HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

“Just be glad I decided against stringing you up that way, blue boy. Over time, it gets mighty uncomfortable, compared to just lying on a nice padded table. Now pay attention, both of you, and listen to how it’s going to be.”

After a quick glance in Logan’s direction, he turns back to me.

“Just like I know Jimmy’s abilities well enough to design that system, I’ve also made it my business to learn the limits of your teleporting ability. I’ll warn you right now that this place is out in the middle of nowhere and there aren’t very many open spaces in the area around it outside. I made sure you didn’t see anything when I brought you in, so you don’t know the layout of this building or its surroundings. And even if you did, Jimmy isn’t here. I’m keeping him somewhere else, in a very similar building, far enough away so that it’s out of visual range and it’s pretty well camouflaged. You might find it eventually, but that would take time, more time than you could afford.

“You see, I’ve got both of these rooms booby-trapped. There’s a bomb in each building, and I can detonate either or both of them from a control panel in both buildings, if I choose to do so. In the other room, there’s an incendiary bomb mounted beneath the floor right under your boyfriend and it’s pretty powerful. If it doesn’t kill him outright, it will most certainly blow him into so many pieces of flaming body parts that you wouldn’t know what to rescue even if you somehow managed to get into the room.

“You hear that, Jimmy? If I want to, I can blow up your little buddy here. Make me too angry and I may just do that, if only so I can see the look on your face when I do.”

Our captor favors me with a gloating grin.

“Since you’re a teleporter, I’ve taken extra precautions with you. There are sensors in your restraints that will react to your sudden absence by detonating the bombs in both buildings. You might save your own life by trying to teleport completely out of this building, if you dare. You might just end up OK. Or you might just as easily end up inside a tree or a mountainside. And Jimmy will still be dead.

“I trust you will both keep all this in mind if you are tempted to become, shall I say, uncooperative during the course of your stay in my humble abode.”

He laughs as Logan and I stare at each other in obvious dismay.

He sounds disgustingly smug and sure of himself as he tells us all this. I say nothing, hoping he will let slip something that could be useful.

Giving each of us a stern look, he goes on with his lecture, obviously enjoying himself. “If either of you tries to escape and you’re unsuccessful, you’ll get to watch the other one tortured until I’m satisfied that you’ve learned your lesson. I know how to make Jimmy scream, so just imagine what I could do with you, if I really wanted to. And imagine how much Jimmy would not enjoy seeing that. Got the picture?”

I nod.

“On the other hand, if both of you cooperate and do as you’re told, things don’t have to get that bad. Think about it.”

“Jimmy?” I finally ask.

“Oh, what’s the matter? Didn’t he tell you about me? The way I caught up with him while he was up North and told him who he was?”

I shook my head. “He told me, but no details.”

On the monitors, I can see a look of sudden anguish come over Logan’s face.

The man gives a deep chuckle. “I can’t imagine why not.” He turns to the screen, addressing Logan. “What’s the matter, Jimmy? Don’t want your little friend to know what went on between us? Don’t want him to know how we were screwing around together for over a month out there in the woods, and you loved it?”

From the look on Logan’s face, this man is telling the truth. I close my eyes and try to keep my shock and hurt hidden.

“He didn’t, did he? I thought not.” His fingers grab my chin and turn my face toward him. He shakes his head as he examines me. “Tsk tsk tsk! You’d be kind of cute, if not for those teeth. Let’s have a closer look, shall we?”

He takes hold of my lower jaw and opens my mouth, turning my head from one side to the other and surveying my horrendous mouthful of teeth. They are not my best feature and I am acutely aware of that. Then he runs his forefinger along the tops of my lower teeth. Now this is making me very uncomfortable, as I feel like a horse whose teeth are being examined to be sure the animal is not older and more decrepit than he is claimed to be.

It only gets worse when he uses his thumb to feel along my top teeth. In addition to being very crooked, they are also quite sharp, especially the ones in the middle. He presses his thumb down on the point of the sharpest one experimentally. I taste blood, and I know it is not mine.

“Ever give anyone a blowjob?”

“Vhat do you think?”

“I think any man who would stick his cock between those teeth is either very brave or very foolish. I’m no coward, but I’m no fool either. If nothing else, your mouth gets to keep its integrity, boy.”

I have had about enough of this. “I am not a boy.”

He gives a short laugh. “If you had lived as long as I have, everyone else would be a boy in comparison. But maybe you’d prefer a more specific nickname. Jimmy calls you Elf, doesn’t he?” I nodded. “Well, you don’t look like an elf to me. You look more like a fairy, except for the color. Yeah, that’s it. I’ll call you my little blue fairy boy. You like that?”

I shake my head vehemently.

“No? Considering those teeth, maybe I ought to call you the tooth fairy instead.”

I do not even dignify that with a reply.

“Nah, that would sound too silly. Guess I’ll stick to fairy boy.”

“I have a name.”

”I know. I just prefer to call you something else because it annoys you. By the way, my name’s Victor. Victor Creed, sometimes known as Sabretooth. I’m Jimmy’s brother. Well, half-brother. Same father, different mothers. I’m a lot like him in many ways. The same healing factor, but not such long claws.”

He holds up a hand to show me the short pointy slightly curved claws that serve him as fingernails. When I do not seem sufficiently impressed, he shows me how far he can lengthen them when he wishes. All right, I am more impressed now.

“All natural, fairy boy. No adamantium.” He casts a look over his shoulder at the monitors, where Logan is now struggling hopelessly against his restraints and screaming something I cannot hear.

Victor goes over to a table along the wall, picking up something I cannot see and bringing it back over to me.

“I assume you’re familiar with dildos, fairy boy. Probably very familiar. I find that this particular one comes in rather useful for my purposes.” He holds it up in front of me. “It’s pretty long and it increases in width more rapidly than most.”

He is not exaggerating. Even I would not like to have this particular item inserted into me all the way.

“Nice, isn’t it? Black glass, cool and smooth. Should feel real good going in, hmmm?” As he says this, he uses his other hand to run the sharp tips of his claws teasingly along the lines of the scar on my lower abdomen, stopping just short of my penis, which cannot seem to decide if it likes the attention or fears it.

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