HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

I do not like the sound of that, but I say nothing.

“Now, how do I want to configure things?” He glances from me to the monitors. “Let’s let Jimmy listen, but not see what’s going on or be able to make himself heard.” He sets the controls. “Do we want to be able to watch his reactions? Nah. They’re pretty predictable, aren’t they? I hurt you. He gets all upset.”

The monitors go black.

“Do you two ever play with electricity, fairy boy?”


He flicks the tip of my penis hard with his middle finger, smiling as I wince. “English, remember? Unless you’re cursing at me, that is.”

“Vhat do you mean?”

“If you don’t know what I mean, then I have my answer.” He holds up a strange-looking device. “Consider this to be a learning experience. This is a violet wand. It can do some interesting things.”

It does not look particularly impressive. Just a sort of a handle with a clear glass globe at the end, attached to a box by a cable. When he turns it on, the glass lights up with an eerie violet color. It looks like a very small version of those plasma globes in science museums, where the sparks follow your fingers around on the surface of the globe.

“Pretty, isn’t it?”

“Uh – ja,” I reply uncertainly.

He moves it slowly down towards my right nipple, and I expect him to touch me with it. Instead, as it gets close, small sparks jump between the wand and my skin. Almost, it tickles, as if tiny feelers are wiggling around. The muscles of my chest tighten in arousal, and my nipples grow taut.

Victor turns a dial on the box, and a brighter spark jumps the gap. I gasp at the sharp snap of electricity. It hurts just enough to get my attention, but not enough to cause real pain.

He moves the globe to my left side, giving it the same treatment. I force myself to lie still, even though I want desperately to squirm around as I become more aroused by the strange feelings that are almost pleasure but also almost pain. No! I do not want this to happen!

He begins to trace a line of fierce sensation down my body with the strange device, slowly, teasingly. “I think you can see where I’m going with this, can’t you, fairy boy?”

As he approaches my groin, my body arches uncontrollably and I throw my head back as far as the metal band around my neck will allow. My teeth clench as I try to stifle a moan in anticipation of how it will feel when it reaches my penis. Instead, the sparks move to one side, running down the inside of one thigh, then back down the other. Now, surely!

No. He goes to my lower abdomen, following the design of the scar that stretches across it. All right. This gives me a chance to think more clearly. After fighting so hard against coming during the last session, I am certainly not about to give in easily this time. I focus on my hatred of this man, picturing what he did to Logan. I see the claws piercing his scrotum, ripping out his testicles, slowly and agonizingly. I hear again his screams.

With this image held firmly in my mind, my penis falters. I can tell it is beginning to wilt, despite the sparks still dancing across my body just above it.

Unfortunately, I am not the only one to notice this.

“Oh, we’re going to play the same game we played last time, are we? Let’s just see about that.”

The sparks dance rapidly up the length of my shaft, then focus on the end, striking my exposed glans, my foreskin, and the sensitive area around the frenulum.

As my cock twitches reflexively, I concentrate grimly on the image of Logan’s lacerated sac, the blood steadily dripping down to the floor, and the sight of his balls clutched in Victor’s hand. Although I can feel that twitching, clenching sensation deep in my groin, I deliberately try to suppress it. I will not let this happen!

Victor finally gives up. But why does his voice sound so cheerful when he says, “OK, you’re still fighting me, fairy boy. I could turn this up much higher, but I’d just end up burning you, and that’s not what I have in mind. Looks like you win this round.”

He leaves the room for a few minutes, then comes back pushing a small cart with some sort of mechanism on it. He parks it next to the bed and plugs it in. I do not like the looks of this. It is a metal box with several meters and assorted switches and buttons on the front.

“Want to take a guess, baby?” When I cannot come up with anything, he continues. “I’ll give you a hint: this is a medical device that’s used to get semen from a man who cannot ejaculate, for one reason or another, if he wishes to father a child.”

He looks at me expectantly. From the expression on my face, he can see that it is beginning to dawn on me what comes next. Picking up something from behind the box, he holds up what looks like some sort of probe, about as long as a man’s finger and the width of two fingers. It is mounted on the end of a slender wooden rod, with a wire going back to the box.

“Get the picture? The current isn’t anywhere near enough to do harm, but when it’s applied to the area around the prostate, you will ejaculate, whether you want to or not. Does it feel good or does it hurt? I haven’t tried it myself, so I’ll let you give me the answer to that question. But I strongly suspect it isn’t much fun, since the usual procedure is to do it under anesthesia.”

He sets the probe down on the cart.

“There’s something real handy about this table, baby. The time has come for me to show it to you.” He fiddles with something that I cannot see and the entire section that is usually between my legs folds down, taking my tail along with it. I am left with my buttocks at the very edge and my legs bent at the knees.

He returns to the cart. “Look, I’ll even make it easier for you by putting a little lube on the probe. You don’t have to thank me.”

I do not thank him. My mind has run back to a documentary I once watched about getting semen from prize bulls. It did not appear all that bad, but the bull usually bellowed pretty loudly when the current was turned on.

“Relax, baby,” he says as he inserts the probe. “This part won’t hurt a bit. I promise.”

He plays around with the probe, clearly doing more than is necessary to find the right position near my prostate.

“Want to see what I’ll be using on Jimmy, if he proves as stubborn as you? Here.” He holds up something almost as long as a man’s forearm and just as wide. “It’s meant to be used on a bull, so just be glad you’re not getting this one.”

My mouth drops open in dismay. “No! You vould not –“

“Sure I would. Unlike you, he’s pretty much indestructible, remember?”

Setting the monstrous thing aside, he flips a switch on the box. “The usual procedure is to go to the maximum setting right from the first, keeping it on for a couple of seconds. Then repeat that until the desired results are obtained, usually about seven or eight tries. That seems too quick for me, so I’ll start at the lowest setting and work my way up. That should give you a chance to savor the experience properly. I’m even going to put a condom on you to collect your cum.”

At first, it is not unpleasant at all. Rather nice, actually. But I know that will not last. I am proven right after only a few increases in power. There appears to be a point where the feeling of tingling excitement and mild tensing of the muscles changes into the muscles clenching so hard that it is no longer just arousing and it begins to hurt. I know electricity can cause burns, but surely a medical device meant to be used on humans would stop short of that. Each time now as Victor pushes the button that turns on the current, the spasms become more intense, until it feels as if my insides are trying to turn themselves inside out. My entire lower body convulses and my pelvis thrusts forward uncontrollably. I hear myself gasp, moan, and come very close to sobbing.

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