The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 16 by Piglet838

The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 16 by Piglet838

Join Lacey and Ricky in Chapter 16 of their steamy escapades! This thrilling erotic story by Piglet838 explores passion, desire, and unforgettable moments. Dive into their sensual journey and discover what unfolds next. Perfect for fans of romance and erotic fiction!<br/>

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Chapter 16: Love boat

Ricky folds the cover back from the top of the hot tub. He is nude on our patio, protected from sight by the privacy fence. I stand by, watching him from the warmth of the den. It is so cold outside that his legs are blue. Steam rises in a great cloud from the hot tub. It is just above freezing out on the patio, but the water in the hot tub is a hundred degrees. It is comical to watch Ricky hurry so fast to get the hot tub ready for us to get in. It reminds me of the old fashioned cartoons when the characters are moving at double speed. To top it off, his cock is shrunk to the size of that of a prepubescent boy.

He quickly scrambles into the warm water and waves at me to come join him. I run outside, fling my towel from my shoulders, climb the steps and quickly submerge to my chin in the water. “Brrr,” I shuddered, “that’s cold.” Ricky has a wicked grin on his face. “What?” I say, cocking my head.

“You looked cute bouncing up the steps naked like that. I would like to feel your nipples, but I’m afraid to touch them, afraid I will break them, they’re so hard.” and he chuckles.

“Well, I would squeeze your dick but it has shrunk so much I might not be able to find it.” I retorted. We both chuckle. Touche.

Ricky smiled, “If you will help me find my dick, I will caress your nipples until they soften up.”

“Oh no!” I exclaim. “You forgot to turn on the jets for the hot tub.” Ricky looked troubled at the thought of leaving the warmth of the hot tub.

He looks at me with mock seriousness, “I thought you were supposed to turn it on when you ran by the switch on the way from the house.” I open my mouth to protest, and he says, “just kidding.” Moving at top speed, he leaps out of the water, to the switch, gives it a twist to start the jets, and shot back into the water.

“There.” He says, “I hope that earns me a few brownie points.” I move over next to Ricky and plant a tender kiss on his cheek. “How’s that for a start?” I ask. “It’s not every day that you have a gorgeous, naked chick kiss you in a hot tub.” He put his arm around my neck and pulls me close. Laying his head back against the rim, he sighs and said, “That’s the truth. I just love being spoiled by you.”

I look into his blue eyes and say, “It’s hard to believe that Christmas is only a week away. And, we have two and a half weeks off from school. Tonight, mom and dad should be at the company Christmas party ’till at least nine-thirty. I wonder what mischief we can get into, with that much time on our hands?” Reaching over to Ricky’s lap, I find his dick and give it a squeeze and a tug. It is more than double the length that it had been ten minutes ago. “Hmmm, look what I found.”

Ricky laughs, “Yeah, I think that’s mine. At least it seems to be attached to me. Please be nice to him.” With that we begin to kiss. Gentle kisses at first, becoming more passionate. “Did you see Tiffany and Brett today at study hall?”

I reply, “Yeah. I think she’s into him. I hope he doesn’t break her heart.”

Ricky says, “He’s a pretty good guy. I think he will treat her right. At least I hope he does. If he doesn’t, I will break his neck.”

“You have feelings for her?” I tease, acting jealous.

“Sure.” he says “I had a thing for her once. At least I did for a couple hours.” He winks. “No, of course not. She’s our friend.”

“Just checking.” And we start kissing again. Ricky put his hands on my shoulders. He runs his hands under the water down the curvature of my waist, settling on the spread of my hips. Then I say, “Mom said that she made me an appointment with Dr Ratcliff for tomorrow. She wants me to start taking the pill, so I don’t get acne.” At this I roll my eyes. “I am sure she knows that we are having sex, but she is too uncomfortable with the subject to talk about it.”

Ricky asks, “How do you feel about taking the pill?”

“Oh, it will be a lot more convenient, and It’s supposed to be more effective. Apparently condoms break. That is a real concern with the way you go at it when you get excited. Plus, I like the feeling of your dick better without the condom. And I want to feel you shooting your load into me.” We sit quietly for a bit, then I change the subject. “When am I going to get the luxurious bath treatment followed by a romp in your bed?”

“Now that school is out, we can do it anytime, as long as we are done before mom gets home from work. We could do it Monday. Of course we could have done it anytime, but I know how you are about having sex at my house with mom home.”

I smiled, “Yeah, I’m kinda private like that. You’ve got yourself a date for Monday, though.” I lay my head on Ricky’s shoulder and enjoyed the closeness. After a while I say, “How about we move this party to my bedroom.”

“You don’t want to do it here in the hot tub?” Ricky asked.

I wrinkled my nose and said, “No! I don’t want this water and all the chemicals to get all up in my hoo-haw. And it’s way too cold to sit up on the edge, out of the water. Let’s go. We can come back later and replace the cover when we have clothes on.”

Later in the afternoon, we went to Ricky’s house to cook dinner for his mom and us. I prepare baked potatoes, a nice salad and butter beans, while Ricky cooks pork chops on the grill. He makes the best pork chops with his homemade barbecue rub. Ricky’s mom came home as I stirred together some brownies.

At dinner, Ricky’s mom asks what our family is doing for Christmas. I tell her that we have nothing special planned. She pauses, then says, “I heard about a vacation today that sounds, well, unique. I thought I would share the idea with you guys. Maybe the three of us could do it together, if you are game: Lacey, have you ever been on a cruise?”

“No. Not sure what to think. Some people love ’em and some people hate ’em.”

“That’s true,” she says. “They aren’t for everyone. But think about this: It’s cold and cloudy here, and will be all winter. But in the Caribbean it is warm and sunny. There are beautiful beaches, palm trees and lots of things to see and do. I went on a cruise vacation with Jim soon after we were married and we really enjoyed it. Does that sound like something you two might be interested in?”

I look at Ricky and say, “It sounds like it could be fun, especially with you guys!” Ricky smiles and nods enthusiastically.

Ricky’s mom continues, “Well that’s not all. This is a special cruise.”

I cut in, “A Christmas themed cruise! I’ve heard of that.”

Ricky’s mom continues, “Well, it probably is, but there won’t be anyone dressed up as Santa or elves. This is an adult cruise, clothing optional. Or more properly, clothing is discouraged. It is a nudist cruise. The company is called ‘Bear Necessities’.”

Ricky and I sat stunned with our mouths open, contemplating what we just heard. Then I look at Ricky and he looks at me, each trying to read the other’s thoughts. Ricky’s mom comes up with some off the wall ideas. Finally, Ricky asks the first question, “So it’s going to be a boat full of old naked people with sagging tits and droopy penises?”

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