Not so Frozen Bk. 04 by 88girfriend,88girfriend

Thank you so much to my editor incredimeters

Book 4

It took Josef a minute to realize the knocking sound he was hearing was not in his imagination. “Mr. Josef,” came the voice of Kai, the chief steward of Arendelle.

Josef tried to nudge Elsie. She didn’t move. He tried again. She was still completely out.

“Yes,” shouted Josef at the door hoping to buy some time.

“The Queen sent me,” Kai said, “with a change of clothes and some toiletries for you.”

Josef did his best to bury Elsie in the blankets so Kai would not see her. He then got up, put on his pants from the night before and opened the door.

“Morning.” Josef smiled nervously. “Kai, right?”

Kai appraised Josef as if he were a piece of furniture that need to be moved to the attic. Josef smiled and tried to shield the bed from sight as much as possible. Kai’s face was unreadable. The two men stared at each other for what seemed like forever. It was though Kai was looking directly into his soul. Josef flinched first and had to look away.

Kai snapped his fingers, “per Her Majesties instructions.” Two men carried in a tub of steaming hot water. A maid servant brought in a small pile of clothes and a third man brought in a tray covered by a silver dome. “Her Majesty wishes you a good morning. She has chosen to sleep in and would like you to join her for brunch at 10. That should give you plenty of time to wash and meet her downstairs.”

Elsie moved under the sheets. Kai was about to look in her direction so Josef sneezed on Kai’s coat to bring his attention back to Josef. Josef found his handkerchief in his pocket and began to mop at the imaginary spital on Kai’s coat. “I am so sorry,” Josef apologized.

Kai stepped back out of Josef’s range. Then ran his finger over a nearby desk. Kai’s finger came back slightly dusty. “It is I who am sorry, Mr. Josef. We do not usually put guests in this room. Please call when you have left for brunch and I will personally over see this room is properly refreshed.”

Josef feared he had just added hours of butter churning or potato peeling to someone’s list of chores today as punishment for not getting this room ready fast enough.

“Very good sir.” With that Kai left and Josef got the door closed just in time before Elsie smelled breakfast and woke up.

Elsie walked over to the silver tray and pulled off the cover. She popped a few strawberries into her mouth. Josef watch in amazement and with no small amount of longing. He was transfixed. What would it be like to wake up like this every morning? He stood there and watched Elsie. “Is it morning?” Elsie asked her cheeks slightly puffed out with pancakes.

Josef motioned for her to keep her voice down as he took a quick peak out the door. Just as he suspected Kai had left Inga behind as a guard. He looked over at Elsie, she had moved onto the yogurt. “I don’t want to alarm you, but we’re trapped. Inga is out there but I have a plan. Once we are ready, I will distract her by asking her about that wardrobe again.” Josef mentally winced, “You should be able to slip out once we’re gone.” Josef began to rub his chin. “The hard part will be getting you back to your room unseen. When you freeze people, do they remember anything after?”

Before she could answer Josef’s mind came up with another plan, “Or better yet, I could start a small fire in one of the rooms. That should easily keep everyone busy for several minutes and then you can show up, put out the fire, and you’ll be a hero.”

Elsie kissed Josef on the lips. She knew that would stop his scheming mind in its tracks and it did. Josef’s mind was blank save for how much he wanted yogurt at that particular moment. “I love that you want to protect my honor but I don’t care what the servants see or think.”

Josef’s look said you should. “Fine,” Elsie sighed, “Since my virtue means that much to you, I will leave the same way I came, through the secret passage behind that painting over there,” Elsie looked over her shoulder.

“That’s why you wanted me in this room.” Josef exclaimed after his ah-ha moment had passed. “You wanted to be able to sneak up here anytime you wanted and have your way with me.”

“You bet your boots I did!” She kissed him again. “Now, eat before it gets cold.”

They both looked down at the empty plate. Elsie smiled that mischievous grin that Josef loved. “Ops. I seem to have eaten your breakfast.”

“It’s fine, Elsie,” he explained. “I have gone days without food. I’m sure that I can last a few hours.”

“Yes, but you really should have something,” Elsie insisted.

Josef led Elsie back to the bed and had her sit. Then he knelt in front of her. “What are you doing?” Elsie asked.

“Having breakfast.” Josef insisted.

“No, really, what do you want for breakfast?” Elsie asked.

“Just you,” Josef responded as he pushed her onto the bed.

He spread her legs and dove face first into her pussy. It wasn’t wet, but it soon would be. Her pubic hair was so thin and so blonde it was almost like a blanket of snow on her mound. He kissed her inner thighs and then the outer lips of her labia. He brought his right arm around her leg so he could move the hood of her vagina aside and play with her clit while he licked her inner labia. Elsie started to buck a little and he hoped that it meant he was doing a good job. She began to run her fingers through his hair and began to massage his scalp.

The top of Josef’s head began to tingle. She moaned softly and Josef played a little harder with her love button. She was very wet now either because of arousal or him playing with her pussy or both. Josef’s efforts were soon rewarded by Elsie bucking several times and then calling out his name. “Oh, J-OOOOSSSSEEEF!”

Elsie took several minutes to catch her breath. Then she swung her legs over Josef’s head and onto the floor next to him. She beckoned him to rise and then motioned him over. “What’s wrong Elsie?”

“Nothing’s wrong, Josef, but I’m still hungry,” Elsie explained.

She unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor. Still seated she leaned forward and began to suck on his stiffening shaft. Elsie was not able to get all of his dick in her mouth. She assumed with practice she would be able to someday but for now she was just hoping to get it lubricated. She cupped his balls in one hand and gave them a good lick from time to time. After a few more long swallows Elsie managed to get most of his member into her mouth and down her throat. She looked up at Josef. He was beaming with pride.

