HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

“Oh, nice,” Victor croons. “You’re making me real hot. Keep it up.”

Eventually, I am screaming.

“Okay, fairy boy, we’re at the top of the scale. Now I just do it over and over again until you give me what I want. I think I’ll increase the length of the pulses bit by bit also.”

I have lost this battle and I know it. My screams get louder and longer each time, until finally I cannot stop my body from reacting.

“That’s good, baby. A few more times and you should be fairly well emptied out.”

“Bitte, nein! Nicht mehr! Hör auf!”

“Sorry. Don’t know what you’re saying.” He pushes the button again.

“Stop! Yyaahhh!”

“That was a good one. Just a couple more and we’ll be done.”

By the time he stops, my muscles are cramping and my legs and tail are pulling hard against their restraints. I whimper as tears run from my eyes.

He removes the condom from my twitching penis and sets it aside, then draws the probe out of my rectum. “Doesn’t look as if that was much fun, was it?”

I glare at him. If I were not restrained, I would be doubled over in pain.

“Here, let me see if I can help you out a little.” His hands press down on my belly, kneading the cramped muscles carefully so that his claws do not seriously dig into me.

“That didn’t have to happen, you know. If you had been more cooperative last time, you wouldn’t have forced me to do it like this.”

I look daggers at him. I want nothing more than to ‘port myself free of the restraints and wipe that gloating smile off of his face, but that would set off the bombs and get Logan and me killed. Wait a minute. It would also get Victor killed. No, not if he is here with me. It is only the bomb in Logan’s room that is supposed to be powerful enough to kill someone with that same healing factor, so it would only kill him if he were in Logan’s room when I ‘ported. But would he honestly be willing to take the chance that I might do that if he pushes me too far? Somehow I doubt that he would leave it up to me.

Enough thinking. I should be responding with more curses, but I have used up most of those in my vocabulary by now, so I take an inventive Yiddish curse I once heard and turn it into German as best I can remember it.

“Drecksau! Du sollst in einem Kronleuchter verwandelt werden, so dass du von Tag zu hängen und verbrennen bei Nacht!”

No one can accuse me of not having a sense of humor, even under these circumstances. I called him a filthy pig and said he should turn into a chandelier, so he could hang by day and burn by night.

“Tsk tsk, fairy boy. That sounded nasty. Guess you’re pretty angry at me.” The hand on my belly changes into fingertips pressing hard on the sensitive pressure points along the top of my pubic bones. I try to squirm away from the pain, but his hand follows me relentlessly, as I moan.

His other hand reaches into his own pants and it is immediately obvious what he is doing. “Louder, baby, louder! Oh shit, yeah!”

The pain stops as he comes. I am left gasping for breath, struggling to get myself under control.

“That was real nice.” His lips quirk ironically. “Next you get to watch me make Jimmy come. And he will. I guarantee it.”

He changes the settings on the monitoring system. I can see the rage on Logan’s face and hear his ragged breathing.

“Maybe Jimmy’ll have enough sense to give me what I want right away, now that he knows what happened to you.” He glances at Logan’s image. “What do you say, lover? You going to be more cooperative?”

“Go fuck yourself!” is his only reply.

Victor snarls. I hear the click of the remote again. “There. Now you can see and hear what I do to Jimmy, but he won’t be able to see or hear you.”

Returning the table to its usual position, he gives me a final pat on the belly, then turns away to gather everything together on his little cart.

As I had feared, Logan again chooses to be just as uncooperative as I was. If he could have heard me, I would have told him to give Victor what he wanted as quickly as possible. Knowing Logan, he would not have taken my advice anyway, just to prove a point.

So once again, I can do nothing but watch and listen as Victor uses the huge probe on him, shocking him with a current that was meant for a bull, running it up a little at a time, as his body convulses and he bellows much like a bull might have. Eventually, of course, he is made to ejaculate several times, just as I had been. I do not know if the current was enough to stop his heart, but if it did, he survived that, just as he usually does.

When Victor is done, Logan hangs limply in his restraints, his head drooping on his chest. As far as I can tell, he is breathing. Then the monitors go black and the speaker falls silent.

It is not very long before Victor comes into my room, a self-satisfied smirk on his face and a paper cup in his hand.

“Brought you something for dinner, fairy boy, but it’s not exactly a sirloin steak.”

I look from the cup to his expression, and I think I know what it is. “Mine or his?” I ask evenly.

“More like yours, mine, and ours. I jerked myself off a couple of times watching the recordings of recent events.”

If he thinks I am bothered by this, he has another think coming. “Release my hand and I vill drink it happily.”

“Most of it is mine, you know.”

“That does not matter.” By now he has released my left hand. “I vill drink it all, for the sake of the part that is his.”

Grabbing the cup, I suit my actions to my words, even to the point of ostentatiously licking my lips when I am done. “How about a refill?” I ask as I hold the cup out to him.

This is obviously not the reaction he desires. Victor snatches the cup from my hand, crushes it, and flings it across the room. “You disgusting faggot! Have you no shame?”

“You are calling me disgusting?!”

He glares. For a moment I am sure he is going to kill me with his bare hands. Then he storms out the door, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Since he left my hand fastened only by the chain, I reach down for the bottle of water and take a sip, as I wonder if Victor is even now offering Logan a paper cup. I am curious as to how he will respond, but the monitors and speakers have not been turned on, so I must contain my curiosity for the time being.

Meanwhile, I consider carefully everything Victor has said about the bombs which will go off if I get out of my restraints. I begin to think he has lied, and, if so, then how many other things has he said that might also be lies?

Finally, the monitors and speakers come back on. I can see Logan hanging in his restraints, with multiple bleeding slashes down the insides of both thighs. His face is set in a painful grimace, but the bleeding is diminishing even as I watch. Victor is nowhere to be seen.

I am glad simply to be able to see him and to know he is essentially in one piece. I wait and watch the gashes stop bleeding and begin to heal.

“Did he offer you a paper cup, Elf?” Logan asks eventually.


“What did you do?”

“Drank it vith a great deal of pleasure, because some of it vas yours. You?”

“Took it in my mouth then spat it into his face, because most of it was his.” Logan manages to grin at me as he says that.

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