The Bodyguard by Tallulah82,Tallulah82

Before you begin reading, be aware that there is more build up and tension than sex.

A special thank you to my beta readers. Your input was very much appreciated.

As usual, comments are welcome so I can see what works and where I can improve in my writing (bearing in mind that I’m a British writer so there may naturally be anomalies). Thank you in advance and I hope you enjoy the ride.


The estate lay silent. Darkness shrouded the Manor House, save for a soft glow of a table lamp in the first-floor hallway. Beside the lamp sat a chair, in which Logan Hunt took guard.

Several people currently occupied the house, though only two on this floor, in this wing, including Logan himself. All except one were part of Logan’s security team. Most would likely be asleep at this hour. Only the faint old-house creaking kept him company.

Night shifts were difficult for most. He knew it was common for the Watcher to be lulled into napping but that wasn’t his style. He’d been doing this job long enough to know better. His team shared this shift. This would be the last of his for a few days and he’d be back to daytime hours. One more night, he sighed inwardly as he refocused on the book in his hand.

A brief, sharp noise sliced through Logan’s ease. Instincts kicked in. His breath held and spine stiffened. His feet pushed into the wool carpet as his fingers strangled the book. Dropping his eyes, he focussed on listening. Adrenaline rushed through his veins, ready to kick him into action.

The cold, scraping noise repeated. His gaze darted to the silhouette of a tree waving at him at the end of the hallway, tapping at the glass windowpane. The wind was picking up.

Taking a deep breath, he steadied, soothing himself at the false alarm. His fingers loosened the crumpled pages. He hated to admit that this job was beginning to wear him down. He and his team had been here, hiding in the English countryside, for nearly six weeks now, and not one hint of danger had presented itself. And whilst that was good news for his client, it created a bigger challenge for his team to keep focussed all the time.

Logan recalled the initial interview for this job. He’d known back then that this would be difficult. Mr Forde, a hedge fund manager from London, had received a threat of the kidnapping of his grown children. He’d decided it was best to split his son and daughter and chose two separate services. Logan had been assigned the youngest of the siblings, the daughter, Rebecca. He had no information about the son or his whereabouts and expected the vice versa.

Mr Forde had been evasive about any of the details of the threat, but his urgency had been true. That had been clear by the obscene amount of money he’d offered, which raised a curiosity to what Mr Forde had done to instigate the threats.

Logan had quickly dismissed those wonderings. It wasn’t any of his business and those kinds of details just muddied his waters. His focus was to locate Miss Forde, transport her to a designated safe house, and protect her for an initial eight-week period, or until the matter was resolved.

Locating Miss Forde had been ridiculously easy through a simple search of social media. Getting her to come to this place, though, had been a little more difficult. At age 26, she hadn’t wanted to disappear. She didn’t want to be cut off from her friends, her life. But neither was she the entitled brat that she’d been painted to be by her father. After a calm, reasoned discussion, Rebecca had nodded quietly and joined him in the helicopter, where she surrendered her phone and smartwatch.

And now they’d all been living Groundhog Day with no indication that it would change soon.

The branch tapped harder. Logan made a mental note to get the foliage trimmed away from the house. Giving a sigh, he tried to return to his book. Before he could read the first word, Rebecca cried out from behind her door.

Dropping the book, he moved fast. Heart thundering, he entered the bedroom, hand on his gun in its holster. Scanning the room, all looked fine except for Rebecca, who sat upright, looking lost in the middle of the ornate bed. Gasping, her hand held her chest as her wide eyes darted, unsettled.

“Miss Forde?”

“L…Logan, I don’t know what…I think something hit the window, I don’t know, I was asleep.”

Logan strode to the window and pushed the heavy curtain to peek out. No foliage grew nearby. His hand shifted from his gun to his radio, and he pressed the red button for five seconds then twice short; the agreed code to react immediately. His night team would be scrambling now to their allocated posts to investigate.

From this position, he saw nothing of concern outside. The expanse of lawn exposed no-one. Though there were always places to hide, not least in the shrubs that framed the large, manicured patch of grass. He trusted the perimeter alarms they’d set, but he knew nothing was infallible.

“My team are on it, it’s ok, Miss Forde, you can go back to sleep.”


Rebecca’s voice shook, and it stopped him in his tracks. It always did. She was his one and only priority.


He tried not to look at her. When he’d first entered, his sub-conscious had registered the fact that she was wearing a thin t-shirt that clung to her breasts. Now the threat wasn’t imminent, he couldn’t stop his brain from trying to bring up this image.

“Nothing,” she whispered.

Logan paused at the strained response. The urge to look at her tore at him. Instead, he managed to nod and step out.

As the door closed, he let out the breath he’d held. As usual, guilt quickly kicked in. He was a professional through and through. He always had been. He’d never, ever had a problem with being distracted by any charge. Until now. Until Rebecca.

Refusing to think about it, Logan seized his radio and checked in with his staff. All was clear. Maybe it had just been a bad dream. As a fail-safe, he ordered a skeleton team to stand guard for the rest of the night across the mansion until they could check everything in daylight.

Returning to his chair, he picked up the book he’d thrown down. He listened to the faint sound of Rebecca using her ensuite and moving around her room until it fell silent again. The words on the page refused to be understood as he read and re-read the same passage until he gave up.

Frustration bit at him. The need to move began to feel almost claustrophobic. He ached for a long, hard run outside in the cold air. Setting his book down, he quietly walked to the window. Dawn was breaking behind the trees. Less than three more hours and he’d be free to let off steam.

Behind him, a door clicked. Logan spun to see Rebecca standing in her doorway. A silky wrap covered her from neck to knee. Her long, curly hair had been tamed from the previous startled tousle.

“I couldn’t sleep again. I’m going to the kitchen for a drink.”

Rebecca spoke quietly, as though there were others sleeping on this floor. Logan nodded and followed, keeping his eyes on her bare feet. Not her smooth calves. Not the roundness of her backside underneath the silk. He wasn’t a foot man at all, and he refused to acknowledge that this was another thing that Rebecca could somehow change.

As they moved through the house, Logan radioed the team. At the kitchen, he slid onto a stool at the breakfast bar while Rebecca poured a glass of orange juice.

“Do you want some?”

“No, thanks.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes as if unsurprised. Gulping down the glass, she poured another then headed toward the living room. Logan followed.

“You don’t have to stay with me, I’m fine.”

“It’s my duty, Miss Forde, at least until 6am.”

“It’s Rebecca, or Bex.”

Logan remained quiet. Rebecca had offered the use of her name at least once a week since the beginning despite Logan stressing that he preferred to keep to his professional courtesies.

Knowing he wasn’t going to respond, Rebecca shook her head as she collapsed on the large white leather sofa. Logan hovered at the door. She swiped the TV remote and found a rerun of an old sitcom.

Minutes ticked by as canned laughter filled the void. Shifting position, she swung her legs onto the sofa and stretched out. The wrap shifted, riding up to her curvy thighs. The neckline parted, hinting at the cleavage of her full breasts. Rebecca twisted and realigned the silk to ensure decent coverage.

Logan remained stone faced, determined not to watch her. Instead, he focused on scanning every inch of the room. He counted how many windowpanes there were. He feigned interest in how the interior decorator created the wainscoting on the ceiling. And still, the desire to look at Rebecca burned in his chest as every second passed.


A male voice from behind almost made him jump from guilt. Just thinking about not thinking about Rebecca was stepping over a line.

“What is it, Si?”

“Dawn checks are complete. We’ve not found anything that causes suspicion.”

Logan nodded his dismissal and Simon began to retreat.

“Actually,” Logan turned to face his colleague as his voice dropped, “do you have any specific duty to complete in the next hour?”

“No, not for another two hours now. Today is expected to be quiet, as usual. Tommy is testing the perimeter alarms and we’ll be completing the checks every two, not four hours today. Do you need something?”

Logan glanced towards the sofa, avoiding looking directly at Rebecca. He rarely changed details, but he convinced himself it was acceptable. He was too distracted here, anyway.

“Can you swap with me, there’s two hours to go.”

“Sure thing, Boss.”

Simon nodded, frowning. Logan patted him on the shoulder as thanks and walked away.

Once changed into his running gear, with the addition of his firearm and radio, Logan found Tommy and informed him that he’d run around the estate perimeters on a physical check. Physical checks were normally only procedure if there was a problem in the remote checking. But Tommy didn’t question his boss’s decision. After all, this had been the first alarm raised since day one.

Outside, he breathed in the damp morning air. As his feet crunched on the gravel, his tensions began to drain away. Focusing only on the sights and sounds around him, Logan ran.


Rebecca’s eyes began to close to the drone of TV voices. The world warped as she drifted in and out of sleep. The desire to be back in bed, where it was more comfortable, wasn’t enough to fight the immediate need to rest.

By the time she opened her eyes again, daylight had hit the room in full glory. Throwing her arm over her face, she groaned. The TV still ran though someone had muted it. With effort, Rebecca pushed herself up to sit. She was alone.

Taking her glass back to the kitchen, she found Simon loading the coffee machine.

“Hi, Simon, I must’ve fallen asleep.”

“Good morning, Miss Forde. I considered waking you but thought it best to leave you be, especially since you’ve had a bad night.”

“It’s Bex, Simon. And thank you.”

“Sorry, Bex, it’s habit. How are you feeling?”

“Like I slept on the sofa,” she smiled, “I’m sure I’ll feel better after a shower and some stretching. Are you on duty today?”

“We all are today. After your scare in the night, we’re just double-checking everything.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I think it must’ve just been a bad dream.”

“No need to apologise. The Boss would rather be safe than sorry. We all would.”

“Whereis Logan?”

“He went to check the perimeter, though he should be back soon. Do you need him?”

“I’ll catch him later. Shower first. Thanks, Simon.”

Back in her room, Rebecca opened her curtains wide. Looking out over the landscape, she watched for movement. Although she wasn’t allowed to explore the full grounds, she knew that tall brick walls enclosed the large estate, heavily fortified by woodland. Below her window lay the patio and lawn. On the opposite side of the lawn boasted a fountain and formal gardens. All remained still. She reasoned with herself that it would’ve been unlikely to see Logan anyway.

As she stood at the window, she slipped off the silky robe and threw it on the bed. On impulse, Rebecca opened the large window and leaned out, breathing in the fresh air.

It had taken her a while to get used to being in such a quiet location. Her life was usually filled with people, in bustling cities or partying beach houses. She was surprised how the greenery helped soothe her to an extent.

However, she couldn’t deny that her sleep was getting worse. From the moment Logan had appeared in her life, Rebecca’s anxiety had been simmering under the surface. Her daily mantra of’this is not forever; this is a short moment in your long life’ wasn’t working now. Today was the 40th day. 40 days of feeling increasingly trapped. 40 days of feeling alone.

As she scanned the treeline, Rebecca couldn’t help thinking of the one silver lining: Logan. 40 days of knowing Logan. Not that she knew him in the least. In fact, the only thing she knew for certain was his name. His age was difficult to guess. He looked like maybe he was late thirties, but his position as ‘Boss’ suggested otherwise. Rebecca had settled on early forties.

She thought that being that much older should deter her from impure thoughts. Although she had never consciously decided an age limit, all her previous boyfriends and dates had been younger than 30. Yet it didn’t. It felt irrelevant.

The morning he’d barged into her life, Rebecca had been in the middle of lunch with her oldest friend, Tess. She’d noticed him enter the restaurant. It was impossible to not have noticed him. His tall frame carried an effortless authority. She’d watched him scan the room, curious as to what or who he was looking for. When his dark eyes had fixed on her, she’d lost track of what her friend was saying. He approached, never breaking eye contact. His broad shoulders had filled her vision and by the time he’d reached their table, Rebecca had been seized by a nervous excitement.

Disappointed with the news he carried, Rebecca had reluctantly agreed to leave with him. From the moment she’d been old enough to understand the wealth she was born into; she’d half expected this kind of event. And in more recent years, she suspected her father wasn’t the straightforward businessman he portrayed. Not that she knew anything; it was just a feeling. They’d never been close, and she figured it was because she wasn’t a boy. He’d never understood her.

And now here she was, 40 days later. Life still on pause, and her knowing no more about Logan than she did on day one. But with each passing day, fantasies about him grew stronger in her mind.

Not that he knew she existed beyond being another client. He barely looked at her in general and his continuous ignorant calling her Miss Forde proved it. She’d tried to engage him, to appeal to his more human side. If he could just call her by her first name, then she’d believe he gave a crap about the woman she was behind her father’s payroll. Instead, she remained whatever number file on his long list of successful jobs.

