HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

He adjusts the table, much as he did once before, dropping the section with my tail downwards so that my ass is at the edge, and my legs are bent sharply.

“Makes it easy for me to get in real deep, from this angle.” He steps between my knees, holding up his cock for me to see. “If you’re in such a hurry for this, fairy boy, why don’t you look a little more enthusiastic about it? Hmm?”

Despite what some men may want to think, no penis is a weapon of mass destruction. However, almost any penis can become a weapon of sorts, if the man attached to it wants to use it in that way, especially if it is longer and thicker than normal. This is clearly what Victor intends.

I close my eyes and try to clear my mind in order to focus on the floating cloud meditation that helped so much when Logan fisted me. But Victor will not allow me this escape.

“Open your eyes, baby. I want to see them when I do this.”

I shake my head.

“Open them, dammit! Or you’ll get my fist instead of my cock!”

I surrender to that demand.

“That’s better. Lovely! Now keep them that way.”

As he did with the butt plug, he simply shoves his cock into me in one hard thrust, then keeps working it in deeper with sudden jerks of his pelvis.

It hurts. Mein Gott, it hurts so much! I cannot keep quiet, nor can I stop struggling. There are a lot of incoherent noises a person can make to express both pleasure or pain. I learned a few new ones from Victor Creed.

“Nothing to say now, smartass? Not so sure of yourself anymore, are you, you blue piece of shit?” he says between grunts. “Gonna force it in so far that it rips your guts apart, fairy boy.”

He could almost make good on that threat, if he kept at it long enough. I can barely keep my mind on what I must do, but I have to take it for a little while longer. I want all of him inside me, in order to be sure.

Then he hits a place that turns the pain into agony.

“That’s it, boy! Take it all the way! Oh, yeah!!!”

The moment I feel his balls slap against me, I teleport, clutching his penis within me and concentrating on keeping it there, with the full intention of taking it along and leaving the rest of him behind.

I reappear just outside the door of the room, and realize that I have been successful in my endeavor. If there was any doubt, the screaming and cursing that reaches me even through the closed door would have convinced me. If there is a bomb that will go off when I teleport, that should happen at any second. I hold my breath and pray. The only thing I hear is a soft “poof”. No bomb, but only the same gas that he used to capture us! I continue to hold my breath.

Now I must hope that my conclusions about Logan being in this same building are correct. If not, once Victor gets over what I have done to him and begins to heal, he will be able to come after me. Or worse: if I am wrong and there is another building, he may detonate the bomb under Logan before I can get to him.

I look to the left and to the right. There is nothing but a short corridor, with one door on the side opposite to mine and one door next to mine, plus one at the far end.

I must find Logan quickly now. As I run down the hallway, I am leaving a trail of blood behind me. There is only so much time left before I have to breathe, or before I collapse from loss of blood, for I know some of that blood is mine.

The door on the other side of the hall is ajar, revealing obvious living quarters but no windows. The door at the end is locked.

I can feel the pressure in my lungs, as I run to try the door next to mine. It is also locked. Could it really be that simple? Was Logan so close to me all along? Or is this the door to the outside, and Logan is behind the other door? Judging by the layout, it is more likely this door, but I am far from being certain.

If this is indeed where he is being held, I know what it looks like inside and can safely teleport. If not – Well, if not, it does not matter. If Victor catches me now, there will be hell to pay. One door or the other, I must act.

I picture the inside of the room, visualizing the layout and picking what should be a safe spot. I cross myself and teleport.

And find myself right next to Logan! His eyes flare wide with surprise and hope, as I wrap my arms around him.

We are gone, to reappear immediately just beyond the outside door and clear of any obstacles. As I search for my next destination, we both suck in a welcome breath of air. He seems a bit groggy, as if he has inhaled at least one lungful of the gas.

There is an open field, perhaps a helipad, as everything beyond that in all directions appears to be thick jungle. All right, the far end of the helipad is the best I can safely manage.

As soon as we are there, I scan the jungle. I cannot see very far through the vegetation, but I can see an opening under one of the larger trees, so I take us there. In this manner, I teleport us several more times. Each time, I grow weaker, sicker, and more exhausted.

Finally I have to stop. My knees go weak. Logan wraps an arm around my waist to support me as I collapse to the ground.

“Kurt, are you OK? There’s blood runnin’ down your legs.”

“Some of it – is not mine. But some of it might be.”

“You don’t mean –?“

“Ja. I vas not even sure I could do such a thing, but apparently I can. It serves him right.” I smile up at him, before I gag and suppress the urge to vomit, as I realize what I have to do next. “Logan, you must help –“

This time he cuts me off. “I know, darlin’. I know. I’ll be as careful as I can, but this is gonna hurt.” He picks up a stick and breaks off a short piece. “Here, bite down on this. I don’t want your teeth to do any more damage to your mouth. Now, push as hard as you can.”

My teeth go right through the stick as I try to obey. Even so he has to open me further with his fingers in order to get a grasp on the ragged and torn flesh of Victor’s penis inside my rectum. I hold back a scream and push again as he pulls it out, but I do not move. I lie there, shaking and crying with the pain and the accumulated shock of what has happened over the last few days, not even looking as Logan tosses the remains into the bushes around us.

“Shit!” he curses, wiping his hand off on a fallen log. “I know I split ya open again. I just hope there’s no worse damage deep inside. Lie still. I’m gonna see if I can find something to stop the bleeding.”

I whimper bravely in reply. I am absolutely certain there is more damage, because I feel much worse than I should, even after teleporting the two of us repeatedly and rapidly. I am entirely exhausted and hurting badly, but he does not need to know about that.

He is back in a moment.

“Here, I’ve got a handful of spider web. That should help. Best I can do, under the circumstances. With us both naked like this, I can’t even rip up a shirt or something.”

I nod. “Just – make sure – the spider is not – still in it.”

“No jokes. Not now.” I feel him spread my buttocks and pack the soft, sticky substance against and partly into my anus. “Promise me you’ll never pull that trick on me, darlin’.”

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