Enslaved Entrapped 14-16 by bav86

Enslaved Entrapped 14-16 by bav86

The two slaves slowly slide further in their master’s grasp. , Again, thanks for all the feedback. I really apreciate it!

Just a heads up: These next few chapters are relatively mild compared to the previous update.

I most likely wont be able to update soon, at the soonest probably in august. I would like to ask any interested readers: What would you like to see happening in the ‘scene’ in the upcoming chapter 17? Let me know in the anonymous and register free comments at the bottom!

Thanks for reading, Enjoy!

Chapter 14) Cleaning up

I knew I had gone too far. But I couldn’t help it. I had gone into a hypnotic ‘Domspace’. I would need to be careful and control myself next time. Even as I was looking at my slaves, delirious from the wasabi treatment, I felt calm, happy, elated and also slightly horny again. But I knew I would have to fix things. It was too much too quickly. They were in no state to go home. I had to clean up the mess I created. I called their home.

Their father took the call: “With Roger Graham.”

“Hey mister Graham, you’re speaking with Peter van Dyke” I answered.

“Yeah?” He asked, not sounding particularly interested.

“The employer of your daughters.”

Suddenly he became very interested: “Ohh yeah! Hi, nice to meet you! I hope they aren’t being too lazy!”

“No, no. Not at all! But, they are a little bit less quick than I had hoped, which is why I’m calling actually.”

“Oh, you want me to have a word with them? Just you wait till tomorrow, I’ll show you how fast they can get the job done!” It sounded like he wanted to whip them, luckily I had already taken care of that.

“Oh, thank you. But that won’t be necessary I think. They offered to stay and work some overtime. I thought that would be a good idea and offered them a room if they wanted to stay the night. And I was wondering if that would be alright with you.”

“Hmmm.” He didn’t sound very convinced, but I knew what would convince him.

“I’d pay them extra overtime of course.” I said nonchalantly.

He replied quickly and sounded very eager: “How much?”

“Double, of course.”

“Eh eh” He stammered. “That would be ok.”

“Excellent! Thanks so much mr. Graham!”

“You can call me Roger. Tell you what, Peter, you seem like an ok guy. I trust you. If you need them for anymore ‘overtime’ its fine in my book. Just let me know, alright?” I didn’t think he suspected what was going on, but the way he said ‘overtime’ sounded like he wouldn’t care anyway.

“Ok, will do! Thank you very much Roger!”

“You’re welcome!”

That was one hurdle out of the way, I thought as I took a relieved breath. It was good to know he would would agree to another overnight session. As long as he got his money, I thought to myself. Back to the slaves! When I came back in the dining room I saw both of them as I left them. They were in a trance-like state as they tried to ignore the pain radiating from their most sensitive of body parts. I released Tessa from the pillary and leg spreaders and took her to the toilet. She walked very stiffly as if her whole body hurt, but I guess that was kind of true. The session had taken such a toll that she didn’t barely responded when I talked to her. After she had done her business on the toilet I injected her with a powerful sedative which would knock her out cold for at least 10 hours. I laid her in the large bath and repeated the process with Danielle.

I started cleaning them. I took the gloves out of their asses and gave them a milk enema. Giving an enema to an unconscious person is quite messy, but I managed. I took special care to thoroughly flush their crotches with milk and yoghurt to neutralize the wasabi. Once they were all clean I took them to my bedroom. I gave them some ointments which would speed up the healing process in their skin and laid them in my bed. The bed was more than large enough for me to fit in too. I used some leather cuffs with soft fur insides to chain them to my bed. Even unconscious slaves looked better in bondage.

Chapter 14) Good morning, Slaves!

I woke up the next day with a slave on either side, a great way to wake up. I checked their bodies if their bruises and marks were healing up. They looked fine although bruises were appearing on the places I put the clothespins. Their vagina’s were still a little inflamated from the wasabi treatment. I rubbed some more healing ointment on their bodies. This time I also added a painkiller cream, they would feel fine when they woke up. I continued to feel them up as I got myself more and more excited. Too bad they were still knocked out cold, I thought. Although.. I was their master and I could do whatever I wanted, unconscious or not. I quickly grabbed a dental mouth spreader and decided which slave to mouth fuck. Hmm, I already focussed much of my abuse on Tessa, so Danielle it was.

I walked over to Danielle’s side of the bed and inserted the mouth spreader. I set it to a comfortable size for easy fucking. I got out my cock and inserted it in her mouth and started pushing in. I pushed in as far as I could without suffocating her and started jacking off. It was a different feeling rubbing my cock against her unresponsive tongue, but I became very excited thinking about how this lovely little school girl would wake up with cum in her mouth. I climaxed in her mouth and filled it up with a surprising large amount of cum. I held her head up to avoid leaking cum, removed the mouth spreader and closed her mouth with some ducktape.

My lovely slave twins still hadn’t woken up and I had things to do, but with everything that happened yesterday I didn’t really want to leave them alone. I decided the other things could wait. If you have two pet slaves, you’d better take care of them! I laid myself down between them and tried to catch some more sleep.

Tessa was the first to wake up. As she opened her eyes she forgot where she was and let out a scream: “Where the fuck am I? What the fuck is this?” Then she noticed that her hands were tied and realized where she was. “Oh god.” She sighed.

“Yes?” I joked.

Surprised she turned herself to look at me. “Good morning, slave” I said.

“Good morning, master” she mumbled.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Good I guess, master” She started thinking about how she got here and slowly the memories of yesterday flooded back.

“Really? It doesn’t hurt anywhere?”

“Well a little, my right nipple”

“My right nipple, Master” I corrected her.

“My right nipple, Master” she repeated.

I inspected her nipple and found it was indeed still very tender, even with the painkilling salve her face contorted whenever I touched it. I went up and got a large band-aid. I put on some more of the healing and pain killing concoction and covered her hurt nipple with the band-aid. While I was doing this Tessa gave me a few surprised looks. I think she didn’t expect me to help her.

“And how does your vagina feel?”

“Ehm.” She blushed at the word vagina. “It’s ok I guess. It doesn’t feel normal, but it doesn’t hurt either, master. Even after..” She couldn’t finish the sentence as she started remembering the whole wasabi deal.


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