Sub Southern Girl in Minnessota Ch. 03

An adult stories – Sub Southern Girl in Minnessota Ch. 03 by whiterabbit0117,whiterabbit0117 Note: For those that haven’t read previous chapters first (highly recommended), and those needing a refresher. – Our Southern Girl has discovered and explored her submissive tendencies and found a Dom in an unexpected place. She is spending the weekend at his large home to see if they are a match, and if being someone’s submissive is what our Southern Girl really wants.

So far, the trial weekend had gone very well. Master had been very pleased with my obedience, my behavior while being whipped in the dungeon, and my skills both oral and while fucking him. It hadn’t been easy, peeing in the yard on a leash, not cumming while fucking Sir, and eating in a nice restaurant while wearing a heavy leather collar and cuffs, but I had not only pleased Master but I had also found my place. On the other side, Master had been everything I hoped he would be, considerate, but demanding and controlling to an appropriate level.

Master had told me to shower and make myself ready for a busy Saturday. I didn’t know what Sir had planned other than a party that evening. I quickly showered, shaved, and did my make up. I debated on doing an enema but decided to wait since Master had said to get dressed, so we must be going somewhere. My ass had lost the bright red color from the dungeon, but several red stripes remained as well as a surprisingly small amount of bruising. I put my collar and cuffs back on and took the dress down to the maids closet near the back door.

I met Master in the kitchen, he was dressed casually with chinos and a polo shirt, but still had a commanding presence about him. Sir grabbed one of my still very tender nipples and pulled me to him for a long deep kiss.

Master has a small area of yard he calls “the lawn” with astroturf that has electric heat underneath as well as a couple of heat lamps that help keep that area snow free. Master had explained that his late wife had a couple of dogs that needed that outside area during the Minnesota winters to both play and do their business.

Master snapped a leash onto my collar and led me back out to the lawn. I immediately turned to face Sir, squatted, peed, wiped my cunt with my fingers and sucked them clean. Master smiled and looked very pleased.

Sir led me back into his den, sat in his overstuffed leather chair and motioned for me to kneel between his legs. Sir used my leash to pull me even closer. Master stroked my hair and caressed my cheek, before lifting my chin to look directly into his eyes.

Master spoke softly, “I am extremely pleased with you this weekend. You have met or exceeded my every hope and expectation. Are you still convinced that serving as my submissive is what you truly desire?”

I swallowed hard before answering, “Master, this has been an amazing experience. I am even more convinced that my place is here at Sir’s feet, serving him as his submissive, however Master may choose to use me. Sir has shown me that he is everything I hoped he would be. It would be heartbreaking not to be allowed to serve you.”

Master smiled deeply and asked, “Then this morning I want to start to mold you into what we both seem to desire. Today’s changes will be surface, tomorrow, if you still agree I will mark you as mine. Do you consent.”

I was trying not to cry, “Oh yes Master, make me yours.”

Master smiled and told me, “Turn around, ass up, tits on the floor.”

As soon as I was in position, I felt Master’s finger at my rosebud. Two lubed fingers went up my ass stretching me, fucking my ass. The fingers withdrew and I felt the tip of a plug start to push its way into me. It stretched me more than I was used to and stung as the wide part passed through my ring, Master pushed until it was fully seated in my ass. I could feel the weight inside me and the flange against the outside of my ass keeping it from going any deeper.

Master slapped my ass and told me to crawl to the maid’s closet, get dressed and wait for him there. As I crawled away from Master, I put an extra sway in my hips and kept my knees further apart. I knew Master was watching and I wanted Sir to enjoy what was his. At the maid’s closet I checked out the plug that was in my ass. The outside flange had Master’s initials embossed, the sight thrilled me. My first marking as his. I slipped the dress on. It was a wrap dress, finger tip length, low cut enough to show cleavage even without a bra. As I was checking everything out in the mirror Master came in behind me, reached around and cupped and squeezed my breasts with both hands and pulled me back against him. He removed my cuffs but left the collar around my neck. He took my leash and led me out to the garage. Once we were both in the car, Master fiddled with his phone and I was shocked the plug in my ass started a low vibration, which Master immediately ramped up to one that made my ass explode, before slowly lowering it back down to low minimal level. Master gave me an evil grin I had never seen before.

As we were driving Master told me, “I am taking you to a spa. They have specific instructions on what I want. Your role is to be polite and obedient. You have no decisions to make and no say on what they are going to do. Relax, enjoy, be obedient, and do not disappoint me.”

I answered, “Yes Master, I understand, I will not fail you.”

We arrived at a very nice looking building. Master came around, helped me out of the car, took my leash and led me into the beautiful lobby. At the desk, Master gave his name, the receptionist checked the computer and then picked up a folder on her desk. Master signed a couple of forms, removed my collar, kissed me and said he would be back to pick me up when they called to tell him I was ready. I felt a twinge as I watched him walk out the door.

A young lady appeared and took me back to a small dressing room. She told me to leave my shoes, clothing and any jewelry in the locker, and to put on their slippers and robe. I debated on whether Master’s plug counted as jewelry but couldn’t bring myself to remove it.

Once I was ready, I stepped out of the room, and she led me to another room with massage tables. Without asking she removed my robe and told me to lay face down on one of the tables. As I was relaxing naked on the table, I saw a young Swedish hunk walk in, tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, big muscular chest, I immediately nicknamed him Odin. If you Googled hunk or Norse God, you got his picture.

He introduced himself as my masseuse and asked if I had any physical issues he needed to know about. When I replied no, he started to massage warm scented oil into my skin starting at my neck and shoulders. He found knots I didn’t know I had and skillfully worked them out. I simply melted into his fingers. When he had worked his way down to my ass, he said nothing about my vibrating plug or the stripes and bruises on my ass, though he did work out the knots under some of the bruises. I felt him move my legs further apart so he could work the inside of my thighs. He was quite forceful in working the large muscles in my thighs. I was sure I was not only wet, but probably leaving a puddle on his table, especially as he worked on my feet stretching out the tendons knotted from constant heels.

