Down on the Farm 07 by The_Technician

“OK, my naked little cowgirl,” Annabelle’s cheery voice said in her ears, “this is how this works. You are an on-line video game. People sign up to be either Teasing Angels or Tormenting Devils.”

“What?” Nicole stammered. Then she gasped as the perspective of her view changed so that she was now looking out at the ring of fire… and two angels and two devils standing just inside the fire.

Annabelle continued, “On the left side of your screen you will see a listing of everyone who is waiting their turn. On the right side of the screen is a guage that measures…” she paused and then said, “… well, you will figure out what it measures.”

Nicole looked a little closer at the four figures. The two angels were dressed in white. On the front of their robes was a name printed in blue. One was named BigJosh1292. The other was TerryM7754. The devils appeared to be naked, but on their red chests, names were printed in white. One devil was FlushGuy. The other was Hardcore39. Similar names appeared in white in two long lists that moved with her as she looked around the virtual barn which surrounded her.

BigJosh stepped forward and a golden wand suddenly appeared in his hand. He pressed the large ball on the end of the wand against Nicole’s skin just below her breast and suddenly she felt as if someone were gently stroking her skin. He moved the wand up slightly and it was as if a hand were cupping her breast. Angel BigJosh smiled broadly as he moved his wand to twist and tweak Nicole’s nipples.

She gave a deep groan and tried to pull her arms in closer to her body. She didn’t know if she was trying to somehow deflect that wand or maybe just direct it lower between her legs.

“The swamp meter is at ten percent,” Annabelle’s voice said in her ears and Nicole suddenly looked around. The gauge on the right side of her vision was now at the 10% mark.

“It measures how turned on I am,” Nicole screamed in surprise. She then groaned deeply as the golden wand slid down her body and pushed against her cunt. Somehow it could move through the saddle and Nicole could feel fingers playing with her labia and clit.

The swamp meter rose to 25%.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Nicole began panting as the fingers pinched and tweaked her clit. She yelped in surprise as a second set of fingers began playing with her rosebud. She tried to look around, but couldn’t see who or what was doing it. Angel TerryM, however, was now nowhere to be seen.

The swamp meter was at 80% and Nicole was bouncing up and down on the saddle trying to force Angel BigJosh’s fingers to enter her.

The swamp meter continued to rise. 85%…. 90%…. 95%… Nicole could feel an orgasm starting to boil deep within her mind and body.

The meter was at 98% when Nicole suddenly heard a loud, deep, evil laugh and lightning struck her breasts. Devil FlushGuy was now standing directly in front of her with a red pitchfork in his hands. The prongs of the fork were crackling and sparks were jumping from it to her nipples.

“No, no, noooo!” she screamed as the meter dropped back to zero.

Annabelle’s voice again spoke in her ears. “The Angels win if they get you to cum before their time is up. The Devils win if they can keep you from cumming.” She paused and then said, “And I win because everyone– Devils, Angels, and horny lurkers watching the game all pay per minute.”

Nicole sat panting heavily trying not to cry. Then Angels BigJosh and Terry stood on either side of her and began running their magic wands up and down her sides. To Nicole it felt as if the softest hands in the world were lightly running from her breasts down to her toes. And as they moved, the fingers fluttered rapidly causing a cascade of soft touches.

The swamp meter was rapidly regaining it previous heights. Nicole was beginning to rock in the saddle, trying to force the dildo that she knew was there deeper and deeper into her aching cunt.

Then she once again heard the evil laugh. No, it was two evil laughs. Devil FlushGuy was standing directly in front of her. Devil HardCore was walking around behind her. They both had their heads tilted back so their deep, evil laugh could boom out unobstructed.

Devil FlushGuy looked up at Nicole grinning– no, leering at her. He pushed his pitchfork toward her between her legs. As soon as the sparks began to jump from the prongs to her skin, he pulled it back. Then she felt Devil Hardcore doing the same thing from behind. Both would thrust forward until the sparks jumped and then immediately pull back.

“No… please no,” Nicole begged. The soft shocks were almost taking her over the edge. The meter now stood at 99% but she knew what the devils would do.

“I’m so close… I’m so close…” she begged. Then both devils pushed their forks forward and held them tight against her body.

It was as if lightning were entering her body through her cunt and passing on out through her asshole. Then the lightning would reenter from the back and pass out through the front. Nicole screamed shrilly and passed out.

When she again opened her eyes, the meter was at zero. Both angels were standing behind her rubbing their magic wands up and down her back and buttocks. It felt so good, but at the same time she could see the two devils standing in front of her leaning on their pitchforks. Sparks randomly jumped between the prongs of the forks or even from fork to fork.

“No, no,” she pleaded, “don’t take me high if I can’t go all the way.” But the angels kept rubbing and massaging her back and asscheeks and the swamp meter slowly began to rise.

When the meter reached 75% Devil HardCore said in a deep voice, “Time to get to work.” He touched his pitchfork to Devil FlushGuy’s and drew a large spark which continued to jump between the two forks as they approached Nicole from the front. It was almost a lightning bolt as they walked past her, one on either side, causing the lightning to splatter against her skin just above her hips.

She screamed in pain and the meter dropped back to 20%.

The angels were now back to working on her breasts and front. The wands would slowly move around her breasts, feeling like the most wonderful hands and fingers playing with her breasts and nipples. Then they would both move downward until those magic fingers were playing between her legs.

The meter rose to 80% and Nicole was groaning deeply when Devil HardCore and Devil FlushGuy again struck an arc between their pitchforks and walked forward to trail lightning across her body.

The two devils and two angels then walked over to stand next to the ring of fire. The names disappeared from their fronts and they stood like statues while Nicole grunted and groaned and ground herself against the saddle. The magic hands were gone, but the need to orgasm which they had stirred up inside her was still there. It was a gnawing, burning need that nothing but an intense orgasm could quench. Somehow, the size of the flames and the heat from the ring of fire had risen to match her burning need.

The angels stepped forward from the roaring flames. Now they were Angel GoodStuff2019 and Angel Alicia2002. The devils were Devil FruitCake321 and Devil AntiAngel999.


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