Phantom Phallus – The Completed Saga by CarnationWriting

Fuck it, at least he could do this week’s schoolwork with no issues. Usually he’d be finding as many ways as possible to tuck away his boners, but the only upside to the incident with Celeste seemed to be that he didn’t have to worry about those anymore.

With every passing day, however, he grew more and more anxious. He tried to relieve his anxiety with all sorts of little hacks he’d found online, but none of it worked. His dreams had been getting stranger and stranger, and his waking hours were becoming more and more full of thoughts about Celeste rather than his schoolwork and daily life. Somehow, he was still infatuated with her. He didn’t hate her for what she did, but rather, he was scared of what she could do. And hell, if he was truly honest with himself, part of him wasn’t even scared – it was turned on.

He hated to admit it, but yes, a small part of him was curious to the point of arousal over what she was going to do with his severed cock. Especially now that he would be able to feel it. The closer it came to the day the spell would take effect, the more real it felt. He had no dick. Celeste had his dick on a fucking necklace. Hell, she was probably home right now, admiring how it looked as it hung between her perfect tits.

Justin laid on his side, staring at his bedside clock.


He wondered if it would take effect immediately, or be more gradual, like a limp “waking up” after sitting on it for too long.


God forbid she was doing something terribly painful with his poor manhood.


Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe she’d actually do something good.


I’d rather just have it back, but I don’t think that’s possible.


This would have to suffice for now. Maybe forever. Fuck, that thought made his stomach tighten a little.


He turned over onto his back and sighed, waiting. He was completely hyperaware right now, and his room felt uncomfortably quiet and still. He held his breath, closed his eyes – and gasped, sitting up quickly as he felt something. It was right in the place where his dick should’ve been, different from phantom limb syndrome. It was stronger, more realistic. Hell, it felt like he had his cock back, like it had been reattached. He was sure he could reach down now and grab a handful of his own balls, and the knowledge that he couldn’t do that was fucking with his brain.

His cock was… lying down? Yes, it felt like it was resting on something, something soft and warm… oh fuck.

It was between Celeste’s tits.

Pleasure suddenly flooded his body at the realization, a thrill that shook him from head to toe. Before he knew it, static splintered throughout his body as he came. It was all he could focus on for a moment, not caring how quickly and suddenly it had happened, not caring where his load ended up. He was simply bathing in the joy of regaining feeling in his cock, and the ecstasy of an unhindered orgasm. Then, as he laid in bed and let the shockwaves subside, he started to wonder if his dick had responded to the climax as well – was the recovered sense of feeling only in his own body, or was it a two-way street? Oh fuck, did I cum on Celeste? This thought, and the worries that came with it, played on repeat until he finally fell asleep.

The next day went by uneventfully, except that Justin texted his best friend to tell her that the spell had worked, and to thank her a million times over. He purposely neglected to mention the impromptu orgasm – was embarrassing, and therefore unnecessary. Monday arrived, and in the morning Justin found himself squirming as he opened his eyes from a groggy slumber. Something was happening to his dick. It was being held and caressed and then – placed somewhere. Somewhere rough but not painful, as if Celeste was trying to be careful with it.


Justin trudged through the long and boring day with nothing on his mind except for his dick. It was literally in Celeste’s hands, and he was still uncertain about her plan for him, if she had any. The bell rang to signal students to move to their final class of the day, and Justin felt dread start to worm its way into his belly as he thought about the class. No assignments, no projects, no presentations, but Celeste was there. Seeing her after avoiding her for this long – and possibly cumming on her tits and face without even being there – was going to be interesting at best, and devastating at worst.

But he had no choice.

The teacher was already droning on, two minutes before class was even supposed to start. Something about how they wouldn’t be using real chemicals for a while, but would be doing a digital simulation, and how they’d need to wear their lab coats when they did this in real life. Fuck, why did such a hard class have to be so damn boring? Boring classes were so much harder to pay attention to, and Justin already had to Google answers sometimes just to –

He suddenly gasped softly and gripped the edges of his desk as he felt his cock being stroked. First the tip of a soft finger, then a whole hand wrapped around it, as if he was being jerked off right here in the middle of class. A thought came to mind, but he pushed it away – there was no way it was true. There was no way Celeste had brought it to school, right? Doubt made him turn around momentarily, and his heart skipped a beat as he realized she was watching him. Her backpack was in her lap and her hand was buried inside. He must be right; she was jerking him off.

Too soon for his liking, she stopped and put her bag down, leaving him wanting more. Fuck, he’d give anything for her to touch it again. He was delirious with pleasure already, barely paying attention to the lesson, and he suddenly didn’t care about not having a dick attached to his body. Fuck it, he still had his dick. It was just in separate hands. Soft, delicate, skilled hands that he’d been dreaming about touching him since the very beginning.

The teacher continued to ramble about chemistry, to the point where Justin almost fell asleep. His ecstasy had faded and Celeste hadn’t touched him for a while, since the beginning of class. Still, the only thing keeping him awake was the anticipation for the next touch. When would it happen? Hell, would it happen again?

He jumped as he heard Celeste’s voice call the teacher’s name, who turned around from writing on the board and sighed at his student’s raised hand. “Yes, Miss Birch?”

“Can I go to the bathroom?”

“Is it an emergency?”

Celeste giggled. “Yes. It’s, um… a lady emergency.” She pulled a smaller purse out of her backpack, tapping on it to indicate that the contents were very necessary for her trip.

The teacher made a disgusted face and waved her off, and Celeste smiled as she stood up. Her skirt flowed perfectly around her thighs as she walked past Justin’s desk, and – did she just wink at him as she passed? He thought maybe he imagined it, but then, she had kissed him not too long ago, and she’d been stroking his dick earlier. Maybe a wink wasn’t all too unbelievable.

It took him about two minutes to realize that the wink was definitely intentional.

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