“Doesn’t she just have a one-track mind?” I asked Jophiel.
“So I noticed, my Lord.” Jophiel smiled. Then she rose and grabbed my phone. She handed it back to me. “Please, my Lord, let us witness what my passion inspired.”
Sam liked breeding. What if her kiss made a woman fertile and want to be bred? That the next man the woman kissed would give her a miracle. I liked the idea. Sam would have fun with it. So I went to her Physical Menu and went to her Head Sub-Menu.
• Fat deposits
• Eyes
• Mouth
• Vocal Chords
• Cheekbones
• Nose
• Ears
• Hair
• Chin
I hoped this would work as I clicked on her Mouth Sub-Menu.
• Lips Hue
• Lips Plumpness
• Teeth
• Tongue Length
• Taste Acuity
I clicked through the various options, but I didn’t see any them that would work for my idea. I called it Fertile Lips and then went in and added what that meant. I put in the conditions of what her kiss would trigger if she willed it.
“Oh, my, that is naughty,” Jophiel said, leaning over to stare down at the phone, reading what I was typing upside down.
“What, what?” Anael asked. “Are you saying Jophiel inspired you to do something naughty, my Lord?”
“Yes,” I said as I backed out and switched over to the Mental Menu.
• Knowledge
• Personality
• Intellect
• Illness
“Then I’ve thoroughly corrupted her and prepared her for your service, my Lord.” Anael hugged Jophiel tight. “We’ve been having sex all around you. Just all over your house and bedroom.”
Jophiel’s cheeks blushed bright.
I grinned and opened Sam’s Knowledge Sub-Menu.
• Physical Skills
• Artistic Skills
• Sexual Skills
• Memory
And the Physical Skill Sub-Menu.
Physical Skills
• Talents
• Deletion
• Revision
• Addition
I added a new talent.
• Fertile Kisser: Sam Davies has learned the ability to trigger ovulation with a woman that will ensure she is impregnated on her next sexual encounter with a man. Sam discovered this ability in her dream. She knows that Steve Davies taught this skill to her. She can control it when she kisses, deciding when to use her ability.
Jophiel squirmed on my cock, sending a delicious pleasure through me.
Now it was time for one last thing. My favorite part of the editing app. It was located beneath the Spiritual Menu.
• Sexuality
• Faith
• Morality
• Social
I clicked on the Social Sub-Menu.
• Charisma
• Awareness
• Relationships
• Mores
People didn’t have the Aura Sub-Menu, but you could get that same result with the Relationship Sub-Menu by adding a global effect. There was more to this world than the physical. The Spiritual Menu let you do things that couldn’t be explained. It seemed to affect people’s souls, affecting their perception, their thoughts, their actions and morals. A list of her relationships popped up with me at the top followed by her mother, Becky, and her three friends.
At the top of her Relationship Sub-Menu, I edited in:
• Women know Sam Davies is an amazing kisser and desire to be kissed by her. Women will not say no to being kissed but will be eager for the delight.
• No one grows jealous if they see a romantic partner or significant other kissing Sam Davies. Instead, they are happy the women had the experience.
• Women who are kissed by Sam Davies know they will be bred with the next man they sleep with and are eager for it.
I loved this edit. Sam would be so happy. I hit the COMPILE button. The two options popped up.
I clicked yes and reality rippled. It washed around us, sweeping over Sam. I didn’t notice any change in her posture or her look, so I didn’t mess anything up. That was good. There was always this fear in me, the dread that I would permanently ruin someone. I almost did with Kyleigh, the first person I ever edited.
Sam done, I started thinking about other people I could edit. I had five more uses before I was done today. I thought about my other daughter, Becky. She was sleeping at her friend’s house, in bed with Tonya and her mother. The new Becky had become so much like her mother, bi and wanting to seduce women. To have fun with them or to bring them back to my bed so she could share them with me.
I wanted to give her a gift, too.
I headed into her menu, navigating to find her Breasts Sub-Menu. I made her breasts to be always busty and large, but also perky. I increased her nipple sensitivity and decided to make them a little larger, nice and fat and wonderful to suckle on. She would have orgasms just from breast play, lucky girl.
Then I opened up her Relationship Sub-Menu.
• Becky Davies’s breasts are irresistible to women. When they see them clothed, it excites them. When they see them naked, they want to play and fondle and suckle on them. Women will not resit if Becky Davies offers to let them touch her breasts.
• Women who touch Becky Davies breasts, no matter how straight, will grow aroused and will think about lesbian sex with Becky Davies. They will be eager to have a sexual experience with Becky Davies.
• Romantic partners and significant others of women who are seduced by Becky Davies do not feel jealous nor think it is weird. They are merely happy that their women had a lesbian experience with Becky Davies.
I did a few other tweaks, similar to what I did with Sam to keep Becky looking sexy all her life. Then I compiled her and switched over to my last child James. I did not look too close at the naked image of my son on the side of the screen as I pondered what to do with him.
“Suggestions?” I asked my angels.
“Let him get laid more,” said Anael. “I know he enjoys those girlfriends you made him, but they’re fun girls and don’t mind sharing him, and he deserves to get at least half as much pussy as his daddy, my Lord.”
“Anael!” gasped Jophiel. “Must you be so vulgar.”
“You’re right,” said Anael. “Your son deserves as much cunt as he wants to enjoy, my Lord. Better?”
Jophiel sighed.
That wasn’t a bad idea. I went through his physical menu, tweaking him to have the physical stamina to enjoy them if he wanted. He would have a lot of fun. He would stay strong and handsome in his own nerdy way. I could fix his vision, but glasses fit my son. Then I went to the Relationship Sub-Menu.
• Women are attracted to James Davies and will be more than willing to have sexual relations with him. If they are in a relationship, they won’t form any romantic attachments.
• The romantic partners and significant others of the women seduced by James do not feel any jealousy nor any humiliation for being a cuckold. They are merely happy for their women for experiencing pleasure with James.
“This needs something more,” I said, tapping my lip. Then I smiled. James wasn’t looking to have a harem. I chased an idea. He loved his girls and how could I spread that to other women and…
I found the perfect idea.
• Single women know that if they sleep with James, they will find their true love. Their souls will be drawn to the person that will be perfect for them to love. Their soul mate.
“That is something special, my Lord,” Jophiel said. “You will make so many women happy.”
“And their partners,” I said as I hit COMPILE and then YES.