The moment of truth came when he told me to roll over. I was now looking into those bright blue eyes as he poured the warm oil over my tits and worked the muscles around them. I could see and feel my nipples were rock hard, even as he worked down my arms and stretched out the tendons in my hands. He worked down my right leg, then back up my left leg. When he got back up to my hips on the left side he checked the folder, then removed the small towel covering my groin and worked the warm oil in and around my labia, just when I reached the edge he moved up and started to work on my left arm.

He saw the look I was giving him. He smiled and simply said, “Your Master said ‘No’.”

When Odin finished, he covered me with a sheet and a heavy blanket, turned off the lights and left. I was mush, a very horny frustrated mush. The lights came back on but dim, and the young girl removed the heavy blanket, helped me up, wrapped me in the sheet, took me to an adjoining shower room, and told me to shower off the excess oil.

Even after showering my skin felt silky soft from the oil. The girl handed me back my robe and helped me put the slippers back on. She then led me into what appeared to be a hair salon. I’m very fussy with my hair, but it only took a moment for me to remind myself that I should trust my Master and obey his wishes.

I asked the stylist what she had planned but she shook her head no and motioned me to her chair. She put the apron over me and a mask on my eyes. The chair tilted back, and she started working with my hair. I realized that my only choice was to relax and enjoy whatever she was doing and to trust Master. She washed my hair, worked on it for a while and then washed it again. I knew she had done something to color my hair but was just hopeful I wasn’t going to be a blonde. She blow dried my hair and then I started to hear the feared sound of scissors, restyling my hair. Before she started my hair was black, straight and about nipple length.

She finally finished with my hair, removed the mask and spun me around to face the mirror. I gasped in amazement. It was gorgeous. My black hair now had a burgundy hue to it with even more burgundy highlights. It was shaped around my face and only about shoulder length. I don’t know who had advised Master, but it was perfect for my face shape and color.

The stylist had a look of some trepidation when she first removed my mask as to what my reaction would be. But when she saw my reaction and smile, she clearly relaxed and gave me a huge smile back. She gave me some tips for taking care of it and explained that the proper shampoo and conditioner would be in the basket they would give me when I left.

My young girl guide magically appeared and led me down a hall to a door marked “Make Up and Nails.” A young Asian girl met me at the door and led me to her chair.

I sat and she started to examine my nails, shaking her head and repeating, “Don’t chew.” Apparently, she didn’t approve of me trimming my nails with my teeth. She worked to shape them, constantly shaking her head in disapproval. She finally sighed, which I took as sign that she had done the best she could with my finger and toenails given their poor condition. She checked my folder, then selected a nail color. The color was a reddish burgundy. Not a color I would have chosen, but I had come to accept that being owned meant some decisions were now made for me. The thought got a ripple of approval from my cunt. I was again admonished, “Don’t chew.”

As she finished, I looked up at another Norse God. Very similar to Odin, but with reddish hair so he must be Thor. He led me down the aisle to his workstation. He studied my face and held up several color charts before apparently deciding what to do. Unlike all the others Thor was talkative. As he worked on my face, he explained what he was doing, what he was using and why. I quickly grasped that this was not only a makeover, but a lesson in how to maintain the look Master desired. I started paying close attention. I wish I could take notes. The blusher to even out my skin tones, the eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. He did each eye separately so that I could hear the lesson twice. The final step was the lipstick, again in the reddish burgundy like my nails. I asked what should be used to remove it and he just shook his head.

He turned the chair so I could see the results in the mirror. The only word to describe it was stunning. The hair color and style and the makeup worked together, and the results were simply stunning. I hoped Master would be pleased with the new look.

My guide again magically appeared and led me back to the original changing room. As I was fastening the ankle strap on my heels the vibrator in my ass exploded telling me Master was back to pick me up. The vibrations in my ass lessened as I walked out into the Lobby. Master was talking to a business lady who appeared to be the manager. I saw Master’s jaw drop when he saw me. I did a twirl to give him a good look. He said something to the lady he was talking to which made her smile.

Master gave me a big hug and said, “You look fabulous. I hope you like this look, it is now you. Did they take good care of you?”

I smiled and said, “Yes Master, I love this new look. They took very good care of me except for Odin the masseuse who followed your instructions.”

That got a smile from Master and a frown from the lady. She asked, “Odin, instructions, unsatisfied customer?”

Master laughed and explained, “Your Norse god of a masseuse followed my instruction, and my lady did not receive the release and happy ending that she craved, because I specifically instructed that he was not to let her have one. She did not have my permission and doesn’t cum without it.” The explanation caused me to blush, while the lady simply nodded her head that she understood. Master fastened his collar back around my neck, handed me a box of the products they had used today including all of the cosmetics, thanked the lady, and led me back out to the car with my leash.

Master left the vibration in my ass plug on a medium setting through lunch. Master then took me dress shopping. Master selected several dresses. They were all either very short or had a very high slit, and all were low cut and tight. Each was designed to reveal and show off Master’s submissive. One more stop where Master selected a burgundy leather corset with half cups that left gave some lift to my tits but left most of them including the nipples exposed.

Arriving back at Master’s I took off and hung up my dress in the maids closet while Master watched. Sir helped me put the cuffs and chains back on with my hands locked in front of me. Master took my leash and led me out to the back yard where I again squatted, peed, wiped, and sucked my fingers clean. Master walked over while I was still squatting, took out his cock and relieved himself down my throat. I was able to keep up and didn’t spill a drop.

Back in the house Master picked up the new dresses and corset and led me up to my room. He hung up everything in the closet except the corset. Master removed my chains and the plug from my ass which stung again as the wide part passed my ring.

I knelt at Master’s feet as he told me, “I am having some friends over tonight to socialize and show off my new submissive. You will make me proud. By 6:00 I need you to be ready. I will help you with the corset and your plug at that time. You have until then to rest and get ready. I would recommend a short nap; it may be a long night.”

