Down on the Farm 07 by The_Technician

The angels tried their best to take Nicole to orgasm. They used their magic wands expertly to quickly raise the meter to 99%, but the devils used their pitchforks with equal expertise and repeatedly brought the meter back down to zero.

After what seemed like hours, the angels and devils returned to stand next to an even larger ring of fire leaving Nicole grunting and crying as the need to orgasm became greater and greater within her.

“You’re all devils,” she screamed. “You are working together to torture me. Let me cum or let me alone!”

In response, new names appeared on the four tormentors and the whole process began once again.

Everything was the same. The angels would take her almost to the point of orgasm and the devils would drive her back down. After a period of time, they would stop and become statues next to the ever growing ring of fire and Nicole would be left uselessly grinding herself against her saddle as her need became almost all consuming within her.

The cycle repeated itself again and again and again. Nicole’s groans now sounded like a combination of groaning and crying as she tried again and again and again to reach orgasm.

Finally the two devils stepped back and merged into one person. Annabelle– or at least a fairly accurate representation of Annabelle– was standing in front of Nicole. “You aren’t live on line,” she said softly. “I have been controlling the devils… and the angels.” Her voice hardened slightly as she continued, “But if you truly need punishing, you will replace the AI avatar that W created for this on-line game.”

The Annabelle avatar stood silently while Nicole struggled to understand what she had just been told. Then the avatar stepped forward and looked into Nicole’s eyes. “Do you now understand how I will punish you, my little needy naked cowgirl?” she said firmly.

“I’ll be good,” Nicole said plaintively. “At least I will try to be good. Don’t punish me anymore. Let me cum. Let me cum. Please let me cum.”

Nicole’s voice dissolved to crying, but among the sobs she continued to beg, “Please let me cum. Please let me cum. Please let me cum.”

Avatar Annabelle stepped aside and the angels stepped forward and pressed their magic wands against Nicole from the front and from the back. This time, it didn’t feel like fingers. It felt like dildos… or even warm, human pricks… pressing against her cunt and her asshole.

She let out a loud, deep, “Aaaaaahhhh” as both pricks entered her at the same time and began thrusting. The swamp meter climbed steadily to 99% as the golden wands continued to do their magic. Nicole tilted back her head and screamed out in passion. She closed her eyes and shuddered as the long needed relief of an orgasm swept through her again and again and again.

When she finally reopened her eyes, the angels were gone. So was the ring of fire. She could feel fingers on her face as the virtual reality faceplate was opened and removed. Annabelle– the real Annabelle– stood in front of her naked.

“Let’s go down to the swimming hole and cool off, cowgirl,” Annabelle said with a smile. “Then we can talk about tomorrow… if you still want to become my naked little cowgirl slave.”

Strong hands lifted Nicole up off of the dildos while Annabelle removed the boots and guided her legs around the ropes supporting the saddle. Frank helped her down the ladder and held her up while Annabelle quickly removed the gloves, chaps and blouse.

“Drink this,” Annabelle said as she handed Nicole a bottle of blue liquid. “Then we will swim in the pond behind the barn.”

“And after that?” Nicole asked.

“I think tonight is a night for cuddling and talking,” Annabelle said. “I’m having a bunch of friends over to the farm tomorrow for some games and a potluck picnic. Depending on your decision, there will also be a collaring ceremony.” She stroked Nicole’s head and said, “It’s your decision my naked little cowgirl.”

“How can I say no, my Mistress,” Nicole answered as they walked down toward the pond.

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