The Motorcycle Diaries: Stranded by Mojavejoe420

Introduction: “I want it. I need to suck it, I need it inside my body, I’m a slave to you and your big black cock.” , The Motorcycle Diaries: Stranded

© 2020 by Mojavejoe420


Utah is full of assholes.

I stood there on the side of the road with my motorcycle parked, helmet on the seat. I smiled and waved at the cars and RVs that didn’t come by very often, but nobody stopped. Some kids in a camper waved back, but that’s been about it.

I guess they don’t get too many black people up in here.

I drank all my water and the heat kept heating. I cursed myself again. The guidebook said this Escalante Staircase thing was an amazing sight, and it was. But it also wasn’t traveled very heavily. And as hot as it was now, it was going to get cold when the sun went down. I wiped some beads of sweat from my forehead.


I didn’t think I looked too intimidating. I’m just at six feet, dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. I got a great smile and my moms thinks I look like Denzel. Nobody else thinks that, but I don’t mind. I do have some ink, maybe that was throwing everyone off.

I heard a vehicle approaching, so I grabbed my empty water bottle and held it upside down. From around the corner, this RV approached at slow speed. It’s a dirt/gravel road so nobody goes too fast except Jeeps and jacked up trucks. That’s been a lot of fun when they came by and dusted me. This RV is one of those medium-sized ones with a van front end. Not a supersized bus style, but still a pretty decent size.

As it came into view, I held up my empty water bottle, gave a little wave, tried to put on my best can a brother get some water face… and they slowed down!

The driver, a white guy who didn’t actually look all that old, and his wife who actually looked pretty good, waved at me and pulled slowly past my bike. It’s like they were being careful not to kick up too much dust on me.

The RV gave me some welcome shade. I walked up just as the guy opened the door. He had what looked like a cold bottle of water in his hand.

“Drink up, young man, then we’ll talk.”

I gave him a big ass smile and chugged half the water. The cold liquid radiated chillness through my chest, about the greatest feeling in the world right now. I took a couple breaths and drank the rest of the water.

“Ahh!” I exhale. “Thank you, thank you. I needed that.”

“I’m Morgan Bradley,” he said as he stepped out of his rig, his wife right behind him. “And this is Jennifer.”

“I’m Dante, it’s great to meet you guys.”

I really tried not to stare at Jennifer. She was a little thing but, oh, what a tight little frame she had. Her hot little bubble butt was trapped in some tight shorts and her tits looked like they were trying to escape her white top. I liked the way her cleavage jiggled at me, she was all natural. Big tits on a small body. Damn. But the best thing about her was her smile, it just made me feel welcome.

“Brokedown, huh?” Morgan was talking to me. “How long you been out here?”

“Yeah, it just cut out on me like, two or three hours ago. I ain’t a mechanic, I don’t know what its problem is. It made some clanking noise in the motor, though. And I got no cell service out here.”

Jennifer pulled out her phone. “Me either, nothing.”

Mr. Bradley bent down near the engine, so I did too. He tugged at a couple wires, then pushed on them. “Wires seem connected, You’re not just out of gas, are ya?” He unscrewed the cap and saw that no, I’m not that stupid.

He stood up and looked me over like he was making a decision about something. Probably like, can I trust this black boy? He checked his phone, too.

“Just checking out the map… Honey, why don’t you go whip something up.”

Whip something up, that sounded good. After a long minute in the heat, he seemed to arrive at a conclusion.

“Let’s go inside and have a bite to eat, and we’ll talk about our options.”

“Sounds good, Mr. Bradley .”

He laughed and shook his head. “Just Morgan, okay?” He opened the door for me and held his hand out in an after you kind of way.

I walked up the three steps into the cool interior… and stopped… not believing my eyes.

Miss Jennifer stood stark naked, standing at a small counter and making sandwiches. I know my mouth dropped open, I didn’t know what to say, or do. Morgan’s voice sounded out from below me.

“Go on in, son. She’s just following the rules. When the vehicle is parked, she must be naked. Go have a seat at the table.”

I made my way to the dinette and started to sit down.

“Uh, Dante. Other side, so you can see her. Don’t you want to see her?”

I slid into the comfortable swivel chair, feeling very uneasy about this. Were these people going to kidnap me? Was I going to be their sex slave? Why did I leave my knife at the bike? I should always have it on me! I could take this guy, though. No doubt I could. Unless he drugged me.

“Son, you can leave at any time. I won’t stop you, you’re our guest.”

From my seat, I got an excellent profile view of Jennifer as she sliced some tomatoes. Her perfect ass showed no lines or wrinkles, no cellulite as it protruded outwards. Her thin arms contrasted with her large, proud breasts. They were tipped with very light pink areola and good sized nipples. I couldn’t see her face, though, and she hadn’t looked at me since I came in. She was so warm and welcoming outside, and… now she won’t speak to me?

“Get us some beers, Jen, would ya?”

She went to the fridge and brought out a couple of Pliny the Elders in large bottles. I had only heard of this beer from the internet, never encountered one in Baltimore. She walked slowly towards us, head down, one foot directly in front of the other. That made her hips sway and her tits jiggle.

When she set them down, Morgan spoke softly to her. “Jen, honey. Don’t be shy, you’re pretty.”

Her face burned a deep red blush, even going down her neck to the top of her chest. Her nipples looked hard as little rocks. My eyes met hers, soft pools of hazel, and some flecks of gold. She fought to hold my gaze, her eyes darting away but then returning. She rested her hands on the table and fiddled with the edge, not knowing what to do. I don’t think I’d ever met anyone as beautiful as her.

“And the sandwiches, too, hon. That’s a good girl.”