Taking another deep breath, Rebecca stepped away from the window and headed to the shower.

Under the spray, her hands smoothed her curls then slipped over her shoulders. Rolling her neck, she continued to feel her way over her breasts. The palms of her hands grazed over her proud nipples. Electricity raced through her veins. Her breath caught.

Unable to stop herself, her fingertips seized her dark pink nipples and pulled, causing her to cry out. Hot pulsing need flared between her legs. God, she missed being filled. One hand remained at her weighty breast whilst the other slid down her wet abdomen and cupped her trimmed pussy.

Pushing her palm against herself, Rebecca ground her hips, teasing herself. Her fingers squeezed harder on both her pussy and her tits. She could feel her juices begin to flow as her clit throbbed. She let her middle finger slide between her pussy lips. Flicking at her cunt, she touched her clit and whimpered. Her body jerked with the intensity, making her want more.

The water continued to cascade over her skin as she pushed more fingers between her labia. The water gathered and splashed in her moving hand as she frigged her cunt faster. Sometimes her fingertips hit her clit, causing her to yelp, whilst other times she pushed her fingers deeper inside her cunt, fucking herself.

Her mind filled with images of Logan. Despite her frustrations at him for not seeing her, she couldn’t deny the intense sexual attraction she felt for him. Shrugging it off as cliched power play, she allowed herself to indulge her secret fantasies.

And so, she conjured him. Naked and hard. Joining her in the shower. His watching her as she fingered herself. His hand wrapping around his hard cock and wanking as they watched each other.

Rebecca moaned louder from both desire and frustration. Her fingers zoned in on her clit. She needed to cum. Her wet fingers slipped either side of her clit, rubbing until she could take it no longer and then pressed hard on her swollen bud. Her hips thrust harder as she panted.

With a final tug on her nipple while her fingers rubbed hard at her clit, Rebecca’s body shuddered as her orgasm exploded. Groaning with relief, she revelled in the sensation of her pussy pulsating, coating her fingers in her cum.

Once the fire died down in her veins, she straightened up and finished washing, making a mental note to ask for more shampoo before she ran out. A mischievous thought made her chuckle as she wondered how Logan would react if she dared ask for a vibrator.

By the time she was dried and dressed, Rebecca felt the emptiness return. Even masturbating wasn’t making much of a difference now. With a sigh, she left her room in search of breakfast.


Logan felt better. The run had been exactly what he needed. Plus, it’d given extra satisfaction in his job.

Approaching the treeline to the lawn, he noticed his lace had come loose and crouched to fasten it. As he stood, he saw movement at the house. A window swung open. Logan kept still under the thick tree canopy as he watched Rebecca lean out. She’d removed the silk wrap and now he could clearly see that damned t-shirt clinging to her curves. One shoulder had slipped low, exposing a lot of creamy skin. Her full breasts pushed against the material. If he were closer, perhaps he would have been able to see her nipples. His cock hardened at the thought.

He considered stepping onto the lawn. His feet wouldn’t move. She didn’t look at him, she didn’t know he was here. No-one knew he was here, watching her. For this moment in time, he let himself drink her in.

He’d been tough on himself from the moment he’d laid eyes on her in that restaurant. Compiling a profile on his charges was standard practice. And profiles always contained photos, so he knew exactly who she was. And yet he hadn’t expected to feel like he’d been punched in the stomach when he’d actually met her. His reaction had shocked him, and he’d been fighting an internal battle not to fuck this up ever since.

His reputation in this business had been hard earned since the tender age of eighteen. Now, at thirty-nine years old, he’d broken many barriers and limiting expectations. However, his success had come at a price. He rarely had time for relationships, and there was always some younger punk ready to challenge his skills.

Yet here he was, leading one of the most prominent security services for the wealthy. And he’d cultivated a team of highly skilled people who shared his professional ethos. A goddamned crush on a rich daughter wasn’t about to spoil that now.

Still, he couldn’t move. She looked perfect. Relief washed over him when she moved away from the window. He waited another moment in case she returned. When she didn’t, he made his way back to his room.

Closing the door behind him, he quickly stripped off for a shower. The image of Rebecca leaning out of the window remained strong in his mind. His cock twitched again. Shaking his head, he refused to touch himself. He wouldn’t. He’d resisted wanking to her this far. He wouldn’t break that barrier now.

But, a wicked voice whispered to him,just imagine if you were behind her in that room. If she’d leaned out as she did, with her peachy ass just there. How it would be to lift that t-shirt and ram your cock into her hot, wet pussy. Deep and hard from behind. How she’d moan, her tits bouncing under the shirt as you pounded her. How you could grab her hair and ride her cunt until you filled her with your cum.

“Fuck!” Logan shouted to his empty room.

Ignoring the voice and his now raging erection, Logan aggressively twisted the shower control and stepped under the cold jets.

No, I won’t do it, he argued with himself as goose bumps prickled his skin.Only a few more weeks and she’ll be out of my life forever. Come on, man, keep your head in the game.

Logan remained under the cold spray until he felt more in control again. His stomach rumbled as he dressed and headed to find food.

In the kitchen, Simon and Rebecca were laughing. They sat opposite each other at the breakfast bar. Bowls of cereal and fruit spread between them.

“What about grapes?” Rebecca asked as she snapped one from a bunch and popped it into her mouth.

“Grapes would work, yeah,” Simon grinned back at her.

Logan remained silent despite wanting to know what they were talking about. Or maybe he didn’t. Fortunately, Simon noticed Logan enter and his professional mask slipped back in place.

“Boss,” he nodded as he stood.

“Si,” Logan nodded in return, “if you’re finished your breakfast, I can take it from here.”

“Sure thing, see you later, Bex.”

“Bye, Simon.”

Logan watched their interaction as he collected a bowl and prepared himself breakfast porridge. As he waited for the microwave to ping, he felt the tension in the room grow and wondered if he should engage Rebecca in conversation. However, small talk wasn’t a strong point of his.

The finishing ping filled the silence and Logan still hadn’t figured out what to say. He took the hot bowl and sat at the kitchen table, as usual, instead of at the bar. He noticed Rebecca glance at him and regretted not taking Simon’s seat. He wasn’t making the friction easier.

As he took his first mouthful, Rebecca scraped her stool back. Logan half-watched, expecting her to leave the room. Instead, she walked over to the table and took the seat opposite him. He met her gaze with surprise.

“Logan, can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Of course,” he gulped his food down.

“Have you heard from my father at all? Any headway?”

“Sorry, Miss Forde, I’d let you know as soon I did. There’s been no more communication in the last two weeks.”

“Simon mentioned that he’d be collecting the groceries today. I could ride with him. I won’t get out of the car and I can wear a disguise. Just being out of this house and…”


He watched Rebecca close her eyes as if counting to ten.

“Can I go for a run around the perimeter, it’s been checked and it’s safe, right?”

“I didn’t know you ran. You’ve never asked before.”

“I don’t, I’m not a runner. But I’m going mad being stuck inside.”

“You’re not trapped inside. You can go on the lawn.”


“I know it’s not…”

“No, you don’t know,” Rebecca snapped, surprising Logan again. “You’re not living under the same conditions as I am, and you can’t pretend you are.You can leave, go get supplies, go into society.You can contact your loved ones when you choose.You don’t know.”

“Miss Forde…”

“Rebecca! It’s Rebecca or Bex! I am not my father’s daughter, not as you think I am. I am myself, I am Rebecca. Why can’t you understand this?”

“It’s not that I don’t understand…”

“I know, it’s about you being professional. God, I know.”

“I’m sorry this is tough on you. I keep hoping for a message from your father that this is all over too.”

Rebecca shook her head in defeat and stared towards the window. Logan glanced at his cooling breakfast but didn’t resume eating. He expected her to stand and leave. Instead, she took a deep breath and met his gaze square on.

“I need shampoo. And I want a laptop. And before you say no, I don’t care if it’s not connected to the internet. I want one to write on, and with full office software.”

“Why?” Logan blurted before he could stop himself. “Sorry, it’s none of my business. I’ll get one sorted for you. Anything else?”

Rebecca paused. Her lips parted as if to speak, then closed again. A deep flush crept over her cheeks as she shook her head. Logan raised an eyebrow. Intrigue caught him. He was certain she wanted to ask for something else.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” she breathed as she stood, “I won’t be stuck here much longer. The laptop will be fine.”

Logan nodded and took another mouthful as Rebecca left. She’d definitely wanted to ask for something and he wondered why she didn’t. His wondering dissolved as other team members bustled in wanting food.


Rebecca smiled at the shiny new laptop that now sat on the dressing table-turned-desk in her bedroom. Logan had appeared at her door with the boxed laptop late in the afternoon.

She had struggled today more than any of the previous days. She’d nearly cried as she’d sat in the middle of the lawn, alone, with nothing to do. Even the gentle sun couldn’t brighten up her mood.

She’d tried to read but that pleasure had been exhausted during the first few weeks. She was bored of playing on the gaming console by herself. And her mind was melting with ideas that pen and paper couldn’t keep up with. Ideas she could now get out. Enterprise ideas, life aspiration ideas, even writing ideas.

Before she’d disappeared from her life, she’d recently become business partners with Tess, pooling their creativity and resources. During that fateful lunch, they’d been finalising their business plan ready to pitch to a list of potential vendors the following day. The thought of leaving Tess in the lurch dimmed Rebecca’s happiness. Shaking her head, she knew she couldn’t dwell on that now. There was nothing she could do about it. She had to focus on here and now and be ready to pick up the pieces when she finally returned home. And she’d get her father to pay for whatever financial dent his choices had made in her life.

As she explored the software installed, a knock interrupted her thoughts.

“Come in,” she called.

Logan entered, holding the door.

“You missed dinner.”

“I’m not hungry.”

Logan paused, glancing behind him to leave. He didn’t move. “Is that good enough for what you need?”

“It’s perfect, thank you, Logan.”

“No internet, though.”

“I’ll manage.”

Logan hesitated another moment, then nodded and left.

Alone again, Rebecca breathed deeply, trying to regulate the aching between her legs. The damned man could affect her too easily and her growing frustration made it worse. She glanced back to the empty screen. The untouched laptop, waiting to be used. Without overthinking her actions, her fingers slid across the mousepad and opened a new blank page.

Her fingers began typing. Words flowed from her. Sentences formed. Paragraphs grew. The fire in her veins fuelled her words as she threw herself into fantasy land.

By the time she stopped, darkness had fallen, and the screen glowed in the room. Blinking hard, Rebecca let tiredness come. She shut the laptop and fell into bed.

Four hours later, Rebecca scrambled to sit in bed, gasping. She tried to recall the nightmare but it was already dissolving away. Only the ice down her spine remained. The door hadn’t swung open as it had the previous night, so she assumed she didn’t cry out.

It was just a nightmare, she repeated to herself as she trudged to the bathroom to splash water on her face. Looking at her reflection, she couldn’t deny that her disturbed sleep was making her look hollow. Dark circles were threatening under her eyes. Her skin looked sallow under the light.

She used to sleep at least seven hours a night, no matter how hard she partied. On week two here, that had begun to slip. She had all the time in the world to sleep yet her body began to refuse. Seven hours had become six. Six became five. Then it came in fits and starts. And now the nightmares had begun. Maybe she needed to ask Logan for sleeping tablets before it really impacted her health.

Slipping into her silk wrap, Rebecca entered the hallway. Simon almost leapt from his seat.

“Bex, is everything ok?”

“Yeah, just another nightmare. I can’t sleep again so I thought I’d get a bite to eat.”

Simon nodded and followed her to the kitchen.

“Do you want me to reheat some dinner for you?” He asked.

“No, I can sort myself out, thanks,” Rebecca laughed, “I’m capable of looking after myself.”

“I didn’t mean it like that, I just thought if you were tired…”

“Thank you, Simon, you’re thoughtful, but please, you’re not here to wait on me. You get on with whatever your job is.”

“My job is to make sure you’re comfortable.”

“And safe.” A voice interrupted.

Both Simon and Rebecca looked to see Logan in the doorway. Simon hurriedly agreed and set about checking the windows were locked and secure. Rebecca threw Logan an unamused look.

“I’m pretty sure this place could rival Alcatraz,” she said.

“You’re not a prisoner.”

“Aren’t I?”

Rebecca didn’t wait for Logan’s response as she peered into the tall fridge, using the door to block him from her view. After taking a handful of Tupperware, she closed the door and carried them to the breakfast bar. Logan still stood there.

“I thought you were finished with night duties now,” she said, glancing at his clothed body.

“I am, though it takes a few days to turn my body clock. Why are you up? Did you hear something again? I didn’t get an alarm,” Logan shot Simon a questioning look.

