How Emily Became a Slut – part 1 by drewfhart

How Emily Became a Slut – part 1 by drewfhart

My name is Emily, and this is the story of how I have been sexually changed over the last couple years.

Little background, I am currently 45 Blonde and in decent shape. Growing up I was a spoiled very spoiled, my parents were well off and I thought I was better than anyone. I grew up in New Jersey suburbs in a wealth area and went to a private school, I dated some boys but never felt anything for them and remained a virgin. After high school I went to Princeton, I wanted to have my own career and majored in marketing and communications. Freshman year was eye opening for me being on my own, I was used to everything being done for me and not having to do anything. My grades were good, but I had no life since I thought I was better than everyone. The summer after my freshman year I just relaxed at my parents all summer by the pool which I love.

My sophomore year started the same until I met Bob a graduate of Princeton who came back to do lectures, he was 10 years older than me being 29 to my 19 at the time. Without wasting much time in how we did, but we began dating. He was the male version of me on how he was raised and acted like a younger version of my parents, and he was a virgin. For the next couple years while I finished college, we dated but never had sex, just kissing, and holding each other when some rubbing but that was it, and frankly I thought this was normal. After graduating he proposed and I accepted, I was just 22 to his 34 my parents liked him a lot since he was like son they never had.

Now the sexual background, being a goody too shoes I listened to everything my parents said, I already said I was a virgin, but I also never masturbated in high school. In college I tried it once but living with people, not knowing what to do made it feel wrong and I never did again. When I met Bob, he had similar history as I did, so I had no pressure. Like the old fashion way, I was a virgin on my wedding night, and as you can imagine it was nothing great both of us had no clue what we were doing and it hurt along with me uncomfortable, and he was done in seconds.

Bob and I married in 1999 and it was everything I expected, I worked for a company that he was a partner of. He treated me great, and we had everything we needed. We went on at least 3 vacations a year and hung out with couples like us. Sex with Bob was a weekly planned time on Sat nights, I didn’t know better and was fine with it. It was always the same we both would take a shower me taking one first, would get naked in bed under the sheets, he would finish his shower come in with lights off get under the cover kiss me get in top of me and we would have sex for a couple min before he finished in condom pull out and we took quick showers and went to bed, condom was agreed since we didn’t want kids. This went on every Saturday even on vacations, only my period would change plans. Our marriage went on like this until I hit 40 and woke up one day realizing something had to change.

The company I worked for as head of Marketing and Bob was a partner sold out to a new company, a national company. The company that bought us was made up of a many other similar companies they bought over the years to grow it to a new national company. As a partner Bob was offered to stay on a role that he was not thrilled about, so he took a big payout and decided he along with some other people would start a new company. I was offered my same role but now for the whole company not just the regional based company we were. Talking it over with Bob we agreed that I should take it to have the steady income and benefits so he could focus on the new company, the downsize would be that I would have to travel but after discussion we agreed because it was best, so I signed a three-year contract and stayed.

Well things were different for one thing my husband was not my boss and I had to travel all over the country. As I began traveling, I was meeting a lot of new people and in situations I was never in before. The biggest was I learned as an executive which I have become, most talks and decisions happened not in the office but at dinner and drinks at the hotel for late nights. I was a go to bed at 10pm every night person, and that’s when dinners were just about over, and drinks began. It took some adjusting but I had to do to say on top of things and be part of the team. I missed Bob a lot and we talked all the time; no sex was missed since that was Saturday. What started though was flirting by others either who I traveled with it visited on late nights, at first this bothered me, but I didn’t want to say anything because I saw other women getting flirted with and they enjoyed the attention.

Well on what trip I was traveling and staying at a hotel with Jen who was part of the fiancĂ© team who was traveling a lot like me to these new offices to understand what they did and how so we can make a new standard. On the 1st night we had dinner together with some drinks and we got to talking and she asked how I was enjoying the travel; she knew it was new for me. I told her it took some time to get into a groove but it’s fine now. She went on to say she has traveled a lot the biggest thing when she started that she missed was the sex with her hubby and winked and said all is good now. She then asked how about you and I said what do you mean, she said how do get by with sex since I travel a lot. I must have had a weird look on face, no one ever talked sex with me hell not even hubby, I finally said all good in that department, she smiled and said yep usually easier for us women. Well, the next couple weeks were the same when I traveled except for a night in St Louis. A group of us including Jen were at a big dinner and went back to the hotel and were having drinks, little too much wine. As we were sitting there, I felt tipsy but alert and was sitting next to Pete who has flirted a lot with me, and tonight was no exception. Usually, it was just comments but Pete at one point took his hand and out on my leg, I must have jumped at the touch and said softly not to bring attention to us what are you doing. He just looked at me and said he was just being nice and winked. Being tippy I just went back to the conversation at the table and left his hand there, which slowly moved up my leg. Sitting there in a daze I felt something I never felt before, I realized now it was how horned and wet I was, but at the time it was just wow. I finally excused myself and got up to go to the bathroom to calm down and regain my composure. When I came out Jen was coming in and said she noticed Pete was finally making a move in me, I said what she said don t worry he is a great Fuck enjoy. If anyone saw me, they would have seen me frozen with the strangest look on my face. I was like this for a minute and then just dashed up to my room for the night. I couldn’t sleep at all I continued to feel weird again not knowing but was horned as hell and wet like a pipe burst in bed.

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