She returned with foot-long French bread sandwiches for us men and a much shorter one for herself. She sat next to Morgan, across from me. Her face still glowed red from shame. Morgan took a huge bite of his sandwich like nothing unusual was happening.

What the fuck.

I took a bite of mine. Turkey, ham, salami, spicy cheese, lettuce, ranch dressing, everything. I half-closed my eyes as I enjoyed the lunch. It felt so good in here, I was almost chilly from the AC.

“Where you headed, Dante? Where did you come from? Your plates say South Carolina.”

I talked with my mouth half full. It’s rude, I know, but I was starving.

“L.A. I start a job there in just over a week. I thought I would see the country first, though, you know? The bike is from Carolina, it’s my uncle’s. He sold it to me for $1,000. I’m from Baltimore, and the only other place I’ve been is Pittsburgh, where I went to school.”

“U Penn?”

“Ha, no. That’s in Philly. I got my letters from Carnegie-Mellon.” I took a long drink of my Pliny. God, it was good.

“Damn, that’s awesome. You speak really well.”

I… speak… really well.

Jennifer shot her husband a dark look. I set my beer down slowly, deliberately.

“Why, suh, thank you massa! Lawd a mercy I’s so pleased you dun tinks dat! I’s juss a po’ boy, doin’ da bess I got.”

His face froze as he realized what he had said, how it sounded.

“I didn’t mean—“

“Miss Jennifer,” I cut him off. “Thank you for the sandwich. You seem lovely but I can’t sit here with this cracker ass any longer. Good day.” I stood up and made my way to the door.

“Dante, wait!” Morgan pled. “I just meant most young people I meet don’t speak well with adults. I didn’t mean anything… racist. I swear to God.”

Jennifer got up and held my arm.

“He’s an English professor. And an ASSHOLE!” She turned and gave him a dirty look. “But, really, he just appreciates it when people speak properly. Especially young people. Of any race.”

I paused. I really didn’t want to go back outside. There hadn’t been even one car go by since they stopped for me. But I certainly couldn’t abide any kind of racist shit.

“Who’s your favorite black author?”

I gotta give him credit. He answered without hesitation. “Langston Hughes. And Alice Walker, I swear The Color Purple changed my life. Then of course there’s Alex Hailey and Maya —“

“Alright, alright, you pass.”

He bowed his head. “I’m really sorry, Dante. Please forgive me.”

I looked at him harshly. “You got any more of that Pliny?”

He grinned and jumped up to get it himself. We all sat back down again and resumed eating.

“Morgan, you just gotta know. That’s like a trigger phrase you just said.”

“I realize that now. Lesson learned. I just appreciate our language so much that I get excited when it isn’t… altered or changed, just for the sake of having something new.”

I nodded my head. “Alright, so what’s going on here? Why is your wife nekkid?” He smiled when I said that. “And why did you stop for me? I’ve seen Get Out, you know. I won’t put up with any shit. I got my PhD., but I also grew up on some pretty mean streets.”

Morgan looked deflated, embarrassed, even. He couldn’t look at me.

Jennifer patted his hand. “This was my idea. We’ve been a bit… lost, I guess you could say. Our counselor urged us to explore our sexual fantasies to help us… find each other again.”

She looked at Morgan, he just kept eating his sandwich, but without any gusto or bravado like before.

“I want to be dominated by him. You know, just… made into his bitch and he would control me as I surrender fully to him.”

A tear leaked out of his eye.

“And he has tried, and you’ve done great, Morg. You really have.”

But I could see it now. He wasn’t dominant at all. He was frontin’, but he couldn’t pull it off for long. This whole thing from the moment he met me had all been an act.

“Okay, Jennifer. And what was his fantasy? Lemme guess.” I chuckled a little bit. “He wants to see you fucked by some strong-ass dude. A black guy, perhaps? He wants to be a, um… shit. What’s that word? Cock something. Cuke?”

“Cuckold,” Morgan muttered.

“Right, cuckold. See, that word ain’t in my lexicon. It’s a foreign concept to me. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

Shit, man. So these people wanted me to be their… magic negro. The mysterious black stranger who can satisfy all their needs and keep their marriage together. Great. I will just Bagger Vance them, I guess. That’s that movie where Will Smith caddies for Matt Damon, giving up his own needs to help the white guy self-actualize. Magic Negro. It’s a trope, look it up.

Well, she’s gorgeous enough for me, and if it gets me a ride into town then I could play along. I drank the rest of my Pliny and asked for another water.

“We’ve got a satellite phone, it’s part of the rental.” Morgan got up and searched through some drawers. “Found it. We’ve got roadside assistance, let me call.”

He stepped outside for better reception, we heard him talking to a customer service person.

“This is really weird, Miss Jennifer.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” She went over to a small cabinet, which turned out to be a closet, and grabbed a small little kimono. “We'll take you where you want to go, help you get your bike fixed. I’m really sorry we embarrassed you. You’re such a decent guy and we’re trying to drag you into our crazy problems.”

“Well now, hold on a second,” I said, rising out of my chair and taking the kimono from her hand. “You really want this? You want me to dominate you? Have him watch?”

She looked me straight in the eye. “With all my fucking heart. I love Morgan dearly, but I just need some things he is wholly incapable of giving me.”

I reached out and laid my hand on her hip. She flinched at my touch, then visibly sagged. She reached out and put both her hands on my hips to steady herself.

“You’ve been with a black guy before?”

“I’ve never been with anyone else. I got married when I was eighteen. I was pregnant, pretty much a shotgun wedding. I’ve been devoted to him ever since.”

I dropped her kimono on the floor. I got out my cell phone and tapped the camera app, putting it into video mode.