“No, it was just a nightmare…I think I need sleeping pills. I can’t seem to sleep properly anymore.”

“I’m not sure about that.”

“What do you mean, you’re not sure?”

“It’s medication, not prescribed and it’s risky in case of side effects that will need medical attention.”

“I’ve taken sleeping pills before. They’re just over the counter ones, not prescribed.”

“It doesn’t matter.”


“Miss Forde…”

“It’s Bex, goddammit!”

Rebecca’s self-control exploded and her hand swung viciously at the containers on the counter sending them flying. Tears threatened and she hurried from the kitchen, not wanting anyone to see them. Her feet jumped the stairs two at a time and though she tried not to slam the bedroom door, it still closed hard.

On her bed, she let herself crumble. Tears that had been gathering for weeks. Once they started, she couldn’t stop them. Her body shook as each sob ripped through her. She didn’t hear the door open and close, though she felt the bed sag and the hand on her shoulder. She assumed it was Simon and wasn’t ready to acknowledge him yet.

Eventually, the tears abated. The hand offered a tissue and she took it. Rebecca took control of her breathing again and shifted to sit. Beside her sat Logan.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he held out another tissue.

Rebecca winced at his words. She almost apologised in return, but the words stuck in her throat. She couldn’t apologise for how she felt.

Growing conscious of how close he was, and on her bed no less, Rebecca swung off the bed and sat on the desk chair across the room, noticing Logan’s frown.

“I don’t know what you expect me to say or do,” Rebecca shook her head.

“I don’t expect anything.”

“I’m going mad here. I don’t know if I can take it much longer.”

“You’re stronger than you think.”

“You don’t know me,” Rebecca snorted, “you won’t even call me by my name.”

“I know you do Pilates three times a week and that it must be frustrating to not have that outlet. I know you like Swedish crime thriller novels, and that your favourite meal is spaghetti carbonara.”

“You know what you’ve read on social media or what my father thinks. You don’t know that I’m so fucking angry at my dad for putting me in this position. You don’t know what I’m risking by being here, that literally on the day you pulled me here I was about to kick start a business with my best friend. A friend who’s now left swimming in the deep end on her own because of whatever shit my so-called dad has pulled. And you don’t know that I feel so alone here. There’s all of you, your team, your buddies. And then there’s me in the corner. Trying to keep quiet. And I miss company so much. I miss…”

Tears welled again as Rebecca shook her head, biting her lip.


“No,” Rebecca stood and paced, “I don’t need to hear your bullshit about how this will be over soon. I know it will, I’m not stupid. But right here, right now, I still feel like I’m drowning in nothing.”


Logan spoke so softly that she almost missed it. Wiping at her cheeks, she looked at him.

“I’m sorry you feel so alone. We’ll try harder. I’ll try harder.”

“I can’t sleep.”

“I’ll see what I can do to get the pills you’ve used before.”

“Thank you.”

“I should go now.”



“Would you stay with me, just…be here? With me?”

Logan briefly closed his eyes as his head bowed. Lifting his chin again, his eyes sought hers.

“I can’t, not here. I’m sorry, it’s against protocol. You can return downstairs, though.”

Rebecca shook her head. Of course, it’s against the rules. She knew it would be. Turning her back, she dismissed him. A moment later, she heard the door close. Alone again, she removed her wrap and climbed into bed.


“I’m going for a run, I’ll check the perimeter again,” Logan said as he entered the control room where Charlie sat.

“Now? In the dark?”

“Yeah, I can’t sleep. Kill two birds with one stone.”

“Ok, Boss.”

As Logan began to sprint, he hoped that no-one was really paying close attention. Twice in twenty-four hours was a bit too obvious, even to him. Pent up energy, or in his case — frustration — was a dangerous thing. It made people trigger happy. He needed to get this under control properly. He couldn’t be running every time he got too wound up.

The ground crunched under his pounding feet. He pushed himself harder, faster, as his eyes got used to the dark. Focussing on regulating his breathing meant being less able to think about Rebecca. His thigh muscles burned and it felt good.

It took two circuits before Logan felt able to say enough. Yet another cold shower. Yet another refusal to indulge. Relief washed over him as he lay down, knowing sleep was close.

When he woke, it was daylight. As usual, he’d woken two minutes before his alarm was due to ring. A lifetime of discipline worked well for him, though the early years of being raised by a military dad had threatened to send him off the rails. Fortunately, his mother had balanced out the strictness of his dad and he’d managed to see the love and good intentions of his father. In the end, rebelling had looked less appealing. Still, he’d been surprised that his dad had accepted this career path instead of joining the military.

He’d learned so many skills over the years. But never had he had to learn how to handle attraction to someone in his care. Even the stunning Miss Carter last year hadn’t stirred anything. Of a similar age to Rebecca, and an actual model, he could appreciate all her charm and beauty without attachment. Or Mrs Bridges four years ago. At age forty-four, she’d exuded all the sex goddess allure that one woman could possess. And she’d tried to seduce him. He’d felt nothing but a bit embarrassed. She’d ended up sneaking into his bed, naked, and so very eager. And still, he hadn’t felt a fraction of the desire he held for Rebecca.

Forgoing breakfast, Logan checked in with his team before taking the Range Rover. Passing the first three towns, he hit the motorway. Six junctions later, he turned off and made his way to a sleepy village through many winding roads.

Eventually, he reached the gated community. Showing his pass, the guard granted him access. Logan took the first fork in the road and followed it to the end. Another gate forced him to stop. He pressed the call button and waited.

“Identify yourself,” the crackly voice demanded.

“Logan Hunt”.

“Hold your ID badge to the screen.”

Logan complied and the gate slowly opened. He killed the engine at the steps of the house’s grand entrance. Before he reached the top, one of the excessively large doors opened. The doorman informed him to wait in the room to the left.

As he waited, Logan moved around the room, wondering if this had been Rebecca’s childhood house. There were no personal pictures here. No family portraits. He reckoned his parent’s home could fit into a sixth of this building. They’d not been poor, not like some of his friends. Still, this was another world.

Time ticked on. Logan glanced at his watch twice. As he wandered, he passed the rear windows overlooking the manicured gardens. Mr Forde stood laughing with two other men, croquet mallets in hand.

Logan’s anger flared. This had been an arranged appointment. He had no doubt that Mr Forde knew he was here, waiting. Yet there he was, laughing and socialising with his buddies as if there were no care in the world. As if Rebecca wasn’t stuck in what was essentially a cage. For her protection because of his actions.

His jaw set as he counted to ten. He wanted nothing more than to storm out there and demand the wealthy man’s attention. But he knew better. Wealth brought games, no matter how fucked up. Mr Forde had the ability to fatally wound his company if he chose. Logan had to be professional to the end.

Thankfully, the final hoop was played, and the men approached the house. Backs were slapped, hands were shaken. Logan heard the two men bidding farewell with promises of bettering their game next time. He took another deep breath and moved back toward the centre of the room.

“Mr Hunt, thank you for waiting.”

“Friends?” Logan jerked his head towards the exiting men.


“Do they know?”

“No,” Mr Forde waved his hand in the air, “I’m trying to act normally. We usually have a weekly match on a Tuesday, and it got changed to today. I thought it best to go with it and cause less questions.”

“Have your investigators managed to find a solution yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Do you have a longer-term plan for what your children are to do?”

“Not yet. There’s still two weeks to go, as we agreed. Why? Are you having a problem with Rebecca? I knew she’d have trouble keeping hidden and quiet. She was always a wild child, that one. Are you sure she’s not managed to smuggle in a mobile phone? Have you been monitoring social media for activity from her? I’m still expecting her to blow up this arrangement and having to ship her elsewhere and start again. Did she…”

“Miss Forde is fine,” Logan cut through Mr Forde’s rant, not wanting to hear any more of his poor opinion of his daughter. “She’s doing well, all things considering. Of course, she’s not used to being cut off from the world and that’d be the same for most people. She’s no trouble at all.”

Mr Forde pulled his face back, almost squinting as he tried to detect lies. A shrug set his features back to normal.

“I’ll be back in two weeks, as set, unless I hear from you otherwise,” Logan said as they shook hands and Logan handed over the Range Rover keys.

Leaving the room, Logan took a left down the hallway and out onto the patio. Following the path to the furthest end of the garden, he found the off-road bike he’d expected. Turning the key, he rode over the fields on a now-familiar route to a remote pub three miles away. It was too early for the business to be open and so the only vehicle sat in the carpark was an SUV. Confident that he was alone, Logan swapped vehicles, leaving the keys to the bike under a nearby wall stone, as planned. He knew that the off-road bike would be returned, and that the Rover would be waiting to be collected in two days’ time at a different pub.

Mr Forde had initially scoffed at these elaborate plans, but Logan reminded him that being followed was always the most likely way they’d be found and if Mr Forde insisted on physical update meetings, then it had to be this complicated. Licence plates would be regularly swapped on exposed vehicles, like the Range Rover currently sat on Mr Forde’s driveway.

As he drove, he located a nearby pharmacy and bought the sleeping pills that Rebecca had named. With the little paper bag on the seat beside him, he replayed his meeting with her father.

No progress had been made at all. It didn’t make sense to him. It was beyond his understanding what kind of complex trouble a hedge-fund manager could get into. But he didn’t need to know. He just needed to keep Rebecca safe.

Upon his unfollowed return to the safe house, he located Rebecca in the garden. He watched for a moment as she walked slowly across the lawn, looking at her feet. He realised she was barefoot.

As if she knew he was watching, she raised her head and looked directly at him. A small smile tried to pull at her lips but failed. Logan strode over and held out the pharmacy bag.

“Just let me know if you have any side effects.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ve spoken to your father. There’s no change.”

The brief hope in Rebecca’s eyes faded away as she nodded. Turning away, she continued her sensory walk. Logan wanted to say more, to engage her. Unable to think of what to say, he walked away.


The next few days passed quickly for Rebecca. With renewed effort, and help from the sleeping pills, Rebecca had set herself a new routine of writing and relaxing, and she now felt more at peace than she’d been since she’d arrived. She’d even found energy to practice some basic Pilates on the lawn.

To top it all off, she’d felt the concerted effort of the team to be more conversational with her. Previously, Simon had been the only one who’d she’d felt comfortable around. Now, she was familiar with Tommy’s lop-sided smiles and Charlie’s penchant for Dad jokes. The only team member she still couldn’t crack was Logan.

Rebecca didn’t know if it was deliberate, but their paths had barely crossed. She couldn’t deny her disappointment, though she’d been mindful not to ask the others too much about his whereabouts.

When she had seen him, it’d been in passing. She’d seen him running in the grounds twice. His face had been set, determined. He exuded strength and stamina. She’d begun to open her window and enjoy the view at the same time every day. A time that happened to coincide with when she’d seen him run previously. When she realised that he didn’t run at the same time every day, she’d been disappointed but kept the routine anyway.

Last night, as she’d been sat with some of the team after dinner, Logan had entered and grabbed a plateful as they were clearing up. He hadn’t stayed, claiming work, and took his food with him. Whilst this wasn’t unusual for the team, the notion that he was definitely avoiding her niggled.

Since receiving the laptop, she’d poured her pent-up frustrations into writing a selection of short stories. And without deliberately choosing to do so, she’d also created erotica fiction where Logan ravished her.

The more she wrote, the more graphic she’d become until it was entirely pornographic. She barely ever read back her own words, feeling embarrassed about them. Though she didn’t delete them either. Just knowing they were there created a new layer of arousal in Rebecca, and she’d been masturbating daily since.

Initially, this had been satisfying enough. This morning, however, she’d been left lagging behind the satisfaction limit again. The aching need to be physically touched reared its troubling head again. And who knew when she could find relief again.

Over dinner last night, Rebecca had briefly considered flirting with Simon. He’d been friendly enough from the beginning that perhaps he’d cross that line. But even as they laughed together, she had to admit that she wasn’t attracted to him. And no matter how desperate she was beginning to feel, she wasn’t prepared to use anyone like that.

Twenty-four hours later, Rebecca sat at the dinner table again. As usual, she offered to clear the plates. As usual, her help was refused. Instead, she excused herself and wandered into the living room, losing two further hours of the day to a film on TV. Simon was absent the entire evening, and Logan hadn’t shown his face, leaving Rebecca deflated.

After flicking through a few more channels, Rebecca gave up and headed to bed. Outside of her room sat Logan.

“What are you doing here? I thought Charlie had two more nights on the night shift?”

“He was feeling sick so I’m covering.”

“Aren’t you still feeling tired from the shift change?”