Elsie moved back taking his cock out of her mouth than swiveled around and got up on the bed with her butt in the air. She wiggled it for Josef. “I hear some girls like to make love this way,” Elsie said.

“Some do, yes,” Josef answered leaning over to kiss Elsie’s firm tiny ass.

“I’d like to try it.” She said with another ass wiggle.

“Your wish is my command, Your Majesty,” Josef responded.

Elsie didn’t know what to expect, the nervousness was building to the point that her stomach hurt a little. She had chosen to lay on the bed right where she was for a reason. Like last night, she was directly opposite the full-length mirror. She wanted to watch herself being taken again. The thought of being ravaged by Josef was making her wet and the thought of watching him do it in the mirror was making her even wetter. She stared transfixed as he straightened up and moved to put his cock in her.

Between her natural juices and the lubrication provided by Elsie, Josef’s shaft sank into Elsie with little to no resistance. They were not quite in sync at first as Josef was so tall but with Elsie extending her back a little and a slight boost, she got from standing on the blankets they lined up a little better. Elsie loved watching herself get fucked by this huge, handsome man. Then she saw his face in the mirror and the expression of pure ecstasy on his face took her pleasure to a whole new world.

“Can you push harder?” Elsie asked.

Josef pulled almost out of her then rammed back into her a little harder. “That’s it, Josef, but harder please and faster.”

“Yes, My Queen,” he answered obediently.

Josef doubled the force of the previous ramming and quickened his pace. Elsie let out a little yelp.

“Elsie?” Josef asked concerned he had done it too hard.

“Harder and faster Josef,” she repeated standing on her tip toes.

Josef obeyed and with every stroke he increased the force of his lunges and Elsie let out an increasingly loud moan. There was suddenly a knock at the door, “Mr. Josef are you alright?” asked Inga from the other side of the door.

Somewhere along the way Elsie’s moans must have increased to a level that could be heard outside of the room. To Josef’s credit his brain was still able to think fast. “Oh, sorry that was me. I seem to have stubbed my toe on the bed.”

“Oh no. Let me go get Mistress Elsie, she can ice it in for you.” Inga said, trying to be helpful.

Josef kept thrusting into Elsie. The distraction of talking to Inga was preventing him from coming, but not Elsie. She had already had one orgasm and was working on another. The door handle started to lift, “I think I really should have a look at it.”

“No Inga, I was washing and I am not decent.” Josef explained.

Inga’s voice turned sultry, “I don’t mind if you don’t Mr. Josef.”

Elsie’s mind had a quick day dream of Inga coming in and finding the two of them making love. Elsie then devised a plan. She would order the attractive girl to stand and watch as Josef finished filling Elsie with his seed. Elsie had no idea why the thought of another person watching them made her feel so empowered, but it did.

Elsie was about to order the girl to enter, when Josef’s voice brought her back from her vision. “I’ll be fine Inga. Thank you.”

“If you change your mind Mr. Josef I’m right here. Mr. Kai told me to give you whatever you want.” Her tone implied, and that includes me.

“Thank you,” Josef answered handing Elsie a pillow to stifle her screams.

Elsie tapped Josef on the leg and he stopped. She turned and pantomimed, what Josef assumed was, call out to Inga and have her join us. As that seemed a little strange to Josef, he bent close and whispered very softly in her ear, “You want me to call Inga in?”

Elsa nodded yes, energetically. We’re going to destroy Anna and Kris at charades tomorrow night, thought Elsie. “Actually Inga,” Josef said tentatively. He didn’t know what Elsie had in mind for them and wanted to be prepared for anything, “I could use some help.”

Inga must have been standing at the door hoping Josef would call as she entered the room in an instant. “Anything you need Mr. Josef anything at all…oh,” said Inga coming into the room and then stopping in shock at the sight of Elsie, naked and laying across the bed with her ass in the air.

Inga tried to run but Elsie raised her hand and fired a quick burst of blue lightning from her hand. With excellent marksmanship the lightning hit the door knob and froze it solid. Inga tried to pull at it for good measure but it wouldn’t budge. Elsie waved her index finger back and forth in a naughty, naughty gesture. The look of resignation on the girl’s face, almost made Elsie cum right then. In fact, she kind of did a little. With her whole hand she beckoned Inga over.

Inga began to shake like it was 40 degrees in the room. She was terrified by what she thought was going to happen. She was almost certain Elsie would turn her into an ice statue at any minute. “Y-o-u-r M-a-j-e-s-t-y,” Inga could barely talk.

“Inga, would you be a dear and move that mirror closer to the bed?” Elsie asked politely.

Elsie didn’t know who was more shocked, Inga or Josef. Josef’s was intrigued. Inga was just happy to still be breathing. Inga moved the mirror as instructed. “Here, Your Majesty?” Inga asked.

Elsa motioned Inga to move it a little more to the left, then gave her the palm up gesture meaning stop. “Inga, that’s perfect. Thank you.”

Inga started to relax noticeable now that she was back in the comfortable role of servant. Josef was getting seriously aroused by watching Elsie order Inga around. Inga smiled and thought, Jenny (The upstairs maid and Inga’s best friend), will be so jealous. Mr. Josef is so big. Inga curtsied and asked. “Will there be anything else, Your Majesty?”

Elsie straightened up and pointed to the book shelf. “Yes, bring me three thick volumes from the book shelf over there, please.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Inga said obediently.

While Inga brought the books, Elsie picked up the blanket that she had been using to lift herself up a little, off the floor and threw it on the bed. Inga handed the books to Elsie who took them and put them in a row on the floor where she had been standing just moments before. Elsie whispered in Inga’s ear, “We won’t tell Great Aunt Belle.” The women giggled conspiratorially like school girls sharing the location of a secret snack stash.

Elsie took a step up and bent over the bed again, her ass slightly higher than it was before. Through her legs she looked at Josef who was looking more confused than ever. “What do you think?” asked Elsie.