“I’m recording. Tell me this is all of your own free will.”

“Ahem. Okay. I, Jennifer Cherryh, want this man, Dante…”


“Dante Walker, to fuck me as much as he wants. He can tie me up, do anything he wants to, including fuck my body however he sees fit. I have no limits, I am his slave. We uh… we found him on the side of the road. He isn’t forcing us at all. He can… hit me, or tie me up, or do whatever he needs. I… understand I might get bruises or cuts and that’s fine, I want it all. I am his. I mean I don’t want any broken bones or permanent damage, but he can do what he wants to me”

I clicked off the phone. “I think that will hold up in court. And he’s… what? He’s like, a sissy or something?”

“Yes. Just degrade him, humiliate him. Use me all you want, please. Have him watch, but also deny him. He will love it, I promise.”

“Okay, I sort of get it. I’m not bisexual, but I’ll think of something. Now, let's see about you.”

I pocketed my phone and pulled her close to me. Being maybe five foot one or two, the top of her head came just to my chest. I tilted her head up to me and kissed her gently.

Her lips melded into mine and she slumped into me. I reached down and grabbed her naked ass cheeks, hoisting her up so she could wrap her legs around my waist. She kissed me harder as her legs hugged me close. She weighed maybe a hundred pounds, practically nothing to me.

The RV door burst open and Morgan came bounding up the steps.

“Good news and bad news, Dante… there’s… there’s a…”

I stopped kissing Jennifer, but I kept her up on me.

“Morgana, that’s your new sissy name. Come over here and hold your wife up, I gotta take my shirt off.”

He wasn’t a strong guy, probably never lifted a weight in his life. But he was average size and had to have some muscles, right? He struggled but kept Jennifer from falling as I removed my shirt. She gasped as she saw my muscular chest, lightly running her fingers over my pecs. Like I said earlier, I grew up on some mean streets. Weaklings got run down hard, you learned about weight lifting at an early age. I kept at it throughout my life.

“Thanks, Morgana. I got her, you can let go.”

He visibly sighed as he gave up the huge amount of weight he held, maybe half of that hundred pounds as her legs were still wrapped around my waist.

“Take off my boots and socks.”

He dropped to his knees and helped me get them off. Fortunately, these weren’t tall boots and we got them off pretty easily.

“Yeah, boy. Smell ‘em, sissy boy.”

Jennifer smiled and gave me an I can’t believe you just did that look at me. I shrugged, then winked back at her.

“Yessir,” he whispered. And he did. What a weirdo, I thought. But his loss is my gain.

Jennifer’s legs held tightly to my waist. “Baby, relax a little but don’t let go. I’m going to hook my arms underneath your legs.” I worked my arms so my elbows locked in behind her knees. This put more of her weight on my arms, but I could control her better this way.

“Hey, sissy bitch. Take my pants off.”

“Yes… sir.”

I felt his hands undoing my buckle.

“And don’t touch nothin’.”

“No sir, of… course not. You’re only for her.”

I stepped out of my jeans. “Boxers too. What did you think?”

He carefully tugged on them, pulled them off me without touching me at all. The whole time, Jennifer and I were face to face, her smile radiating enough energy to light up half of Utah.

When he got my boxers off, though, her face went wide-eyed as my rock-solid dick sprang up and landed against her left butt cheek. I squeezed her ass hard, adjusting her so he lay against her crack. I knew Morgana had never picked her up like this. And I was certain if he did, his dick would never whack her ass like this.

“Alright, Morgana. Strip. And uh, put on a pair of Jennifer’s panties, your choice of color.” Jen’s eyes widened at that and she tried not to laugh.

“Y-y-yes sir!”

Jen and I kissed again, hungrier this time, the passion rising high in both of us. Our tongues fought hard inside each other’s mouth. She breathed so hard, though, she was nearly hyperventilating.

“Calm down,” I soothed. “You’re gonna get fucked, don’t worry. Can I assume you’re on the pill?”

“Tubes tied. Years ago.” She didn’t want to waste words as we kissed hard.

Eventually, I commanded her, “Reach around, grab my dick.”

She did, and her eyes closed as she felt it throbbing in her hand. “Oh, God! It’s big, even bigger than I hoped it would be.”

“Move him under you, you know where. Get yourself ready.”

She flexed her legs and rose up a little to accommodate me, then slid the fleshy mushroom head over her wet labia. For not doing any foreplay other than kissing and holding her, she was still wetter than any chick I could remember.

“Let yourself down, baby. Just relax and take me in.”

I looked around and saw Morgana standing there stroking his cock while wearing his wife’s white cotton panties.

“Hey, Morgana! Stop that stroking right now, you understand me? Am I speaking well enough for you?”

He stopped and looked down.

“Go sit at the dinette where I was sitting. You can watch but you can’t touch.”


Looking back at Jennifer, I nodded my head, as if to say go ahead. I held her ass, and let her down slowly. She flinched for a moment when my dickhead entered her and clenched her legs on me so it wouldn’t go any further. She paused for a few moments, then let herself down more, moaning in disbelief. Her eyes widened again and her mouth opened silently as a look of pleasure swept over her face.

Pulling her back up a little, I tried to help her adjust to my cock by giving her a little breathing room.

“No… please… don’t take it out… give me more of that… that beautiful cock…”

I let her drop several inches and caught her again. She shrieked, which turned into a long wail. I had to remind her to keep holding onto my neck. She fell forward on me but lost all control of her legs. I let her drop again and my dick impaled her completely. She screamed again and shook violently. Wetness poured onto my thighs as her body jerked several times while she came.

