Getting Trained for auction (part one) by SumissiveLavina

There’s a hook on the front of the chastity belt that he clips it to and then lock it securely. “You maybe wondering about all the security we’re putting on you, But it’s unsafe out there. There’s crazy men out there just looking for venerable women to rape. So really this is all for your protection.” As he says this he grabs a metal ball and chain from the wall and hook the ten pound weight to the belt, it floating barely above the ground.

I try to mumble through the gag.

He grabs me by the hair and tilts my head back, “What was that whore?” He leave me on my knees and walk back to the wall where he press another button and my ankles release. He pull me to my feet by my hair and drags me to the table. The ball swings pulling on the belt pushing on the plugs. He pulls out a map and lays it out flat. “See this,” he says pointing to a building, “this is where we are. And this is where you’re room is.” He points to another building on the other side of the map.

“You’re room number is 504, You’ll find that there are no elevators. Door will be unlocked. But you may lock it once you’re inside. You’ll also find either one, two, or three keys. Which ever they fit, you’re allowed to take off.” He places the map in my cuffed hands. He grabs my hair and walks me to the other door, where he opens it and shoves me through to outside.

I stand blinking in the blinding light, the weight rocking back and forth. I gain my baring and look down at the map.

I follow the route marked in blue.

People passing on the street stare at me as I shuffle past naked, plugged, and gagged. I hear people snickering and people point. A group of boys surround me as I try to pass them. One grabs my hair hauling me as his buddies each grab different parts of my body. The one holding my hair pulls me back against him and then shoves my head down forcing me to bend over.

He rams the growing thing in his pants against my ass, humping me several times, as his friends groap my boobs and spread the lips of my vagina around the chastity belt. “She’s no good,” one of them say. “The belt is too tight and the mouth piece is locked.”

They laugh. The one holding my hair moves from behind me, keeping me bent over. He slaps my ass leaving a hand print. His friends all join hitting my ass. Finally he shoves me to the ground and I fall forward on my knees and face.

My ass sticking up into the air. “Good, Whore. That’s where you belong. On the ground.” He puts a foot to a check and kicks me over. They laugh again and leave.

I try to get back up having trouble not being able to use my hands. I fall over a few times and with a struggle get up. I continue forward, just wanting to get out of the open.

The belt is now cutting into my lips due to the boys moving them.

As I pass through the square I see that there are naked people chained spread eagle on big rocks, some collared to pillars, some in stockades and two in bird cages. Each person had a sign, describing a crime and the punishment. The one chained spread eagle on the rock sign read, “Crime: told owner no, Punishment: chained spread eagle to be taken by whoever.

Until lesson is learned.” A old man was shoving his cock down her throat. A crowd surrounded one of the bird cages and there was “boos” and “cheers” and the sound of slapping.

I pushed faster wanting to be out of that area. The ball pulled the faster I moved but eventually I make it to the building highlighted on the map. The stairs are on the outside of the building.

I begin the slow climb up the stairs with the ball and chain pulling harder.

I make it into my room, my body shaking from exhaustion. He said there might be keys I remembered suddenly energized. I search around the room staying on my knees as much as I can to keep the ball from pulling anything tighter. I find keys to the chastity belt and let it fall to the floor. My body is in such relief I almost forget the plugs until I move towards the bed.

The one in my vagina is easy to pull out despite my still cuffed hands. With my hands between my legs and my upper body resting on my bed I finally manage to remove the anal plug.

I finally make it on to my bed before i look around the room. Pulleys and tracks ran across the ceiling. Different kinds of chains hung from each wall. Some had what looked to be wrist cuffs and some that were bigger as if to fit a neck. There was a pile of rough looking rope in one corner.

On the floor in the center of the room was a set of chains attached to the floor. There was also a large eyelet hook on the floor and another one on the ceiling. Along one wall was a wall mount that held several different types of torture devices, from rods, prods, whips, sticks, dildos, hooks, and an assortment of things I had no idea what they were, but i was sure I’d lean about all of them before this was over.

Along the other wall was a short but long chest with a lock on it.

I rolled over wanting nothing to do with the room.Sleep fast took me into its embrace.

Some hours later my door slammed open and I was roughly pulled from my bed. The man with meaty hands flips down covers over my eyes. I can feel my handcuffs hook onto something and then are dragged roughly up till I’m on my toes. I hear a lock drop to the floor and then booted steps come closer to me.

A whip hits my skin across the breast and I dance away from it. His hand touches my breast squeezing until my nipple stands on end which he roughly takes into his mouth. The whip hits my ass over and over again and i beg him through the gag to stop but he cant understand me. Suddenly electricity shoots through my clit and I choke. The pain comes again this time between my holes. Then again on the entrance to my vagina.

Then I feel something smooth enter me, suddenly elecricity runs along the inside of me. Every time it stop it starts right back up. My breath is coming in small drags between shocks, the gag making it even harder to gain any air. He pulls the metal from me and my body sags as I drawl in air.

He laughs at me remarking at how weak I am, but then tells me he’ll come to me every night until i can handle a lot more.

I hear him walk away from me, metal clip into place and then a lock be snapped shut. Suddenly my hands are given slack and my body touches the floor. I stand there, unsure of what to do. He comes to me, unhooks my hands and pushes me to the floor. The eye pieces are removed and I blink into the light. He moves away from me over to the wooden box and pulls off the lock. He opens the top and I realize that there’s bars on it. He reaches inside and pulls out what appears to be a dog cone.

I feel myself begin to panic.

He turns back to me carrying the cone. I move away from him as much as I can on my knees until I’m cornered. He slips it onto be after batting my hands away. He laughs suddenly saying “I like you cornered it’ll make this next part easier.” He reaches forward flips a lever and pulls out the gag. For a second I’m so excited to get that thing out of my mouth that i don’t notice him undo his pants. “Suck it!” he orders.


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