“Perfect. Your Majesty,” said Inga as she would have agreed with anything Elsie said.

“I don’t know,” answered Josef.

“Well, come over here and try it out,” Elsie said bending over again.

Josef walked up and it finally dawned on him. Her ass was just a little higher than his dick. It should be much easier for him to take her from behind now. His cock was not as covered in Elsie’s cum as it had been after all this time in the open air. He stroked his dick a couple of times and was rewarded with a generous helping of precum. He rubbed it onto his shaft and prepared to get back to work. Inga watching doe-eyed. She had begun to breath heavily and Josef was a little worried she might faint. “It’s so big,” Inga said, forgetting where she was and her station in life.

“It sure is,” Elsie said nonchalantly, as Josef put his dick inch by inch back in Elsie drenched pussy. “And he fills me up so much. Do you have a man, Inga?”

Inga was so distracted by the scene playing out in front of her she didn’t respond with her usual speed. “Me, Your Majesty?” Inga blushed.

“Yes. You,” Elsie confirmed.

Josef wanted to draw this session out and so he was going at a snail’s pace but with long deep strokes. “Oh, Josef just like that.” Elsie said, “A pretty girl like you. I would think you have them lined up.” Elsie complimented.

Inga didn’t say anything she just reddened more. “Isn’t she pretty Josef?” Elsie asked.

“Yes,” Josef said, “Very.”

“No, Your Majesty. No man for me. Dah has tried a couple of suiters for me,” Inga sighed “They all think I’m too fidgety.”

“I know that’s not true. I think you’re pretty. In fact,” Elsie smirked, “you’re so pretty I want to see more of you.”

“Your Majesty?” Inga was not sure what was happening.

“Come over here,” Elsie patted the other side of the bed, “Sit facing the mirror.”

Inga did as she was told and sat with her back to Elsie. “See you are lovely,” Elsie said as she started to untie the back of Inga’s dress. Josef stopped thrusting and then pulled his dick out. He took his cock in his own hands and started to rub it just enough so that it would maintain its rigidity. Josef only had eyes for Elsie but he was a man after all and seeing another woman naked definitely appealed to him.

“Your Majesty, I don’t think this is right,” said Inga half-heartedly.

“I do. You have seen us with-out clothes and I want to see you the same way.” Elsie’s voice was as sweet as honey, “It’s only fair.”

“You really think I’m pretty, Your Majesty?” Inga asked.

“Very,” answered Elsie anticipating the question. “And I’d say from how hard you’re making Josef, he does too.”

Inga stared into the mirror at Josef’s reflection.

Elsie was not really sure if Josef’s erection stemmed from the thought of seeing Inga naked but Inga didn’t know either and it seemed to crush the last of the girl’s resistance. Elsie had to admit this was a lot of fun. She had moved from just curious about what the girl looked like to real desire. Elsie motioned Inga to rise and as she stood the dress fell. “Turn around Inga,” Elsie ordered.

Inga complied slowly. Elsie guessed the mousy woman could not be five feet tall and probably less than 90 pounds. Elsie knew Anna kept her people well fed so the woman thinness was not due to lack of food. “Inga you’re so lovely,” Elsie praised, “I want to see more. Off with the under clothes.”

Inga was going to protest but one look from Elsie and she complied. Her slip had a draw string that Inga loosened and then let the garment fall off her shoulders exposing her very small almost boyish chest. Inga’s skin was milky white with a smattering of freckles like constellation all over her body. Her nipples were small with nearly no areola. “Inga, oh Inga, let down your hair,” Elsie paraphrased.

Inga gave Elsie a quick smile, then pulled the pins that held her hair in a bun and Elsie was pleased to discover, Inga’s chocolate brown hair was almost as long as hers. Inga was looking everywhere except at Elsie and Josef, afraid she might see disapproval or even disgust in their glares. Nothing could have been further from what Elsie and Josef were feeling. “The briefs too, please.” It took every bit of Elsie’s strength to keep the craving out of her voice.

Inga finally balked. “Your Majesty…”

Elsie loved her shyness but would have no more of her defiance, “Now,” she ordered, icily.

Inga complied and stood before them completely naked. Josef’s heart was beating fast. He could not believe how erotic it was to watch Elsie play with this servant girl. There was also the fact that Inga was very attractive in a boyish way. Elsie had to admit that this kind of play was a heady-brew to be sure.

“Josef, if you would be so kind. Seeing Inga naked has made me very aroused.” Elsie said as though she were telling him she wanted more syrup on her pancakes. Josef’s cock still at full masted and dripping with precum easily went back into Elsie’s cave. Inga let out a little yelp at the sight of them starting to make love again and then she looked away quickly. “Look at us,” Elsie ordered.

Inga’s eyes moved back and she was rewarded with a, “good girl,” from Elsie.

Having Inga watch them was taking Elsie to all new levels of erotic thoughts. Josef’s dick was not in any way impaired by having someone else in the room watching them either. If anything, he felt harder than ever. That was good as Elsie was looking forward to exploring this exhibitionistic experience again in the future. Elsie was so lost in her own lust thought that she nearly didn’t notice that Inga’s hand, almost of its own free-will had moved to the woman’s furry crotch and she was touching herself.

Elsie saw Inga playing with herself, and Inga saw that Elsie saw her and so Inga pulled her hand back. “No Elsie,” ordered. Inga didn’t know if Elsie meant, no don’t play with yourself or no don’t stop. Elsie clarified. “Don’t stop touching yourself Inga. It makes it more pleasurable to know you are enjoying watching us.”

Inga didn’t move.

Elsie switched to a questioning tone, “You are enjoying watching us?”

“Oh, yes Your Majesty.” Inga let out the breath she had been holding, “Very much. It’s…”

“What, my pet?” Elsie thought my Pet indeed.