I spun her around and pressed her back up against the refrigerator. Pinning her there with my chest against hers and my hands holding her thighs, I began working my legs. Flexing my knees, I lowered my dick until it was almost completely out, then straightened up, forcing all ten inches of my dick inside her little body.

Jennifer panted like a dog, like a bitch in heat as I stroked in and out of her. She may have still been cumming, it was hard to tell. This pussy of hers couldn’t be any tighter, she felt so incredible on my throbbing cock. The whole RV began rocking slightly as I fucked her hard against the refrigerator, the insides creaking and squeaking.

Morgan, err… Morgana, watched with great interest but he kept his hands on the dinette table, away from his cock like I told him. I thought he might enjoy a closer look. Picking Jennifer off the wall, I walked her over to him and laid her down on the table in front of him.

I held her legs together straight up and stroked her hard as her ass sat right on the edge of the table. Morgana nearly swooned when I pushed his head to the side so he could get a better view of this big black cock fucking his pale wife. The squishy sounds coming from us contributed to the overall erotic vibe, not to mention the body slapping noises from my thighs pounding her ass cheeks.

“Jennifer!” I called to her.

Between moans, she answered, “What?”

“I’m going to cum inside you.” I gasped also. It's hard work pushing your dick in such a tight space. “Pinch your tits for me, bitch.”

I hugged her thighs to my chest as I continued plowing her. I could feel my sperms getting ready to fire. Jennifer squealed as I buried my throbbing cock inside her one final time… pulsing as my semen squirted inside her. Her pussy convulsed on me again as she screamed for mercy, her orgasm coursing through her body.

Sweating and exhausted, I staggered back, my long cock slipping out from inside her. I noticed the big wide front passenger seat was rotated back to face the living area of the unit, it looked soft and comfortable. I settled in it, finding the electric controls that reclined it back and even brought out a footrest.

“Morgana, bring me a water bottle.” He fetched one, staring at his wife’s pussy as he passed it twice on his way back and forth to the fridge. Semen was leaking out of her, a lot of semen.

“You want to lick that, don’t you, sissy boy.”

His face instantly burned crimson. You don’t get that with black people. We blush, but most of the time it’s barely noticeable. Mr. Whitey, on the other hand, looked like his face had been painted with a red Sharpie.

“Can… can I?”

“Yeah, bitch. Lick up my cum from your wife’s pussy. You can stroke too, just don’t cum. And don’t touch her at all except with your mouth. You disgust me, you know that?”

“Thank you, sir. Oh my God.”

Jen held her ankles which kept her spread open for him. He ate her out with gusto, sucking all my semen out. Diff’rent Strokes kept running through my head. Who am I to judge?

Jen slid off the table and stumbled towards me, pushing her husband out of the way. She curled up on me in the big car seat-turned-lounge chair. She hugged me and kissed my face a hundred times, whispering “thank you” over and over as I stroked her hair.

“Morgana, what happened on the phone?”

He was licking his fingers, apparently he had found some of my cum on the floor and had wiped it up. My voice shook him out of his reverie.

“Oh… yeah… umm, there’s a shop in Bryce Canyon that can look at your bike, but they can’t get a flatbed out here until tomorrow morning. He said they would be here at eight. Is that alright, Mr. uh….”


“Mr. Walker. We can just camp here tonight, I think.”

“Alright, I guess that’s all we can do. You uh, you want to jack off, don't ya.”

Again he got all red. “Yes, if that’s okay.”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Just don’t do it inside here. Go outside. No, keep your panties on, that’s all you get. And don’t be where I can see or hear you. In fact, don’t come back inside for a half-hour.” He bolted for the door.

Jennifer kissed me like a long lost lover, but I was done.

“Babe, we will fuck some more, don’t worry. But the beers, the heat, you… babe I need a nap!”

“Can I stay here with you?”

“Yeah, just slide your booty off my stomach if we’ve got room, there we go.”

I crashed within about two minutes.


The sounds of kitchen activities woke me up. Jennifer and Morgan were cutting vegetables and potatoes. They had covered me with a light blanket, he wore a long sleeve button-down shirt and his wife’s panties while she rocked that kimono I saw earlier, but it was open in the front. My T-shirt and boxers hung from a clothesline, apparently freshly washed, and the rest of my clothes lay stacked on the table.

“Hey, guys, what time is it?”

They both looked up, startled. Jennifer set her knife down, wiped her hands, and jumped in my lap to kiss me.

“It’s almost seven. We thought we should get dinner going if that’s okay.” Morgana smiled as he answered, then bowed his head.

Wow, I had been out over three hours. Jen’s soft body just melted on me as she threw the blanket off and curled up on me.

“I missed you,” she whispered in between kisses.

“You missed me? Or my dick.” I already felt my blood moving.

She blushed. “Well, you of course.”

“Don’t lie, Jennifer.” I held her face in my hands. “Tell me the truth.”

“I missed your cock so much I —“

“I call it my dick.”

“I Missed your dick so much. I haven’t really even gotten a good look at it, it was inside me all the time.”

I pushed her back so I could stand up and stretch. She knelt before me and my dick began expanding.

“Oh my god, it’s so beautiful! Can I touch it?”


“No? Dante? Please, can I touch it?”

I wanted to play with her a little bit.

“Not until you call it the right name.”

I stroked it right in front of her face as he got longer and harder. Her mouth watered, I could see the drool on her lower lip as she watched me, mouth agape.

“You watch porn, don’t you. When Morgana isn’t around. You watch interracial porn.”

“Yes, God yes.” Her face flushed again.

“And it’s hot, right? Big black cocks and little white girls?”

“It’s… so hot… Dante, I’m so wet right now”

I dragged the shaft of my hot dick over her cheek, my balls dragging in her face.

