Ralph at 17: Fucking My Way Through High School by SnakeBiteRalph

Ralph at 17: Fucking My Way Through High School by SnakeBiteRalph

Discover Ralph's bold journey at 17 in 'Fucking My Way Through High School' by SnakeBiteRalph. This erotic sex story explores youthful desires, thrilling encounters, and the wild adventures of adolescence. Dive into a world of passion and exploration – perfect for fans of gritty teen romance. Read now!<br/>

When my new Indian friend preferred my big black dick over her boyfriends, even though he was the one who busted her cherry.

My High School Years In Misha’s Pussy

My name is Ralph. I am a light skin Black man. I am 17 years old. I am 6-2 in height and weigh 175 pounds. I am a senior in high school. I played on the basketball team.

So we are nearing the Thanksgiving holidays. The basketball cheerleaders decide to have a party. A hooky party. So we get to one of the cheerleader’s houses. Of course some one brought a few cases of beer. What is a party without beer.

Only half of the cheerleaders were there. We were having a great time. Then the rest of the cheerleaders arrived. There is one cheerleader that I had my eye on. Her name is Misha she is one of the tallest cheerleaders at 5-10. Misha is a milk chocolate Indian girl. She wears her long black hair in a braided ponytail. She has long legs and weighs about 145 pounds. Oh and I forgot, Misha has a real pretty face. So as the music is playing, I walked over to Misha who is sitting down talking to two of her cheerleader friends. I asked her if she wanted to dance. Her friends started smiling. Misha just got up and walked to where people were dancing. We danced to the tunes of two songs. I asked Misha does she have a boyfriend. Misha said why do you want to know. This one was a cagey one. I then said because I would like to take you to the movies or anywhere you choose. Then Misha said I have to think about it. So with that being said Misha walked back over to her two friends.

I then walked back to get a beer. I said damn this girl is playing hardball. Then I went back to talk to some of the guys on the basketball team. I asked some of them do you know if Misha on the cheerleading squad has a boyfriend. One guy said he has seen her with one older guy that does not go to this school. I then said to myself “DAMN”. Then one of the other basketball players started teasing me. Saying Ralph is looking for some Indian pussy. The rest of the guys started laughing. So then I see Misha dancing with some of the cheerleaders. I then walk over to them and asked Misha if she wanted to dance. Misha then said I am dancing. Her friends started laughing. Damn this girl was giving me a hard time. I then said I want to dance with you. Misha then said so why didn’t you say so. Her friends started laughing once again. Damn they must have thought that I was a joke. Damn this girl.

So we started dancing. I said you and your friends must think I am a joke. Every time I approach you and your friends all of you start laughing with your sharp remarks. Anyway did you decide if you will let me take you to the movies or a place of your choosing. Misha said no that she can’t go. I then said ok. We continued the dance. Then we both went out separate ways. Now the party was going on for three hours. The party was ending as the parents of the house would be coming home from work. And so we ended the party. So the next day at basketball practice the guys continued teasing me. At the other end of the gym the cheerleaders were also practicing. So now the starting five basketball players took a break. The coach was now working with the B team. I sat on the bleachers watching the cheerleaders practice. I was watching Misha. Damn Misha has a nice big ass.

I continued watching her. Her friends then tell her that I am watching her. All of them start to giggle. I continued watching Misha. After 5 minutes Misha looks at me. I smile. She turns away. Then I got up and went back to practice. This routine went on for 6 days. On the 6th day after practice and a nice shower I waited outside for Misha to come out. She was with two of her cheerleader friends. I approached them. I asked Misha could I talk to her. Misha said ok and her friends continued to walk away. They said see you tomorrow Misha.

Misha said so what do you want to talk to me about. I wanted to invite you to the pre Thanksgiving party at the community center. My friend’s father is the custodian of the community center. So my friend got his father’s keys to the community center and made copies. His father did not know about his son taking the keys and making copies. Misha said that she was already going. I then said oh well. Then Misha said sorry. Then Misha ran to catch up to her two friends.

So I get to the pre Thanksgiving day party on Saturday night with three of my friends. We all got beers and went over to more of the basketball team players and some of the football players. About 15 minutes later Misha and her two friends walked in. Damn all three of them looked hot. After 10 minutes I went over to Misha and asked her did she want to dance. Misha said yes. So we joined the crowd in the dancing area. There must have been 60 people dancing. Misha and I danced to 2 songs. She was having fun. For the first time she was smiling while dancing with me. I asked her was she having fun. Misha said yes and you really can dance good. I said thanks I try. Then the red lights come on as the brighter lights are off. Then slow music starts to play. I move towards Misha. Misha shakes her head as to say no. I said come on dance with me. Again she shook her head as if to say no. I then said are you afraid of me. I won’t bite. Then for whatever reason she took a step towards me.

We then embraced each other.

We were close and as the music played we got closer. I could feel the heat from her body. I then told Misha that she smells really good. Misha said thanks. I also said you look damn nice tonight. Misha had on black tight fitting pants and a white satin blouse. She had on black leather flats.

So during this long playing slow song I started massaging Misha’s back. I also drew her closer to me. By now my dick was already hard. I am quite sure that Misha felt the stiffness of my dick. Misha did not move away. We continued to dance. Then my hands were now resting on misha’s lower back and the beginning of Misha’s nice round ass. Misha then whispered in my ear, “Ralph take your hands off of my ass”.

So I returned my hands to massaging just the middle of her back. The funny thing is that Misha allowed me to brush her love triangle with my stiffen dick. Then the song ended. I then told Misha thanks for the dance. Misha smiled and walked away. I went back over to my friends. One of them started teasing me about Misha. So about 25 minutes had passed by. I was now dancing with Jill who was in my math class. We were having fun. I could actually see Misha looking at us. Then a slow song came on, the red lights came on and the regular lights were off again. We were dancing slow when Jill started grinding her love triangle on my hardened dick. Then she told me that somebody woke up down there.

I told her that she was responsible for making my dick hard. Jill said yep, and it’s so big. Then she slid one of her hands down to feel the bulged in my pants. Then Jill said WOW.

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