Captured by Slavers Pt 1 by abroadsword

Captured by Slavers Pt 1 by abroadsword

Explore the thrilling world of 'Captured by Slavers Pt 1' by abroadsword. This erotic sex story will leave you breathless with its captivating plot and steamy encounters. Dive into a tale of desire, adventure, and forbidden passion. Perfect for fans of erotic fiction seeking an irresistible read!<br/>

Captured, strpped shorn paraded naked in public , The warm breeze barely made the flags flutter on the tiny‭ ‬Carribean‭ ‬Island where two vacationing university students from‭ ‬Wyoming,‭ ‬blonde haired blue eyed‭ ‬Lynnie and dark haired brown eyed Jo lay‭ ‬sun bathing in their swimsuits on the seemingly endless sun drenched‭ ‬sandy beach.

They lazed and idly watched as some fit sun-tanned young guys played some sort of ball game and others splashed and swam in the shallow water by the gently shelving beach while further out speed boats twisted and turned as they churned the blue ocean into creamy froth as they sped past with water skiers in tow.‭

“I wish we didn’t have to go home,‭” ‬Lynnie said wistfully.

“Um,” said Jo as she lazily moved her bra strap yet again to get an even tan.

‭”Is many peoples saying this,” a thickly accented local voice explained, and as the girls turned they saw a dark suntanned local man approaching them, “But not so many that can this do.”

Lynnie smiled,‭ ‬he was one of the ball players they had been watching and he had been for a drink. He held a can of warm Mexican beer in one hand and an overfilled ice cream cone in the other he wasn’t particularly tall but had broad shoulders and was well muscled and the bulge in his swimming trunks looked promising

“Really‭?” ‬said Jo.

‭”Yes, you are Americans yes?” he asked.

‭”Sure,” Lynnie agreed, “From Winchester, Wyoming, why?”

“And do you speak Spanish‭?” ‬he asked.

‭”No, I know some French and German,” Lynnie explained, “And Jo did some Mandarin Chinese.” she added.

‭”No matter,” he replied, “I am Carlos, I have tourist business, and I need nice American girls each summer, you stay after vacation perhaps, make moneys with me?”

“No way Ho say,‭” ‬Jo replied.

‭”No is Carlos, Jose is my brother,” he explained.

‭”No, I meant,” Jo blushed as she said it.

‭”Is American joke yes?” Carlos said smiling, “Why I not show you, many girls like very much?”

“What‭?” ‬Lynnie asked.

‭”My business!” Carlos said.

‭”Look, no offence,” said Jo, “But if you think we are going to some creepy backstreet dive.”

“Is on the beach‭!” ‬Carlos said indignantly,‭ “‬Is my day off,‭ ‬Jose run business today,‭ ‬I take you,‭ ‬show you,‭ ‬is legit,‭ ‬is legal,‭ ‬hundred per cent‭!”

“I guess,‭” ‬said Lynnie,‭ “‬Like what else is there to do before sun down‭?”

“Is in Santa Alonso,‭” ‬he said,‭ “‬In next bay,‭ ‬you want walk with me‭?”

“Like I’ll pass,‭” ‬said Jo lazily.

‭”I get Luiz to fetch in Dune Buggy,” Carlos offered, “You like very much, very exciting, give orgasm guaranteed!”

“Orgasm guaranteed‭!” ‬laughed Lynnie,‭ “‬How can we possibly refuse‭!”

“Ten minutes‭!” ‬Carlos promised and he headed for the shore at a brisk run.

He was back before they realised,‭ “‬I have special treat for you,‭ ‬special cart with ponies,‭ ‬see‭!”

Lynnie and Jo looked where Carlos indicated as a pair of beautiful white horses appeared around the headland with their harnesses and brasses burnished till they shone,‭ ‬plumes of ostrich feathers in their head gear and they pulled the most beautiful low slung four wheeled carriage the girls had ever seen.

‭”Is beautiful yes!” he suggested.

‭”It’s beautiful!” Jo agreed and Carlos waved his hands criss cross over his head and the Carriage swung towards them. Lynnie stared. The driver was Latino like Carlos, but he had no Tee shirt and his shoulders and six pack glistened in the sunlight and his Levis looked well filled at the front as far as she could see.