“Say it,” I said softly. “Say what you want to say. Use that word they use in those videos. I know you want to.”

“You mean… No! I can’t say that word! I never say that word! I’ve never said that! That’s not who I am, it’s not who we are!”

I don’t use that word either. Not much, anyway. And it’s a fighting word for sure, under normal circumstances. But in a situation like this, I like it. Makes the bitch hotter, that’s for sure.

“Say it.” I held her face gently. “Or I’ll put it away. You won’t see it again.”

“No, Dante. Please don't do that.”

“I own you, don’t I? Say it, you little white, self-righteous cunt. Say it!”

“I won’t…” And she sat back on her feet, slumping down. Defeated. “I can’t say that.”

“Say it!”

She shut her eyes tightly, then opened them and looked into mine. She shook her head.

“Dante, please! You own me, body and soul, Dante. You totally own me! But I won’t, I won’t say that.”

I looked at Morgana as he stood there, transfixed.

“Morgana, put the knife down before you hurt yourself.”

I stepped over to Jen and rested cock resting on her face and forehead. “Good girl. You’re gonna suck me off. You want this in your mouth?” I picked him up and slapped her forehead with it a few times.

“Yes , Dante. I want it so much.”

I slapped her cheeks with my big dick, then let it rest in her face. It’s pretty heavy when it is filled with blood.

I pulled away and gave her a sideways look. “You want…?”

“I want it. I need to suck it, I need it inside my body, I’m a slave to you and your big black cock.”

“Kneel, sit up straight.”

She did so, eagerly awaiting my next command.

“Go at your own pace, get used to it. But at some point, I will take over and fuck your face, so get ready. Try and relax your throat.”

She reached out with both hands to pull the foreskin down and kissed the tip, her tongue swirling around my fleshy head. She opened her mouth as wide as it would go and engulfed the head in her hot mouth.

After seeing Morgan’s package, I was thinking the best Jen could do was maybe get a couple inches in her mouth. Maybe three. That’s happened to me before and I understand, I can still work with it as long as they’ve got good strong hands to help out.

Then Jen surprised me. She got almost halfway down when it hit the back of her throat. I was thinking, okay, that’s pretty good right there. I can fuck her mouth with some solid satisfaction at this depth.

But she wasn’t finished. I could see Jen willing herself to relax, and she took me deeper into her tight throat. She breathed hard through her nose as she struggled to get more of my dick inside her. She fumbled for my hands and when she found them, she placed them on the sides of her head. She pulled my hands forward and looked at me with pleading eyes. I understood, she couldn’t really go farther but she wanted me to pull her face onto my cock. I pulled back a couple inches and rammed my dick back into her throat. He (my dick) pried her throat open more and more, diving into her neck.

My veins pulsed more as she took him deeper. I had only ever had one other woman take me this far, but even she hadn’t gone all the way, and that was a long time ago. It occurred to me that we needed a better angle, then I could get all the way inside Jennifer.

I pulled out of her mouth, long strings of saliva filling the space between her lips and my cock. She coughed and spit some more saliva, too. I guess my big dick got both her pussy and her mouth wet, but she couldn’t swallow so it all gathered in her mouth.

I told Morgana to sit at his place at the dinette again while I helped Jen crawl onto the top of it and lay on her back. Only, this time, I had her scoot her ass up to the window, her legs and feet going up the glass and to the wall. Her head hung over the edge of the table, upside down.

I turned around and backed up to her so she could lick my ass. A lot of women won’t do this, but I knew Jen would. Her hands came around me to fondle my junk as she licked up and down my sweaty crack. I spread my legs so she could get a good angle on me, and I was quickly rewarded with a hot tongue swirling on my asshole. Within a minute, she was able to push her tongue inside, fully rimming me. I relaxed further and she pushed her tongue in deeper. I was in heaven, I could have cum just like this, but, no. I wanted to fuck her face and flood her with my cum, I didn’t want to just shoot it on the floor.

I turned around and faced her, my cock staring at her. She opened as wide as she could and I pressed forward.

“Watch this, Morgana.” He leaned over with special interest. “Look, I’m gonna enter her throat… see it expand? Do you see that, motherfucker? Oh, you’re doing great Jen, just another inch.”

Jen reached around and grabbed my ass cheeks, pulling me still more forward. I grabbed her tits and massaged and kneaded them as I began to really fuck her mouth. I loved seeing her neck shrink and then expand in size as my cock plummeted down her throat.

“Morgana, make your wife cum. Come on, girly boy, do it!” He sank three or four fingers inside Jens pussy with no effort at all. This woman was on fire.

My balls covered her nose when I went fully deep but she didn’t even squeak. She just moaned as my long black dick filled her mouth and throat, again and again. Saliva poured out through the occasional gaps between her lips and my cock, streaming down her face and into her hair as her head hung down. I pounded her without mercy and got all ten inches down her throat.

I continued drilling her mouth, her tight throat working me good and I started getting that build-up feeling. I picked up the pace and pummeled her throat.

“Rub her faster!” Morgana’s hand frigged her clit at a high rate of speed, matching my strokes into her throat.

“Jesus, fuck… fuck yesss… oh shit yessss… AAAUUUUUUGGHHHHH!”

My cock spasmed gloriously and my first shot went right down her throat directly to her stomach. I pulled out somewhat and pumped several more shots into her mouth so she could taste it, then I shot a few remaining squirts in her face, covering her eyes.

I picked up her head with my hands so she could swallow my load, which she gratefully did. Her body jerked and she cried out then as Morgana made her cum, too. I stroked my deflating dick, enjoying the pleasurable feelings and getting the last drops of cum out.

