Beth’s 1st Time by legodominatrix

“The boys didn’t do this when we played.”

Beth tried to block Kevin’s hands from going farther, but he place her hands at her side and move his hands back to her covered breasts.

“I told you you weren’t playing right. I’m showing you what should have happened. The winner gets to collect their winnings remember?”

Beth shook her head. Kevin’s hands moved off her covered breasts and over her belly. Strong, soft hands then moved back up and over the flesh of her breasts that was exposed by her bra. Without warning Kevin leaned in and kissed the exposed flesh.

“Ohhh!” His lips were warm and moist.

“This is why I like big girls. Their skin is soft and their breasts big and full.”

Kevin kissed the exposed part of her breasts again. His lips lingered and sucked softly. Beth’s nipple were hard and poked at her bra. She felt finger pinch lightly at her nipples through the bra. It hurt so good. And then the hands and lips stopped. She groaned. The room was hotter for some reason.

“What next?”

“Grady lost his pants!”

Beth clamped her hand over her mouth, she didn’t mean to blurt it out so loud. She had a fire in her hips and was breathing hard. She waited shaking for Kevin to speak.

Kevin just stared at her. Slowly Beth stepped in. Her hands shook as she undid Kevin’s belt and opened his pants. She pushed and pulled at Kevin’s pants. She felt a hand on her shoulders and sank to her knees. She hesitated only for a second and yanked his pants to the floor. Beth kept her head down as she helped Kevin step out of his pants. She wanted to look up, but she was frightened.

Firm hands held the side of her head and tilted her head up. Beth could see the huge bugling outline of Kevin’s cock in his underwear. It was so big and looked so hard under the white cloth. Grady’s had been like the nub of a finger compared to Kevin’s. She wanted to reach out and touch it, but she bit her lip and stood up, staring at the covered cock as she did. They had never finished the game, so she never saw Grady’s or the other boy’s cocks.

“Did you lose next?”

Beth could only nod.

“I assume you took off your pants?”

Beth nodded again.

Kevin’s hands started at her shoulders. They moved so slowly down her neck and over the exposed part of her breasts. When his fingers got to where her nipples poked at her bra, Kevin grasped each covered nipple between his fingers and pinched.

“Ahhhhh!” It came deep from inside her.

The hot hands moved further down. Over her belly and down to the top of her pants. Her stomach did flip flops and she tried to suck in her stomach as Kevin’s fingers undid her pants. She moaned at the sound of her zipper being opened. Beth squeezed her eyes shut as warm hands pushed her pants off her wide hips. The smell of her wet sex suddenly filled the room.

Kevin rested his hands on her hips and knelt in front of Beth. She could feel his hot breath over her panty covered mound. She squirmed, her pussy was wetter than it had ever been, even when she had played strip poker with the other boys. Her panties weren’t fancy, in fact Grady’s roommate had commented that they looked like something his mom would wear. They completely cover her hips and were a pale yellow and they were soaking wet. Kevin’s hands started to the front of her panties and just before they got to her covered mound, they moved back to her hips and and down her bare legs.

“Nice panties.”

“My mom bought them.” Beth was breathing hard.

Kevin grasped the top of her pants that were now at her knees. He pulled them until they puddled at Beth’s feet. He lifted one leg and removed the pants then the next.

“Stand with your feet further apart.” It was a command.

“But, I’m a good girl.” Beth reply was horse.

“Yes you are and both feet are on the ground like your mom told you to.”

Beth edged her feet a few inches apart.


A few inches more.

“Wider.” Kevin’s voice was firm.

Beth moved her feet until the tops of her plump thighs just parted. The lips of her pussy were swollen and the crotch of her panties had started to work their way into her pussy when Kevin had helped her out of her pants and then had made her part her legs. She jumped and squeaked as Kevin ran a hand up her inner leg. He stopped just below her soaked panties. She felt the tip of a finger run over her covered pussy. She exhaled but still kept her eyes closed.

The finger traced over her hairy mound and around her panties. Beth’s stomach turned every which way. Her leg moved apart more and the finger moved back and forth across a swelling clit and panties seemed to move into her slit. Her pussy lips opened wide.

A hot breath was at her face. The finger continued to tease and torture her. She move her legs as far apart as she dared. Fire was now racing through her loins. She moaned and groaned each time the finger slow closed her engorged clit. It had never felt like this when she played with her own pussy. She wanted Kevin it keep going, to press harder, but when her hips jerked forward, he pulled his finger away.

“What happened next?”

The finger continued to move and tease. She would cum soon. She moaned and tried to steady herself with a hand on Kevin’s shoulder.

“What happened next?” The voice was insistent.

“The other boys all lost down to their underwear! Ohhh, ohhhhh, OHHHH!”

Beth had fingered herself several times but her orgasm was never like this. She shook and trembled as the orgasm started rolled over her and still the finger teased, promising more. But it never came, Kevin’s wonderful fingers suddenly were gone.

“And then you lost your bra.” Hot breath washed over her face.

“Y-y-y-yes, but I… I only got it unhooked and was holding the front up when Don arrived. I was trying to decide if I wanted to finish the game. I promise, I never showed the boys my titties! Ohhhhh, ohhhhh, OHHHHHH god!”

“So, Don stopped the game and you left those poor boys.”


“Well, time to finish the game.”

“I’m a good girl.” Beth grunted, ” good girls don’t do that.”

“Good girls keep their promises. You promised to play strip poker and you have to finish the game.”


“No buts.” Kevin’s finger glided across Beth’s panties and caught the edge of the leg band.
“Unhook your bra.”

“But you said the winner collects the prize.”

Beth caught her breath as the finger flicked her clit on the way to the other side of her panties.

“Yes,I did and this is how I choose to collect.”

Beth opened her eyes and stared into Kevin’s. She saw them sparkle and glow. She reached behind her back and undid the hooks of her bra. As the last hook came undone she felt Kevin’s finger drag back across her panties, only this time they caught the material and exposed her soaked pussy and swollen clit. She let out a gasp as the tip of his finger ever so lightly dragged back and forth across her clit.

“Ohhhhhhhhh. YES!” Was all she could managed.

Her hands cupped her bra just like in the strip poker game. But, this time Don was not coming and she was. This time a finger teased and stroked her clit.

“Drop your hands.”

“No.” So quiet it could barely be heard.

“Drop your hands.” Kevin grasped Beth’s clit between two fingers and gave it a light squeeze.

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