With that Master left and shut the door. I missed my Master as soon as I heard the latch click. The clock showed 3:00, I set an alarm for 5:00 in case I fell asleep. I turned on the TV. On the guide among others was a “House Channel.” I clicked on that to see what it was. It showed a list of available recordings, including one time stamped yesterday. I clicked on that, and it immediately started playing the recording of the scene in the dungeon last night, with me as the star. I knelt on the floor in front of the TV and just watched in fascination as Master attached me to the horse and clamped my nipples. As Sir started caressing me my hand went to my cunt and I started my edging. When I had jerked up until the nipple chain stopped me, my hands went to my still sore nipples and gave them a hard pull and twist reliving that moment. When Master had changed to the flogger, I was amazed that Master had been hitting me that hard, it didn’t feel like that at the time. I also saw where Master changed from the flogger to another instrument I didn’t recognize. I remembered that it had suddenly started to hurt more and had driven me to yellow. As the tape ended, I wondered if Master would give me a copy? I wanted to relive that experience again. I also wondered where else in the house was under video surveillance.

I laid down to rest before the party, my fingers still in my cunt, as my mind replayed the video. I must of fallen asleep because the alarm woke me up at 5:00. I took my soap enema, took a quick shower, being careful to keep my face and hair dry. I shaved the small amount of stubble I found. I was amazed at how soft and silky my skin was from the oil massage. I might have to ask Master if I can put Odin on a regular schedule.

I put on my thigh highs and the highest heels I had brought with me. I had just finished fastening the ankle strap when Master came in and gave me a hug and a kiss.

He said, “I heard the TV, did you enjoy watching last night?”

I replied, “Yes Sir, it was amazing to watch Sir work and see what I had felt. Is it possible to give me a copy, I want to keep reliving that experience?”

Master laughed, “As my submissive you will relive that experience in person fairly often, but yes, I can burn you a copy.”

Master had me kneel on the bed, ass high, tits down as he lubed and prepped my ass for the plug. Apparently, Master liked what he saw because once he had it lubed and had worked to loosen it with his fingers what entered my ass was Master not the plug. My first clue was it didn’t sting when the wide part passed through my ring, both hands on my hips as Master went slowly deep in my ass was the giveaway. Master went slow and gentle for a few strokes but quickly started going faster and harder.

It felt great to have Master using me, but I surprised myself when I suddenly blurted out, “Please Master, may I cum”

Master waited for several harder strokes before replying, “Cum for me, cum from being ass fucked.”

I had never cum from anal before. The feeling started in my ass, but waves of pleasure radiated throughout my body. My cunt clenched and my ass ring grabbed Master hard. The waves were still radiating through my body when I felt Master swell and ripples of his orgasm in my ass. I fell flat on the bed, Master on top of me and still deep in my ass. We laid there together, Master kissing my shoulders and neck as we both recovered.

I felt Master slip out of my ass and almost immediately felt the plug slide into my well lubed ass with only a hint of pain. I slid off the bed onto my knees and licked and sucked Master’s cock clean.

Master had told me I didn’t need to clean him after anal, but I had replied, “Southern girls always clean up the messes they make.”

Master got the corset and helped me put it on. Master laced it up the way the lady in the shop had shown us. When I thought it was tight enough Master did two more passes making it even tighter, pulling in my stomach and pushing my tits still higher. It was obvious I would be sitting up straight and not breathing deeply tonight.

Master sat in the chair and motioned for me to kneel in front of him. He started to explain, “As you are aware there is a party tonight. It serves three purposes. First, I am socializing with some friends, second, I am testing how you do when entertaining in a group, and third, I am showing of my new submissive. I have no doubt that you will do well and make me proud. You will greet my guests at the door. When asked, your name is Sir’s submissive. If pressed, the answer is ‘Sir has not named me yet’ You can expect to be touched, caressed, fondled, groped, and pinched tonight. The ladies are bad about pinching. Penetration is not allowed though I expect a few stray fingers to find their way into your cunt. I will be watching you and if you are having an issue with one of my guests, please give me the look or cough and I will deal with it. The dungeon will be open, I may use it, you will not.”

Master fastened his collar around my neck and the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. He intentionally left the chains off. Sir took my arm, and we went downstairs. Sir had failed to tell me that he had a catering crew in for the party. There were a couple of people in the kitchen and one behind a temporary bar in the great room.

While Master was busy with last minute details and before the guest arrived, I slipped out to the back yard squatted and peed. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to do that again while the guests were here. When I found Master again, he asked where I had been. I told him and he smiled, hugged me and told me I could use the restroom tonight only.

The doorbell announced the arrival of the first of Master’s guests. He walked with me to the door and greeted the first two couples. Master introduced me to them, and they all hugged me in turn. As Master had warmed me the hands roamed freely over my body during the hugs. Master went with them to get a drink, leaving me almost naked standing in front of the open door.

I greeted two more couples that arrived. All of them greeted me with hugs and gropes. As Master had predicted one stray finger found its way into my wet cunt. The lady then looked at her wet finger, sucked it dry and gave me a wink.

Two ladies came in together. I got prolonged hugs and gropes, Fingers from both ladies strayed into my cunt and played with my clit, followed by the evenings first two kisses on my mouth.

All the guests were well dressed, cocktail dresses for the ladies, suits or sportscoats for the gentlemen. The dresses tended toward the daring side with low necklines, high slits, or semi sheer tops. At least two of the ladies had obvious collars. Several of the men has been carrying small satchels.

Master came, got me, gave me a glass of white wine and said all the expected guests were here. As we entered the great room together, Master stopped and got everyone’s attention. He thanked them for coming, introduced me as his submissive, and announced the dungeon was open. I curtseyed when Master introduced me to smiles from the group. There was applause when he announced the dungeon was open.

Master and I started to circulate among his guests. Master answered lots of questions about me, some of them made me blush, and some of Master’s answers made me even wetter. The lady of one of the couples was on a leash, gagged and kneeling by her partner, I felt a twinge of envy.

