Lost Empire 87 by pars001

Lost Empire 87 by pars001

Explore the thrilling adventure of 'Lost Empire 87' by pars001, an erotic sex story that ignites passion and desire. Dive into a world of seduction, mystery, and unforgettable encounters. Perfect for readers seeking captivating adult fiction. Unleash your fantasies today!<br/>

Large battle and death

0001 – Tempro

0003 – Conner- Thomas

0097 – Ace – Zimmel

0098 – Lucy

0101 – Shelby (mother ship)

0125 – Lars

0130 – Gillese

0200 – Ellen

0250 – Tendra

0301 – Rodrick

0403 – Johnathon

0505 – Craig

0660 – Realla

0778 – Jan

0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human)

0805 – Toran

0808 – Radella

0881 – Handrax

0908 – Tara – Mara

1000 – Sherry


Ungrown – unnumbered


0100 – Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians

so far


2 on Shelby both in re-gen

8 on Lucy


Known and OR numbered


0501 – Thaddeus

???? – Lena


missing – 0667 – Marco

0999 – Zan – still lost


Risen cursed as the ship started going further and further off course. “Try to stabilize the damn ship,” he yelled above the engine strain.

“Unable to comply, one of the stabilizing fins has been damaged. At the moment, control is ninety-nine percent impossible. Preset acceleration out of orbit must cycle through before control is re-established,” the computer said.

Risen was pissed, those damn Xetherans, he had half a mind to destroy the rest of them. Hell, one continent wasn’t going to be enough, no, more had to die for this offence.

A look at the readings showed that he wasn’t even near the damn planet. A growl escaped his lips as he fought to gain control. The only problem was that everything he did had no effect.

“We are now bouncing off the atmosphere. At present speed we won’t regain control for fifty-nine minutes,” the computer said.

“Damn it!” Risen growled as he watched the planet grow smaller and smaller as the ship started to gain speed.

It was at that moment that he realized that the ship was spinning. “We’re out of orbit, stabilize the damn ship!” Risen was almost screaming.

“Now bringing correcting thrusters online. Spin has been corrected, speed has now decreased,” the ship A.I. said.

Risen was staring at the displays, where in the hell was the planet? “Alright damnit! Where is the Xetheran Planet?”

“The planet in question is several days’ travel from our present location,” the A.I. replied.

“What! You piece of shit, you better start explaining before I gut your circuits,” Risen was growling.

“We were flung out of orbit at a high accelerated rate. Distance is still increasing, though with more control, that is slowing,” the A.I. said.

“Good, effect what repairs you can. Make for the planet with all haste. Will we have full systems when we arrive?” Risen asked.

“At present, we should have all weapons, all drives except trans-warp. Trans-warp should be eighty-five percent upon arrival. Shields are the only system that will take longer. They are at fifty-five percent, upon arrival they should be at seventy percent,” the A.I. said.

An evil smile came to Risen’s lips, “open a channel to the Xetheran planet.”

“It is open sir,” the A.I. said.

“Well Queen, you and your people have angered the offling of the partner. Death is approaching your planet, death that will be brought to the entire planet. Those that thought to destroy, have sealed the death of your planet. I will return in a few days to turn your pathetic race into the corpses that they are,” Risen said with glee in his voice.

“Can nothing spare our world?” Came the Queen’s voice.

“I am not sure, the death of ALL that are opposing the Queen. I will know, my scanners make yours appear to be toys. Though, I doubt that the fool rebels will allow this. I am just going to turn your primitive mud ball into a smoking pile of flames. You have a few days to prepare,” Risen said, issuing a truly evil laugh as he disconnected.

Another voice came over the com. “Ha! We showed that we are superior. You won’t even get close to us!”

Risen started to laugh almost uncontrollably, “What fools. I can destroy your whole planet without ever entering your atmosphere. It will truly be a great day when your worthless race is wiped from existence.”

There were several gasps from the comm, “none have that much power!”

Another laughing session, had Risen almost on the floor, “again fools. My power comes from the old emperors, it is more than sufficient. Prepare yourselves, you stupid fools. You have destroyed your world. I will make sure of that!”

Risen cut off the connection as an evil smile covered his face. Ah! The shrieks and screams of that world when he starts to severely thin their traitorous ranks.


Three shapes that closely resembled shadows, drifted through the Delcron capitol streets. They were working their way toward an almost drab, unnoticeable building.

They were several blocks away when the attack happened. The shadow in front met the ten in the front of the attacking group. Less than a minute later, there were at least forty Delcons gasping for breath or bleeding from wounds.

Greeson nodded to the other shadows, then vanished into the shadows also. The closer they got, the more Delcrons that Greeson was meeting. The last group of over two hundred, had him a little winded. He could swear he’d taken out at least a thousand in just two blocks.

Greeson took a deep breath, “it appears they are far more devoted than we thought.”

“Yes, it would appear so. Though, I have heard stories that the traitor’s family could beguile a great many. I am also afraid that they have a great many more. You have done well. I will take the next,” Kimon started.

“My intended, perhaps I should take the next? They appear to be sending more numbers, I do need the exercise,” Onai said.

Kimon considered it a moment then nodded, watching as Greeson backed up. Coming up on the final block, an almost continuous stream of Delcrons came at them. Two minutes later, it seemed as if almost five hundred bodies were piled before Onai.

Onai turned back toward Kimon, nodding. “You were correct my mate, they hardly posses any skill at all.” She turned toward Greeson, “I can also see how tedious it is to brush them aside. Mate? Do you think they will risk the entire clan?”

Kimon thought a moment then nodded, “as I remember, it was their way. They believe to exhaust an opponent, then the masters attack. A most dishonorable way to proceed, also deadly facing such as us.”

“I fear then that this will indeed be the true end of their clan,” Onai said as another group attacked them. This time it was a full three minutes before Onai stopped. Several hundred Delcrons were gasping, bleeding and lying at odd angles, then most of them stopped breathing.

A sad-faced Onai could only shake her head at the senseless slaughter that she and Greeson had dealt. “Shall I take over Masters? I have regained most of my energy,” Greeson said.

Kimon nodded as Onai stepped back, Greeson getting into position and taking a stance.

They turned a corner, then watched as what looked like a moving tide of Delcrons moved toward them. A broad smile came onto Greeson’s features as he started to sway, then spin. This didn’t seem to sway the approaching multitude.


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