“Morgana, clean your wife’s face. With your mouth.” He quickly jumped forward and slurped up my sperm remnants. Again, I didn’t understand it, but this was his kink so I tried to make it good for him. Up to a point, of course. I know he was eyeing my dick but he wasn’t getting any of it.

“What’s for dinner?”

Morgana finished his cum licking duties and answered promptly. “We’ve got a couple steaks, some potatoes, and veggies. Is that alright?”

“A couple steaks, huh? So…”

“We will split one. You can have a whole one, of course.”

“Of course. This bitch got a shower in it?”

“Yes but, we are a bit low on water. I’m sorry. What we do is, we get ourselves wet and then turn it off. Soap up, shampoo, then turn it back on to rinse off. We need water for dishes and the toilet, so…” Morgana’s voice trailed off.

“Yep, I get it. Find me some clothes, Jen.”


The ribeyes tasted heavenly, Morgana may have had his shortcomings in the man department, but the boy could cook on a grill. The three of us sat in folding chairs enjoying the Utah sky. Breathtaking wasn’t the word. The altitude combined with the zero light pollution to provide us an incredible view of the stars. The Milky Way worked its way above us from horizon to horizon, I’d never seen it before. And just the sheer volume and brightness of the stars impressed me like nothing else ever has. If you looked long enough, a satellite would go by. I didn’t believe Morgana at first and thought it was a plane. But he explained that planes have blinking lights, and after a couple of those went by, I could see he was right.

“Oh, look!” he exclaimed. “Jupiter is rising! And Saturn will be right behind it! Would you like to see them close up, Dante?”

The man was really excited about his astronomy. I was fucking his wife, owning her, making her mine. The least I could do was indulge his hobby. I waved him on and he flew to the RV.

“The man sure loves his stars.”

“Huh,” Jen remarked derisively. “Man.”

I grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “What’s with you guys, anyway? Are you happy, or what?”

“I mean, I love him. He’s the father of our girl. He’s a great provider and really a good guy. He just… well, sexually… I mean look at him. He’s still wearing my underwear. I need more than that, you know? I need a real man, like you, Dante. You are… no, let me say this. You are above and beyond any fantasy I’ve ever had. I would run away right now with you. Bury him in the desert, and we could go to some small town and get little jobs…”

“Jen, sweetheart. That’s… a damn good fantasy. But, you know, I’m not killing anybody just yet. Besides, who would drive the RV?” I was trying to lighten the mood a little.

“Oh I know, I didn’t mean that. As much as I love being with you, it just points out how far away my fantasy is from my reality.”

Morgana returned with a large telescope and a tripod. “I’ll be just a couple minutes. It needs to sync up its GPS so we can get proper orientation and declination and—“

I don’t know what else he said. The air temp was still in the seventies and a light breeze blew up, giving Jen a little chill. All she had on was one of my zip-up hoodies, but the zipper was only done an inch or so. I scooted my chair closer to hers so I could put my arm around her and we could kiss.

I felt her need in her kiss, her hunger. This woman hasn’t been treated like a woman for so long. She was more like the moms to Morgan than a wife. And he continued talking about his telescope, oblivious to what we were doing. When I reached inside the hoodie and cupped her breast, she stiffened and then melted.

By the soft light of the inside RV cabin, I saw a tear fall down her cheek.

“Okay, guys. It’s all set!” Morgan stood beside his telescope, beaming. “Come take a look!”

“Go on,” Jen whispered. “Make the little boy happy. He sees you like a father, you know.”

What the actual fuck. How could a forty-something man see me as a father? I have stepped in some crazy shit here.

“I’ll be right back,” I promised.

Morgan showed me how the eyepiece worked, explaining how the telescope had a motor and moved all by itself to track whatever object he had chosen. I bent my head to look.

Oh my God.

“That’s fucking Jupiter!”

“Amazing, huh? And see the bright lights in a line around it? Those are some of the moons. The brightest one is Io, but there’s also Europa, Callisto, Ganymede—“

“Dude, hush for a second.”

I wanted to take it all in. He dialed in Saturn for me. When the rings came into view, I didn’t know what to say. I mean I had seen pictures, of course. But to see it in person blew me away.

“Jen, have you seen this?” I turned to her chair, only to find it empty. I looked inside and saw her shape moving about.

I looked at Morgan and he just shrugged. “She gets like this, sometimes.”

I looked at him, incredulous. “Bro, she needs you! She wants you to pay attention to her, not the damn stars. Don't you get it?”

He stood there looking at me. I could see it in his blank face, he had no idea what he should be doing. None. He just stood there like an idiot, waiting for someone to tell him what to do.

“Go to her. Make love to your woman, man.”

“Oh, I don’t think so. When we have… sex… she starts it and helps me. She isn’t doing that, so she doesn’t want it.”

I could see this was a problem we weren’t going to solve tonight. “Stay out here for at least an hour. No matter what you hear, stay out here. Take some pictures of the planets for me, or jerk off. I don’t care. Stay here.”

I went inside to find the bedroom door locked.

“Jennifer. Open this door. Now.”

I listened, I heard her crying inside.

“Jen, I’m gonna bust down the door.” Being that this was an RV and everything was made to be lightweight, I could probably break the lock just by leaning on it. I didn’t hear any movement from the inside, just little sobs.

I gave the door a good hit with the palm of my hand. The door flew open with a loud crash, a few little pieces flying. Jen cowered in the corner under a dim three-watt bulb. I gently rolled her over and held her in my arms.

“I didn’t want you to… to see me like this,” she said between sobs. “I just get so lonely, so sad.”

“It’s okay, Jenny, sweetie… shhhhh… it’s okay. I’ve got you.”