“I’ve had rest, I’ll be fine.”

“Ok, goodnight.”


As Rebecca closed the door behind her, she realised that he no longer said her name at all. Not since the night she’d lost her temper about him calling her ‘Miss Forde’. He’d stopped using that, thankfully. But aside from that first time when he’d sat on her bed, he’d not called her Rebecca at all. He’d just dropped it completely.

This annoyed her. Was he so pig-headed at sticking to his professional rules that he still couldn’t bring himself to call her by her first name, even after she’d broken down in front of him? Really? The urge to break his hard shell swelled within her.

The glow of her laptop screen caught her attention. The screen saver was active. All it took was a touch of the mousepad, and the raunch-filled word document sat open and exposed. She’d not bothered setting a password. She assumed her privacy was respected. At least, that’s the reason she gave herself.

Rebecca’s mind raced as her eyes darted between the door and the screen. Had Logan been in here at all? Did he check the windows before taking post? Did he see the laptop and peek? Had he read any of it?

She touched the mousepad and his name appeared in a detailed description of him bending her over the kitchen table and ramming his cock deep in her soaking wet pussy.

Rebecca’s heart pounded against her chest. Her throat dried. No, he couldn’t have. He wouldn’t have. Logan had seemed his normal self just now. Surely if he’d read it, he would’ve had something to say. This was Logan after all. But then again, exactly because he was Logan, his professionalism could be on full power NOT to address it.

As Rebecca sat and stared at her words, she became increasingly aroused by the idea that Logan had in fact read it. That he might be sat on the other side of the door thinking about all he’d read. That as he’d read it, his cock had hardened. Maybe he’d even been tempted to wank, here in her room.

Rebecca groaned at the mental image of Logan naked. As the low noise reached her ears, she hushed in embarrassment. Then a new thought emerged.

What if she deliberately made noise? What if she masturbated right here and now whilst he sat outside? Would he come in to check on her? Would he be overcome with lust that she’d finally be fucked the way she desperately wanted to be?

Pushing herself over the edge of reason, Rebecca stripped and climbed onto the bed.


As Rebecca closed her bedroom door, Logan rolled his shoulders to relax. He’d managed to avoid her since the day he’d met her father. At least, up close and personal.

He’d noticed how her mood had improved and it made him smile. He was relieved she was managing to find her stride. Her father had pissed him off with his throwaway comments about her behaviour. From their first meeting, it was clear that Mr Forde really liked to lay it on thick that his daughter was a mooching spoilt brat.

Logan wished he’d better pre-empted Rebecca’s need to keep busy and provided the laptop of his own instigation, as well as foreseen her need for more social interaction. Whilst she may not be the laze-about she’d been painted to be, there was no denying that her normal life was heavily doused in social media. And who was he to demand she blindly accept this sudden isolation without it affecting her.

Not that he could bring himself to be a bigger part of that. The truth was, he didn’t trust himself at all. He couldn’t see how spending more time with her would result in anything other than unnecessary angst for him.

He’d noticed her at her window again a few days ago when he was running. And again, he’d had to stand under the cold shower trying to wash away the image of her spaghetti-strap vest clinging to her curves. The third time he’d seen her at her window, he’d had to do a double take as he thought she was naked. It turned out to be a pale-pink strapless top. He swore she was wearing less and less each time. At that point, he vowed to run during dinner time, which she was now attending every evening.

He’d been unusually annoyed when Charlie had been found throwing up earlier. Temptation to swap the personnel rotation around so that he himself didn’t need to cover this shift had been strong. Frustratingly, his ingrained mantra of being professional refused to let him ask one of the other members of team who’d had less sleep.

So here he was. He’d finished the previous book and had chosen a biography of a famous explorer this time. Armed with determination to not be distracted, he flicked the book open.

He hadn’t reached the end of the first chapter when he heard something. Freezing, he waited. It had been faint and unrecognisable. Silence followed. Reaching for his radio, he quietly checked in with the team. All was clear.

Taking a deep breath, he dismissed it and glanced back at the page. The sound repeated. Still quiet though louder than before. And longer. Logan stood. When he heard it again, he honed in and took a step in its direction. Four sounds later, he stood outside of Rebecca’s door.

Now closer, he heard clearly for the first time. She was moaning. Logan’ protective instincts fired and he reached for the door handle. She seemed to be having another nightmare.

Rebecca moaned louder. Logan’s fingers froze on the handle. He was wrong. Her moans grew louder, punctuated by what he suspected was gasping. She wasn’t upset. She wasn’t dreaming. She was masturbating.

To confirm, Rebecca groaned again, hissing’yessss’ as she breathed.

Fuck! Logan mouthed silently. His cock strained against his pants. He’d gone from zero to one hundred in a split second. His fingers slowly released the door handle. A voice in his head told him to move away. Instead, his forehead rested against the doorframe. Closing his eyes, he listened.

Rebecca was growing more vocal. Logan silently encouraged her. Her breathless pleas repeated more frequently. She begged, though for nothing specific, as if insatiable. Then she spoke his name.

Logan’s breath caught as his eyes flew open.No, no, she didn’t, he denied. Did she know he was here, practically pressed against the door? Had he been caught? Panic blurred his mind for a moment.

And then reason kicked in. She alreadyknew he was out here. Maybe not so close, straining to hear her, but still. And there was no doubt she’d gotten louder. His stomach flipped. Shewanted him to hear.

His mind raced. She’d never masturbated before. At least, not when he was duty. Not loud and obvious like this. What was she hoping for? Did she want him to burst in and fuck her? His cock was ready to explode. He feared that for the first time ever he’d cum in his pants.

Lust radiated around him. His breath came ragged as he continued to listen. Rebecca’s noises were building. She was close. Fire raged within him, pleading him to go to her. All it would take was to open the door. He’d see her, naked and wet, spread-eagle on the bed. She’d beg him to claim her. She’d be his.

Logan gripped the doorframe and silently begged her to cum. He needed to be released from this divine torture.

With frantic repetitions of agreement, Rebecca obliged. Her orgasmic cries tore from her throat, and he imagined her delicious body shuddering.

Slowly releasing his unsteady breath, Logan quietly stepped away. Unable to sit down with his raging hard-on, he stood at the window and looked out into the darkness.

The floor fell quiet, and he prayed she’d fallen asleep. He didn’t know how much more he could take. This woman was going to be the death of him, he was convinced. He wondered if blue balls could genuinely kill a man.

Eventually, his erection waned and he returned to his seat. But he couldn’t silence the little voice reminding him of one seemingly key fact: she’d wanted him to hear.


Rebecca blinked. Daylight lit up the outline of the curtains. Another successful night’s sleep caused her to grin widely. As her brain kicked into gear, memories of the previous night came back to her. Her cheeks burned and she buried her face in the pillow, chuckling.

Had she really done that? Had she really masturbated and cum with such abandon? When she’d first started, she was unsure if she’d commit to it. Yet the more she touched herself, the more she imagined Logan hearing her, the more aroused she’d become.

Her pussy had gotten more wet than she could remember. Her body had been on fire. She’d been disappointed that he hadn’t burst through the door and fucked her there and then, especially after she’d moaned his name, though it hadn’t stopped her from finishing. And she knew there’d be no way he didn’t hear it.

There’d be no way he didn’t hear it.

Rebecca’s smile froze.

He’d have heard it, there was no doubt. But what if he hadn’t liked it? What if it had annoyed him? Offended him? He hadn’t taken her invitation, after all. He hadn’t risked the opportunity. She’d been so caught up in her own fantasy that she’d assumed he’d like it. Or at least arouse him, which was surely the same thing? But what if she’d been wrong. Foolishness washed over her.

Swearing out loud, Rebecca punched at the duvet as she scrambled off the bed to shower. Under the hot spray, she lectured herself about behaving so stupidly. It was one thing to enjoy fantasies in her own private way, such as her writing. But to try and force it in reality? Especially when he’d not given an ounce of evidence that he’d respond positively to it.

She’d tried to play a game with him. And she’d failed. At least she had her answer now. Not that it helped her recent raging libido. Regardless, she’d deal with that another way. Logan was firmly returned to her Fantasy box.

An hour later, Rebecca lay on the lawn cloud watching. The urge to be in an open space beat her need to eat breakfast. And she wasn’t ready to run into Logan yet.

It had been over a week since it’d last rained and the stubbly grass itched at her skin. Still, the clouds were happy to play, offering her lots of shapes. With the crook of her arm shielding her eyes, she didn’t notice anyone joining her until their shadow passed over her face.

“Hey, Bex, how’s your morning going?” Asked Simon as she sat up.

“Slow but good, thanks. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. I was going to ask…it kinda goes against our protocol but you seem cool so…”

“What is it?”

“It’s Tommy’s 50th birthday today. So would it be okay with you if we did a cake and balloons at dinner for him?”

Rebecca brushed off her skirt as she stood. “I’m confused. Why are you asking me?”

“Technically you, or your dad rather, is our employer, and so we have no right to do anything personal whilst on a contract. We wouldn’t want to do anything that makes you feel unsafe or disregarded.”

“I think it’s a great idea. Are you baking the cake?”

Simon laughed loudly and Rebecca couldn’t help chuckling at the sound. “I guess that’s a ‘Hell, no’, then.”

“Exactly. I think Tommy would appreciate not being presented with a pile of slop on his birthday. I’m on grocery duty this afternoon so I can sort it then.”

“You’re going out?”


Rebecca sighed, fighting the pointless urge to ask to tag along.

“I’m sorry I can’t offer for you to ride along,” Simon pre-empted.

“It’s ok. Thanks for checking, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Thanks, we all appreciate it.”

“Has Logan cleared this?”

“Uhm, not yet.”

“Maybe you should have checked with him first, good luck with that.” Rebecca pulled a face.

“He’s not that bad.”

“Really? He’s not the cold machine who won’t even let me explore the grounds beyond this patch of lawn?”

“He’s not a cold machine,” Simon frowned, “he has strict codes for a good reason. I’ve worked with him for ten years, and he’s the best boss I’ve ever had.”

“I’m glad he’s a good boss to you, but I don’t see what you see. Hopefully you get to do what you want later.”

“Thanks, Bex.”

Walking back to the house, they discussed the kind of cake Tommy might appreciate the most. As they reached the door, Rebecca decided it was time for brunch and headed to the kitchen.

Three hours later, Rebecca found herself in the kitchen again this time searching for a snack. As she rummaged through the sparse fridge, she idly wondered what time Simon would be returning with the food. And if Logan had approved the cake distraction.

Picking a yogurt and an over-ripe banana, Rebecca sat at the breakfast bar. The house had been extra quiet today. In fact, no-one had been around since she’d last seen Simon this morning.

The longer she dwelled on this fact, the more unnerved she became. She tried to reason with herself that they were all just busy. But her damned imagination wouldn’t stop picking at the curled edges of her reasoning. Rebecca forced herself to finish the food and clear away before going to reassure herself.

She headed to the control room first. When they first arrived, Logan had chosen the dining room to set up the comprehensive equipment needed. Rebecca had rarely gone near the room as it unsettled her that all of this was for her.

Standing in the doorway, it was clearly deserted. Rebecca’s heart thumped harder.

“Do you need anything?”

Logan spoke quietly from behind and Rebecca yelped, jumping away.

“Fuck!” She swore, clutching her chest, “what are you doing creeping up on me?”

“I wasn’t creeping,” Logan frowned, “I walked normally.”

“I didn’t hear you, sorry.”

“Were you looking for anyone in particular?”

“No, yes, no…”

Rebecca hadn’t yet recovered from the fright so her thoughts wouldn’t align. Breathing deeply, she shook her head and started again. “I thought I was alone in the house, and it freaked me out. Where is everyone?”

“Simon and Riley are shopping. The rest are either off-duty, so probably sleeping, or on their monthly refresher training in the library.”

Rebecca nodded, not trusting herself to speak again. Realising how close she stood to Logan, she felt the need to escape. She moved to step past him. His hand seized her upper arm. Despite his grip being gentle, it immobilised her.

“Are you okay?”

In her ears, his voice had dropped an octave. A shiver ran down her spine. She couldn’t look at him. The shame of what she’d done last night still prickled. Praying her voice didn’t crack, she replied.

“I’m fine. Like I said, I just freaked myself out for a moment.”

“We wouldn’t leave you alone, Miss Fo…”

Rebecca yanked her arm away with a disgusted snort and walked away. In her room, she slammed the door behind her. Slumping down onto her bed, she closed her eyes and focused on breathing. She needed to get this entire stupid situation under control.

