HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

I can hear Logan alternately pleading and cursing. When I do not do anything but moan, Victor takes notice of him. “I still want to hear the answer to my question, Jimmy. He told me I should ask you. How about it?”

“I let him fist-fuck me. Are you happy now? Leave him alone.”

“No, I’m not happy now at all. You let this little twit do that to you?!”

“Yes. And I’d take it from him again before I’d take it from you.”

“Logan, no!!” I say, knowing that he is deliberately goading Victor in order to get him away from me.

“Shut up, Kurt! Shut up now!!”

But it is too late. Victor turns to the camera, his face set in a snarl. “All right, you two have really pissed me off big time. I’m gonna teach you a lesson you’ll never forget, Jimmy.” He turns back to me. “As for you, you damn blue faggot, this is what you get.”

As he shoves the butt plug in the rest of the way, I feel something tear inside me and cannot suppress my scream. His grin becomes a wide smile.

Tears run down my face as I glare at him, while Logan calls him obscene names and threatens impossible forms of mayhem.

Victor ignores us both.

“Keep that plug in there, fairy boy, or I’ll have to do it all over again,” he warns me, then gets a harness from the counter and proceeds to fit the leather straps around my waist and between my legs. The strap between my legs is wide, but has an opening in the middle to allow my penis and scrotum to be pushed through while letting the wide part behind that be pulled tight between my buttocks and against the base of the plug. The strap divides once again to go around either side of my tail.

“There. Now you can’t push it out even if you try. That should keep you busy for a while, like maybe until tomorrow morning. By the way, the blood looks real nice seeping out around the leather strap, and all those nice decorations make you look quite fetching. If I weren’t so angry at Jimmy right now, I might just be tempted –” He shakes his head. “Nah. Another time.”

Still furious, he storms out the door, without releasing my left hand as he usually does. Trying to ignore the pain, I focus on counting the seconds but get no further than three when Victor appears in the other room. Even at a fast run, he could not have covered much distance in such a short time. Logan is almost certainly in the same building as I am. That being the case, there may well be bombs in both rooms that Victor could set off if he wished, but I cannot imagine he was so stupid as to set them up so that I could be responsible for when they are detonated. However, there may well be sensors in my restraints that would detect my sudden absence in order that some other sort of less lethal booby trap would be sprung.

My speculations are cut short as I see Victor shove his clenched fist into Logan’s ass.

Logan does not scream, but only continues cursing him out. Nevertheless, I can see the pain on his face, and what might be fear.

“Shut up now and pay attention. Remember how I just told your blue friend about putting my hand into him and then driving my claws through his guts?”

His smile is more than usually vicious as he grins at me from the monitor. I know what is coming next, and my heart cringes within my breast. But I can do nothing about it, other than watch and pray. I yell “Noooo!”

But he has already begun to carry out his threat. At different angles and on each monitor, I see his arm push up into Logan’s body so far that his hand opens a gash in his abdomen. I watch in horror as he closes his hand around the intestines twisted between his fingers then pulls down and out.

I can only retch as Logan bellows his agony. I force my eyes to remain open, watching as Victor continues to disembowel my lover.

Logan seeks out my eyes with his own. I know I must look totally distraught, tears flowing down my face and sobs racking my body. His lips form my name, just before he finally passes out.

Much later on, Logan has almost recovered from the ordeal, which would have left any other man, with the possible exception of Victor, dead. He still appears weak and is almost certainly in a lot of pain, but his body is intact again and I can reasonably expect that his ravaged abdominal organs are in the process of regenerating.

He has told me that the recovery often hurts more than the original injury. I suppose that makes sense. Even for an ordinary person, I have noticed that the recovery time after being injured can be worse under some circumstances, so since his healing is very accelerated, the pain might well be concentrated into that briefer time span.

For just a moment, I experience a sharp pang of envy for Logan’s ability to heal, especially since I myself cannot do anything at all about the growing pain inside me. I have no idea of how badly I may be injured, as a perforated colon does not hurt all that much until later, when infection sets in and the abdominal cavity becomes septic. It could equally well be nothing beyond a bad tear in my anal sphincter, but I do not think so. There is a pain deeper inside that shows no sign of easing up. With the harness strapped tightly against me, I cannot push out the too-large plug. Nor can I adjust to the hard pressure and stretch it is forcing on my rectum and probably the lower part of my sigmoid colon as well. Usually I can relax and allow myself to open and stretch, but this is beyond anything I have ever tried to adapt to before, even Logan’s hand, and has been forced in deeper.

I try to control myself, rather than lying here crying, but I cannot stop a sob from getting through now and then, or maybe just a moan every time my abused gut contracts hard against the abuse it is having to endure. It is after one of these agonizing spasms that I hear Logan’s voice.

“I can’t stand to see ya hurting like this.”

I cannot stand to see him concerned for me, after the pain he has gone through and is probably still feeling. But I am glad he has recovered enough to be able to speak to me.

“Let me try something that might help, OK?”

I can think of nothing he can do that would improve things in the slightest. But I nod.

“Close your eyes, darlin’, and don’t open them again. Now, focus only on my voice and what I’m sayin’.

“Imagine you’re lyin’ in our bed, and I come home needing you so bad that I’m ready to rape you the way I did once.”

“It vas not –“ I begin.

“Sshh. Just listen. This time, I tell you why I need it, since you said that’s what you wanted me to do, if it ever happened again. I need to take you, hard, rough, even painfully, to get the craziness out of my head before I take it out some other way on someone else. You don’t say anything. You just open your legs for me and close your eyes, preparing to endure it.”

“Victor can hear us,” I object, opening my eyes to get Logan’s attention.

“Let him. I don’t give a damn in hell if he does. Maybe it will teach him something about what it means to love someone. Now stop interruptin’ me and close your eyes. Concentrate on my words.

“I want you to imagine something that is totally untrue. Pretend I’ve got a cock as big around as my upper arm and just as long. Don’t laugh, darlin’. Just pretend. I’m huge and hard and I’m shoving that horrendous dick up your ass, stretchin’ you wider than you’ve ever been before, and you’re taking me deeper and deeper into your body. I’m fucking you, opening you, filling you completely, violating you horribly.

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