“May I sit down?” Inga asked.

“Of course, how rude of me. Grab that chair,” said Elsie closing her eyes. “But you better hurry because Josef is making me cum again.”

Inga moved like lighting and grabbed the chair. Elsie shot another stream of blue light forming a small ice spot on the floor off to the left of the mirror indicating where she wanted Inga to put the chair. Elsie didn’t want Inga to sit in front of the mirror as she was still enjoying watching Josef fuck her. Inga sat, spread her legs and started to play with herself again but with a great deal more vigor.

“Looks like this is not the first time you have played this game, Inga.” Elsie commented.

Inga reddened, “No, Your Majesty.”

“Have you ever watched anyone else?” asked Elsie.

Inga was silent.

“Inga?” Elsie asked.

“My roommate, Jenny, brings her man over from time to time and they, well, they get friendly. Especial after a festival. I pretend that I’m a sleep and they don’t know I’m watching,” Inga confessed. “Then once I know they are asleep I play with myself.”

“I hope watching us is more fun than watching them,” Josef said.

“Way better,” Inga gushed. “It’s so much nicer to be naked and touch myself while I’m watching and Josef is so much handsomer. You too Your Majesty,” Inga added at the last minute.

“I’ve never been called handsome before,” Elsa Joked.

“Lovely, Your Majesty,” Inga corrected. “You’re more lovely than Jenny.”

“You’re more lovely than any other woman in the world,” Josef affirmed. If Elsie was going to play so was, he, “Inga, you’re a close second.”

Inga beamed. Elsie gave Josef a wink.

Talking was helping Josef stay focused enough to prevent his balls from exploding. Despite Elsie’s request, he had been trying to hold back as much as possible. He hoped the shock of having someone here watching them would help to suppress his need for release, but the fact that Inga was present and playing with herself, was only making it harder. Josef could tell from Elsie’s wetness and pussy contractions that she was enjoying playing with her new voyeuristic doll. He wondered how much further Elsie was going to take things. He hoped a lot further.

He was brought back to reality by Elsie’s voice. “That’s it, Inga. Play with yourself. Show me how much you like looking at my man.”

Inga had put two of the fingers on her left hand into her pussy and was playing with her clit with her other hand. The girl was breathing hard and looked to Josef like she might pass out at any moment. Her right hand was almost a blur from where Josef stood. “Oh, Your Majesty.” Inga said not loud but louder than Josef had ever heard her speak, “You are so wonderful, and beautiful and sexy.” Her hand stopped, her eyes rolled back and she went limp in the chair. Josef was a little concerned but then her body spasmed and she let out a series of “humf, humf, humf” noises.

Elsie having spent the last several minutes watching Inga touch herself, decided to give the woman’s method a try. Her pussy was currently occupied by Josef’s cock but when she reached under herself and back between her legs, she found what felt like a little bump. Josef was already doing a great job of taking care of her needs but touching the hood that covered her clit was like the cherry on top. She started to feel the usual tingling feeling between her legs but unlike before it was building much faster. Every time Josef plunged his cock in it sent a flood of pleasure through her.

Josef could see Inga was still watching. He knew Elsie had cum several times. He got back to full speed and strength. Elsie completely forgot about Inga and focused on how good her pussy felt. Josef discovered the mirror for the first time and saw the look of pleasure on Elsie’s face from his efforts. “You are such a naughty woman, Elsie.”

“You don’t seem to mind,” Elsie shot back.

“Oh, I don’t,” Josef grunted, “I love how you’ve corrupted this girl.”

Josef was now pounding Elsie as hard as he could. He was holding nothing back. Sweat was rolling down his fore head and into his eyes. He tried to wipe it away but he just made it worse. It burned. Fortunately, Inga who was used to anticipating her employer’s needs, had recovered enough to get up, grab a cloth and come over to wipe his brow. Inga continued watched Elsie get fucked from the Josef perspective. She started to rub her kitty again.

“Go ahead Inga.” Elsie said staring at them in the mirror, “You know you want to.”

Josef felt Inga’s hand first brush against his butt then caress it and finally cup it and give it a good squeeze. His legs ached and dick was tingling. He felt a pull on his balls like someone was squeezing them. The pain was exquisite and then he released. Josef injected Elsie with all of his cum. Stream after stream shot into her womb. Once he was completely spent, he pulled out a residual string of sticky cum connecting him to Elsie as he backed away. He had cum so much that he had filled Elsie’s cave to the brim and now the extra was beginning to leak out and down her leg.

“May I clean you, Your Majesty.” Inga asked.

“Of course,” Elsie answered.

Elsie had expected the girl to use a cloth or the bed sheet but instead Inga was on all fours behind Elsie in an instant. Inga started at just behind Elsie’s left knee and started to lick every drop of Josef’s cum off the back of Elsie’s leg. When Inga got to Elsie’s butt, she started kissing Elsie ass. Elsie straightened up. She let Inga kiss her back side for several minutes. It was really nice. Elsie saw Josef was getting a little hard again from watching Inga. She smiled at Josef.

“You have done a great job but now, sit on the bed, Inga,” Elsie ordered and motioned Josef over.

“Open your mouth, Inga.” Elsie commanded.

Inga was pretty sure what was going to come next and so she complied rapidly. Elsie walked Josef over and inserted his dick into Inga’s mouth. Inga just sat there looking at Elsie waiting for the next command. Finally, Elsie ordered her, “Clean him.”

Inga got to work with relish. Elsie walked to stand behind Josef. She cupped both of his butt cheeks as Inga sucked Josef’s cock. “She is such a good servant, isn’t she?”

“Very,” Josef answered, starting the feel his cock rejuvenate.

“I want to keep her,” Elsie commented as though she were talking about a cocker spaniel. Inga was thrilled at how events were turned out and sucked Josef harder.