She’d embarrassed herself and had to take it on the chin. This wasn’t his fault, and she couldn’t take her annoyance at his lack of interest in her out on him. Like a fucking inexperienced virgin.

At the bathroom sink, she splashed cold water on her face and spoke to her reflection.

“Woman up, Bex. He’s not interested. Suck it up and focus on other stuff. You’re going to be back to your normal life soon enough and you can shag all the forty-year-olds all you want then. This time next year, you won’t even remember his name.”

Nodding in agreement, she headed to her laptop and closed all the erotic stories she’d been indulging in. She couldn’t bring herself to delete them yet. Instead, she began writing a list of what she was going to do when she was able to walk away from this place.

Her mind exploded with ideas, of dreams and wishes. Hours dropped away in a blur and suddenly it was dinnertime. Laughter drifted up the stairs to greet her. Following the sound, she entered the kitchen to see Simon handing out metallic party hats. From what she could see, only three team members were missing, including Logan.

Rebecca wished Tommy a happy birthday and kissed him on the cheek, drawing raucous cheers and whistling from the other men. Rolling her eyes at them, she laughed at their response. She accepted a bottle of beer and joined in the toast.

“See, I told you he wasn’t that bad,” said Simon quietly in her ear from behind.

“I stand corrected.”

Turning to face him, she noticed the child’s cartoon cake and laughed again. “What the hell is that?”

“That, my dear, was all that was left on the supermarket shelf! That’s what we get for being last minute and out in the sticks.”

“Fair enough, I’m sure Tommy appreciates the effort anyway.”

“I do,” Tommy interrupted, “thank you, Bex, for being okay with this.”

“Well, we couldn’t let your 50th pass without celebrating it, especially since you’re stuck here. And anything to break up the monotony, right?”

“50? You told her I was fifty? You cheeky… I’m forty-eight today,” Tommy slapped Simon on the shoulder, who laughed hard.

“Mate, that’s like practically the same thing,” Simon ribbed.

“I’m going to leave you two to fight this one out,” Rebecca chuckled and stepped away to grab some food.

As the hour passed, comments were made about needing to get back to posts, and a quiet hum of a reminder that no-one was to drink more than one beer. Rebecca had already thrown caution to the wind and was sipping her third.

She could feel the buzz of the alcohol in her bloodstream and welcomed the dull impact on her senses. The kitchen slowly emptied of people until she was alone. She’d been firmly instructed by Tommy not to clear the mess, but she began to tidy anyway as she nibbled at the remaining food.

“Any food left?” Logan asked as he entered.

“Sure, I’m just tidying it up and I’ll put all leftovers in the fridge so nothing goes to waste.”

Rebecca deliberately moved to the opposite side of the kitchen table from where Logan stood. Her thigh clumsily collided with the table corner. Recovering her posture, she continued clearing the empty platters then took another large swig of beer.

“How many have you had?”

“This is my third.”

“Don’t you think that’s enough?”

“I probably won’t have another after this.”

Rebecca carried on gathering all discarded beer bottles and paper plates. She waited for more comments from Logan, but he remained quiet. He moved away from the table to sit at the breakfast bar so she took the opportunity to cover the remaining food and store it in the fridge. The silence became deafening.

After a final scan around the room, Rebecca drained her beer bottle and dropped it in the recycling box. Deciding she wasn’t ready for bed yet, she headed to the patio for some fresh air.

Darkness had fallen and the cool air felt good on her skin. The soft glow from the windows lit the path she followed.

“What the hell are you doing?” Logan snapped as he fast closed the space between them.

She felt his anger radiating.

“I just thought I’d get some fresh air.”

“This,” Logan bit, “is exactly why you shouldn’t be drinking so much. Your decision making is compromised. You know the rule about being inside when it’s dark. The doors are locked and alarmed for a reason.”

“The door wasn’t locked.”

Logan seized her arms and pulled her hard against him. “That doesn’t make this acceptable.”

Rebecca tipped her chin up to meet his glare. Her retort died on her lips. The clean scent of his bodywash, perhaps, washed over her. Beyond that, she caught his underlying pheromones that he’d never be able to mask. The hint of mint on his breath completed the sensory overload.

Her brain screamed at her to pull away, reminding her of her recent shame. Her body screamed to press harder against him. She did nothing. Her eyes dropped to his mouth. Despite his clenched jaw, his lips looked inviting. A soft whimper escaped her throat.

Logan’s hands gripped tighter before releasing her and stalking away. Rebecca almost staggered backward before finding her footing. Without thinking, she chased after him.

“Logan,” she shouted but he didn’t respond.

He kept moving, heading upstairs. He reached the landing before accepting that she wasn’t giving up. He waited for her to catch up before snapping at her again.

“Go to bed.”

“I’m sorry,” gasped Rebecca, inching closer to him.

“It’s fine, go to bed.”

“You’re right, it was foolish of me.”

“I can’t protect you if you’re going to sabotage my work.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“What’s done is done. Just don’t do it again.”

The alcohol caught up with her and a wave of dizziness caught her off guard. Her brain stuttered, and she was no longer sure if they were talking about the patio or referring to the masturbating. She reached out to cling to the banister. With lightning reaction, Logan lurched forward and steadied her.

“I know you don’t like me,” Rebecca whispered, “I promise I won’t make any more trouble for you.”

Logan sighed and shifted his stance to support her better. She tried to insist that she didn’t need his help, but her body disagreed. In a bundle of uncoordinated limbs, he managed to aid her to her room unharmed. Once on the bed, exhaustion pulled Rebecca into a deep sleep without a second thought.


Rebecca groaned. The noise and its vibration in her skull caused her to groan again. It took her a moment to realise why she felt so rough. She groaned for a third time.

She prayed to fall back asleep. It didn’t come. Keeping still, she worked on getting her brain functioning first. She recognised that she was lying on her side, facing the wall. She was still dressed — no shoes. She also had the duvet over her.

Slowly opening her eyes, she managed to fix her gaze on the flowered wallpaper. The room didn’t spin. Finally, a plus. Now all she had to do was get up, shower, and pretend that she hadn’t made a fool of herself to Logan. Again.

With deep breaths, she turned over.

“Good morning.”

Logan spoke from across the room. Rebecca groaned in embarrassment. Pulling herself up, she saw him beside the window, sat in the chair that was normally in the hallway.

“Don’t tell me you’ve been literally watching over me all night.”

“I didn’t want to risk you choking on vomit. Or being too unconscious to raise an alarm if you were in danger.”

“Ok, I was stupid, I know, I’m sorry.”

“I know you are, you apologised enough last night.”

“I don’t normally get drunk so easily.”

“Do you normally down three bottles of beer in the space of ninety minutes?”

Rebecca winced as she shook her head. Logan stood.

“As I think I said last night, I promise I won’t be trouble for you anymore,” she spoke quietly.

“You’re not trouble.”

“He says after being nothing but cold to me for weeks,” Rebecca laughed weakly, hauling herself out of bed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“It’s ok, Logan. It upset me at first, that I couldn’t seem to get you to like me. But I’m not a total spoiled brat as my father would like you believe and so I’m just going to appreciate the work you’re doing for me and keep out of the way.”

“I don’t think you’re a spoiled brat at all,” Logan grated, “and I do like you.”

The anger in Logan’s voice confused Rebecca. Still, she couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped as she stood on wobbly legs.

“You don’t have to pretend. I know it’s all professional courtesy. I get it, it’s fine. You can go and get some rest. I’m fine. Thank you for being here and doing your job.”

She took three steps toward the bathroom before her head swam. Instinctively she reached out for the closest support. Her hand caught Logan’s bicep. His arms instinctively wrapped around her and pulled her closer to steady her.

As she waited to stabilise again, she realised how much their bodies were pressed against each other. And that something else solid pushed against her hip. It moved slightly, as if twitching. Growing. Her eyes flew up to meet his, but his were closed.


Hearing his name, or perhaps it was her voice, broke the spell. Without looking at her, he jerked away.

“A shower will help you recover quicker,” he mumbled before he disappeared.

Standing alone, Rebecca tried to process what had just happened. Her head hurt. Logan was correct, though, and she felt better after a shower and once dressed she went on a mission to find caffeine.

She tried hard not to wince at the loudness and energy of the team members she met. Quickly making her excuses, she escaped outside with her coffee. Finally, her brain whirred into gear again.

He’d said he liked her. But it wasn’t his words that had flipped her stomach. It had been his tone. Like he hadn’t wanted to admit it. And though it still didn’t make sense, it made her skin tingle. And then there was his erection. She’d doubted it at first because that didn’t make sense either. Yet the more she thought, the stronger she concluded that she’d not imagined it. He’d been hard against her.

The knowledge that shedid affect him brought both relief and happiness. She’d been working so hard to convince herself that the attraction she strongly felt was entirely one sided. It had been depressing. All this time, he’d liked her. Though, maybe not enough to break his professional stance.

Rebecca considered what this revelation meant. They’d seen seven weeks pass already. With any luck, there was only one week left. This could end any day and they’d part ways.

Her head began to hurt again so she cleared her mind and focussed on the taste of the coffee as the breeze enveloped her. Laying back on the grass, her eyes drifted closed. The melody of rustling leaves and twittering birds lulled her to sleep.


The cold shower wasn’t working. Logan growled in self-disgust as his cock throbbed. After recent events, he shouldn’t still be so easily affected by her. He’d seen her drunk and angry. He’d seen her at her worst. So why the hell wasn’t that making her less attractive in his eyes? Even spending the night by her bedside in her comatose state wasn’t enough. Maybe he was more fucked up than he ever realised.

Was her vulnerability part of her appeal? Even though this had never been an issue in the past. Previous girlfriends had always been perfectly capable in life, and he’d never had the urge to ‘save’ them.

She was slowly killing him and he was speeding up that process by refusing to find relief. He’d fought it for weeks and it clearly didn’t make a difference. So maybe the opposite would work. If he came, if he released his frustration just this once then maybe he’d find it easier to control himself again.

His involuntary erection was his proverbial red flag. There was no way he could predict further incidents where he’d have to be that close to her, and there was no fucking way he could get a hard-on every time she got too close. And to make matters worse, it wasn’t as if she’d been half naked and sultry. It was time to end his abstinence.

His fingers wrapped around his cock and he groaned. Wanking in private didn’t make him a pervert, he told himself, even if she was the subject of his fantasy. In fact, perhaps the more he indulged in her, the quicker he’d become indifferent to her.

His palm moved up his shaft before his thumb rubbed over his slit. His heart thundered. Sliding back down, he cupped his balls and massaged gently. He imagined her on her knees, looking up at him. Water running down her face as she leaned in. Her tongue lapping at his balls.

Groaning louder, his hips thrust of their own accord. Her mouth would take his balls entirely, sucking and licking. Her hand would reach up and slowly jerk him off. His hands would rest on the crown of her head.

He’d tell her how good it felt. He’d demand she sucked his cock. She’d smile as she teased him with her tongue over his shaft before wrapping her lips around him. She’d be too slow, too teasing.

Logan wanked harder, faster, as he thought of pushing his cock into her mouth. Of telling her to take every inch of him. He’d struggle to keep control. He’d thrust into her mouth. His hands would hold her head as he fucked her throat. She’d moan against his wet dick.

He’d tell her to finger her pussy. He’d tell her she was a good girl. His voice would crack with raw lust. He’d fuck her face harder. She’d gag a little bit but nod, wanting more. She’d suck him faster, eager to make him cum.

He could feel his cum rising. Not letting up, Logan pictured Rebecca’s head bobbing furiously as he face-fucked her. He’d growl and tell her that she was his slut now. That his cum was the only one that would fill her from this moment on. His slut.

“Fuuuuckkk!” Logan yelled as his cum spurted against the glass door. In his mind, Rebecca hungrily gulped his cum down as she shuddered from her own orgasm.

Reality slowly returned. Cum still leaked from his deflating cock as his body trembled. His breath shook. Feeling lightheaded, Logan leaned against the tile until he was ready to clean up.

As he dried off, he couldn’t deny that he had never cum so intensely in his life. Undecided whether it was because seven weeks was the longest period of no release, or if it was because of Rebecca, he wasn’t about to push to find the answer.

Dropping into bed, Logan decided that the only thing he knew and cared about was that fortunately, he felt better now. Regular wanking was to be reinstated.


A distant noise roused Rebecca from her sleep. Realising she’d dozed off on the lawn, she chuckled to herself. She’d always been teased by friends that she could sleep anywhere. Thinking about her friends, about her life, pulled at her heartstrings. She missed them terribly. They’d been her lifesaver, proving to her since their late teens that she had something to offer the world. That she wasn’t the waste of space she’d felt to be growing up.