The two ladies who came in together were the only ones to ask Master if I was being shared that night. Master gave a firm no, which seemed to disappoint the ladies. They both seemed quite eager when Master said he would like them to visit some other time to teach me how to please a woman. Master had to tell them again, not tonight.

One of the server ladies took my glass and handed me another. I don’t know why I hadn’t noticed earlier but they had all changed and were now only wearing a g string, heels and a little cute apron, the females had shelf bras to support and present their tits. I wasn’t sure what the men had under their aprons.

We stopped by the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. There were little finger sandwiches, fruits, and a meat and cheese tray. Master and I each fixed a small plate, and I followed him down to the dungeon.

In the dungeon, no one was playing yet. A couple of the ladies were naked and kneeling by their partner. One of the ladies asked about the marks and bruises on my ass. Master proudly told her that it was his work and I had been amazing in the dungeon last night. Her partner commented that he would have loved to have seen it.

Master turned to me and asked, “Do you mind?”

The way Sir posed the question I could clearly have said no and that would have been it. Somewhere deep in my submission mind came a clear response, “No Master please share it with our guests.”

Moments later I appeared on the 85″ TV on the wall. Master sat in one of the chairs and I started to kneel when he pulled me onto his lap. It was amazing cuddling with Master, watching my ass get beat life size and hearing the positive comments from Master’s guests.

I heard several comments like, “Wow, she is truly submissive.”

A gasp went through the audience at the scene where Master cropped my breast, and I jerked up hurting my nipples and screamed.

I started squirming on Master’s lap. Not because of the scenes on the TV but because Master had cranked up the vibrating plug in my ass. It occurred to me that Master was getting extra stimulation. Not only was I squirming in his lap, but the vibrator in my ass was sitting right on his cock.

It didn’t take long for Master to move me, pull out his cock and lower my cunt in one smooth motion full depth onto his cock. I was stuffed. The large vibrating plug in my ass made Master in my cunt even tighter. The plug pushed Master’s cock hard against my G spot and the plugs vibrations turned Master’s entire cock into one large vibrator in my cunt. Master abusing my still tender nipples added to my sensory overload.

I knew I wasn’t going to last long so I started working my Kegels, hoping to bring Master off first. I used what limited movement I had to try to work Master’s cock, which also overstimulated me.

Just as I was about to beg Master for permission in front of all his friends, I felt him swell in my cunt and whisper, “Cum for me in my ear.”

Mutual orgasm may be a cliché, but I can’t say whether the spasm in my cunt sent Master over the edge or Master cumming sent me. The spasms in my cunt seemed to go on forever. The vibrator in my ass never stopped, and Master sending the vibrations through my cunt and abusing my nipples, kept pushing me to ever higher orgasms.

Master finally released my nipples and used the control on his phone to shut off the vibrator in my ass. Master’s cock still stimulated by the ripples running up and down my cunt stayed hard. I collapsed against Master, held tight in his arms.

The video of my previous night in the dungeon was still playing and everyone seemed to be watching it with rapt attention. Right before Master started fucking me in the video, Sir stopped the tape. I wasn’t sure if I was grateful or disappointed.

Master whispered in my ear, “I think you made a big mess in the front of my pants.”

I joked back, “No one will see it if I just stay here.”

Master joked back, “Very poor form for the host and hostess to not see their guests off.

I lifted off Master’s cock, slid down between his legs till I was kneeling between his legs. I unbuckled his pants and slid his pants and boxers off. I licked and sucked Master’s still erect cock and balls clean. I was surprised with a small orgasm from Master when I kept teasing his cock head with my tongue. I showed it to Sir before swallowing, then kissed his balls and the head of his cock.

I crawled over to the stack of blankets and towels that Master kept in the dungeon and brought him back a small blanket. Sir looked confused for a moment but wrapped it around his hips as a lavalava. Sir leaned down and kissed me. I earned another “Good girl”

With my video over, I looked around the dungeon. A couple of the ladies were kneeling between their partner’s legs, heads bobbing away. I noticed that one of the two lady couple was in a similar position with her partner. The other Dom was leading his leashed crawling partner over to the horse, apparently planning to recreate my scene.

Master took my hand and led me upstairs to the main floor. He thanked the catering crew and told them they were free to clean up and leave. The ladies were still in their heels, thongs and aprons and headed to the maid’s closet to change. Master told me to stay in the great room to say goodbye to any of our guests leaving before he returned. Master went upstairs for fresh dry pants.

Two by two the rest of the guests left. Some of the ladies left naked except for collars and leashes. A few left with signs that they had served their Masters still on their faces. I got lots of hugs and gropes as I said my goodbyes.

The two ladies came up together and were the last of the guests to leave. It was obvious which one had been on her knees by the destroyed makeup. They both could not stop talking about how pleased they were that Master had found someone. They had been so worried about him when he lost his partner, and it took so long for him to find me. Both hugged, kissed and groped me as they were getting ready to leave.

As Master came down the stairs with his clean, unstained pants, the obvious domme’ of the two ladies, approached Master. “Brad, you left a mess in your beautiful submissive. May I suggest that as my girl cleans up your mess, your submissive can have her first lesson in serving a woman.”

Master contemplated the suggestion, clearly intrigued, but from the look he gave me it was clear that it was my choice. I was torn. On the one hand I wanted them to leave so I could be alone with Master. On the other hand, it would be a new experience, another step on my road to submission, and Master appeared favorable to the idea.

I gave Master a slight nod. Master smiled and said, “That is an excellent suggestion.”

Master took my arm and led us back to the dungeon. He threw a couple of blankets over a low table and had me lay on my back with my hips at one end of the table.

One of the ladies knelt between my knees while the other one explained. “My girl is well trained in pleasing women. She will demonstrate that expertise on your cunt. I will be kneeling over your face. Your role is to learn what she is doing to your cunt and repeat it in my cunt. Brad may she have permission to cum?”

