Don’t bet someone who can control your life financially by Billlee

Don’t bet someone who can control your life financially by Billlee

Discover the thrilling erotic journey in 'Don't Bet Someone Who Can Control Your Life Financially' by Billlee. This captivating sex story explores the tantalizing dynamics of power and desire, revealing the electrifying tension between passion and control. Dive into a world where boundaries are tested and fantasies come alive. Read now for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

My name is Ryan and I just finished up college, I was a bright, hardworking and had my whole life ahead of me.

I came from a Youngstown OH, my family was really poor growing up and life wasn’t easy. My father moved out and left us when I was only 10 and my mother supported the family working at a supermarket during the day and bar tending at night. Since I was really good at math and managed to get a scholarship to Ohio State I found a way out. I got a degree in math with a focus in statistics. I applied to jobs all over the country and got a few good interviews lined up in NYC. With the little money I had from my late night working at a bar I flew out to NYC and interviewed with some small hedge funds. I left behind Regina, we hooked up and had a lot of great sex but never could really start dating with college and everything.

I was nervous but confident at the same time about this move. I had a few rounds of interviews with HPQ Advisors and finally I got the job as an analyst. Starting salary was $65,000 with performance based bonus. My first week Reginold, went by Reggie told me the bonuses aren’t the only way of getting extra income, Ronnie the owner likes making little bets here or there with staff.

NYC was great minus one thing, the cost, I had found a two-bedroom apt that one bed room was for rent but it was $1,300 per month and I had student loans of $800 per month. Long hours, eating out and socializing left me no room to spare from my cash flow.

I was in the bathroom one day and noticed Ronnie was in there washing his hands as I was. “Hey kid you new here?” he asked. I nodded, “my name is Ryan”. “Ah, yes Ryan you were the one that suggested the recent shift to healthcare sector, which has worked out quite nicely.” “Yes, sir that was me.” “Well why don’t you meet me for lunch at Bobby Tans 1 pm sharp.”

Wow this is so exciting, I get to eat with Ronnie, he was loaded. We sat down and I listened to him and two other business associates talk about various topics, most of which made my stomach turn since it was all about how to easily take advantage of the poor in the country etc. “So, you like healthcare right now, which stock in particular boy?” “Well sir Valeantz looks like a decent buy right now it is trading at 228 but my calculations show based on its momentum it could easily go to 300.” “Is that right boy, how about we bet $20,000 on that he said?” I choked on my drink and everyone burst out laughing at the table myself included.

“Boy let me rephrase that, if it hits 300 per share you get $20K, if it hits 100 per share you stop dressing as a man and start dressing like a woman in the office.” He had a sinister look on his face, the other two gentlemen were quiet and looked intimated. I reached out and shook on it. It was worth the risk for me plus it was trading above 200 it would need a 50% plus pull back to hit his number. Come by my office when we get back and we will work out the specifics.

I had a little bit of a bad feeling but still confident I could get that $20k to pay off my student loans as I walked into his office. I sat down in front of his desk, “My boy, we need to work out these details, let me ask, I looked over your resume, where you are from etc, how much do you owe in student loans and how about that as the wager?” “I owe $80,000, you’d be willing to bet that much on one stock?” “Absolutely boy, how much do you want on top of that,” “How about $100,000 plus the $80,000 if you want me to walk around like a woman?” “Sounds like a plan, let’s do this, $500,000, if you win you get $500K, if you lose, you become my slave for sexual favors with me and my friends, you will look like a woman, make up, little surgery here or there, office slut type look, we lost Heather last month and she was the office fuck toy, so I am looking for another one and you fit the build.” “Are you out of your mind!” I exclaimed, “$1 million in that case, you would be able to help your family back home and what are the chances the stock drops to 100, in fact make it 90 and you have to hit 275? Think about how easily you can make your life great! Deal or no deal no thinking this one over end of story.” I took a deep breath, “Deal!” we shook hands, his right-hand man Robert spoke up, “ok boys, we have a bet here for a large sum of money, I will draft up the legal paperwork and have you both sign tomorrow fair enough?” We both nodded.

My heart was racing as I walked back to my desk, Reggie asked me what was wrong as I looked flushed. I explained to him the wager. He explained to me, that Ronnie loved to make those bets, he had won a similar bet and make $100K on the deal. I felt much better, I closely tracked the stock for the few months it hit 257 before quickly plummeting to 175, I thought I was going to cry, when it rallied back a little but there was all this news about scandal going on etc. Next thing I know my heart sank and my balls pulled up, 110, 100, then it happened it closed at 75. Robert approached me, Ronnie would like to see you in his office.

I took my walk of shame, waiting inside Ronnies office were a few women with clothing racks etc. “My boy, you win some you lose some, I didn’t even see that coming this quickly but I also didn’t see it hitting $275, best way to learn is to get you balls kicked in. In your case, literally, now Renee make him look pretty,” she looked at me, “Come with us to the women’s locker room in the gym downstairs.” My heart was racing, these three beautiful women walked me to the women’s locker. “Strip down, let’s see what we are working with.” I turned beat red, I am 5’9” and weight 150 lbs with a lanky body frame. “Step in the shower, and shave your all your hair but your head, make sure you get your asshole too,” They handed me shaving cream, body wash and shampoo. I took the shower and shaved everything and just stood there, my god what have I done. The woman asked me to spread my cheeks, I did exposing my rosebud, “Make sure no hair is there, now shave it again.” They weren’t joking around this was for real.

When I stepped out they dried me off and started applying makeup and put a wig on. I had a robe on and they gave me a lacey thong and bra. We went back up to the office I went in through the back into Ronnie’s office. “Ahh there is my winnings, let’s get you into a nice appropriate office attire.” He made me model different clothes off the rack settling on 1.5 inch heels, a black dress with a tight white button down. He had the women leave the office and he sat on the couch. “Time to start paying up boy, hope you like cock because you’re going to have a lot of dick in your life going forward. I will make sure you are well taken care of, just get ready to chug a lot of cock”

I looked into the mirror and started to cry, I went from a pretty good looking guy, to a blond bimbo in one day. With that he unzipped his pants and pulled out his member. I protested as I cried, “Ryan, no one likes a blow job where the woman is crying before they even gag. Now you made this bet and could have become rich, it was worth the bet for you and this is worth it for me. Now if you don’t hold up your end, go back home and start working at the supermarket where your mom is because kiss any other career good bye. I can easily end you and your family from any normal existence. Now open up and clear you tears!”

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