Her older brother, Ethan, had tried to reassure her when she didn’t achieve the same grades, when she didn’t land as good a job straight out of college. When she didn’t meet the perfect man and have the perfect wedding. But his reassurances were no match for their father’s disappointment.

Her heart pulled again. Heading inside, she found Charlie in the control room.

“I don’t suppose there’s been any progress?”

Charlie shook his head. “Sorry, no. No word at all.”

“And I can’t find out how Ethan and his wife are doing?”

“Sorry. It must be zero contact. We wouldn’t know how to contact him anyway.”

“Yeah, I know,” sighed Rebecca, “I just keep hoping the answer will be different when I ask.”

“It will, just be patient a bit longer. It’ll all be over soon,” Charlie smiled. “So, how’s your head this morning?”

“It’s fine.”

“You sure?”

Charlie’s grin drew suspicion and Rebecca frowned.

“Why, what did you hear?”

“That you had a bit of a run-in with Logan. Something about him being pissed that you were drunk.”

“Damn, you all know about that?”

“You weren’t exactly quiet in your yelling or your stumbling.”

“Oh, God,” Rebecca groaned into her hands.

“It’s okay,” Charlie laughed, “it wasn’t that bad. We’ve seen a lot worse.”

“What, drunkenness or brawly behaviour?”


“I guess that makes me feel a bit better,” Rebecca grinned.

“It should, plus it’s good for the Boss to be challenged sometimes.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s used to people doing as he says. Throwing him a curveball keeps him on his toes.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“Hey, but not too often, though. There’s a fine line between you keeping him on his toes and him making our jobs more difficult.”

“Haha! Message received. Thanks, Charlie.”

“No problem.”

Rebecca left Charlie to search for more coffee. In the kitchen, she nibbled at left-over birthday cake as she sipped the hot liquid. She debated how the rest of the day should go. Unable to decide, the hours passed in an aimless wander, two movies, and an early night.

She’d collapsed into a post-hangover sleep quickly, and when she woke it was still dark out. The illuminated bedside clock told her it was after 4am. After tossing and turning for a while, her rumbling stomach couldn’t be ignored.

She slipped the silk wrap over her shorts and vest pyjamas and quietly opened the door. Simon sat at in the chair. Glancing up as she stepped out, he moved to stand.

“It’s ok, I’m fine. I’m going to the kitchen to get some food.”

He nodded and followed. As she poured herself some muesli, Rebecca smiled politely at Simon’s casual chitchat. Realising he wasn’t going to shut up, she was about to plead headache and return to hide in her room when Logan walked in.

“Morning, Boss, you’re up early.”

“Yeah, I must have had too much sleep yesterday. Why don’t you hit your bed now, Si. I’m up now, so I’ll take over.”

“You sure?”

“Sure. I got this.”

Simon threw a salute to Rebecca and left. She breathed out and closed her eyes.

“Feeling ok?”

Logan settled opposite with his own cereal. His spoon hovered over the bowl, waiting for her response.

“Yeah, I just don’t do chitchat at four in the morning.”

Logan huffed a laugh, surprising Rebecca. “He can be a bit clueless at times.”

“It feels like this entire thing is clueless,” Rebecca retorted as she chuckled.

“What do you mean?”

Regretting saying her thoughts, she shook her head and dismissed it.

“No, what do you mean? You think that my service is lacking?”

“No! No, that’s not what I meant at all, Logan. I wasn’t attacking your work, I promise. No. I feel very safe here, honestly.”

“So, who’s clueless?”

Rebecca sighed. She really had to learn to keep her mouth shut. “My father, for starters. Not only does he not know me, but I bet my ass he’s ended up in this situation because of some stupid shit he’s pulled that didn’t have to happen in the first place. Doyou know why I’m here?”

Logan reluctantly shook his head.

“Then there’s you, and me,” Rebecca continued, causing Logan to look worried, “we don’t have a clue as to when this is going to end. And how can we when we don’t even know the cause? This can still drag out for weeks. Weeks!”

“True,” breathed Logan.

Rebecca sighed, keeping the rest of her thoughts to herself. She’d promised not to cause trouble, even if the erection event kept taunting her. Instead, she slipped off her seat and made coffee for them both. The smallest detail of learning how he took his coffee gave her pleasure.

“So, is it true that you’d had too much sleep? Is that why you’re up so early?”

“I guess. I woke and couldn’t get back to sleep.”

“I have sleeping pills if you need them.”

“Thanks,” Logan chuckled, causing goose bumps on Rebecca’s arms, “I’ll be fine. I don’t sleep much really, anyway.”

“Or you can always have three beers or something.”

Logan joke-glared at her and they both laughed. Taking her seat again, she smiled at him over the rim of her cup. Watching his lips curl in response, Rebecca groaned inwardly. She squeezed her thighs together, trying desperately to ignore the hot ache building.

Just drink the coffee, just drink the coffee, she repeated. Her mind blanked of what she could say to him, so they sat in silence. Her gaze followed his fingers as they cupped the mug. Paranoia built within. Desire consumed her, and she became convinced that he must be able to feel it radiating from her pores.

She drank the coffee much faster than usual. If she kept drinking, then she was less likely to open her mouth and say something utterly foolish. The moment her cup was empty, Rebecca scooted off the stool and washed the cup in the sink. Logan still sat at the breakfast bar, looking as indifferent as ever.

“Well, I’m going to go back up to my room now. It’ll be light soon enough, so you don’t need to follow me.”

“Is everything okay?” Logan frowned.

“Yeah!” Rebecca could hear the over-enthusiastic effort in her words but carried on, “I just think maybe I should try to get more sleep. I didn’t take a pill last night and I don’t want to be falling asleep early again tonight and totally messing up my new routine. I’ll see you later.”

Without waiting for his response, Rebecca scuttled out. She didn’t hear him following and didn’t dare look back to see.

Well, that wasn’t too bad, she conceded,given that all you wanted to do was jump his bones. Small steps, woman, small steps.

There was no way she was going to fall asleep again. Not now. Instead, she fired up her laptop and stared at the work she’d been doing. There was only one thing she wanted to do right now and work wasn’t it.

Her fingers directed the arrow to the forbidden folder labelled ‘I Want’. Even as she double-clicked, she knew she shouldn’t. Four documents sat in the folder. Each document was labelled ‘L’ with a consecutive number. Rebecca clicked on ‘L1’.

She’d never read these words back. Writing them had been cathartic but if she tainted them with embarrassment then they’d lose their power. She should leave these be and just masturbate to thoughts still trapped in her mind. Instead, she began reading.

Embarrassment didn’t come. With each sentence, the urge to touch herself grew stronger. Reasoning with herself, she concluded that as long as she didn’t offer herself to Logan for him to refuse, then it was acceptable to indulge in her fantasies in private.

Rebecca opened her wrap and slipped one hand inside her shorts. She already knew her pussy was soaking, and her fingers slid easily along her pussy lips to dip into her wet hole.

Her words told her about how he’d throw her on the bed, flipping her to face down. In her fantasy, he yanked down her shorts, exposing her ass and pussy. He knelt behind her and she felt his tongue running from her clit to her asshole and back again. He buried his face in her cunt, eating her as if he were starved.

In front of the laptop, Rebecca’s fingers cupped her pussy firmly then rubbed the ball of her thumb against her clit as her fingers dipped in and out of her eager cunt. Her empty hand grabbed and squeezed at her tits under her vest.

On the screen, Logan now stood behind her, lining up his thick, hard cock with her pussy. She begged him to fuck her. He teased and she pleaded more. Then he thrust so hard it took her breath away. Filling her completely. He pulled back then thrust again. His hips moved faster. He pounded her. The bed banged against the wall.

As Rebecca read, she groaned loudly. She could hear her wetness as she pushed her fingers in deeper into her cunt. Her other hand pulled hard at her nipples and she yelped. She began to speak incoherently, a mumbled mess of wishing and demanding.

Back in fantasy land, Logan gripped her hair with one hand and pinned her with the other. His cock slammed inside her cunt over and over, his skin slapping hers loudly. She could hear his grunts getting louder and it turned her on even more. The hand in her hair let go and pushed roughly underneath her.

He found her clit and rubbed hard. Unable to hold back, Rebecca screamed as her orgasm shattered her. As her cunt gripped his cock, he too tipped over the edge with a roar. His cum shot deep inside her, filling her. His hips eased but didn’t stop entirely.

Rebecca came all over her fingers, lips squeezed together to contain the scream she wanted to release. Her thighs clenched, trapping her hand in place. The hand at her nipples cupped her breast instead as she rode the waves.

Her thundering heart slowed. The trembling eased. She released a shaky breath as she straightened her clothes. A film of sweat had beaded on her hairline and her whole body felt clammy. Leaving her laptop, Rebecca headed for a shower.


Logan stayed in the kitchen when Rebecca left. Not because she’d given permission, but because his goddamned erection had inconveniently rose again.

Just sitting opposite her, with this new sense of ease between them, had been enough to fuck with him. Hearing her laugh had somehow caught him off guard. He’d heard her laugh before. Just not with or because of him. It felt like he’d been drugged. He wanted more.

He’d watched as she moved away to make coffee and that had been the nail in the coffin. He’d made the fatal mistake of watching her. He’d drank in every inch from her hair to her toes.

When she sat back down, he tried to think of something to say to make her laugh. His mind kept drawing a blank so instead, he watched her watching him.

Then he recalled the night when she’d masturbated. At the time he’d been convinced that she’d said his name. But it had only been once and amongst other noises she made. Even when she came, she hadn’t repeated it. He now doubted himself. His own desire had been clawing to escape and so it made sense that his ears had played a mean trick on him.

As the silent minutes ticked between them, he wondered if she could sense how much he wanted her. Surely it must be clear in his eyes. He was damned good at self-control, though he’d never been challenged to this intensity before. And as much as he didn’t want her to know that he wasn’t in control, he did.

Relief washed over him when she’d moved to clean her cup. This time he’d refused to watch her. But that relief was short lived when it was replaced by disappointment. He had no reason to keep her here, so he watched her leave.

Five minutes later, Logan felt confident to move. It was still dark out, so he headed up the stairs to take post. As expected, Rebecca’s door was closed. Sitting down, Logan distracted himself with mental to-do notes for the day ahead. He wasn’t due to meet Mr Forde for another few days though Rebecca’s comments had him considering challenging the status-quo.

A noise caught his attention, and he froze. When the second noise came, he realised that it was Rebecca moving around her room. The faint sound of her shower started.

To be safe, Logan radioed to check that all was secure. Everyone confirmed. Dawn would soon break and he’d be able to leave. He was just easing back into the chair when his radio buzzed.

“Boss, this is Tommy, one of the perimeter alarms has just been triggered. Charlie and Riley have gone to check that.”

Logan co-ordinated a full security sweep of the building with the other team members, then double-checked all the windows on this floor of this wing himself. When all were cleared, only Rebecca’s room remained. Unwilling to take the risk of waiting further, Logan knocked.

With no response, he turned the handle and opened the door. The room was empty and the shower still ran in the ensuite. Fortunately, there was no window in there. Logan checked Rebecca’s window then radioed the team to clear this area.

Rebecca began humming in the shower to a tune he recognised. Glancing around the room he felt assured that she was safe. His radio buzzed and the rest of the team also cleared their areas. As everyone stood guard at their points, Tommy cleared the alarm, citing wildlife.

As he was about to leave, he registered that Rebecca’s laptop was turned on, displaying a word document. Glancing at the closed ensuite door, Logan’s curiosity to what she’d been working on whilst stuck here fought with his integrity. From the notes he’d compiled, Rebecca was full of ideas and determined to find a business that would work. He was intrigued by her mind and her attitude.

Logan found himself leaning down to read whatever was on the page. He immediately spotted his name. Confusion lasted only a moment as he skim-read the sentences. His breath caught in his throat. Running on autopilot, he sat down on the desk chair. His finger moved over the mouse pad and exposed more.

Rebecca hadn’t held back. The graphic descriptions of how she imagined him fucking her were in black and white. Her language was downright dirty. And he’d never been so aroused.

A tiny voice in the back of his mind told him to stand up and walk out. It reasoned that she’d never know he’d been here. It insisted that invading her privacy could bring nothing but problems. It assured him that he could enjoy wanking off for a long time just knowing she’d written these. He could leave, now, and everything would be normal.

The tiny voice made all the sense in the world. And he always, always, made the right decisions.


Rebecca scrubbed herself down. The bubbles slid over her body and she began humming a song. Humming turned to the kind of half-singing that she often did when she only remembered some of the words.

