Saya’s Week – Tuesday: Fraying Jenna by Neil McCain

Saya’s Week – Tuesday: Fraying Jenna by Neil McCain

Discover the seductive tale of "Fraying Jenna" by Neil McCain in this week's edition of Saya's Week. Dive into an erotic journey filled with passion, desire, and tantalizing twists. Explore Jenna's story and uncover the allure of late-night adventures that push boundaries. Read more to ignite your imagination and embrace the thrill!<br/>

It’s Tuesday, and Jenna finds herself in Saya’s home. , Day Two: Tuesday

Frying Jenna

When Jenna went to school this morning, she had no idea it was for the last time. Her 18th birthday was only two weeks ago, and she was one of the best in her class. Her good grades secured her the decent stipend she badly needed, since Jenna was an orphan.

No need to worry.

This morning the principal came to her class and took her to the nursery for an “routine medical examination”. This happened from time to time, so she was used to it.

As usual, the medical examiner took notes, and probed her hips and breast with his gloved hands, and took an careful examination of lower body. As always, he worked with the professional distance to be expected from medical staff, so this wasn’t to embarassing to Jenna. He would make some ticks on his list and say “Your’e good to go!”, and then she would resume class.

Only he didn’t.

Faster as her eyes could follow he gave her an injection, and her body went limp. She wasn’t numb, only paralyzed, and the medic begun talking to her.

“According to Federal Stock Regulation 23 you are hereby graded and informed of your grading as a ‘Meat Girl, Nonconsensual, Grade A’, and are therefore to be marked and held in custody until processing.

You are hereby stripped of your human rights in accordance to Federal Stock Regulation 14a and therefore have the same rights and obligations as defined for human live stock in Federal Stock Regulations 16, 17 and 18. This is to adhere the need of your owner, the Northern Ridge Quality Meat Ltd..

Do you have any questions?” he recited in a bored voice like he did a hundred times before.

Jenna’s eyes widened in anger and surprise. “Is this a practical joke by the class or something like that? A pregraduation ritual of some sorts? I’m certainly not amused!”

The man looked down to her, only a small flicker of compassion in his look, for a split second, and answered, while he was putting a branding iron to her hip:

“Thats no joke, girl. You are not an orphan, you are, and always have been, quality stock, bred in the Northern Ridge Meat Farm. Some people just don’t have a taste for obedient meat girls, so the farm puts some girls on a normal live on college, and fund it. You never got a scholarship from the government, it was the stock funding from Northern Ridge you have been paid.”

She tried to move so desperately to escape the pain on her hip, but her body wouldn’t respond. The pain was so immense, stronger than anything she ever endured, that she had problems to follow the man’s words.

“It’s the next best thing to kidnapping a girl from school, only its legal with you, for you have been bred stock from the beginning. Did you never wonder why of all the girls in class only you and Sarah needed to attend the medical examinations? It’s a quality check, nothing more.

If you got no other questions, I’d like to get you shipped.”

Jenna listened in disbelief. It made some sense, for the medical examiner was always a bit too routinized about the check, and never spoke to her more than necessary, nor did he show any sign of special attention to her quite beautiful body. She wrote it off as professional attitude, and it was. He checked her like she would check the frozen chicken in the supermarket. But she didn’t believe it, her mind just couldn’t accept this to be real. She had a live, was successful in school. Everything was fine. She would awake from this weird dream. Now. Now?

Her mind still struggled to fully grasp the complete wreck of what she believed to be her reality as she was put in a cushioned crate and rolled out.

Jenna awoke by a slap to her face.

“Awake, piggy!”

Her eyes opend and gave way to a blurred vison of a redhead who seemingly had just hit her. She opened her mouth to give her an aprobiate answer, and then the memory came back.

She was awake, and could feel shackles on her arms and legs, attached to thin metal bars formed like a ‘T’. It made moving impossible.

As her vision cleared, she saw that the girl was nude, and realized she was nude, too. The redhead wore a branding on her hip, classifying her as a meatgirl, and suddenly Jenna felt a mild, pulsating sensation on her own hip. As she turned her head to the right, a similar marking entered her view, of course it was on her own body. This nightmare was no nightmare. It was the pitiful rest of her once glorious life. She started to laugh and sob at the same time, only to get another slap in her face, and the backhand a quarter second later.

“Focus, piggy! Don’t go hysterical on me, we need you to stay sharp! Concentrate! Look at me!”

Jenna did as she was told, if only to avoid another hit to her face.

The girl was quite a looker, her body features more than similar to hers, they could have been twins. She recognized the enticing hips and the meaty labia on the redheads body, and wondered if this was some inbred trademark of the meat farm, to realize in terror how fast she had grown to the idea of just being stock.

Even their faces were reminiszent of each other, but not enought for twins.

Of course, Jenna had ash blonde hair and green eyes, while the woman obvously was a blue eyed redhead.

The girl smiled cryptically as she looked over her body.

“My name is Claire, and you are Jenna, as far as I’m told. It will be a pleasure to make you ready for our Mistress.”

Jenna looked at the ground.

“And then you will butcher me and eat my flesh?”

It was more of a statement than a question.

“Look at me, Jenna, you do as we tell you, when we tell you. Now look up to me, not at the ground! This way you might undergo the least unpleasent treatment. Not that pleasant is the right description for what lies ahead of you, but believe me, our owner Saya can be much more vicious. And no, she hasn’t paid half a fortune to just butcher you, she wants a show, and that means preparing you alive.”

Jenna was petriefied. She was beginning to come to terms with being killed, but live preparing?”

“So you want to torture me first?”

Claire smiled, but her eyes stayed cold.

“Pain makes your meat softer, thats it. And you will get quite a good dose of it. But first we need to raise your pain threshold, so you wont blank out while cooking. By the way, are you into girls, Jenna?”

She couldn’t grasp what she just heard. This was only a bad dream…

“No, I’m not. Not that I didn’t try, the caretakers at boarding school made sure that I had no boys around me, so… oh my god, thats all part of it, isn’t it? Are virgins more… valuable?”

Claire simply nodded.

“You will get used to girls over the course of the next few days. But lets start.”

With a swift motion, Claire brought Jenna to her knees and fastened the T-frame to the ground, so the girl was bend over on all fours. Then she extracted something out of shelf, a device wich looked like a multi tailed whip, but it had to many tails to be counted, and they were made of thin leather stripes about one finger broad.

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