Cuckold mysteries 2 by Fapking

Cuckold mysteries 2 by Fapking

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I woke up the next morning having barely slept. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was my mom and the horrible things she had done to me. I wiped a tear from my face. I just couldn’t understand why she would do that to me. She was my mother she was supposed to love me. However, what I saw from her last night was not love. I left my room and quickly went to the bathroom to wash the tears from my face. , I woke up the next morning having barely slept. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was my mom and the horrible things she had done to me. I wiped a tear from my face. I just couldn’t understand why she would do that to me. She was my mother she was supposed to love me. However, what I saw from her last night was not love. I left my room and quickly went to the bathroom to wash the tears from my face.

I had wandered out to the dining area where my mom and sister were sitting having breakfast. My little sister saw me first. “Hey big bro is everything OK?” she asked.

I looked up at her trying to smile, you could wash away the tears but you could not wash away the fear , anger and sadness from your face. I did the best I could to make it look like I was OK. “Yea sis im fine just didn’t sleep well last night.

I went to go to the kitchen to find something to eat when I heard mom say. “What no good morning kiss for your mother?” I turned around to look at her, she had a smile on her face as if nothing had ever happened. “Well im waiting young man. I just cant start my day without a kiss from my favorite man.”

Reluctantly I walked over to her and went to kiss her on the cheek, just as I kissed her she turned her head and our lips met. I jumped back a little out of surprise. Luckily my sister had not been paying attention. I glared at my mom and she had an almost sadistic smile on her face. I went to the kitchen and got my breakfast sitting as far to the end of the table away from my mom as I could get.”By the way kids im going to be going out after work so don’t wait up tonight I don’t know when ill be back”

“OK mom.” replied my sister

Mom got up to head to her bedroom to get changed for work. Just as she went in she turned and said, “Oh Max could you come help mommie for a second?” I just shoved my plate across the table and went to see what she wanted. After we went into her room she shut the door and shoved me up against it. She slapped me across the face. “How dare you kiss me like that. Especially with your sister in the room.

I glared at her as I said, “You’re the one that turned your head after you made me come kiss you.”

She slapped me again, “Do not talk back to me boy. I am a lady, I would never do such a thing you sick little pervert. Now I will be out for while and when I get home I expect you to come here to my room. I will have a little surprise for you. Now get out I need to go to work.”

Max help a hand to his face as he made his way back out of the room and went to his own room to lay down. He had never felt so much anger and humiliation in his life. He just did not know what to do. She was his mother and he loved her or at least he thought he did. After the events of last night he was not to sure any more. He lay in bed for a while and soon had dozed off.

After a while he heard a voice calling to him, “Max wake up. Max you shouldn’t be sleeping you will never sleep tonight.”

Max slowly blinked his eyes waking up and wiping the sleep from his eyes. He saw his sister Mary standing over him, she almost looked like an angel standing there. Her red hair flowing down from her head to frame her face. Her green eyes seemed to sparkle like stars in the sky as she looked down at him. She had a partial smile on her face as she looked over him. “Mary? W..what time is it?”

“Its nearly 4 in the afternoon lazy bones. You slept all day, I tried to wake you earlier but you didn’t seem to listen. Are you sure you are OK. You have been acting strange since last night?”

He let out a huge sigh, he hated to lie to her but he could never tell her the truth it was too humiliating to even think about. “I’m fine Mary was just a little tired is all. And now im starving.”

“Well its no wonder you are so hungry you slept all day and missed lunch. Come on i’ll make you something to eat.”

Max got out of bed and followed his sister out to the dining room he sat at the table while his sister went to the kitchen, he sat with his head in his hands as he leaned on the table wondering why his mother would treat him the way she did. He knew what he did was wrong but he could not help himself she was such a beautiful woman. She had long red hair just like his sister and green eyes. Somewhere in our family line we had some Irish in our genes. He large DD breasts were just so mesmerizing.

“Max! Your food is ready. “ his sister called out to him.

Max picked his head up, looking over at his sister he could tell that she worried about him by the way that she looked at him but she did not press him anymore. “When you finish eating maybe we could watch a movie or two before bed.”

“Yea sure that would be great.” he said as he started eating his food. Not really tasting it just going through the motions. He could not bring himself to process what was going on around him. He finished eating and went into the living room to sit with his sister.

She looked up at him and smiled. “What do you wanna watch Max?”

He couldn’t help but smile when she looked at him like that. Her eyes always seemed to sparkle and her smile was the greatest thing in the world. Every time she smiled at him he would melt and do anything for her. “What ever you want to watch sis. I’m just happy to spend some time with my beautiful sister.”

Mary blushed a deep red almost as red as her hair, “Oh max stop your embarrassing me.” She giggled.

Max sat down next to his sister and put his arm around her cuddling her close to watch T.V. With. The time seemed to fly by sitting with her and it helped Max to momentarily forget about everything that had been on his mind. By the end of the second movie Mary had started to stretch and yawn. “Ok I think im ready for bed Max, its getting late.” Said Mary as she stood up. She kissed him on the cheek and walked off to her room. “Good night big brother.” She smiled.

“Goodnight sis,” said max with a sigh as he knew it would not be long before his mother came home. He went into his room and lie down on the bed hoping that maybe sleep would take him before his mother got home. However, he could not sleep, all he could think about was what his mother was planning to do when she got home.

About an hour later he heard noises in the hall and realized that his mother was home. He was dreading what coming and didnt want to go into her room. Stalling as long as he could he got up and made his way to his mothers room and stood there for several seconds before knocking on the door. The door opened and his mother was standing there looking at him. “Well what took you so long? You shouldn’t keep me waiting now get in here.”

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