Camping with Gearhart by Silverpen69

Camping with Gearhart by Silverpen69

Embark on a steamy adventure in 'Camping with Gearhart' by Silverpen69. Discover an erotic tale filled with passion, desire, and the thrill of romance under the stars. Perfect for those who crave enticing stories with unforgettable encounters. Dive into this seductive camping experience today!<br/>

Gearhart is Ron’s uncle visiting from Germany. He takes a special interest in Roon’s best friend and pushes their new relationship to the limits without letting Ron know

This is one of those stories that is based in fact and built on fantasy. It took place long ago while I was in my youth. I was fifteen years old at the time and what most men would call a late bloomer. I lived across the street from my best friend Ron. We had known each other from the time we were both five years old.

Now Ron’s family was of German descent. His father met his mom while serving in the military in Germany, married her and brought her back to the states. Ron had the German physique even as a fifteen-year-old with broad shoulders a handsome rigid jaw line and flaming red hair. Like his mom and dad, Ron was short at about five foot seven.

We use to do everything together, from riding bikes, to playing video games, to fishing and camping. Up until this point we had never done anything sexual together other than the usual “you show me yours and I’ll show you mine” games all young guys play as they are growing up. Ron was a lot more mature than I for his age; with a full bush of flaming red hair around his cock. He was beginning to sprout chest hair and had already started shaving, where I was just filling in my crotch patch, had no chest hair and only peach fuzz on my face.

It was the beginning of summer and Ron came running over to my house all excited. His uncle Gearhart was coming to visit from Germany and would be staying for three months. He had never met any of his relatives from Germany and was thrilled for the chance to do so.

When Gearhart arrived and I was introduced, I was a little surprised at his appearance. He was tall, about 6 feet and muscular built. (All Ron’s family were supposed to be short!) He had blond hair with just a hint of red and blue eyes. He had a smile that brightened any room he entered and an accent that was deep and rich.

Over the next few days Gearhart seemed drawn to Ron and I and wanted to go where we went and do what we did even though he was in his mid-twenties. When Ron suggested we go camping for a few days, Gearhart jumped at the chance to chaperone us, stating it was be great fun.

So, we gathered up our camping gear, (Ron and I each had our own tents and sleeping bags as well as fishing gear). Gearhart collected some extra blankets and a borrowed fishing pole while Ron’s mother outfitted us with enough food to last a month. We loaded up Ron’s dad’s truck and Gearhart drove us off to our destination, a favorite fishing and camping spot up in the pines about a three-hour drive from home on a small quiet lake.

Once we made it to the lake we began to unpack, and set up our tents. Instead of putting our tents side by side, Gearhart asked if we could put my tant on the opposite side of the camp stating that it was flatter ad there were less rocks. Ron had a smaller two-man pup tent while I had a four-man easy up tent. I told Gearhart before we left home, that I had more room in my tent and he could throw his bed roll in with me if he wanted, which he seemed happy to do. Once at the lake he wasted no time doing just that.

With our tents up and gear thrown inside, Ron and I grabbed our poles and took off for the lake. Gearhart chuckled and said he’d stay in camp and organize things a little better. We had been fishing for about an hour when I heard something in the bushes off to my left. I set my pole down and went to see what it was. As I stood, I could see Gearhart a little distance away staring out into the lake. I walked through the bushes and when I got closer, I got the shock of my life!

Gearhart was standing there with his pants pulled down below his cock and butt. His cock was the biggest one I had ever seen. It wasn’t rock hard but it was definitely part way there. I was amazed at its length and girth. I know I should have turned away but I couldn’t help myself from staring at it. My mind was in a state of confusion, everything I had been taught said to just turn around and walk away, but my heart was beating a mile a minute, my own cock was growing in my shorts and all I wanted to do was walk over and touch it.

Gearhart saw me gawking and smiled then tucked his cock back into his pants and pulled them the rest of the way up. “Sorry I was just taking a leak and the lake was so beautiful I guess I forgot to pull my pants back up.” He began to laugh and so did I. For the life of me I don’t know why I did what I did next.

“Ya” I said as I zipped my shorts zipper down. “It’s about time for me to piss as well.” I pulled my half hard cock out so Gearhart could see it, and started peeing. Gearhart licked his lips then started walking toward me. Suddenly he stopped and looked up. He cocked his head a couple of times as if to say something or someone was coming up from behind. I tucked my cock away just as Ron walked up and asked what we were doing.

For some reason, even though I shared everything with Ron this was one event I wanted to keep to myself. “Oh, Gearhart was just showing me a better place to fish. Right over there beyond the bushes.”

Once we were done fishing, we headed back to the campsite. Gearhart had a pile of wood stacked for burning and a campfire ready to be lit. We lit the fire and cooked hobo dinners for supper. We laughed and told stories into the night, until it was time for bed. Ron went to his tent and Gearhart and I went to mine.

“Where’s my sleeping bag?” I asked as I crawled into the tent. Gearhart had made a bed of blankets covering the entire tent floor.

“Well,” he began. “I thought I’d open your sleeping bag up and use it as a ground blanket. Then we could just climb under the covers like a regular bed and the ground wouldn’t be so cold.” If you don’t like the idea, I can change it and zip up your bag for you.”

It was late and I was tired and had no reason to think it wasn’t ok so I said sure. I then stripped down to my boxers and crawled under the blankets. Gearhart wasn’t far behind and I couldn’t help but notice his dick sticking out the fly in his boxers as he took his pants off. He quickly tucked it away without saying anything but I think it wasn’t before he was sure I saw it.

I started on my side of the covers and Gearhart on his, but the night was a little chilly for just a couple blankets and we somehow migrated toward each other. Gearhart was on his side facing me and his breaths were slow and even. I was sure he was asleep. I couldn’t help thinking about how big his cock was and so I laid on my side facing him, and in the darkness, slowly reached out to touch his crotch.

I felt the material of his boxer and found the fly hole. It was partially open and as I brushed my hand across it, I could feel his crotch hair poking through. Slowly I reached inside and felt his flaccid cock. It was warm and soft and felt good in my hand. A tingle began to go thru my body as I tried to pull his penis out the fly of his boxers so I could get a better feel without waking him up. His cock was bent in half as I began working it out slowly, I pushed it back a little until I got ahold of his uncut head.


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