Hannah's Pony Ch. 08 by derrickbitch,derrickbitch

On the morning after Hannah passed her test for training Cody, Hannah got her ponyboy ready as usual. Once he received his enemas, was fed his disgusting vitamin drink and had his ponyboots secured on his feet, Hannah also pushed the ponytail buttplug into his ass. She twisted it several times to make sure it looked perfect in him. After he was ready she led him to her personal cart waiting at the front of the barn.

She unlocked his wrist cuffs only to secure them again to the cart shafts on either side of him then placed the shaft grips in his hands. This made it easier for him to pull, but more importantly it gave Hannah a more comfortable ride.

She made certain his posture collar was on tight to prevent him from turning his head. Hannah also tightened the bit gag in his mouth then attached leather reigns to each side of the bit gag.

She did not put a training hood on him but instead secured a strap over the top of his head from one side of his bit gag to the other. At the top of his head the main strap had two more straps at the front and the back. The back strap ran down the back of his head and was secured to a ring on the back of his posture collar. The front strap ran down his face between his eyes and separated into an upside Y around both sides of his nose and was attached to his posture collar. The purpose of all the straps was to hold two leather blinders on the side straps. With the blinders on Cody was forced to only look forward as he pulled her.

Once Hannah got all of the tack on her ponyboy, she began covering his body in oil. She carefully and seductively caressed his body with the oil, which protected him from the sun but also highlighted his bulging muscles.

Cody felt Hannah climb aboard then waited nervously for the whip as she sat in her cart casually talking with her professor; Karen.

Suddenly he felt the lash on his back and the reigns were jerked slightly to the left. Cody responded by pulling the cart to the left. Moments later he was pulling her into the warm morning sun.

Cody felt her pull his reigns to right as he pulled her on to a campus street. He pulled her pass dozens of students on their way to classes or breakfast. He felt the lash on his back again; his instincts caused him to pull faster.

The loud clomping of his hooves caused many students to turn and stare as Cody continued pulling her. She lashed him a few more times to speed up as she drove him across the campus.

As he pulled, they came across more and more students. Eventually she pulled back on his reigns to slow him down a bit. Approaching a large dorm building, she slowed him more until she finally had him stop in front of the main door. She tethered his reigns to a rail then walked inside.

While he waited for her, several students came over to check him out. A guy holding his girlfriend’s hand came over and looked at Cody’s chastity cage then said, “Oh man that looks painful. I could never wear one of those.”

His girlfriend pressed herself against her boyfriend and said, “I feel so sorry for him. Lets go back and fuck again before class.”

Cody whimpered in frustration as the young couple went back inside. Moments later he felt a girl caressing his cock through the chastity cage as she whispered,” I beat you would love to get an erection and fuck me wouldn’t you?”

Cody couldn’t nod his head because of the posture collar, but he did moan from behind his gag and stomp in frustration. She teased his caged cock a few more times before she went to class.

Eventually Hannah came out holding hands with her girlfriend, Brea.

Brea walked up to Cody and squeezed his balls. “He is still very full,” Brea said, “I still don’t understand why you have to let him cum every few months.”

Hannah laughed, “Maybe we won’t.”

The two girls laughed together as they both climbed abroad the cart. Instantly Cody could feel the extra weight as he held onto the cart shafts. Moments later his reigns were pulled left and he felt a sharp crack of the whip on his ass.


Even with the extra weight, Cody managed to pull the cart with both girls aboard with only a little more effort. He was grateful both were very petite. To make sure he kept up his pace Hannah would snap the whip on Cody’s ass occasionally to keep his mind focused on pulling.

His ponyboots were hitting the ground harder as he strained a little bit more to pull both girls down the avenue toward the academic buildings. As he pulled they passed hundreds of kids his age. Most stopped to watch the ponyboy pulling Hannah and Brea.

The hills on the campus were not very big but they did slow Cody since he was now pulling two girls instead of one. Hannah responded to his slowness by cracking the whip harder on Cody’s back.

The ponyboy strained harder pulling them up the small hill as his owner relentlessly beat him. Once at the top he was on a flat stretch and continued pulling.

“I love watching you beat him,” Brea said to her lover.

Cody was panting heavily to catch his breath as he was forced to continue pulling.

She pulled back on his reigns to slow him down then stop him in front of one of the buildings. He heard Brea and Hannah kiss just as Brea stepped out of the cart to go to class.

She then cracked the whip hard on Cody’s back making the ponyboy trot away pulling her. It was much easier pulling just one person and Cody was picking up speed.

Eventually they came to a large group of students and she pulled back on the reigns to slow him down and to her delight the ponyboy obeyed. She obviously loved showing off her control over her ponyboy.

As the crowd cleared a bit Hannah tapped his ass slightly signaling him to move faster. Eventually she had Cody at a good trot again as they continued through the campus park.

She drove Cody around campus enjoying the view and the pleasure of dominance over Cody. She loved making his muscles straining with each step. She loved watching his ponytail sway back and forth as he pulled her.

She drove Cody to a coffee shop just off of campus and pulled him into the parking lot. Hannah stepped off the cart and tethered his reigns as she went inside.

Cody was left facing a brick wall but could hear several people talking about him. He also realized Hannah was sitting at a nearby table talking to someone. The aroma of her fresh coffee and Danish made his mouth water from behind his bit gag. The ponyboy stomped several times hoping his owner would get the hint and give him a bite. Instead he heard her tell the person with her, “He is just stomping because he is horny. ”

Cody tried grunting behind his gag to tell her that he was horny and hungry. Unfortunately he was dependent on her for everything. Unfortunately for Cody Hannah believed the best way to keep him motivated to serve her was to keep him desperate for everything.

Hannah and the woman she was talking to walked in front of Cody. Both were sipping their coffees as they stood in front of him. “Is he really a virgin?” the woman asked as she looked at Cody’s caged cock.

“Yes he is,” Hannah said with pride, “And he will remain a virgin for as long as I own him.”

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