She squeezed me tighter, one of her hands gripping my arm. “Good god you’re built like a truck, aren’t you?”

I kissed her forehead, planting little kisses down the bridge of her nose and over to a cheek. My finger traced her jawline, enjoying her tender skin. Just being around this woman made me want to take her hard, show her how desirable she really was, show her that she deserved better than her husband.

She turned her face towards mine and met my lips in a tender, lingering kiss. Both our bodies responded to each other, but it seemed like there was more than that. Our clothes naturally came off, there was no urgent fumbling or awkward maneuvers. We just kissed like long-time lovers who were never tired of each other.

This afternoon was just some hard fucking and sucking, I wanted this to be about her. We kissed more passionately, our tongues becoming urgent. When I kissed down her neck, she raked her fingernails across my shoulders. She held my head when I suckled her rigid nipples for minutes on end.

I looked up at her, “When was the last time you were properly eaten out?”

“Umm, still waiting on that,” she whispered.

I kissed my way down her stomach, playing with her belly button for a while. She giggled a little as I kissed lower, hitting a ticklish spot. I worked my way in between her legs to find her aromatic pussy waiting for me, lips puffy and glistening with desire. I lightly dragged the tip of my nose over all of her pussy, breathing in her essence. She moaned as my lips parted her wet labia as I got my first taste of her.

Light, delicate, a hint of peaches, maybe. What a fantastic tasting pussy, and she produced a lot of warm juice for me to swallow and enjoy. I lapped her up like a kitty with a saucer of milk; constantly licking here… and there… and back up over this way. She cried out my name when I inserted a finger into her tunnel. I quickly followed it with another so I could explore her pussy better, stretching her interior walls out.

My mouth centered on her clit and I moaned as my tongue teased and played and mashed her stiff little coffee bean. My fingers found that spongy spot in the inside of her pussy, and she climbed rapidly, squeezing my head between her legs. She gripped my head, her fingers digging in my hair and scalp as she screamed out to God and everyone else within a two-mile radius.

“FUCKKKK! omigod omigod FUCKKKKKKKK!”

She creamed me with thick hot fluid. She laughed, giggled, moaned, and screamed again as I kept my mouth planted on her clit, sometimes sucking it up into my mouth.

She pulled my head up, wanting to kiss. She licked my dripping face clean of her orgasm and kissed me hard.

“Dante, there aren’t enough words for what you just did to me. I, I don’t know what to say.”

I’ve always gotten approving comments, but that was the nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten on my pussy-eating skills.

“Ask me to make love to you.”

“Please, my beautiful man, will you make hot love to me? Please, Dante?”

“Yes, baby girl. Who’s your daddy?”

“You are. You’re my daddy.”

I rose up on my knees and stroked my ten-inch cock in the dim light. I wanted her to see it, to see what she was going to get.

“I can’t believe you deepthroated this earlier. Nobody else has been that deep on me, ever. How did you do it? You couldn’t have practiced on Morgan.”

“I have an eight-inch black dildo that I practice with. And then I use it on Morgan.”

My cock faltered for a second. “He… he takes this all the way up his…”

“He takes a lot of it, yeah.”

“Well, you two are gonna have to get someone else for that. I ain’t fucking no man in his ass.”

“Come here, you,” she laughed. “Fuck me like you love me.”

I placed my cock at her opening and rubbed his head along her wet lips. She was soaked and so, so ready.

I held my cock as I leaned forward, penetrating this tight pussy. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as I split her open, stretching her almost to her breaking point. When I got about halfway, I let go and rested on my elbows. I leaned down and kissed Jen passionately as I fucked my way inside her.

“Oh Dante… he just… fills me so much… and he keeps coming…”

I kissed and sucked her neck while she arched her back, struggling to accommodate me and my big dick. Each stroke I let a little more of my weight down on her. Each stroke I went deeper inside her, each stroke I fell more in love with her.

Wait, what? Where did that come from? I’m not in love with her!

But I did have love for her. She was…beautiful, and loving, and… tragic. And I always rooted for the underdog. She needed so much more than what her Morgan could provide, and I could help her with that, to a point. She was so easy to fuck, her lust for me was as unbridled as any woman I’d been with. And I had been with a lot.

I finally hit bottom, pinning her to the bed. My entire weight rested on top of her, trapping her further still under me.

“Omigod you’re so deep in me baby… your cock… your dick… it’s like you’ve penetrated my soul… your dick, I’m not calling it that other word.”

“I would be disappointed if you did. I think…” I started moving slowly up and down, keeping my cock fully inside her, grinding her good and hard. “I think we are past the games now, aren’t we.”

“Yes,” she whimpered as I eased my cock out about halfway.

“We’re not just casually fucking, are we?” I forced my cock all the way back inside her in one hard stroke.

“Yes! I mean… no… omigod yes, yes, YES, YES, YES!” Each stroke she cried out as I went harder, pulling out more and more and driving back down into her.

I pounded her little body hard. Within a minute her first orgasm took her and I just fucked her right through it without even pausing. She convulsed under me, screaming unintelligibly under my relentless dick fucking.

Her arms and legs wrapped around me, her fingernails dug into my back, drawing blood this time. The pain just increased my ferocity and I fucked her like we were both wild animals rutting in-season. Her pussy muscles gripped me involuntarily, spasming on my dick as her orgasm kept cumming.

The entire RV rocked and shook, the squeaking threatened to drown out her screams and moans. Sweat broke out on our bodies as we melded into one, our bodies fusing together in lustful heat. My dick tried to pound her pussy into submission and she took it so well, rising to meet my every stroke.

“Your body,” I gasped between breaths. “It’s mine. All of you… is mine… I will take you… whenever I want… in whatever hole… you will always be available.”

