Harem House – Selene Pt. 09 by SirAeghann

“Okay.” Arthur nodded. “Good to know.” He walked away from her, and she stood there, still confused until she saw he was making notes in the notebook again.

“What are you doing?” Kat asked.

“What?” Arthur asked. “I’m writing down your answers. That’s the whole point of this evaluation.”

Kat groaned, this time in frustration, as she stomped her foot. “You’re really not going to fuck me? What do I have to do to get you to fuck me?”

“What do I have to do to get you to fuck me, Sir.” Arthur reminded her with a mischievous smile.

She threw her hands up and grunted in frustration as she surged forward, trying to push him onto the sofa as she placed both hands on his chest and gave a shove. He didn’t move. He was impressively built and much bigger than she was. She might as well have tried to knock over a lamppost.

Arthur frowned and shook his head. “Stop it.” He said as he grabbed her wrist and brought it back behind her. He marched her back to the spot they’d been at in front of the bedroom doors. “I still need to check your lower half.”

“Calves are like a four. The back of the knee is zero because they’re ticklish. Feet are also a zero. Inside of the thigh is a strong seven. The rest is pretty much a five.” Kat said it all in a quick burst of frustration. “Now-” She cut off as her breath hitched. Her hands grasped at Arthur’s strong and flexed arm. Her eyes followed it down from his rounded shoulders, down her torso, and between her legs. The heel of his palm pressed against her clit. His fingers spread her lips. His forefinger and pinky each pushed around the curve where her legs met her groin. His middle finger hooked, waiting at the entrance to her pussy. He teased the opening, feeling how slick and ready she was and smiling.

“And how’s that?” He asked. “Where does that register on the scale?” He asked again when she failed to answer. His voice was dark, with a steel edge that she hadn’t heard in it before.

Her breath hitched in her chest, and her whole body felt like it was on the brink of electrocution. “Oh god.” She gasped. “Ten. Eleven. Twelve. I don’t know.” Kat gasped again. “Please just-” Her plea turned into a breathless gasp of words as his finger pressed between her folds and entered her. The heel of his palm by the base of his thumb pressed against her clit, trapping it up and pushing it against her pussy lips as he started rubbing his hand in small gentle circles.

“OHmYGod.” Kat clawed and hung onto his arm as though he were dangling her over the edge of a building. He could no more let go of her than he could fly. She squeezed her legs hard against him, trapping his hand exactly where it was and gasping as she looked up into his eyes once more. His eyes were dark with lust, and his lips were slightly parted. She tried to reach up and kiss him, but she couldn’t reach him. She could barely move, so he lowered his lips to hers.

They kissed for a long minute until she started buckling her hips against his hand to try to press his fingers deeper and grind her clit harder against his palm. His smile broke the kiss, and he lifted his head away.

“Good.” He nodded. “I’d say you’re fairly sensitive down there. That’s a good thing.” He smirked. “Should we move on to oral sensitivity?”

She shook against him, still holding on to his arm for dear life. He wiggled his finger and hooked it against the top of her channel, dragging it forward and sliding it back while his palm pressed against her clit. Her eyes rolled around for a moment. She took a deep breath, and she screamed as she came. She screamed so loudly that, for a moment, Arthur was afraid the neighbors would call the cops. He had to do something, so he cut off her scream with a kiss, lowering his lips to hers.

She gave a muffled noise of surprise but eagerly dove into the kiss as she clamped her entire body against him and around his arm as though she were trying to pull it into herself. Then, after a surprisingly long few seconds, she gasped and slumped against him. She quivered with aftershocks as he held her, and he gently lowered her down to the floor, where she lay back with her legs folded over to the side and her happily dazed face staring up at the ceiling.

Arthur sat nearby, smiling and shaking his head. He reached over and made a note in the notebook and waited.

After about five minutes, she moved again and looked up at him.

“Sorry.” She said, catching her breath. “It’s just… it’s been so long since anyone has… I guess I really needed to….”

“It’s perfectly okay.” Arthur assured her. “Take some time. Catch your breath. Do you want some water?”

“Yeah.” Kat nodded her messy curls bouncing in front of her face as she did so. “Water sounds good.”

“One water, coming up.” Arthur said as he hopped up and headed toward the kitchen. She watched his cock bounce as he walked, and she smiled. She heard him open the cupboard and then the fridge for the filtered water. He returned shortly with a tall glass of water.

Kat sat up, propping herself on one arm as the other accepted the glass of water and brought it to her soft lips. She drank it down and then took a deep breath. “Thanks.” She nodded. “That was… the most intense orgasm I’ve had in a long time.”

“Are you okay to keep going?” Arthur asked. “We’ve still got more things to check. Are you okay to have multiple orgasms, or are you a one-and-done type of girl?”

“Happy to try.” She said with a smirk. “But shouldn’t I be getting you off this time? Maybe give me some time to recharge while you check my uh… oral skills? Then you can check my oral sensitivity.”

Arthur smiled and nodded toward the couch. “Sure.”

He helped her up, and the two of them made their way over to the sofa. He took his place back on the far corner of the couch. She stood in front of the sofa for a second, unsure where she should move.

“Lay face down on the couch.” He instructed as he turned and placed his right leg along the back of the sofa. She could lie between his legs, with her face in the perfect place for a blow job, if she propped herself up a little. “Do you have a throw pillow you can use to prop yourself up a little?”

She nodded but moved toward her bedroom. When she returned, she had a small square pillow that she put under her, and then she lowered herself to the sofa. She nearly went cross-eyed looking at his cock, but gently started stroking it. “I don’t know if I can get this into my throat.” Kat warned him.

“Try.” Arthur encouraged her. “That’s what this is about. It’s less about getting me off and more about seeing what you can do.”

“Okay.” Kat nodded. “I’ll give it my best.” She shook her head, but she lowered her mouth to his tip and gently started kissing, licking, and then sucking as she drew him into her mouth and slowly pumped him with her hand while she did it.

It was a slow, almost relaxing blowjob. It was a far cry from the hoovering Arthur received earlier, or the facefucking Selene enjoyed giving him. Kat’s approach seemed to focus on the head of his cock while her left hand gripped the base and jacked him strong and steady. She switched hands after a few minutes and kept going. Her tongue swirled around his glans and curled against the underside of his cock as she came up, never letting the mushroom head of his cock slip past her lips. Her eyes glanced up to his after a few minutes, and she saw his relaxed smile as he rested back against the sofa. She raised an eyebrow at him but kept going, and going, and going. It wasn’t until her jaw started to ache that she finally lifted her head up off him and sighed in exasperation.

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