“Whatever you want, Your Majesty,” He mimicked Inga.

Elsie put a hand on Inga’s shoulder and the girl let Josef’s cock fall out of her mouth. “Inga, how would you like to be my personal secretary going forward?” Elsie asked.

“Oh, yes, Your Majesty,” Inga practically jumped up and down. “I would give anything to be your personal secretary.”

“Even If it means leaving the castle?” Elsie expected the girl to hesitate but she didn’t.

“I would follow you and Mr. Josef anywhere,” Inga replied without hesitation.

“I will speak with Anna but I am pretty sure she won’t mind. Be ready to move your things to quarters adjacent to mine this afternoon.” Inga beamed.

Chapter 2

As before, because of their morning exercise, the water that had been warm was now room temperature. Once again, Elsie thought of Bruno and how he could have had the whole tub of water to a comfortable warm temperature in minutes if only he were here. Since she required the littlest clean up, they worked to get Inga ready first. Then they moved on to Josef.

The cold water turned out to be a good thing as it kept Josef from getting too excited as Elsie and Inga helped Josef wash up. The clothes that Kai brought fit but were a little snug. Elsie gave him a kiss. “I’m not a tailor like you are,” Elsie apologized.

“My fault for being impulsive. I should have packed more,” he said and sighed heavily. Is there a reason we can’t just stay in here all day?” Josef asked, and Inga dared to hope.

“Because,” Elsie said narrowly avoiding Josef’s grasp and the kiss that would undoubtedly follow, “Anna wants us for brunch. Besides I need to know what she wanted to tell me.”

“Fine. Off you go to your room. Inga can take me to the dining room and I will see you a little later.” Josef said loosening his tie. Elsie walked over to Inga and much to everyone’s surprise especially herself, she kissed Inga full on the lips and stroked Inga’s cheek. “Until tonight, my pet.”

Inga’s smile could have lit the room. Elsie then kissed Josef and whispered, “Think of all the fun things we can make her do.” Then like angel she left through the secrete passage. Josef sent Inga out first to make sure the coast was clear. He counted to ten making sure Elsie was gone then looked down at his left hand and the ring that had been a piece of him for so many years. Then he looked at himself in the mirror. Letting out a deep sigh he asked his reflection “Are sure you want to do this?”

Back in her room Elsie cleaned herself up and put on a lavender dress with magenta crystal accents. It was nice to be doing more on her own. Then without using her powers see put her hair up like she had on her coronation day. She did however add a few snowflakes to her hair and a crystal tiara. I mean, she was the Ice Queen after all. She had a reputation to maintain.

She could hear her brother-in-law and Josef already in the dining hall talking heatedly about wolves and farmers. “Why can’t the people of Arendelle see that they are taking land that does not belong to them. Look at the Northlanders. They live in concert with the local wild life,” argued Josef.

“Yes, but the Northlanders don’t really have a choice.” Kris laughed, “You ever tried to take something from a rock giant or a fire salamander?” Kris responded.

Josef slammed his palm down on the table, “But taking from the wolves is ok because they are weaker than us. The wolf packs have hunted those lands for centuries. If your people keep cutting down trees and taking more and more of the forest, they had better be ready to lose a chicken or two from time to time,” Josef warned.

Josef is so sexy when he talked about something passionately Elsie thought. “What would you have us do Josef?” asked Kris. “We need the room. The city keeps growing and we need the food for ourself and for exports.”

“Good to see you boys are getting along,” Elsie said as she entered the room.

“There is only so much land Elsie,” Kris said, “and unlike the Northlanders we don’t migrate with the seasons.”

Elsie thought for a moment as she poured herself a cup of tea. She turned to Kris and Josef, an idea suddenly coming to her. “What about the north mountain?”

“That area is too hilly and dry for farming,” Kris said.

“There is no game there for the wolves to hunt either,” Josef added.

“Right,” Elsie continued undaunted, “but I happen to know a few giants that could flatten it for you and a certain horse spirit that could help me reroute a stream or two. The farms could use the new streams for irrigation. It would be hard work but no harder than cutting down trees and guarding their livestock round the clock,” Elsie offered.

“You know, that’s not a bad idea.” Kris pulled out a map and started to really think about Elsie’s new idea.

Then she turned to Josef, “that will leave the existing forest for Fenrir and his family.”

Josef smiled up at Elsie as she sat in the vacant chair next to him. “You know I love you?” Josef kissed Elsie.

“Now that I have solved all the kingdom’s problems. Where’s Anna?”

“She’s been up all night, her…” Kris began and then trailed off.

“Is she sick? What can we do?” Elsie looked so alarmed that Kris’s resolve to keep the secret broke.

“She wanted to tell you herself, so Elsie if I tell you now, you have to promise to look surprised when she tells you later, OK?” Kris offered.

“OK,” Elsie and Josef said in unison.

Kris looked to the left and right conspiratorially, “Anna has been really tired and nauseous most mornings lately. We’re pretty sure she’s…”

Elsie’s mind connected the dots before Kris could finish his statement. Her mind was blown. How could Anna, her little sister be pregnant. She was going to be an aunt. Elsie came around the table and hugged the father to be. “Oh, Kris.” She interrupted Kris. “I am so happy for you. You are going to be such a good father and she will be the best mother, ever.”

“Who will be the best mother ever?” Anna asked from the door way. She gave Kris a withering look. “Kris?”

“What? I didn’t tell them anything.” He protested, “She didn’t give me the chance,” He mumbled.

Anna walked behind Kris and kissed the top of his head as she walked by on the way to the head of the table. “Well now you know. You ready to be Aunt Elsie.” Anna asked.

The two girls giggled and started talking over each other. Josef and Kris had the good sense to stay out of the way. This went on for several minutes until finally, Elsie turned to Josef. “You are good at everything else, how are you at carving?”