Master turned to me, “You may cum as much as you need to. Remember that your role is to learn and repeat, do not let your orgasm override that role. I will be cropping your tits, if I see you forgetting your role, that cropping will become much more intense. Do you understand what is going to happen, and your role?”

“Yes, Master, I understand.”

With that, the dominant of the two ladies knelt with her cunt over my face and mouth. Sensations immediately started in my cunt as the submissive started to clean and stimulate me. I tried to determine what I was feeling and repeat it with my lips and tongue.

First, she was around my cunt, cleaning Master from what had seeped out of my cunt. Her tongue ran from my ass up into my cunt. I repeated with my tongue in the Domme’ and got my first, “Good girl”

I felt her tongue run up through my labia, and over my clit. As I repeated that, the lady over my face lowered her cunt closer to make it easier for me to reach. It took a moment to realize what was happening when the submissive started to suck on my clit. I found the clit with my tongue and started to gently suck on it, earning my second “Good girl”

I had been concentrating so much on trying to determine the feelings in my cunt that I hadn’t noticed that Master had started lightly cropping my tits. It distracted me so that it took a moment to realize that the submissives tongue had started to probe my cunt. I started to push my tongue into the cunt and got the first strong taste of her. It was different than what I had tasted from my cunt, if you will, a different mixture of tastes. Not unpleasant, just different from mine.

Unfortunately, from there it gets blurry. I came several times. I became more aware of my cunt and the different sensations the tongue, lips and suction could create as they were applied in and around the cunt and clit. Master reminded me of my role during my first orgasm, as I had stopped repeating what was being done to my cunt. A couple of the crop strikes on my erect nipples got my attention.

The lesson ended when the domme’ sitting over my face came, flooding my mouth and face with her juices and ejaculate. I cleaned her and kissed her cunt, earning my third “Good girl”

The domme’ rose off my face and her submissive came up, kissed me and licked my face clean. Master helped me up off the table, hugged and kissed me. We escorted the two ladies to the door,

The domme’ gave Master a hug and a kiss and said, “Brad, she shows promise, we need to schedule her again soon.”

Master smiled and replied, “I think that can be arranged.”

After Master closed the door, he turned to me and said, “You were perfect tonight. I am very pleased.

Master hugged me tight, and we shared a long passionate kiss. Master put his arm around my waist and led me upstairs to my room. Master helped me remove the corset. It had been on so long and so tight, that the marks and indentations on my body looked like I was still wearing one. Master bent me over, grasped and removed the plug from my ass, I did squeal when the fattest part passed through my ring, which got a chuckle from Master.

Master said, “Freshen up, wash your face, fix your make up, use the toilet, and when you look more beautiful, if that is possible, come to my room.” With that he left and went down the hall.

I stood in the bathroom after washed the domme’ off my face and looked at the woman in the mirror. With the new hair color and cut, the stunning makeup and the stillness in the face, I saw the new me. A saw a calmness that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I was no longer fighting myself. I had found out who I was and managed to find a place where I belonged. I was Master’s submissive, his cunt, his slut, his slave. I had no doubts that Master would mold me into who I really was. I used the toilet, it seemed strange to not be pissing in Master’s yard. I did a quick enema afterwards, just in case.

I crawled down to Master’s room. I found him sitting on the side of his bed. He motioned me over, stroked my hair and cheek and gave me a thumb to suck.

“Tell me about your day.” Master asked.

Even though Master had been with me all day, he was asking for my view of what happened. I told him about the visit to the spa, that I had named the blond male masseuse Odin and been disappointed about no happy ending. I said that I had been worried going into the hairdresser, but had realized that I needed to trust Master. That the man who did my makeup I called Thor. I commented that Thor had said the lipstick won’t come off. I greeted the guests for Master’s party and accepted their hugs and gropes. The whole party watched Master whip me on video, while I rode Master’s cock. I got my first lesson in pleasing women while I got my first orgasms form a woman.

Master laughed. “I have told them that lipstick belongs on a woman’s lips, not smeared all over my cock. It took them awhile but the one they now use stays where it belongs. Tell me more about being with my two female guests.”

It took me a minute or so to collect my thoughts. “It was amazing. The girl serving me showed me how different parts of my cunt react to different things. Licking doesn’t feel the same as a tongue probing, and then you mix in lips and different levels of suction. Sometimes it was hard to determine what she was doing. I did my best to repeat it, but I wasn’t very good at it. Still, it was amazing for me to make a woman respond the way the domme’ did, coming all over my face.””

“So, I need to book you for more lessons?” Master asked.

“That is my Master’s choice,” I answered.

Master frowned, “I see a session in the dungeon soon on the unacceptability of not answering a question.”

I was kneeling between Master’s knees his cock was right in front of me. I leaned forward and kissed it. I looked up into Master’s eyes and started licking around the head of his cock. Master smiled and I kissed his balls before taking his cock into my mouth, sucking and teasing it with my tongue. Master had been semi hard, but quickly grew within my mouth. I started working Master deeper but was surprised when Master pulled my head off his cock.

“Come up here, I want to watch and feel you ride me. I want you to fuck me this time.” Master said as he laid back on the bed and pulled me up onto the bed with him.

I threw a leg over his hips and lowered myself until I felt his cock at the entrance to my cunt. As soon as I felt Master secure in my cunt, I dropped, taking Master full depth in an instant. I moaned and Master’s eyes got very large. I gripped his cock as tight as I could with my kegels as I rose back up, then released him and dropped full depth rapidly again. This time both Master and I moaned. I repeated that several times before settling into a steady fuck, rolling my hips, rocking back and forth as I pumped up and down.

Master was laying back watching me. If it was a show Master wanted, I could do that. I started playing with my tits, lifting them, bouncing and squeezing them, licking pinching and twisting my nipples. I put my hands behind my head and shook my tits at Master. If possible, I felt Master getting harder in my cunt.

I suddenly heard Master, “Cum for me, cum hard.”

