HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

We break apart, and he pulls me down to lie with my head on his arm in the cool grass.

“Not bad for your first try, Elf. Not bad at all.”

“I do not think that vill ever become my first choice for sex, mein Schatz,” I reply regretfully.

“Hurts, huh?”

“Ja.” I wiggle my jaw from side to side experimentally. “I vish I vere like a snake, and could dislocate my jaws in order to svallow large objects.”

“Just be glad ya never had to give Victor a blow job, darlin’.”

I must have looked horrified at that, as he added hastily, “I was only makin’ a joke. Relax.”

But already the image has flashed across my mind of Victor’s hand tearing through Logan’s gut, and his scream of pain rings through my head.

“Hold me, Logan,” I beg through trembling lips.

As if he knows what I am experiencing, he pulls me over onto him, my head on his chest, his arms clutching me tightly against him.

“I’m OK, darlin’. It’s over.”

“I know.” But I continue to shake.

“Here.” He takes my hand and leads it to his abdomen. “I want ya to feel it, not just say you know. All OK. See?”

“Ja.” I take a deep breath and relax a bit. “Ich will dich nicht verlieren.”

“Ya won’t lose me, ya dumb Kraut,” he says, ruffling my hair. “I don’t get lost easy, unless I want to.”

“You called me a dumb Kraut.”

“Oh, yeah, I did, didn’t I? Sorry. It was all that German cussin’ you did to Victor, I guess.”

“Could you understand any of it?”

He laughs. “Ya think I didn’t learn most of the dirty words first, darlin’? I will admit to being a bit confused about the onion and the chandelier though.”

Now it is my turn to laugh. As our laughter dies away, I prop myself up on my elbows and look down into his face.

“So maybe now ve get a chance to live happily ever after, mein Schatz?”

“I wouldn’t count on it, darlin’. I wouldn’t count on it.”

German Translation HELL HATH NO FURY . . .

Lieber Gott! Dear God!

Bitte, Victor, nein! Please, Victor, no!

Es tut verdammt weh! It hurts like hell!

Fahr zur Hölle, du Hurensohn! Go to hell, you son of a whore!

Scheisse! Shit!

Du bist der Abschaum der menschlichen Gesellschaft!
You are the scum of the earth!

Du Schweinkerl! Du Miststück!
You filthy creature! You piece of manure!

Schatz, verstehst du? Darling/Sweetheart, do you understand?

Entschuldigung. Pardon me.

Geh zum Teufel, Arschgesicht! Go to the devil, ass-face!

Schatz! Nicht verzweifeln! Darling! Don’t despair!


Vas? What?

Kein mehr! Hör auf! No more! Stop!

Drecksau! Du sollst in einem Kronleuchter verwandelt werden, so dass du von Tag zu hängen und verbrennen bei Nacht!

Filthy pig! You should turn into a chandelier, so you can hang during the day and burn by night!

Verdammt! Der Teufel soll dich holen!
Damn! The Devil take you!

Es ist sehr schön. It’s very beautiful.

Schwein! Scheisskerl! Pig! Filthy creature!

Schweinhund Pig-dog

Stop! (Japanese martial arts term which has been established in a previous story that they both understand.)

Hab ‘nen Plan! I have a plan!
(Colloquilism for “Ich habe einen Plan.”)

Sei bereit! Be ready!

Senhorita/Senhor Portuguese for Mr/Miss

Agua Spanish for water


mein Schatz my darling/sweetheart (literally: my treasure)

Was ist los? What’s wrong?

Scheisse! Shit!

Ich will dich nicht verlieren.I do not want to lose you.

Vas? What?

STORY ARC – In Order

Something a Little Different
As the Twig is Bent
Pray for Us Sinners
With Nothing on My Tongue
You Win, Elf
Hell Hath No Fury

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