“Not as good as you at ice making. I can provide you with the finest pelts for diapers and swaddling blankets though,” he said, his face unreadable.

“What’s wrong?” asked Elsie.

“It will wait,” he answered.

“If I have learned anything in my life it’s that you shouldn’t wait for anything,” Elsie said.

“But Elsie, it’s their day,” Josef explained.

“Will it make us any less happy?” asked Anna.

“That depends on your sister,” Josef answered cryptically.

Josef summoned his courage, got up and walked over to Anna. “My people have a custom and as Elsie’s closest relative it falls to you. I wish to ask your sister a question but I need your permission to ask it.”

Anna had actually been expecting this but just not quite so soon. Concern for her sister and her unborn child clashed within her. Then she remembered what Kris had said about Josef and she could see how much Elsie loved this man. Even though they had only known each other for a few days Anna knew he was the right man for Elsie just as Kris had been the right man for her. “Elsie is her own mistress. You may ask her whatever you wish.” Anna responded in her queen voice.

Elsie was very confused. “What on earth would you need her permission to ask me?”

“By your leave then, Your Majesty.” Josef bowed to Anna and turned to Elsie.

Josef took her hand and she instantly noticed that the ring, his ring was missing. Josef knelt before Elsie. Kris moved behind Anna so that he could get a better view. “I am no stranger to love. I know it when I feel it, so I know I love you and I don’t want to live without you. Elsie, will you marry me?”

Josef presented Elsie with his most prized possession in the whole world, the bear engraved ring. Kris didn’t know who was crying more Elsie or his wife. He was also a little bit jealous. This man had just done in three days what had taken him three months to plan. He also still had reserves about Elsie marrying anyone she had just met a few days ago even if all his reports said the Josef was a man of good character. Maybe he was becoming a cynic but this just seemed too perfect.

Elsie wiped the tears from her eyes and when she saw the ring he offered, she flinched. “I can’t take that. That’s Minna’s ring. Minna gave it to you.”

“Minna gave it to me because she loved me more than any other person on earth. Now I give it to you for the same reason.” Josef took a breath. “I will never love you as I loved Minna, but I swear I will always love you as much and like her I will love you forever.”

“Yes,” Elsie whispered as new tears fell. Then with more volume answered, “Yes, of course I will marry you.”

Josef slipped the ring on Elsie’s finger and they both watch in amazement as it magically resized itself to fit her much smaller finger. Elsie felt a little twinge in her gut and pressure in her head like someone was pulling on her hair.

She looked at Josef’s naked finger and thought of Inga’s advances. “You need one too.” Elsie said and then his finger glowed.

Like the ring he wore before it looked to be a simple band but upon closer inspection it was a series of thousands of interlocking crystals that made a single solid circle. Like his old ring a bear, this time a polar bear, was engraved on the ring walking around its outside. Pure white diamonds represented the bears footprints. It shimmered like nothing Elsie had ever made. It was incased in a permafrost that would not melt even if she died or froze completely. Josef stared at his new ring in amazement. “Elsie, this is far too much.”

Elsie’s head swam. It was similar to when she had made the table in Josef’s cabin but ten times worse. Her head felt like it was being stepped on by a rock giant and her stomach felt like she had just been punched in gut by a gale force wind. Her finger burned and everyone’s voices became distant and muffled as though they were faltering. Finally, the pain became too great and Elsie had no choice but to surrendered to the darkness.

“Elsie? Elsie?” Josef was practically screaming her name as he lowered her to the floor.

She had fainted into him and no matter how much he pleaded she would not wake up. The next thing Josef knew he was being lifted bodily from the floor by Kris. The rage on Kris’s face was a-kin to a wolf defending his first kill in weeks. Kris brought his fist back and punched Josef in the face.

“You, sorry son-of-a bitch. You did this. You killed Elsie,” Kris shouted in his face.

Anna yelled for help. “It was you,” Kris continued, “Some kind of spell you cast or poison you slipped her.”

Josef struggled but it was no use Kris’s hands were locked on. Kris had pushed Josef all the way back into the wall. With one arm Kris kept Josef pined while his other went under Josef’s chin. Kris was slowly lifting Josef off the ground. Josef was finding it hard to breath

“I may not be half as smart as my wife,” Kris began, “but I know one and one makes two. You were here for Anna’s birthday and Elsie got sick. Elsie never got sick before that. Then you show up while Elsie is tracking your friend Fenrir. I know if someone was tracking Sven to kill him, I’d be pretty steamed.”

Inga entered the room, her usual opening statement cut off as she surveyed the scene unfolding in the dining room. “Yes, My Lady…”

Anna looked over at the sound of Inga’s gasp. “Inga, we need the physician, now!”

“Kris, do you hear yourself?” Josef Asked. “I love her.”

“Then she comes back here and she’s fine again, until you show up and her powers start dwindling again. The snow in the ball room only last for a few minutes. Under normal circumstances it would have lasted for hours. The ice bracelet on Anna’s leg melted.”

Josef tried to reason with Kris, “If I wanted to harm Elsie why didn’t I just leave her to the storm?”

That gave Kris pause but only for a moment. “Too risky. Her powers might have returned and saved her.”

“Then why did I take care of her at my cabin?” Josef asked.

“You were going to drain her powers more and eventually finish her off. But Owen showed up before you had the chance.” Kris lifted him farther off the floor. “Tell us how to break the spell or I will break your neck.” Kris said with pure hatred in his voice

“Stop Kris,” Anna shouted over the din, “Elsie’s still breathing.”

Kris ignored her. Josef’s eyes were starting to dim. Several guards entered the room, no doubt sent by Inga. Anna commanded, “seize him.”

“Which man?” The head guard inquired

“Both of them!” she responded.

The royal physician arrived and immediately started to exam Elsie.