“Yes, Dante, Yes! I am yours… yours to do… omigod… yours to take… yours to fuck… save me, Dante! Shit shit shit YES!”

I fucked her harder than I’ve ever fucked anyone. I felt it deep in my bones, that primal feeling of commanding and conquering, of holding complete dominion over another person. That heady feeling rushed throughout my body, building, and building.

We had long since been unable to kiss, our fucking was too rough for that. My head burrowed into the pillow beside her, my body covering her, my left shoulder in her face. Simultaneously, we each turned and nipped the other. She bit my taut shoulder and I chomped her neck back under her ear.

We both screamed in fury and ecstasy. My semen flooded her in all my orgasmic glory, filling her womb and sneaking back along my cock. Her pussy gripped and relaxed, then gripped me again as her orgasm crashed through her entire body.

We couldn’t speak for several minutes. We were beyond words. The celestial plane that we traveled to didn’t require words, only raw emotions, and feelings. Our deep soul kisses held us there on that plateau, our minds and bodies were as one. Nothing would ever bring us down—

“Hey, you guys!” called Morgana, tapping on the door. “It’s getting cold, can I get a jacket?”

—except that. Reality bites.

“Yeah,” I said back to him. I guess he waited until the van stopped rocking before he came a knockin’. I started to move away from Jennifer but she held me tight.

“No, stay with me.” It wasn’t a request, it was a demand.

“You guys have another bed in here?”

“Yes, the dinette converts to a bed. He can sleep there.”

“Perfect,” I whispered as I leaned in to kiss her again.


“You the fellow with the motorcycle?” asked Max, the burly mechanic. His face showed concern. We had been hanging around Ruby’s Inn awaiting the verdict.

“Yessir, that’s me. How’s it look?”

“Sorry, son. It doesn’t look good. Come on, I’ll show ya.”

He led me to a service bay where my bike sat amongst a few hundred pieces scattered about.

“Here’s your piston. Obviously, this shaft is supposed to be a single piece. Not the jigsaw puzzle you’ve got.”

Shit. It looked terminal to me.

“So…” I looked at him hopefully.

“It’s not like I’ve got this exact piston just laying around here. I can order one, take a week or two. But the sleeve is also damaged, that thing the piston goes up and down in. Your motor is basically wrecked. I’m sorry. I can give you $500 for it. Or I could sell you that little trailer over there and maybe those nice folks could tow it home for ya.”

I took the five hundy. Goodbye Harley. Maybe I could get a bus ride to Salt Lake or Vegas and fly the rest of the way. I went and told Morgan and Jen the news in hopes of catching a ride to some city with an airport.

“Dante,” piped in Morgana, now wearing regular clothes. “Didn’t Jen tell you where we live?”

“No, actually. It hadn’t come up. Your plates say New Mexico so I thought that’s where you were from.”

“This is a rental. We’re from Northridge, it’s part of LA. Where is your job?”

“Someplace called Burbank.”

“Sheesh man, that’s just down the road from us! Twenty minutes. Maybe 45 with traffic. Come on, we’re taking you home.”

“Look at you, bro, taking charge and all.”

He beamed. “Yeah, how about that! I want Jennifer to be proud of me. I’ll need more help from you, though. Will you? Help me, I mean.”

“Yeah… sure, uh, I mean I’ve got my new job to worry about—“

“I mean at night. You’re staying with us, right? Until you get an apartment. That’s okay, right Jen? A few weeks or so?”

She smiled warmly and held both our hands as we went back to the RV.


I pushed the button on my helmet to answer the cell phone.


“Dante! You are such a goof. Where are you?”

“Hey, little Brit!” Brittany was the Bradley’s eighteen-year-old daughter. “Must I remind you that I am an engineer, a doctor of philosophy, and that’s how we speak. We can’t waste time on frivolous nonsense, we are always thinking of ways to make the world better.”

“Is my pussy frivolous? Cuz that’s why I was calling.”

“Your little ho pussy is definitely making the world a better place. For me, at least. I’m weaving up The Five. Probably about… fifteen minutes away.”

In California, they encourage “lane-splitting”, the art of driving your motorcycle between the lanes of traffic. My brand new BMW S 1000 RR handled just slightly better than the forty-year-old Harley it replaced. I’ve had it up to 130 mph, but it’s got lots more power than I’m comfortable with.

“So what’s up with your pussy? Is it lonely?”

“Yes,” she whined. “And mom says you’re fucking her ass the minute you get home. That is absolutely not fair.”

“Brittany. You know I will have something left for you. I always do.”

“I know, but, like, I want to go first sometime!”

I chuckled to myself. White teenage girl problems.

“You were first two weeks ago when I popped your cherry.”

“Yeah but that didn’t count. And why did Daddy have to be there? He’s like, all sketchy or something.”

“He’s just finding out who he is like you and your moms are finding out who you are, too.”

“I’m just finding out Mom’s a bigger ho than I ever thought possible.”

“Come on Brit. You gonna be a bigger ho than your moms, I’m sure of it. You gonna lick my cum from her?”

“Don’t I always?”

“Well there you go, you’re on your way!”

She sighed heavily. “Whatever, Dante.”

“Alright look. You come to my room first thing in the morning. Then you’ll get me all nice and fresh.”

A Suzuki Hayabusa roared past me. I can’t put up with that shit.

“I’ll talk to you soon baby. I might take a detour, though.”

Damn, that fuckin’ ‘Zuki caught me napping. Traffic on the 118 was less than it was on the Five. I twisted the throttle all the way down, bringing my wheel off the ground for several seconds. He was doing about a hundred.

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