The hot massage jets worked wonders on her shoulders. She recalled how often she’d go for massages and made a mental note to add a Spa Day to her ‘Freedom To-Do’ plan. She idly figured she’d have to make sure she got a female therapist, though, in case her libido was still as strong as it currently was, and she ended up in the type of trouble her father was always expecting. That thought made her giggle. Whilst she was no innocent, she’d never been so wanton either. It was quite fascinating, really.

Turning off the shower, Rebecca stepped out and rubbed her hair with the towel. In the back of her mind, she heard her old stylist dramatically scolding her for such blatant damage. Some old habits were difficult to break. With tousled hair, she patted her body of excess moisture then carried the towel in her hand to finish drying in the less steamy bedroom.

Entering the bedroom, she gasped and froze. Logan sat at the desk. Two realisations hit her simultaneously. One was that he was sat at the desk, at the laptop. The laptop which clearly displayed her amateur porn story. He could not not have seen it. The other was that she was naked. The towel in her hand hung in the air, shielding some of her, but not absolutely.


Her throat closed. Her words lost. She should cover up. Why wasn’t she covering up?

“What’s this?”

Logan’s voice rumbled low as he pointed to the screen. Hearing him speak broke the spell and her hands fumbled to wrap the towel around her body. Her heart thundered so loudly she could hear it roar in her ears. Her words continued to refuse to form sentences.


Logan rose from the chair. With slow and deliberate movement, he stepped towards her. Their eyes locked. She couldn’t read him. Fear, shame, and hope fused in her chest. She wanted a sign into what he was thinking. She needed it.

“Is this what you want? For me to do these things to you?”

Rebecca’s skin burned wildly as she tore her gaze from him to the laptop. She couldn’t deny it. She couldn’t argue that it was a misunderstanding, or that she didn’t really mean it. But the admission stuck in her throat. She couldn’t bear to say the words out loud and for him to reject her. Logan took another step closer.

“Do you want me?” he murmured.

“Yes,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

Logan’s fingertips stroked her cheek, sliding to her chin. With the faintest pressure, he lifted her face to him.

“Look at me, Rebecca.”

As she complied, she lost herself in the darkness of his eyes. He closed the remaining space between them. Her chin tipped further, and his eyes dropped to her mouth. He was going to kiss her. She knew it now. Her lashes fluttered. Anticipation raged within.

“Boss,” the radio crackled loudly, “you have a call, it’s Mr Forde.”

Desperation screamed from every inch of her body as his fingers abandoned her. His feet retreated immediately, and the void yawned between them. He half-turned away as he reached for his radio and replied that he was on his way.

“I have to go,” he shook his head.

He didn’t instantly move but when Rebecca didn’t promptly react either, he left.


Logan cursed with every step he took further away from Rebecca’s room. Wiping at his face, he hoped he didn’t look too flustered. He was so fucking frustrated at being interrupted but already the guilt was burying under his skin. As he neared the control room, he forced all thoughts from his mind and his professional mask fell naturally into place.

A short time later, Logan drove out of the security gates. It was barely morning. Light fog misted the way as he followed the dead country roads towards the motorway. He hoped this was it. He hoped that when he returned, he’d have answers to give; a new plan to formulate.

As he drove, that hope wavered. He couldn’t help acknowledging that if this were the end, then it would be the end of whatever would or wouldn’t happen with Rebecca. Once she was free to return to her life, he’d never see her again.

But he couldn’t think like that, he scolded himself. His desire for her couldn’t be the priority here and he’d be a ridiculously selfish prick if he hoped that her father was still screwing this up.

Pulling onto Mr Forde’s driveway, Logan sighed heavily. At the door, he was shown to the same room as previously. This time Mr Forde was already waiting.

“Mr Hunt, thank you for coming so early. My investigators have been able to locate those involved and we’re close to getting this resolved once and for all. The likelihood is that it will all go smoothly. They’ll be caught, and we can get on with our lives.”

Logan nodded, expecting Mr Forde to continue.

“There is a small chance, however, that they’ve prepared for that and even if we catch them there’ll be some repercussion. They’ve advised that we should move Ethan and Rebecca to a new location before this final stage is complete. They’ve also advised that you handle it all, including the location, that even I can’t know. I’ve transferred another payment into the account to cover costs. From now, it’ll be radio silence. Keep track of the online publication of Money Today for notification that this is all over. There’ll be an article entitled ‘The Time is Now’.”

“And how long do you expect them to sort out this last hurdle?”

“I would like to extend our current agreement by two weeks.”

“Yes, Sir. Got it. Can I ask, on behalf of Rebecca, how is Ethan?”

“You can tell Rebecca not to worry, Ethan is fine.”

Logan nodded again and they shook hands. As Logan neared the door, Rebecca’s father called after him. Logan paused, turning back. Mr Forde looked small in such a large room. For the first time, he also looked nervous. Logan waited for him to speak.

“Please take care of my daughter, Mr Hunt.”

“Yes, Sir.”


Rebecca hung around the kitchen for as long as she could. She dragged out breakfast, had two cups of coffee and read a discarded newspaper from cover to cover.

Eventually giving up, she moved to the living room and tried to engage in a morning TV chat show. As the exuberant hosts waxed lyrical about nothing, Rebecca kept losing her thoughts to the almost kiss. He’d been going to kiss her. And she couldn’t wait to cross that line.

Finally, she heard his voice in the hallway. Whomever he was talking to, his tone warned her that now was not the time to approach him. Radios buzzed and he called the team to the control room. She just needed patience. He’d come and get her when he was able.

Shortly after, the hum of voices grew louder from the control room followed by the dull thumping of several boots dispersing. Two team members hurried past the living room doorway, catching Rebecca’s eye.

Sitting up straight, she paused then headed to the control room. In the hallway, Logan was headed for her. They both stopped and spoke simultaneously.

“What’s going on?”

“We need to talk.”

Logan took Rebecca’s elbow and led her to the nearest empty room. Once inside, he released her and closed the door behind them.

“I went to see your dad this morning. There’s been movement,” he held up his palm to halt her joy, “but it’s not over yet. We must move location. You need to be packed and ready to go in three hours.”

“Is this good news?”

“I think it is. But we can’t slack off yet. The same rules apply, ok?”

Rebecca nodded as she processed his words. “Where are we going?”

“I’ll confirm that as soon as I can.”

“Anything else I need to know?”

“Ethan is fine.”

Rebecca’s chin snapped up. Surprise melted into relief.

“Thank you,” she breathed.

Logan nodded. Rebecca bit her lip as silence between them grew. In the same second, Rebecca stepped closer and spoke as Logan moved to the door.


Glancing at her, he smiled. “I have to get back, make sure it’s all going smoothly.”

“Of course.”

He paused and she imagined him sweeping her up and kissing her passionately again. Instead, he left.

Refusing to dwell on her disappointment, she followed behind Logan and went to pack.


The next hour passed in a blur. Logan’s team were more than capable of handling these kinds of pressures, yet he couldn’t relax. Everyone had their specific tasks allocated. Equipment was being packed; final checks were being completed. They’d leave behind any non-essential items and come back for them at a later date.

The helicopter would be here in an hour. It would carry Rebecca, Logan and two other team members to their new destination. The rest of the team would then leave in the vehicles and join as soon as possible. Their road trip was expected to take thirteen hours.

He never liked these last-minute changes, though he’d been in the business long enough to not worry too much. Finding a new location had been the easiest part. Transporting the client was the riskiest. He’d be able to relax once they were set up in the next place.

After triple checking the progress, Logan decided to pack his own few belongings now. As he took the stairs, Rebecca crossed his mind. He wanted to find her but even talking to her had been conflicting. It was simpler to keep focussed on getting the job done. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it.

His room was sparse. The wardrobe consisted of four very similar outfits, all dark and slim fitting. His toiletry collection was even smaller. The three books sitting on his nightstand all came from the library downstairs.

There was only one personal item that he carried with him on each assignment: a small box frame displaying his dad’s military medals. When his dad passed away three years ago, his mum had offered them to Logan. They now travelled with him wherever he went as a visual reminder of the pride he took on being the man he was.

As he placed the frame inside his bag, on top of his folded clothes, he heard the door behind him click. Rebecca stood, leaning against the wood. Her hands behind her back, holding the handle.

“You shouldn’t be in here,” said Logan.

“I know.”

“Have you packed?”

“Tommy has my case. I’m ready to go.”

Logan nodded as he zipped up his own bag. Rebecca stepped closer.

“Rebecca…” He warned.

Ignoring him, her hands smoothed against his chest, upwards to his neck. Her fingertips stroked his clenched jawline. His heart raced at her touch. His eyes bore into hers, willing her to stop.

“Five minutes, that’s all I want,” she whispered, “please.”

Her lips caressed his neck, tasting his skin as they neared his lips. The tip of her tongue traced his lower lip, coaxing him to kiss her. He was captivated as her lips brushed over his. Slowly. Determined. When her teeth grazed his lip, taunting him with the possibility that she’d nip him, his last wall fell.

His hands grabbed her shoulders roughly as his mouth possessed hers. He both felt and heard her moan as his tongue found hers. He needed to devour her.

Logan raised his hands to seize her face as he took control. His tongue danced, tasting her, as he pushed himself hard against her. He felt her hands clinging to him as he swept them away together in exquisite surrender.

One hand slipped into her hair, keeping her lips joined with his, whilst the other inched downward between their bodies. His fingertips traced her throat to the neckline of her t-shirt. At the hem, he continued over the material to palm her heavy breast.

His chest swelled with need as he revelled in squeezing and exploring her full softness. He could feel her hardened nipple rubbing against his palm. She whimpered into his kiss, driving him to the edge of reason. His mind became blurred with desire. He could feel himself losing focus and he wanted to believe that nothing else could matter in this moment but claiming her.

With gargantuan effort, Logan removed his hand from her breast, and eased the kiss until their lips parted. Their ragged breaths mingled as they remained close, their foreheads almost touching. He felt her hands loosen and he reluctantly copied.

“Rebecca,” his voice wobbled.

“It’s okay, I did say five minutes,” Rebecca breathed, smiling widely as she stepped away. “I’ll see you at the helicopter.”

With that, she ducked out. Logan splashed water on his face and convinced his erection to stand down, before following.


Tommy had told Rebecca that she’d be boarding a helicopter from the lawn at 11am. He hadn’t, however, shared their destination. And now, as they flew, it was still a mystery. She never thought she had a poor sense of direction though right now she was utterly lost. She reminded herself that she didn’t need to know, really. All she needed to do was trust Logan.

After a refuel and what felt like forever, she spotted the sea in the distance. Trying hard to recognise any landmark, they kept flying towards the sea. She figured they’d be landing any minute, yet they kept going. The sea now spread below them. Twisting in her seat, she tried to see further ahead. When they reached land again, it was obviously sparse. So much green. So few houses.

The helicopter slowed and descended. When she was able to disembark, she looked around. A squat, white house lay a few hundred feet away. The salty air nipped at her skin through her thin layers as her hair whipped her face. The sea lay further ahead beyond the house, whilst uneven tufted grass rolled around her for as far as she could see in every other direction.

Grabbing her case from Tommy, she followed his lead towards the house. Behind her, the helicopter lifted away. As they neared the building, she could see the grey waves about half a mile ahead.

To her relief, the shelter of the house was better than expected. Whilst it looked simple on the outside, the interior had been brought up to date. Not a draft could be found, and she dismissed the fear that she’d be spending the rest of the time wrapped in three layers. Charlie and Logan followed behind. She’d been told that the rest of the team would be arriving by tomorrow, though this house didn’t look big enough for everyone.

Logan asked her to wait in the living room, then disappeared with the other two. When he returned, he took her case and led her up the narrow staircase. An equally narrow hallway ran the entire length of the house. Four doors lined one wall. The first was the bathroom. Logan apologised that they’d all be sharing this one. Rebecca said, ‘no problem’ and prayed that being with a house full of men wouldn’t bethat bad.

The second and third doors were open. A bunk bed and a single filled each room. Logan briefly explained that it would be enough beds to share based on their shifts. The final door opened to a large double bed and pine furniture. A small TV hung on the wall.

“And this is yours. Because of the compact space, we’ve assessed that you don’t need someone sitting outside your door. There’ll always be someone awake in one of the other two rooms, and we’ll keep those doors ajar, so we’ll hear anything up here. I know it’s not as good as the last one but hopefully it won’t be for long now.”

“This is fine, Logan, honestly. Though I feel guilty about all of you squeezing in those rooms together.”

“I’m sure a couple of the lads would be happy to swap if you want.”

“That’s not what I was thinking,” Rebecca laughed.