Anna walked over to her still struggling husband. “It’s not Josef, it’s the ring. I found something about it in my mother papers last night.” Anna held up a page that has some sort of strange rune like writing on it. “I was up anyway, throwing up every hour, so I figured I would do some research. It’s called the Ring of Dunbroch.”

Anna turned to Josef and with a stare containing far more malice than Josef had ever seen in another person’s eyes, Anna asked in a calm cool tone, “What do you know about that ring?”

“Very little,” Josef readily answered, “Minna’s family had passed it down to each other for a very long time. When she gave it to me, Minna’s Grandmother had objected but her mother insisted. I have always seen the ring as a symbol of total love and devotion. I swear I didn’t know it would hurt her. If I had known I would have destroyed it or thrown it into the fiord.” Josef began to weep. “Anna, what have I done? What have I done to Elsie?”

“I believe you,” said Anna after a long time. She had returning to her see-the-good-in-everyone persona. “But the fact is, it has hurt her and there is only one person I can think of to consult about this.” Anna returned to Elsie’s side, “How is she doing doctor?”

“Her heart beat has slowed to normal and her breathing is steady. Other than her being unconscious, I can find nothing wrong with her,” the Doctor reported.

Anna began giving orders, “Very well. Inga, have Kai ready a carriage. Owen, John, let them go.”

Inga bowed and left. Josef went to Elsie’s side, scooping her up into his arms. He pressed her to his chest. She was so cold. He kissed her on the lips figuring, it always worked in the stories. Alas this time it didn’t.

At the sight of Josef kissing Elsie’s unconscious form, Kris thought about renewing his attack but instead joined his wife. “Do you think we can trust him?” Kris looked over at Josef.

Anna had seen from Josef’s eyes that he was telling the truth. “Yes.”

Kris’s asked, “Really?”

Anna hugged Kris tightly. “Your reasoning makes sense sweet-heart, but look at him. I have seen pain like that only once before, as I was freezing solid and Elsie thought I was gone. He’s not faking, Kris. You can’t fake that level of pain.”

“OK,” Kris accepted his wife’s reasoning. “What do we do now?”

“Mother’s research is nothing but a collection of rumor and legend. They will be of no use to us. Take Sven and ride ahead to Grand Pappy. Explain the situation and make sure it is safe for us to bring Elsie to him. We will follow. If it’s not safe ask him what we should do. Do you remember the name of the place the ring is from?” Anna asked.

“Dunbroch.” He answered and received a smile and a kiss in return. Then he was off.

Chapter 3

Elsie kept having the same dream over and over again. In it she witnessed the life and eventual death of a very handsome man wearing a gold circlet crown and a beautiful woman with hair the color of the setting sun. The sequence finished and she heard a voice say, “I’ll take a turn sweet cheeks. You go get some rest.”

“Thanks, Bolda.” That was Anna’s voice. “Same orders as before.”

“I know the routine by now hun. I’ll send for you the moment she wakes up,” Bolda answered.

“Anna.” Elsie’s throat felt like it had a jar of cotton balls in it.

“Elsie. Oh, thank goodness.” Anna exclaimed as she cradled her sister in her arms. “Grand Pappy said you would wake up when your strength returned, but he didn’t know how long that would take.”

“Let me get you something to drink,” said Bolda. She left the tent and the two sisters could hear her shrill voice waking anyone with in ear shot. “She’s awake.”

“Anna, where are we?” Elsie asked, still very groggy.

“In the valley of the living stone. We didn’t know what to do after you collapsed, so we brought you here,” Anna answered.

“Josef?” Elsie asked.

“He’s here too. He’s fine. He has a black eye. Kris and he had a huge argument after you passed out but they have worked it out,” Anna advised.

Bolda walked in carrying a troll size cup of water, followed by Kris and Josef. The two men started talking at once. Bolda silenced them both. “Enough. What did I tell you two?”

“No talking,” they said in unison.

“Can’t you see the poor girl is still weak? So be silent or be gone,” Bolda admonished them.

“Yes, ma’am,” they said in unison again and moved to the side of the tent.

Though just plain water to Elsie, it tasted like the best thing she had ever drank. Bolda brought her several more cups of water over the next few minutes and in time Elsie felt well enough to sit up. Her head was clearing and her sight was returning. They were all in a tent, the royal tent if she was not mistaken.

“How long was I out?” asked Elsie.

Anna made to answer but the ancient troll that had just walked in cut her off, “two days.”

Grand Pappy walked up to Elsie enjoying the fact that with her sitting up and he standing they were able to speak eye to eye. “Well, never a dull moment with you two,” he said looking from one sister to the other.

Elsie smiled at the private joke. Grand Pappy picked up her left hand. “I see that you have found that which your mother and I could not, the ring of Dunbroch.”

“Wait, mother was looking for that ring? Why?” asked Anna.

“Because it would take away my powers,” Elsie answered, “With it we could have had a normal life. A life without magic.”

“Yes and no. The ring of Dunbroch suppresses magic, it doesn’t take it away. And it was never intended for a magical being like you,” Grand Pappy explained. Always ready to tell a story of the past Grand Pappy went on, “Many years ago, the leader of Clan Dunbroch fell in love with a witch. The witch loved him too but knew they could never be together. She did everything to avoid him, even turned herself into an old crone but he kept finding her. It was like their hearts were linked somehow. Eventually she gave up and agreed to marry him. The members of the clan were outraged and would have burned the two of them at the stake but the witch promised to cast a spell over her wedding ring that would make it impossible for her to do magic. The clan was appeased and they lived happily ever after.”

Anna was smiling like a little girl, she loved happy endings. Elsie was still confused. “But you said it suppresses magic. It didn’t stop it. Then you said it made it impossible for her to do magic. Which is it?”

In his usual way Grand Pappy was cryptic, “both.”

