My wife Sue taken in a van then raped by maxyorks
What happened when my wife was grabbed on the street one night. , They gathered round her in a ring. She was really scared as there was no-one around to help. She should never have gone this way home so late at night. Slowly they advanced, the ring closing around her. She knew it would be useless to try to run for it – she would not be able to break through the ring and she certainly could not outrun them. Her voice froze – she couldn’t even scream for help.
Hands grabbed her arms then bodies crushed in against her, hustling her along the pavement against her will then she was bundled into a large, closed transit van parked at the kerb. The doors were shut and the interior light went on.
“What have we got for ourselves tonight then lads?” asked the young man who appeared to be the ringleader. He reached towards her and slipped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her towards him with one hand while the other reached out to her blouse and grabbed her breasts. She struggled and tried to kick him but he jerked his knee into her and she doubled over in agony.
Hands from behind held her under her arms and lifted her back up to face him again. Again he reached out to grab her breasts and this time she held herself in check, still winded and pained from his knee.
“That’s better. You’d better realise that we shall all have you before the night is out – you can either enjoy it or struggle and we’ll use as much force as we need to but we’ll still have you only that way you get more bruised, understand?” She froze. He twisted her breast painfully and shouted at her “I said understand? I would appreciate an answer!”
She nodded, still unable to speak. She was playing for time. After all, the van was parked on a public road, there was limit to how much noise they could make without arousing suspicion – help may yet be at hand – perhaps someone saw her being dragged in.
However, her hopes were quickly dashed as she heard the ringleader bang on the van wall and the engine started up, the interior light went off and they moved off. There were no windows, she had no idea where they were going. Everyone settled down, the men round her, squatting on their haunches so she also squatted down, making herself into a small protective ball, her arms wrapped protectively round her knees. Surprisingly they left her alone for a while. Eventually she felt the van going down a rough lane or track of some sort and her stomach lurched. They must be in some pretty deserted place so no-one was likely to hear however much noise she made. after a few sharp turns and bumps the van rolled to a halt and the engine was switched off. She heard the driver’s door slam shut, footsteps round the van then the back door opened and the light went on.
Arms reached out to her again and she was lifted to the back of the van and helped out. She stood shivering as the ringleader spoke again.
“Look around you – nothing for miles. You can screech and shout if you like but no-one will hear you, that’s why we use this house. We can all have a good time then if you behave yourself we’ll drop you near where we picked you up and no harm done, except maybe a few little bruises. On the other hand, if you don’t play ball then we’ll be quite happy to persuade you, but in the end you’ll still get shagged just the same so lets go inside and have some fun. After you” he gestured as the bunch of them moved her towards a large house set in what looked like woods.
Someone opened the door and she found the house warm and well furnished, very obviously lived in. She was led to a large sitting room where a big fire blazed, the room being almost intolerably warm.
“We don’t want you to get cold when you strip off” he laughed as they closed the door behind themselves.
“Now, you can call me Rod, its not my real name of course. What shall we call you eh?”
A voice from behind called out “how about Cunt? That’s what she is going to be for the evening isn’t it!”
“No, that’s not very polite to our guest – accurate but not polite” he joked. “I know, we’ll call you Princess, after all, you look a bit up market. Now, someone get the Princess a drink. What would you like?”
She was struggling to cope with this. She did not want to give in and join in with them but on the other hand she knew that resistance would be futile, there were too many of them. Should she go down trying anyway or would that simply make things worse for herself.
She decided to try to reason with them and to be positive. “Wwwine pplease” she managed to stutter.
Her hand shook as she tried to drink from the glass they gave her. It was good wine she found herself noticing, despite what was going on around her.
“Look, if you take me back now, I’ll forget this and not make any trouble for you. I’m not going to take part in whatever it is you have planned, you’ve obviously got the wrong person. Let me go now and we’ll forget all about it.” She saw the grins on their faces and knew this was not working.
“Please, I beg you, please let me go – don’t do this.”
“What’s the matter? You are too old to be a virgin, you must have had lots of blokes by now so what difference will a few more make? I promise you we are all clean, there’s no way any of us want to get anything nasty so we are fussy who we pick up. You are obviously a bit upmarket, not a slapper, I would guess in your 30s, maybe 40s so you’ve been around a bit, know what its all about. Most women in their 40s would appreciate being shagged by some fit young blokes like us so just stop all this messing about and do what we tell you.”
“Yeah, get your tits out for a start” someone called and they all laughed.
Rod laughed, “well that’s as good a start as any, go on then, get them out for us, lets see what you’ve got.”
She tried to back away, she threw the glass at them and tried to make a break for it but strong hands grabbed her arms and held her.
Rod stood in front of her. “I’ll overlook that but its the only time I will. Now lets get this clear. We are going to shag the arse off you, make no mistake. We do this about once a month and tonight you happened to be the one, its pure luck who we grab, although we are quite fussy about appearance as I’ve explained. Now, either you do as you are told or I’ll have you stripped, your clothes will be ripped off which will make it tricky when we dump you back on the pavement tomorrow morning. In addition, to repay you for the trouble, I’ll have you tied to those rings” he pointed to rings set in the ceiling and lowered, like an airing rack, “hoisted up on tip toes then flogged with a riding crop across your back, your tits and your arse before we shag you so its up to you. Do you want to be shagged or would you prefer to be flogged then shagged?” As he had said this, someone had passed him a riding crop which he now slapped against his thigh to emphasis his point.
She did not want either but was scared of being flogged, she could see that he meant it. She dropped her head in submission and in acceptance of the unavoidable. He recognised it.