As I heard that I felt Master spasming in my cunt, between Master’s command and orgasm my body fell off the cliff. My orgasm just rolled over me. My cunt clenched hard on Master’s cock, my back arched, and I screamed before collapsing onto Master’s chest.

Master held me tight as we both fought for breath. Feeling Master’s cock still in my cunt I started giving it a series of tight squeezes. Master grabbed a handful of my hair and turned my face up for a kiss. Master doesn’t do gentle kisses. His kisses leave me breathless and feeling slightly bruised. His nipping my tongue and lips as he kisses adds another layer.

In his arms I felt warm and safe. I fell asleep. At some point during the night I found Master spooning tight against my backside. My head was laying on one of his arms and that hand was wrapped around my breast. His other hand was on my hip holding my ass tight against his crotch. I felt the collar around my neck, sighed and whispered to myself, this is where I belong, before falling back asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, Master was still sound asleep. I needed desperately to pee. I slipped out of Master’s arms and crawled out of bed. Without thinking I crawled downstairs and out the yard. I squatted, peed, wiped myself with my fingers and sucked them clean. Squatting there I suddenly felt warm, knowing I belonged where I was. I never realized peeing could be so comforting.

As I crawled back into bed Master started to stir. I sucked his cock still covered with my juices and his cum from last night and started licking it and his balls clean. I looked up and Master was watching me. He motioned for me to come up to him.

I moved up into Master’s arms and he held me tight and looked straight into my eyes, the cliché is into my soul, but that is what it felt like.

Master said, “We agreed that we would make our final decisions this morning. If your decision is to be my submissive with all that you have learned that entails, I will gratefully accept your submission. If you choose that you cannot make that choice, I will accept your decision. Have you decided?”

I started to cry, “Master I decided yesterday that if you would have me I had no choice but to be yours. Please Sir, continue to make me yours, teach me to serve you, make me the submissive partner you have shown me I might become.”

I think I saw a tear in Master’s eyes too as he replied, “Thank you for becoming mine, I don’t know what I would have done if you had decided otherwise. I promise to cherish your submission and work to fulfill your desire as my submissive partner. Everyone last night, in one way or another. told me you were the best thing that happened to me in a long time.”

We laid there hugging and kissing each other, feeling our bond grow stronger. I finally moved back down between his legs and started kissing his cock and balls again. I kept my eyes fixed on his as he kept his fixed on mine as I made love to his cock and balls. I licked, sucked, and throated his cock, while I cradled and sucked his balls. My fingers moved down and went knuckle deep in his has. That finally sent him over the edge, and he filled my mouth with his cum. I showed him his gift before swallowing. I licked his cock and balls clean, kissing both.

Master pulled me back up to him. “As much as I would like to stay here and enjoy my new submissive, I’m hungry. Before we go out for brunch a serious question.”

Once Sir was sure he had my attention, “In some things my submissive still has a say. This is one thing where you are free to say no. If you agree, we will visit a friend at a tattoo and piercing parlor and have you pierced and marked as mine. Don’t answer now. Think and give me an answer at brunch.”

I was shocked. That my Master would leave such a decision to me. My first thought was whether he doubted my sincerity, but I finally realized that piercings and markings on my body would never be what bound me to Master. Master was confident enough about my devotion that he realized that, while he could simply have it done, my body after all was now his, that those surface things were irrelevant to my commitment.

Master got up to shower and told me to do the same. I crawled back to my room. I did #2 in the toilet, took my enema, showered, released my enema, touched up my make up that still looked remarkably fresh. I lubed and worked the plug into my ass, put on my heels and crawled downstairs. Master was waiting, I followed him to the maid’s closet where he picked out one of the new dresses for me. It was a red wrap dress, mid thigh, with a wrap style that left a deep vee down past my nipples and showing a lot of cleavage. I took off my cuffs, but proudly wore my collar.

We went to the same restaurant as Friday night. Again, the matre de’ new Master by name and found us a booth almost immediately, I’m sure ahead of several people on a waiting list. Once seated I asked Master about the deference paid him here. I laughed and said, “Sometimes it is good to be part owner. This is one of my better investments.”

Master ordered eggs benedict for me and biscuits and gravy with a side of sausage. We both had bottomless mimosas. Master had one, I had three because I had already decided the answer to tattoo and piercing was a definite yes and needed some liquid courage.

I was surprised when the food came out. Master’s biscuits and gravy looked very good. It was an appropriate darker color gravy with bits of sausage visibly incorporated. Not the usual white milk gravy I normally find in Minnesota.

I commented on its appearance. Master laughed and said, “My restaurant, I taught them how to do it right, grandmother’s recipe.”

The food was delicious. I realized why I always sat on Master’s left side in restaurants. His left hand never left my upper thigh as Sir ate. After we both finished our brunch and were having a cup of coffee Master asked, “it is your decision, do you want to be marked and pierced today?”

Without hesitation I replied, “Yes, Sir, please mark me as yours, I need to wear clear markings that I am owned by you. They will show your commitment as much as they will demonstrate mine.”

Master smiled and excused himself. I watched as he stepped into the kitchen. He returned a few minutes later and slid in beside me.

He smiled, “Always good to congratulate the staff when you get a chance. I checked and my friend will be ready for us by the time we get there.” With that Sir took a handful of hair and pulled me into a kiss while his other hand slid up inside the wrap of my dress to my now chronically wet cunt.

The parlor was in a relatively new building. As we entered an older gentleman came up and gave Master a hug. He turned to me and said, “So, you are my victim this morning.”

I smiled in reply. He continued, “Don’t worry most of my clients live full useful lives after experiencing me.”

I signed several consent and informed consent forms before he led us back to a chair in the back. I sat down while the artist and Master went over a drawing. Master asked a couple questions and then nodded his approval.

The artist came back to me and pointed to a door, that is the changing room, put on one of the hospital gowns you find there, except leave the opening in the front. The room was small, room for a chair and a hanging rack. I hung up my dress and put on the gown. I held it closed as I walked back to the chair. I sat down and he laid the back down until I was almost horizontal. One towel over the gown kept my tits covered, and a second one covered my cunt but left the area just above it open.