“I know exactly what you’re thinking. And stop it. They can’t know about…”

Logan’s words faded away as he vaguely gestured between them.

“I know, I was teasing. Though…” Rebecca’s voice dropped as she raised a hand to stroke his chest. “If you choose the bed on the opposite side of that wall, and take a glass to bed with you, then I can give you something to listen to.”

Logan seized her wrist and pulled it away. His eyes darkened as his mouth curled. With slow deliberation, he pressed himself against her and kept moving, forcing her to step backwards until he trapped her against the wardrobe.

“You, Miss Forde, are a wicked tease. You knew I was listening that night.”

“I came so hard, hoping that you’d burst in and fuck me,” she admitted.

“You wanted me to fuck you?”

“I still do. Every which way you want. I want you to fill every hole. I want to cum on your cock over and over.”

Rebecca’s pussy ached with need as she spoke. Her cheeks flushed and nipples hardened against his chest. Her eyes met his and reflected his desire. She saw his lips move as if to speak but no words came. She was about to beg for him to fuck her when he released her and stepped back.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. Rebecca spoke quickly, fearing that he was about to say something she didn’t want to hear.

“It’s ok, Logan, I know you have stuff to do.”

It was fine if he said they couldn’t be together right in this minute because he had to work. It wasn’t fine if he said that they wouldn’t be together at all, ever. She wanted to keep her bubble inflated for as long as she could. To her relief, Logan nodded and left.

Back downstairs, Logan and Charlie were busy setting up the new control room in the dining room. Tommy had gone outside to set the perimeter alarms. Rebecca refrained from commenting that since they were clearly so isolated, wasn’t this all a bit overkill. Instead, she hunted for coffee.

Once she figured out the coffee machine, she brewed a fresh pot. Handing hot mugs to everyone made her feel a bit useful at least. She continued to explore the rest of the house and settled in a small room which she could only describe as a hybrid. The room was clearly solidly built to blend into the rest of the house. However, the external walls were almost entirely glass. Two two-seater sofas took up most of the floor space, and she figured this had been created with sole purpose of absorbing the view. And what a view.

The sun kept fighting the clouds to make its appearance. Birds flew high overhead. And the grey sea rolled gently. The grass occasionally sprouted taller in clumps, waving in the breeze. But despite her searching, she hadn’t yet spotted any creatures.

Relaxing into the comfy seat, Rebecca sipped her coffee. Under different circumstances then perhaps this could be a place she could enjoy. She was so used to glamourous settings that she realised now how much she’d taken it all for granted. The seas she normally enjoyed sparkled crystal blue clear. The nature was manicured and had artificial purpose. And she was surrounded by people who helped her forget to worry about anything.

She didn’t even miss her phone now. Looking back, she realised she’d gone through a form of detox in those first few weeks. It had taken her a while to stop reaching for a phone that wasn’t there every morning. The need to check in on social media had been particularly frustrating and she reflected that she’d been moody about that too. And it had been an awful shock to realise that she spent such a significant amount of time every day just scrolling. On nothing.

Now, the only thing she missed about her phone was the ability to connect with someone when she wanted. To hear Tess’s voice, and to see photos of Ethan living his life. Thinking about them brought tears to her eyes. Despite assuring herself that it wasn’t long now, they spilled down her cheeks.


“Rebecca, I was thinking…”

Seeing her wet cheeks and red eyes, Logan’s words died. Panic chased down his spine and he hurried to sit beside her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she waved his concern away and wiped roughly at her tears.

“It’s clearly not nothing. Tell me, I can’t help you if I don’t know what it is.”

“No, I’m fine, honestly.”

Logan clenched his jaw, fighting the desire to argue his point. She was fine an hour ago. Something had obviously changed. He couldn’t understand what had happened and he hated it. He was used to seeing a problem and knowing how to solve it. But how could he help if he didn’t even know what the problem was?

“Rebecca,” he tried again, immediately regretting it when he heard her sigh.

“It’s fine, I just miss my life,” she shrugged.

“This will be over soon.”

“So you keep saying.”

“Before you know it, you’ll be sunning yourself by a pool and drinking cocktails.”

“And you’ll be holed up in a new location with a flatulent old man who keeps putting his dentures in water glasses around the house.”

Logan laughed aloud. The urge to kiss her almost overwhelmed him. Instead, he lifted his hand to wipe away the remaining moisture on her cheek with his thumb. His hand stilled as he cupped her face. Her eyes fluttered closed as if to focus on his touch.

A cough from the doorway broke the quiet and Logan snatched his hand away. A new panic filled his chest and he silently cursed. Looking up, he saw Tommy struggling to not look.

“Sorry, Boss, we just wanted to confirm a few details with you.”

“Of course, Tommy, I’m coming.”

Logan glanced back at Rebecca. She stared out of the window, biting her lip. He made his way to the control room. Before he could reach it, Tommy caught him and pulled him into the kitchen.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing. Logan?” Tommy hissed through gritted teeth.

Tommy and Logan had worked together for most of Logan’s career. And whilst Logan pushed to get to the top, Tommy had always been happy to live on the middle tier. They were friends outside of work and they’d seen each other through tough times as well as good. Matching work ethos and mutual respect had always been the cornerstones of their relationship.

“Tommy, don’t.”

“Don’t what? Don’t point out that you’re making a big mistake? Don’t say that surely you know you’re risking everything you’ve worked for, for what?”

Logan grunted and dragged his fingers through his hair. Shaking his head, he tried to find the words to explain.

“God, Logan, you know better.”

“I know!”

“How far has this gone? Is it just touches and glances? Have you kissed her? Have you fucked her?”

If Logan responded, he might be asked about his feelings. And what the fuck did he know about his feelings. Logan remained silent and Tommy read this as the worst.

“Logan, mate, I love you, you know I do,” Tommy grabbed him by the arm, “I don’t want to see you do something that you’re going to regret. If her dad finds out, then your professional integrity is gone. If the rest of the team find out, do you think you can have the same standing as you do now?”

“I know what I’m doing,” Logan lied.

“You do, huh? So, what happens when this all ends? She goes back to her rich, jet-setting life and you carry on like it didn’t happen? She doesn’t strike me as a fuck-em-and-leave-em kind of girl.”

“It’s under control, Tommy. And we haven’t fucked, by the way.”

“Good, keep it that way,” Tommy sighed and shook his head. “You’re the best boss out there, Logan, and you know it. I don’t want to see you blow it up for a bit of fun. At least wait until the job’s over and you can hook up with her all you want.”


“Now, let’s go get this shit sorted so we can sleep tonight.”

As they were about to leave, Tommy turned back to him one last time. “If you fuck up, you know I’ve got your back, right? I just don’t know how much damage control I’ll be able to do.”


Rebecca was tempted to feign a headache to skip the evening dinner. Awkwardness had been niggling at her since Logan had found her crying. And then knowing that Tommy had caught them, all she wanted to do was to hide. But this damned place was so much smaller than the last and she knew she couldn’t hide from them indefinitely.

It was better to rip off the embarrassment plaster now. So, she offered to help Tommy prepare dinner for the four of them. As she chopped the vegetables, she kept waiting for him to comment on what he’d seen. Instead, he talked about music and they compared the different concerts they’d attended.

She’d almost forgotten about the tension until Logan entered. He paused, unsure of who to speak to first. Tommy cleared his throat and threw a butternut squash at him, telling him to make himself useful. Rebecca worked hard not to glance up at either Tommy or Logan, just in case.

When dinner was served, it was a relief to have Charlie present and Rebecca suspected they were all using him as deflection. A couple of times he looked puzzled to why all the attention was on him suddenly and she smiled in pity.

Tommy insisted she didn’t help clear the dishes, which had been a regular warning in the previous house also. Being left to her own devices again, she decided to take advantage of the large tub in the bathroom. She’d only had showers in the previous house, so she warned them all that she’d be occupying the bathroom for the next hour if anyone needed it first.

Aside from lacking bubble bath liquid, Rebecca enjoyed the long soak and by the time she returned to her bedroom wrinkly skinned, tiredness overcame her. When they’d first arrived, she’d had hopes that she might be able to find some time with Logan. Now, Tommy’s interruption had popped that bubble. Knowing she was alone tonight, she slipped naked under the covers and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, she had no idea what time it was. She realised she’d forgotten to take any sleeping pills. And there was no clock in the room. The only thing she knew with certainty was that it was still night-time. Facing the window, she saw the room brighten for a moment. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Logan step quietly into the room and close the door behind him.

Sitting up, she waited for him to near. Without a word spoken, she threw back the covers and exposed her nakedness. In three paces he was at her bed. He leaned over her, hands on either side, as he climbed to kneel on the bed. His lips found hers and as they kissed, Rebecca slid down until lying flat.

Her hands reached up around his neck, pulling him to her tightly. Her back arched, needing to feel his body against hers. Their tongues met, lashing at each other. Their breaths became one as their lips claimed the other equally. One hand sank into his hair whilst the other moved restlessly over his back, from shoulder to ass and back again.

The kiss lasted forever, and yet it was over too fast. Logan tore his lips away leaving Rebecca breathless. Before she could complain, he manoeuvred himself down her aching body. His lips trailed over her skin, pausing to take a nipple into his mouth and suck hard.

Rebecca gasped and arched further. Her fingers gripped his hair tightly as she whispered her encouragement. Once her nipple was soaked and plump, Logan moved on. His tongue traced her abdomen, over her navel, as he shifted down the bed.

His hands on her calves, he lifted her legs to rest on his shoulders. As his mouth moved closer, Rebecca gasped in anticipation. His lips feathered kisses up her inner thighs while his fingertips stroked her outer thighs. His breath warmed her skin, closer and closer to her pussy.

His lips kissed above her pussy, then down over her labia. Rebecca moaned in desperation. Logan pressed his mouth firmly against her pussy as his fingers glided toward his face. Every nerve tingled as he tenderly pulled her labia to expose her glistening wet pink folds. He blew gently before flicking the tip of his tongue over her clit.

Rebecca cried out at this slight touch. Logan licked again, using more of his tongue. With every lick, he swept longer and deeper until he was tasting her with all his tongue. He lapped from hole to swollen clit. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he buried his face in the pink wonderland and pushed his tongue deep into her cunt. His nose rubbed against her clit as he moved. Rebecca held his head, not quite demanding, as she writhed.

“Oh fuck, oh yes! Yes, fuck, yes!” She babbled over and over.

Logan slid one hand to meet his tongue and pushed two fingers inside her soaking cunt. His tongue returned to her clit as he finger-fucked her. He added a third finger. Rebecca cried out again. Her hips thrust to meet his rhythm. Her juices covered his fingers which curled and rubbed the walls inside her pussy.

“Please,” Rebecca begged.

She didn’t say what she wanted. Logan’s lips closed over her clit and sucked. His teeth grazed the tender bud.

“Fuck, yessssss!”

Rebecca thrashed and her fingers dug into his scalp. Her cunt squeezed his fingers as she exploded, cumming over and over. Logan continued to suck and slurp at her pussy until she could take no more. She released his hair and pushed at him.

Logan relented. Drained but determined, she sat up. Logan shifted onto his knees and Rebecca cupped his face and kissed him deeply, sharing her taste.

“I want to taste you,” she whispered as their lips parted.

Logan swung off the bed and stood. Rebecca’s hands immediately raised to unfasten his belt buckle. She popped the button and pulled the zipper down. Looking up at him, she gently squeezed the throbbing outline of his cock. Hearing him groan was magical.

Her hands moved to either side of his pants, thumbs hooking over the band to pull them down. Her fingers wrapped around his cock through his underwear and she wanked him lightly.

“Rebecca,” he groaned loudly as his hips instinctively thrust.

Momentarily releasing him, she pulled his underwear down before reclaiming his steel rod. His cock raged at her touch as she wanked his exposed cock inches from her face.

Logan moaned as he looked down at the sight. He watched as she leaned forward to lick his damp slit, drawing more moans from him. His hands dropped to his side, fists clenched. She held his cock and slapped it on her tongue, playing with him. Rebecca looked up at him and smiled. Then her lips parted and closed around his cock.

Logan’s chest thundered. His entire body flamed as every inch entered her mouth. When she could take no more, her lips slid back again to the rim of his helmet. Her tongue rolled over his mushroom head, licking and tasting. Then pushed deeper. Finding a steady rhythm, her head bobbed back and forth as her hand held him at the base.

His hips thrust automatically. His fingers unclenched and rested either side of her head. Feeling his hold, she glanced upwards again. She looked perfect. Her wide eyes filled with lust. Her pink lips wrapped around his engorged shaft. She kept bobbing.

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