of her breasts a little grazed from her rough treatment on the ground. She took unsteady steps on her wobbly legs, still a little weak from the taser. She couldn’t help but feel embarrassed and utterly mortified that she had gotten her mother into this mess. Her face flushed red when she noticed a gawking neighbor who had come to see what the commotion was about. She wished she had just listened to her mom and everything would have been ok. For her mother’s part, she walked with her head held high accepting her fate and trying to comfort her daughter with her strength. As they approached the van, the officer pulled open the doors of the back carriage before ushering the two women into the vehicle. Alex took one last desperate look outside, hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time she saw her neighborhood. The officer gave them one last look over before closing the doors, plunging the two women into darkness. Soon Alex heard the van start up and felt the momentum of the vehicle moving off the driveway. Struggling to keep her footing Alex managed to stay upright. However, she heard a muffled yelp from her mom, followed by a thump as she hit the floor. “Mmmff” Alex called into her gag as she stumbled around trying to find her mom in the dark. Her foot touched warm skin and she kneeled down to try and help her mother. Without the use of her hands she could do little to help her up, and instead, the two of them stabilized themselves against each other. Resting their backs against the wall of the van and trying their best to comfort each other. Alex felt terrible, her reckless attitude had ruined not only her own life but her mother’s as well, and now she would never get to go to that party. They would probably end up in some restaurant or butchers shop, a place where they would be cut up and displayed for hungry customers to fuss over.

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