“Grand Pappy, maybe it’s my head but you’re not making any sense,” Elsie said.

Grand Pappy smiled, “The ring was able to suppressed her powers completely. I imagine you are still able to use your powers a little because you are far more powerful than she ever was. But you had to work some much harder to create Josef’s ring while the ring of Dunbroch draining your powers simultaneously, that you fainted from the exertion.”

“That makes sense. Kind of like trying to fill a bucket with water using a cup with a big hole in the bottom. You’ll get the bucket full but it will take a lot more work.” Elsie said to no one in particular.

“Exactly.” Confirmed Grand Pappy.

Anna fidgeted and then raised her hand like they were in lessons, “but mother’s papers say the ring took away the witch’s powers?”

Grand Pappy was ready for that question, “the legends said it took away her powers because she was only able to use them on a very limited basis while she wore the ring. Eventually, she stopped using them all together because not using them was easier. So, in a way the legends were true.”

“So, as long as I don’t use my powers, I’ll be fine?” Elsie asked.

“Exactly,” answered Grand Pappy.

Like Anna, Josef raised his hand. Grand Pappy turned to him, “yes, Josef?”

“How do we destroy it?” asked Josef.

“You can’t. At least not with magic. The first step in creating anything meant to contain magic is to always make that object impervious to magic. It wouldn’t work very well otherwise,” Grand Pappy explained.

Kris asked concerned, “Do we need to get Elsie away from you. Is it absorbing your magic?”

“As I told you before Kris, there is no need to worry about us,” Grand Pappy explained. “I’m sure the ring is being stretched far beyond its limit just trying to keep Elsie’s magic under control. There is no way it is powerful enough to keep her magic in check and affect us as well. It’s quite safe for us to be around it.”

“Can she remove the ring?” asked Josef.

Grand Pappy looked at him and answered, “Only if the person who gave it to her asks for it back.”

“Then I want it back!” Josef declared.

The ring once snug against Elsie’s finger loosened just slightly. Elsie closed her finger into a fist. “No.”

Anna looked at her sister. Elsie looked at Josef and Kris looked from person to person not really sure where to focus. “Do you still love me, Josef?” Elsie asked.

“More than ever.”

“Do you still want me to be your wife?” Elsie asked.

“More than anything,” Josef answered.

“Then the ring stays where it is.” Elsie said, “and I can’t thank you enough for the greatest wedding present you could have ever given me.”

Josef couldn’t stand it any longer. He scooped Elsie into his arms and they started kissing like two teenage sweet hearts. Anna let this go on for a few minutes but then interrupted them with a loud, “Ah hum.”

“What about the promises you have made,” asked Anna, “To the kingdom and the Northlanders?”

Josef turned so the two sisters could talk face to face. “My magic isn’t gone it’s just suppressed and only while I have the ring on.”

To demonstrate this to Anna, Elsie removed the ring and gave it to Anna. She then motioned Josef to put some distance between them and Anna. At about 20 paces her powers returned in a flood. Elsie cracked her knuckles, took a deep breath and demonstrated the restoration of her powers by created an ice dome over one of the hot springs. Then she added French doors, changing rooms, tables and chairs, couches and a small bar.

Anna stared at the new structure that showed no signs of melting despite the heat that was even now building up inside. She was already beginning to wonder how quickly a rider could get to the castle and return with her swimming clothes and how good the hot water would feel on her aching back. Elsie and Josef returned to her side. Elsie motioned for Anna to return her ring and Anna begrudgingly gave it back.

Anna watch with not a little trepidation as Elsie slipped the ring back on. Elsie felt her powers fade away but she didn’t feel any of the tiredness she had before. Anna watched to make sure her sister was OK. Then Anna looked over to see if the new bath house remained as well. It had.

Elsie gave Anna an I-told-you-so smirk. “I can still help keep the spirits of the north in line, but now I can be here with you too. This ring will be my tether,” Elsie looked into Josef’s eyes, “not my cage.”

“But think of all you are giving up Elsie.” Protested Anna.

“Oh, I have.” Josef put Elsie down and she turned to face Anna, taking her sisters hands in hers. Tears, not icicles, but tears began to run down Elsie’s cheeks. “I never told you this Anna, because I didn’t want to scare you, but when you froze completely and I thought I had lost you forever, I was filled with a rage unlike anything I had ever known before. I was crying on the outside but on the inside, I was planning to freeze every man, woman and child in the entire Southern Isles (Anna winced). I became the monster everyone feared.”

“Oh, Elsie,” Anna hugged her sister reflexively.

“With this ring I won’t have to worry anymore about hurting anyone accidentally,” Elsa explained. “I used to dread being near others, I was so afraid I would freeze something or someone.”

“Hence the ice palace for one?” Anna asked.

Elsie nodded in the affirmative. “Now I feel just as at peace surrounded by all of you as I do when I am out riding across a frozen lake. With the pressure of constantly having to control my powers lifted, I can control my emotions far better and think a lot clearer.”

“Well. You haven’t frozen any harbors or woke any ancient spirits lately so I guess I see what you’re saying,” Anna had to admit.

Elsie cringed at the thought of some of her past emotional outbursts. “I will be able to play with my new niece or nephew and not have to worry about what will happen if I get surprised, mad or miss my mark.” Elsie moved a stray hair behind Anna’s ear. “My aim is better but still not perfect.”

The memory of that dreadful night when she had accidently hit Anna in the head with a frost beam past through her head. “I can love Josef and all my family and I won’t have to worry about ever turning into that monster again. I know this ring seems like a shackle to you but it really isn’t.”

“If that’s the way you want it,” Anna said, “I guess we can always give it a try.”

“It is Anna. It really is,” Elsie answered. Then for the first time since they were eight, Elsie didn’t have to worry about anything other than how much she loved her sister, her bother-in-law and her husband to be.

And they lived Happily Ever After.

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