Anyone for Tennis Dennis? Ch. 07

An adult stories – Anyone for Tennis, Dennis? Ch. 07 by Nikki_Kernovii

Anyone for Tennis, Menace, Dennis?

By Nikki Kernovii

Chapter 7 — Party Time

It was a dull Saturday, as I walked to The Hall for my usual meeting with Dennis. I deposited my clothes at the gate and donned my collar and leash. There was a note attached that said simply. “Front door. Obey all orders. D.”

As it was dull, I suppose it was not a day for sitting on the patio anyway. As for the ‘Obey all order’s’, that was hardly necessary. I would do whatever it took to get at the pain and pleasure that I sought.

Despite having been to The Hall on four previous occasions, I had never used the front door. It was a large solid, if somewhat slightly battered, ancient, oak door. It was at least four feet wide and maybe seven feet high. Impressive. Imposing.

I pressed on the big, black, metal, button to the left side.

When the door opened, I was surprised to see, not Dennis, but a naked female.

I stood open mouth and open eyed at the sight.

The girl had no body hair. Her open vulva stood naked and exposed. She sported a pair of cup things on her nipples with sparkly tassels dangling on her breasts, which looked to be a bit smaller than my own. Her blonde hair was tied back into a pony tail, with a headband holding a pair of floppy bunny ears on it.

She had a collar around her neck, similar to my own, but in red. A label dangled from it which read ‘Slut EM — Owned By Master M’

Around her wrists where white cuffs. Not attached to a shirt. Just cuffs. Like the sort of things I had seen on the Playboy bunny girls. She had open sandals with heels at least four inches high, giving her shapely legs even more of a sexy look.

If all of that was not surprising enough, she had a gag in her mouth. It looked like some sort of perforated ball. Like a ‘Wiffle ball’ I had played with as a child. It was attached to a strap fastened around her head.

“ummm nnn” She said, stepping back. Or at least it sounded something like that. How much can you say with a gag in your mouth?

I walked past her, letting her close the door behind me. She directed me to the living room. A large open room, richly carpeted and furnished. What surprised me here was the lack of paintings on the walls. There was a large, gold-framed mirror above a wide fireplace. There were several Chesterfield type sofas and a handful of matching chairs. Many small tables were dotted around at the sides of the sofas and chairs.

Against the wall by the door was a large ominous wooden frame.

I was just looking at it when Dennis approached.

“Ah little one.” he took my hand and pulled me to him in a hug.

I was lost in his sparkling blue eyes. He was excited and seemed more alive than usual.

“You trust me still?” He asked quietly.

Of course I did. But the very fact of him asking set the butterflies loose in my stomach.

Now what? Another surprise? Another testing of my boundaries.

Of course it would be. That is what I had signed up for.

I nodded.

“Bon. Good. Come.” he led me through to the next room, which was laid out with tables around two of the edges, a few upright chairs dotted the rest of the room. It looked like it was being laid out for another meal.

“Caterers will be here soon.” Dennis said, “I am holding a party. This afternoon.”


“You, little one, are to be the entertainment. You will like it.” He smiled his sexy smile with his eyes sparkling. He was up to something. Nothing was ever ordinary with him.

He offered me a small plastic beaker that was half full.

“Drink. But be careful. There will be no toilet for you for many hours. Unless… Unless you do this in front of everybody. There will be no leaving of the room.”

“What does that mean?” I asked. This really was pushing my boundary.

“Wait. You will see. For now…” he led me to another room. A smaller room along the corridor.

“Hold.” he handed me a small, round, black, fob-type thing with a big button on it. “Press.”

I pressed.

A buzzer sounded in his trouser pocket.

“Bon.” he said. From the table he picked up a pair of leather mittens. One went over my right hand holding the fob in my palm, then buckled around my wrist, effectively rendering my hand next-to-useless.

Another fob, of a different colour and style, went to the other hand and another mitten, bound and tightened.

The next thing was a gag exactly like the ‘wiffle ball’ gag of the other girl -‘Slut-Em’ – I had met earlier.

“Speak.” Dennis said.

“arrt.” I tried to say.

He patted my right hand. “This is your safety.” He said. “If you reach a limit. If you are scared. If a person hurts you. Press this and I will come.” He said simply. “Many people spank you today. My guests. They will be here soon. I allow them to spank you. I will be busy, but press and I will come to you. Understand? hmm? Try to enjoy.”

I did. I nodded. I was scared. I understood Dennis. I trusted his style of spanking. I desired it. I definitely did not like the spanking by that rogue from London a few weeks earlier. Yes, I had got turned on from the pain, and the burning of my bum. But still it was scary.

I did not know who would be spanking me, or if they were any good at it.

“This.” he patted my left hand. “We discuss later.”

He picked up a bag and led me back to the room with the tables. I wondered if this was used as a dining room, when he was not having parties. I still did not know much about the house at all.

“Try holding a cup.” Dennis said handing me my beaker of wine again.

I found that I could hold it with both hands cupped around it.

“Good.” he said. “Relax, and wait.”

With that he rushed off. There was much movement and other noises, as of people arriving. The hubbub of voices got louder.

I found that I could still drink, if I held the cup with both mittens and tilted my head back so that the liquid dribbled, slowly through the wiffle-ball gag. It was strange but it worked.

A few moments later Dennis reappeared to open the door at the side of the room. An army of people all dressed in black, scurried in and started to set out food and drink on the waiting tables.

This setting was even more lavish than the meal he had put on for the Tennis club earlier in the summer. A few of them looked at me and quickly looked away.

Dennis was everywhere. In the other room talking one moment. Back in this room directing the caterers the next. Every few minutes he would check on me.

“Time.” He said, as the caterers completed their task and trooped out of the door, which he then shut and locked.

Dennis took my cup away and led me back through to the living room.

I was not surprised to see a few people there. What was surprising was a few of the people were naked and dressed exactly like ‘Slut-Em’.

“So.” Dennis said aloud, clapping his hands to get attention.

“Today Slut J will be the entertainment.” he pointed towards me.

“Slut N.” A petite girl with brown hair and green eyes nodded and stepped forward.

She had a tray fitted to her prominent chest. Chains ran from the front of the tray around her neck and a strap from the back of the tray ran around her back, keeping the tray level and attached to her. She had a thick red collar with a label that read ‘Slut N – Owned by Master Z.’ her hands were cuffed behind her back.


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