The artist rubbed a treated cloth over the area and retrieved the pattern from the machine. He aligned it carefully then rubbed it transferring the pattern to my skin. The pattern was removed leaving the image on my skin.

The artist asked if I was ready, I said, “Yes.”

Master took my hand and leaned over and kissed me. The artist made some adjustments to his equipment and a buzzing started. It took a little while for the pain to start registering, but damn it hurt. I squeezed Master’s hand, and he squeezed mine back. The artist stopped to make an adjustment and told me to do Lamaze breathing. Deep breaths in through your nose, blow out slowly through your mouth. I’m not sure if the breathing helped or the fact that I was concentrating on my breathing, not the pain, but it became more bearable.

The buzzing stopped and the artist stood up and stretched. He wiped the blood and everything else off the tattoo and handed me a mirror. It took a few seconds to read it up side down, but I finally realized that The words “Owned Submissive” formed a circle around Master’s initials. The artist then smeared Vaseline over the tattoo, covered it with gauze and wrapped a layer of plastic around me.

The artist asked if I was OK, I replied “yes” and I was told to stay there and relax. The artist and Master walked over to a counter and I kind of zoned out. The tattoo hurt, but the breathing did help.

The artist came back and asked me a couple of questions, just to make sure I was coherent. Apparently, I answered the questions correctly, fortunately the office had enough football nuts for me to know who the “Golden Gophers” were.

The artist and Master helped me out of the chair, and we walked back to a small room. It had a counter with a sink and a padded table. They helped me onto the table on my back.

The artist said, “I don’t normally recommend tattoo and piercings on the same visit, but I understand your situation. It is very important that you follow my instructions and keep everything clean and sanitary.”

I said, “I understand and will take care of them.”

I didn’t watch, but after being wiped with a sanitizing swab, a needle was stuck through each nipple and rings installed. I do know that it hurt much worse than the tattoo needle. He told me that the next one would not hurt nearly as bad, and frankly I felt him pull on the hood and swab it, but never felt the needle. I was surprised when he said, “All done.”

Master helped me off the table and stood me in front of a full length mirror. Each nipple had about a one inch ring through it with a little black ball. The piercing through the hood was a similar ring and black ball but had another little black ball suspended from it. I quickly learned that every time I moved that second black ball moved and struck my clit, keeping me perpetually wet.

The artist spent a lot of time going over cleaning and care procedures for both the tattoo and the piercings. I asked about wearing a bra to work on Monday. He suggested using large band aids over the nipples because they may seep and bleed for a few days.

I got dressed and Master helped me gingerly walk back to the car. Once in the car Master asked, “Are you good for one more non-painful stop.”

I honestly replied, “As long as I don’t have to lay on my stomach or walk too far.”

Master drove to a strip mall and parked in front of a jewelry store. He came around and helped me out of the car and held my elbow to steady me as we walked into the store.

We walked over to a jewelry case and as Master was looking at gold chains a lady came out of the back and welcomed Master by name. Once Master made his selection, the lady took a box out from under the counter and led us into an office in the back. Master removed my collar, and the lady wrapped a tape measure around my neck and tightened it until Master nodded.

The lady took the box and the measurements and left. Master finally explained that I was being fitted for my daily collar. He said that I would almost always wear my leather collar but sometimes, such as work, it wasn’t appropriate.

A few minutes later the lady and a man with a leather apron rejoined us. The gold chain was draped around my neck, and the length adjusted until Master indicated his approval. The man used a tool on the chain then put something between my neck and the chain to protect me and used a battery operated soldering gun to seal the chain closed.

The lady held up a mirror so I could see the beautiful chain around my neck. Master said, “And that isn’t all.”

The lady turned the chain until a small medallion hanging from the chain was centered under my chin. I quickly realized the small gold medallion had Master’s initials on it.

I started to cry and hugged Master. In a quavering voice, “Master it is so beautiful, I love being chained to you.”

It took Master a moment to understand what I said then he laughed, “Are you chained to me, or am I chained to you?

The lady looked totally confused, and both Master and I burst out laughing.

Once we were back at Master’s, he marched me straight to my room, stripped me, gave me a Tylenol, and had me lie on the bed and rest. I protested but was soon sound asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept but when I woke up it was still daylight. I crawled downstairs and found Master working in his study. I crawled over to him, and he knelt with me and gently kissed and hugged me.

He said, “I won’t ask if you are sore, because I know that you are. Unless you have something important in the office tomorrow, stay here and tell your office you are taking a sick day due to abdominal pain.

I laughed, which hurt, but told Master, “Unfortunately I do have important meetings in the morning. The piercings ache, but don’t hurt anymore, the tattoo is very sore but bearable. But Sir, before I must go, would you do something to make me feel better?

Master looked and me and replied, “I’ll do anything to make you feel better, what do you need?

I smiled at Master and asked if he had a coin. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a quarter. I told him to flip it and let it land.

Master flipped it and after it landed took one look and said, “Tails, what was that for.”

I smiled at Master and said, “Tails it is, would Master please fuck my tail.”

It took Master a moment to grasp, then he replied, “Any time, anyplace, and since you are now mine, whether you ask or not.”

Master stood and walked back upstairs to his room as I crawled behind him. Once there he told me to get on the bed on all fours, knees and elbows. I crawled into position as Master took off his clothes and grabbed the tube of lube. Master got on the bed behind me and worked the plug out of my ass, but quickly inserted two fingers to take its place. I had apparently quickly gone from an anal virgin to an anal whore. As soon as his fingers started working in my ass I started to moan, it immediately took my mind of all the pain and discomfort.

I felt the stretch as Master added another finger and worked them deeper. I was ready for a twinge of pain when Master removed his fingers, and I knew that his cock was next. I felt his cock against my ring and a gentle push, but rather than a twinge of pain, I felt Master in me.

