Damn That Escalated Quickly – Chap 6 by belted and teased

All of these incredible sensations were felt by John in his position melded to Sophie. His manhood throbbed within it’s prison, within Sophie’s pussy which he could not feel. He shuddered repeatedly in sympathy to his lover, and in frustration. Damn!

Camilla let Sophie come down from her high, then built her back up to another intense series of orgasms. She repeated this process almost a dozen times…determined to set the bar high for John.

When she was ready to let the lovers up, she was ready for a nap. But she was even more ready for an orgasm. So she decided to give John an opportunity to perform, although she did not expect much. She was so wound up, she knew she would at least get to cum.

Camilla, her face covered in Sophie’s fluids, kissed John deeply, dragging him to the floor. Then she straddled his head. If he did not manage to perform sufficiently, she would simply use his face to masturbate herself. She was much less concerned with her trainee’s feelings than Sophie was. She would get hers, either way.

John felt her moist, furry sex on his face. He looked up to see her firm abs, her full breasts topped by erect nipples, and saw her bright brown eyes looking back at him. She spoke huskily, dispassionately.

“Tomorrow I will put you through your paces and you will focus on all of the zones I showed you. But for tonight…I am so fucking horny…just focus on my clit…you can find that can’t you?”

SHE was horny?? John felt his cock straining within it’s prison. He focused on her sex and realized for the first time in his life just how prominent the “man in the boat” was for an aroused woman. Or was it just Camilla?

“Oh, wow…are…are all women like this?”

She looked at him quizzically, which he read as “idiot.”

“No…I mean…AM I an idiot? I mean…us guys have different sized dicks…and I’ve never noticed…umm…”

Camilla grinned in recognition, “Yes, boy, I have a big clit, just like you have a nice dick. But yes, you should have noticed it on Sophie and other women. You are gonna have to give a lot of head to make up for that.”

With that comment she grabbed him by the hair, pulling him up into her as she lowered her weight onto him.

John took in her taste, her scent, the texture of her flesh in his mouth, and how it was different than Sophie.

He closed his lips around her large bud.

“S-s-suck it…”

He sucked her in…pushed her out, then back in, as if he were sucking a small cock.

“Good boy…good boy…now lick it…that’s right…back and forth, up and down…make love to it…”

He knew he was being clumsy, but did as he was told as best he could. He continued for several minutes, bucking his own hips upwards as Camilla’s moans…her body…made him desperate to cum. He groaned into her flesh.

Camilla was right on the edge. But everytime she thought she was going over the top, she could tell he began thinking about his hard-on because he lost focus, leaving her wanting.


She held his head still and began thrusting herself back and forth across his mouth, pressing her pussy down firmly until she came. She continued masturbating herself on his face until she enjoyed a second orgasm, ignoring his muffled moans and his thrashing about.

As the second orgasm washed over her, she raised up and let it finish on her knees so he could gasp for breath. She looked down to see him trembling with need, and stared in awe at his penis trying to swallow the sound.

“Poor boy. You have to prove yourself before you can cum, sweetie. But don’t fret. Tomorrow you will practice until you get it right. By the end of the weekend, I promise you will be our bitch and like it. A pussy licking master.”

The trio slept together in Sophie’s bed. The next morning John was surprised to be awakened by a still nude Camilla bearing a cup of coffee and a smile.

“When you two are ready, come on into the dining room. I have breakfast ready. You’re going to need your energy, big boy.”

As they ate the omelets she had prepared, Camilla explained, “Sophie and I aren’t just going to lay in bed all weekend for you. But regardless of what we are doing, you will be between our legs practicing every waking moment. That is your entire life for the weekend, understood?”


They showered together. John was asked politely to bathe both women, who then bathed him.

John’s weekend was spent as had been advertised. The friends took turns, whether watching a movie, eating a meal, chatting on the phone, or sunning on the balcony, he was on his knees before one of them.

Camilla would direct which zone he should be concentrating on, and for how long.

“Okay, I want you to work on my zone two until I say to switch. That’s it, light kisses and nibbling…occasionally suck my flesh. Remember, this part is not about making me orgasm…it is just about making me feel good. Think about how good it would feel to have one of us sucking your cock and balls while you were on a business call. You couldn’t cum, but wouldn’t it feel good?”

“Yes, ma’am, it sure would.” His penis throbbed in it’s prison, emitting a dollop of pre-cum.

“Don’t get excited, big boy. We wouldn’t demean or subjugate ourselves that way…ick.”

It was not lost on him that by making this comment, Camilla was at the same time pointing out how she viewed him; that he WAS demeaning and subjugating himself. He flushed.

An hour later she directed him to get her some coffee. As she sipped, “Now zone four for awhile. That’s it, get your tongue in there.”

The more John practiced, the more he picked up on little cues each of the ladies gave as to their individual likes. One incident in particular really helped him…it was like an “aha” moment.

He was lovingly working on zone five for Sophie as she sat reading a book in the living room. As he darted his tongue across her clit, Sophie began to mewl and push against him. The sounds, scent and motions aroused him greatly, and he instinctively began rotating his hips forward and back, attempting in vain to achieve some form of friction against his manhood. He lost his focus, and Sophie groaned in disappointment as the moment was lost.

He felt Camilla interlace her fingers in his hair and felt his head being raised gently away from Sophie’s sex. Camilla’s face was very close to his, and she spoke evenly, but firmly.

“STOP thinking about your DAMNED dick. WE are all you should be thinking about. ALL you care about. Ignore your whiny little penis…making US happy…making US cum, is the ONLY way you might…”

She pressed him back into Sophie’s sex.

“You live to love pussy…from now on, every time I see you move your dick, I’m gonna spank you.”

She swatted him firmly on both cheeks. “I’m going to go find a paddle.”

Something just clicked. It was like an epiphany. It had never occurred to him to completely ignore his own needs. The torment of WANTING and being denied was part of his kink. He loved the torture while he was fucking Sophie but could feel nothing besides the sound.

Damn. It would be the ultimate denial to deny himself even that. To receive all of his satisfaction from his lover.

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