A Bad Day Gets Worse (part 2) by It’sThatGuy

A Bad Day Gets Worse (part 2) by It’sThatGuy..,

Time for Frank to learn his lesson. , Thank you for all of your feedback. i am sorry that this follow up has taken this long, but I think it has turned out better than the first. I wanted to keep it somewhat realistic so cutting Frank’s dick off was a bit much, but I think you will agree that the punishment fits the crime well. The final chapter will follow shortly.


When Jodi finally came down she had a look of pure satisfaction on her face and she was definitely in a state of satisfied unconsciousness. Her eyes were closed and she had that big smile that I love on her face. At that point I had completely forgotten about the whole situation that had gotten us there until Frank opened his mouth again. He started hooting and hollering like a construction worker whistling at a pretty girl. The vulgarity of what he was saying about my wife, was so disrespectful that I decided that his previous lesson had not been enough. He needed another lesson.

I knelt down next to the bench and told him as much. I had a hard time reading his eyes. There was an element of fear following the hairbrush incident, but there was also an element of doubt as I don’t think that he felt that I had the balls for torture. How wrong he was.

I decided that this lesson needed to be permanent, and for that I needed tools. I headed into the garage to gather what I needed. I returned and very deliberately placed what I had brought in Frank’s line of vision. I had seen enough torture scenes in movies to have an idea of how to methodically induce fear as a part of the “lesson” to be taught. I started out by setting my bag of golf clubs near the bench and removed a couple of clubs, looking them over and the placing them back in the bag. This was all for show as I already knew what I had planned, but I have to admit that I enjoyed the fear that I could see in his eyes as he finally started to believe that I was not joking. I also liked that he was begging me to tell him what I was going to do to him.

I placed my nine iron back in bag, having not said a word since telling him that he needed to learn another lesson. Now I moved on to my tackle box slowly removing various hooks and bobbers. and placing them on the bedside table. I had no use of them, but like removing the clubs, it was all for show. What I was looking for was at the bottom of the box, a spool of fishing line. I pulled out the spool and unwound about 3 feet of line. I pulled my large, dirty and very sharp filet knife out of it’s plastic casing and took a moment to look it over before using it to cut the fishing line. I replaced the knife and approached the bench where Frank was attached. I knew that Jodi was again conscious and I looked at her briefly before I continued. I reached under Frank and grabbed his cock pulling it so that it stuck out of the side of the bench. It did not stick out very far in it’s flaccid state and I had to pull pretty hard to even get enough out to serve a purpose. Frank made some gay joke about not being interested in men that I temporarily ignored. I tied the one end of the fishing line in a knot while I used a slip knot to tie the other end to Frank’s soft dick. I was finally ready to tell him what I was up to.

“Frank,” I said to him in a fake friendly manner. “What I have done is tied some fishing line in a slip knot around your little dick. The way you spoke about and hooted and hollered about my wife compiled with the fact that I already don’t like you for sleeping with my wife in the first place has made me feel the need to teach you a lesson. Here is what is going to happen. If I don’t like something that you do I am going to add some weight to the line. The more weight is on the line, the tighter it will get around that little pecker of yours. If your dick gets larger, the knot will get tighter. For example. I did not like your gay joke earlier while I was getting ready, so I am going to add this 2 ounce weight to the line.” With that I added the weight to the line and could tell in his eyes that he felt it tighten as the fishing line dug into his skin but to his credit he didn’t make a sound.

“Now Frank, I am going to see how much pain you can tolerate.” I walked over to my golf bag and pulled out my driver. I removed the head cover and looked it over before putting it back and pulling my sand wedge. I had a small plastic tub of cream similar in consistency to Vaseline that I used for my cracked heels and other dry skin. I took some and rubbed it over the rubber grip. Frank saw what I was doing and had likely guessed what I had in mind. He began begging me not to hurt him claiming that he had learned his lesson, but I simply did not believe him.
“I think you are lying to me, and I don’t like being lied to. What did I say would happen if you did something that I didn’t like?” The recognition dawned on him instantly as I grabbed another weight, 3 ounces this time and attached it to the fishing line. Again I was impressed with his control as the line tightened just below his cock head but he said nothing.

I picked my golf club back up and returned to rubbing the make shift lube on the handle. There was going to be enough pain without adding to it by not lubricating the rubber handle. I took a bit more lube and rubbed it around his peeking brown star. I made a mental note to bleach that finger when all of this was over.

I couldn’t decide whether to just shove the club up his ass quickly or work it in slowly. Both had their appeal so I did a bit of each. I started out by slowly pushing the rubber end of the club into his puckered ass which caused a sharp intake of breath but to my surprise, no sound. I gave him a second to adjust and then pushed a little farther. While it seemed like I was being nice, I was actually determining how much force to use for my next thrust. That decided, I gave a good solid thrust and pushed the club in about 7 inches meaning he now had about 8 and a half inches of club handle in his ass. At that both he and Jodi, who had been remarkably silent up until then, screamed. I thought about adding weight to the line for his outburst, but I had to sympathize with the guy and decided to let him off that time. Jodi began begging me to stop and leave him alone.

“Jodi, you should have heard the things he said about you after our fun a little while ago. He needs to treat you with more respect than that and deserves this.” When Jodi tried to argue I was hurt. Why couldn’t she understand that this was for her. “Keep quiet while I do this and I will forget that you just defended this asshole, but if you keep defending him, you will have to have a consequence as well.” With that I went back to Frank who was silently sobbing.

“Frank, why are you crying? You were so tough earlier and we are just getting started.” I had been holding the end of the club at an angle matching the angle of his rectum so that all of the pain had been from the item being entered, but now I dropped the club head a small amount causing the end of the club to apply pressure inside his ass up towards his spine, while the club shaft stretched his outer ass hole towards his balls.

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