Master held it just inside my ass for a minute or so and then started slowly working it deeper and deeper. He went in an inch or so then back half that, then in, then back. I felt his hips against my butt and knew that I had all of Master in my ass. What a feeling, what a rush to have Master balls deep in my ass.

Master started long slow strokes, almost all the way out, then in till I felt his hips again. After a few of the long slow strokes Master started picking up the pace, going faster and harder, but just as deep. Master told me later that I was moaning continuously once he started fucking my ass faster, I don’t remember that, but I do remember how incredible it felt.

Master took a firm hold of my hips and slammed hard against my ass, I felt him spasm deep inside me, and a sudden warmth as Master came in my ass. I wanted to collapse on the bed on my stomach, but Master held tight to my hips and told me not to hurt today’s work. He rolled us onto our sides, still balls deep in my ass. He spooned me and held me tight, kissing and biting my shoulder and neck. I rolled my hips feeling him moving in my ass. He reached over and cupped a breast, avoiding the nipple and piercing.

He whispered in my ear, “Mine.”

I smiled and whispered back, “All yours, Sir”

We laid together until dark. At some point Master had pulled out of my ass and replaced the plug. He objected to my cleaning him, but I did it anyway. As I told him, Southern Girls clean up their messes.

Finally, I had to go. Master helped me down the stairs, get dressed and walked me out to my car. One last hug and kiss and he helped me into the car. I waved as I drove off and immediately started to cry. I found breathing helped with that pain too.

Once home I immediately stripped except for my heels which already met the at home requirement. I checked my messages and email, nothing urgent. All I wanted to do was go to bed so I laid out my clothes for the morning, dress suit, suspender hose, soft bra. I changed the band aids over my nipples, brushed my teeth, removed my plug, then knelt in front of the mirror and did my spankings and edged. I crawled to bed and started to review all that had happened this weekend but was quickly asleep.

The alarm went off way too early. I crawled to the bathroom, used the toilet, took my soap enema, removed the plastic wrap, gauze and band aids then showered. I had to be careful using the shower head to edge to avoid it hitting the new hood piercing. Out of the shower I released my enema, put my heels on, inserted my plug, and crawled to the kitchen to fix breakfast.

As I was eating breakfast, I got a text with Masters ringtone. “I’m here.”

WTF, then I remembered what I was supposed to do. I crawled over and unlocked the door, knelt free of the door swing, knees wide, back straight, hands behind my head, elbows and shoulders back, hips rotated forward, head high, eyes down.

The door opened and I watched a pair of shoes walk past me and put something on the counter. Then the shoes were in front of me. “Eyes up” was the command. I looked up at Master’s smiling face.”

He said, “You are mine, that means that I am responsible for your wellbeing, so I stopped by to check on you. I brought you some things from the grocery store. I would have had them delivered, but I know what happened to the last boy I sent over here. Now stand up and hug me.”

I almost jumped to my feet to hug and kiss Master. Master said, “You seem to be doing better, how do you feel and remember honesty is a requirement.”

I smiled and told Master, “I feel much better, my nipples are tender but don’t really hurt, the hood piercing never really hurt. The sharp pain from the tattoo is gone, but it still hurts. I’ll take some Tylenol.

He nodded then got a very serious look. “I have a very serious question, I need you to think about, don’t rush your decision. Do you want to stay here in this apartment or come live with me?

With that Master hugged me, kissed me, swatted my bare ass twice, and left.

All I could think about was Master wanted me live with him. I got dressed and drove to the office, still in that cloud.

I walked into the office and was immediately greeted by a favorite coworker’s “How was your weekend?

Before my mind could formulate a response, she read my smile, “That good.” She stated.

My mind finally connected with my tongue, “Yes it was a very good weekend.”

Aware of my dating dry spell she asked, “Who is he, what does he do?”

I smiled and said, “He is the grocery delivery boy.” Then I turned and walked into my office leaving here standing their open mouth.

Five minutes later she was back in my office. “It is OK if you don’t want to tell me.”

I laughed, and told her, “No he was the grocery delivery boy during the big snowstorm. He delivered my order. Now as it happens, he is a VP for the whole food store chain and was just helping a local store that was short on help during the storm.”

She had to ask one too many questions, “So what did you two do all weekend.”

I gave “the look” and she immediately knew she had asked too much, said her clerk was calling her and left.

I spent the rest of the morning trying to get a client out of a property title mess she had created herself. She had meant to transfer her house to her son, but accidentally transferred it to her estranged ex-husband, to John F. xxx Sr, instead of John Jr. She couldn’t understand the problem, “can’t they just fix the title?” By the time she left the office I was ready to scream. On the plus side it did make me forget all about the pain from the tattoo.

My other issue all day was that damn ball hanging from my hood piercing. Every step I took it bounced off my clit. It kept me so horny all day that even the dweeb mail kid, looked interesting. For lunch several wanted to walk to a restaurant about two blocks away. I had to fight an orgasm both going and returning. The only thing that kept me from sending a begging request to Master was the arrival of a major client.

After work I went to Mall of America. Sometimes when I need to think and clear my head walking is what I do, and Mall of America is showing its age, but still warm are reasonably safe. Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that walking in heels with a ball bouncing on your clit every step makes clear thinking difficult.

My cunt said what is the issue, move in and be Master’s every non-working hour. My logical brain said, “Slow down, what is the rush. You’ve known him less than a week. Take it slow and let things develop. My gut was either flipflopping or reacting to the burrito I had for lunch. Being a lawyer, my brain develops the convincing case for going slow, my cunt does an immediate rebuttal, and my gut does another flip flop. It doesn’t help that I had to sit down to keep my cunt from settling the argument with its third orgasm already since I got here. The Mall needs to put a “Slippery with wet” sign on the floor at the location of my last one.

As I sat there thinking, first leaning one way, and then the other, and then just completely lost, I finally reached my conclusion. I picked up my phone to call Master.

Submissive Southern Girl in Minnesota, IV – The decision.

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