‭”Hi,” said the driver, “One First Class to Santa Alonso.”

“Yes,‭ ‬two lovely ladies Luis,‭” ‬Carlos confirmed,‭ “‬We go careful now,‭” ‬he suggested and he opened the highly polished door and lowered the Carriage’s steps.

‭”Like will we be long?” Jo asked.

‭”No, is ten minutes tops,” Carlos insisted.

‭”You Americanos?” Luis asked.

‭”Sure,” Jo said, “From Winchester, Wyoming?”

“Miners‭?” ‬Luis asked.

‭”No,” Lynnie replied misunderstanding, “We’re at Winchester Bateman, second year, why?”

“Need to sign indemnity,‭” ‬Luis said,‭ “‬Sorry,‭” ‬he said and he reached down and handed Lynnie a clipboard with a form on it.

‭”It’s in Spanish,” she queried.

‭”Name, where you stay, signature,” Carlos insisted, “That’s all, is bureaucracy, is Americano, not for anyone else, sorry,” he advised, “You tell me, I write, you sign, Ok?”

“Ok,‭” ‬Lynnie agreed,‭ “‬Angela Lynette O’Brien,‭ ‬staying at the Pompadour,‭ ‬Greek Street.‭”

“Room number‭?” ‬Carlos asked.

‭”Oh twenty three,” Lynnie agreed, “And.”

“Is enough,‭” ‬Carlos said,‭ “‬And you‭?” ‬he asked Jo.

‭”Josephine Mary Andersson with two S’s” Jo replied, “Staying in room 23 with Lynnie.”

“Ah Lesbianos‭!” ‬Luis laughed.

‭”Hey, no way!” Lynnie protested.

‭”Is joke, you sign!” Luis chuckled.

‭”What’s this thousand dollars?” Jo asked as she signed.

‭”Maximum indemnity, but is no danger,” Luis added, “We never have accident no way, ever.”

Lynnie signed her name,‭ ‬then Lynnie counter signed Jo’s form and Jo did Lynnie’s and they climbed aboard.

The wind from the moving carriage was pleasantly cooling as the horses wheeled around in a big arc and headed back around the narrow strip of beach below the headland which opened out into a beautiful secluded cove with dazzling white beaches. Through a tiny stream,‭ trickling seawards‬ they swung with wheels sizzling in the cool water as they followed the shoreline with wheels grazing the tips of incoming waves.

‭”It’s beautiful!” Lynnie agreed and then there was the most incredible rock arch to pass through as the cliffs on the far side of the cove plunged straight into the ocean without even a fringe of sandy beach.

The Carriage slowed as they passed through the chilling cool of the arch, and then burst out again into glorious sunshine with the whitewashed low rise shanties of Santa Alonso shimmering in the sunshine ahead.

‭”Santa Alonso!” Carlos announced, “Is beautiful yes?”

“Yes,‭” ‬Lynnie agreed,‭ “‬Like you said about a job‭?”

“Yes,‭ ‬I show you,‭ ‬but first you enjoy the view‭!” ‬he suggested as they trotted along the wide expanse of dazzling sand, with the cliffs rising majestically behind them, and the sun blazing across the shimmering ocean before them.‭

‭”You like Ice cream, drink maybe,” Carlos asked.

‭”We have iced mango juice in the ice box,” Luis explained, “Lift the lid there are glasses and.”

‭”See Voila!” Carlos laughed as he produced several glasses and a large earthenware jar from the compartment under the carriage seat, and inside the jar surrounded by ice were several bottles of yellow liquid, “Mango juice!”

‭He filled three glasses and handed one to each of the girls, “Cheerio!” he announced.
‭Lynnie sniffed the glass, licked anxiously at the fruit juice and relaxed, “Oh, it’s quite nice!” she agreed as she took a good drink, “Mmmmm.”

‭Jo sipped hers more decorously as the Carriage swept on the horses trotting easily and effortlessly across the golden sand as they passed another rock outcrop and around it into another small bay with another small stream, wider this time and deeper, a small bridge, metal and wood with concrete abutments incongruous in the sand, a sun bleached shed beside it, Luis swept them on with hooves clattering across the deck and then back to the waters edge playing catch as catch can with the waves.


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