HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

“My, my. The little fairy boy is anxious for it, is he? He wants to feel my big cock inside him. Maybe I’ll oblige you sooner than I had planned, since you’re so hot for me. But first I want to have a little fun.”

He rests his hand low down on my abdomen. I suck in my breath and grimace.

“Oh, that hurts, does it? Thanks for letting me know.”

O Gott, now I am in for it!

His fingers trace across my belly, probing to find the area that hurts most. When he reaches a spot low down and just a bit to the left of center, I gasp.

“Right there, huh?” I do not like the smile that spreads across his face. The heel of his hand presses down hard on that place, rubbing in small circles.

I can barely suppress a scream. I whimper, and plead, “Nein! Bitte, Victor, nein!”

“’Bitte, Victor, nein,’” he mocks. “I know what that means, baby. I think I like to hear you say that.” He releases the pressure then pushes down once more. “Say it again.”

I scream and say it again.

“But I’m supposed to be trying to arouse you, aren’t I? I don’t seem to be doing a very good job of that. Let’s try something else.”

He leans down, fastening his mouth over my right nipple and sucking. At first, it feels nice. I dare to relax a bit and try to get myself under control during this surely brief respite. I feel a hand reach for my other nipple, pinching it lightly. If the rest of my body did not hurt so much, this might almost be pleasant. But the small amount of water that I managed to drink is not sitting well in my stomach, and the ache in my gut has turned into sharp spasms.

Slowly, Victor increases how hard he is sucking, how roughly he is handling me. It goes past the point of pleasure and turns into pain. At last, he stops.

“That’s better. Your eyes look a bit brighter now and that pretty blue dick is getting harder and turning a nice purplish color.” He touches me, teasing my straining cock. Then he seeks out the sensitive spot just below my tail that he burned during our last session.

“Schwein! Scheisskerl!”

“Now, now. I thought you liked being touched there.”

The finger continues to rub over the burn, tormenting me. I whimper as quietly as I can.

When he starts pinching and pricking that sensitive area with his claws, I cannot help but try to pull away from him, even though I know full well that it is hopeless.

“Hell, fairy boy, by the time you feel my cock inside you, it’ll be a relief, won’t it? Maybe you’ll even enjoy it. Jimmy won’t like that, but I sure would. Maybe I’ll make sure you enjoy it. How’d you like Jimmy to watch you come while I’m fucking you?”

“That vould not be too bad, overall,” I inform him as blithely as I can manage. “Perhaps you vould then like to vatch me come vith Jimmy inside me? Or me inside Jimmy?”

He laughs. “You are an outrageous little slut, aren’t you?”

“I have been called vorse things.”

“Yeah, I imagine you have, at that.” He actually chuckles before he continues. “I’m just having so much fun with you these days. Maybe I’ll keep you alive a little longer. Or maybe even permanently, if you give me a little encouragement. What do you say, fairy boy? How much is your life worth to you?”

“Not enough to spend it vith a creature like you.”

“Now, now, that’s not very friendly.”

“Shove it up your ass!” is my decidedly unfriendly retort.

“What’s the matter? Run out of German curses?” I just scowled. “In any case, I’d rather shove it up your ass, fairy boy.”

But instead of looking at me as he says that, his eyes slide upwards to one of the monitors, watching for Logan’s reaction. I realize that he has been doing that all along. I just did not understand why. Now I think I know.

He does not desire me. He does not even care about me. I am only a pawn in the game he is playing with Logan. Mein Gott! That is the answer! “You love Jimmy,” I state flatly.

“What did you say?”

“I said, ‘You love Jimmy.’”

“You’re crazy.”

“Nein. In your own tvisted vay, you love him.”

“You’ve seen the things I do to him. That’s not love.”

“It is the only kind of love you know.” I let him think about that a moment. “That is vhy you hate me so. Jimmy loves me, not you. You cannot stand that.”

“Shut up, fairy boy.”

“You think if you kill me, you vill have him for yourself. But you vill not. He vill only hate you all the more.”

“Shut up, you little shit! I’m warning you –“

“Varning me of vhat? You already intend to kill me.”

“I never said that. Maybe I’ll let you live, after I’m finished fucking you. Maybe I’ll enjoy it so much that I’ll keep you both alive.”

“Nein. You vill not dare. The longer Jimmy sees vhat you’re doing to me, the more he vill hate you.”

“Maybe I’ll decide to let you go, if he promises to stay with me. What do you say to that, smartass?”

“You vill not let me go, although you might try to make him think you have done so. You vill kill me regardless.”

“Now why would I do that, if I got what you think I want so much?”

“Because as long as I am alive, there is a chance he might find that out and go back to me. Besides, you hate me too much. You cannot stand the idea that Jimmy loves me far more than he could possibly love you.”

He places his hand flat on my abdomen. “You’d better stop now while you’re ahead. Unless you want Jimmy to hear you scream some more.”

This is not what I wanted. “It does not really matter how loudly I scream. Jimmy vill still not love you.” I meet his eyes directly, hoping my next challenge will get him to do what I want him to. “Perhaps you are afraid to fuck me, because you might find out you like it. Do you think I have not noticed how hard you get vhile you’re playing vith me? Maybe you vill find that you like screwing me better than you like screwing Jimmy.”

But I am getting to him now. I force a lascivious smile to my lips.

“Go ahead, big man. Do it. Maybe it vill make Jimmy jealous, seeing you fuck someone else and enjoying it. Maybe he vill vant you back again. Or are you afraid to do it?” I slit my fiercely glowing eyes at him, giving him an arrogant glare. “Or maybe you cannot do it, after all. Maybe you are so hung up on Jimmy that you are not capable of screwing anyone else. Is that it?”

“You’d better just shut your mouth, you damn Kraut. You’re only getting yourself in deeper.”

“Better men than you have told me to shut my mouth, Victor.” I smile again. “But I never learn.”

Logan interrupts us. “Kurt, stop it! You don’t know what you’re doin’!”

I do not take my eyes off of my tormentor. “Oh yes, I know exactly vhat I am doing. I am telling this Schweinhund the truth.” Again I spit a few of my choicer German epithets into his face.

“Victor, don’t listen to him! Please! He doesn’t mean it! You’ve driven him crazy!”

Desperate to keep Logan from interfering any further, I add one more furious ‘curse’. “Matte! Hab ‘nen Plan! Sei bereit!”

That stops him immediately, as I hoped it would. I see from the insane rage on Victor’s face that I have won. He literally rips off his own pants. He is going to fuck me, and he is going to do it now. Good. That is what I want. Do not think about it anymore, you overgrown asshole. Just do it!

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