Sexpionage 5 – Infiltration by Sfor

Sexpionage 5 – Infiltration by Sfor

Having proved herself to her superiors, stunning SVR Agent, Ekaterina Novikova, aka Yulia Jelic, is deployed once more into the field. This time her assignment is to infiltrate a High Tech Company and copy its pioneering Artificial Intelligence algorithms designed to give America the edge in protection against cyber attack … , Infiltration- Sexpionage 5

“Infiltration – The secret movement of an operative into a target area with the intent that his or her presence will go undetected”

Ekaterina’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

The glint of the sun broke through the gap in the curtains and caused her closed eyes to flicker. With a sigh that bordered on a groan, Ekaterina flapped out her arm into the empty space by her side …

The bed in the Master bedroom of her two bedroomed apartment was large, King size and very comfortable, but it had been so long since she had had someone share it with her. As she thought about the last time this bed had seen any sexual action, Ekaterina recalled with some sadness the passionate encounter she had shared with the hapless Anatol Radkov (see Swallow’s nest). But that had been several months ago now since that fateful night she had been alone under her own covers. The SVR Agent needed coffee, and so with an almighty effort she searched for the elusive spring to her step that would propel her up and out of bed, but instead she ended up somewhat lethargically flipping her bare legs out from under the covers and getting herself up very gradually.

Another groan came from her throat as she straightened her body. The Agent was still sore from the punishments that had been inflicted upon her in her brief time at Butyrka Prison.

“ублюдки,“ she uttered to no one but herself, letting the expletive come out in her native tongue. They were ‘bastards’ at the Centre in Moscow, and they had put her through hell just to prove that she hadn’t been ‘turned’ by the Belarusians.

Well, she had not, and hopefully now they were convinced of her loyalty.

One of the good things about having a small apartment was that it took no time at all to get from the bed to the kitchen, and ergo to be enjoying a steaming mug of strong coffee. Summer was well and truly here and Ekaterina was already beginning to feel the heat, despite only having on the panties she slept in and a short-cropped top.

It had been several weeks, almost five to be precise, since her humiliatingly painful experience in Moscow, and she still had not received any new instructions. Fleetingly it occurred to Ekaterina that maybe they still did not trust her. The thought scared her. She knew that if they really suspected her of treason then that would be the end … and not just for her, but maybe her family too.

“Stop it Kat, of course they trust you, they are simply letting you rest following your ordeal … yes that’s it,” she spoke to herself in an attempt to be convinced.

The buzz of her mobile phone distracted her. Picking up the handset Ekaterina could see an incoming text message. It was from the “Red Roses” flower shop – she smiled as she read.

“A flower delivery is on its way to you.”

Having read the message, she deleted it and, stripping off her skimpy attire ,Ekaterina stepped into the hot shower.


“For you Miss,” the young flower delivery man was very taken with the girl who answered the door.

“Thank you,” Ekaterina beamed him her cutest smile and took a second or two to enjoy the flustered look on his face.

“You are very welcome Miss, have a good day now.” Being unable to stop himself from enjoying a final ogle he stared at the exposed cleavage presenting itself to him before turning to leave.

The Agent was still chuckling to herself as she laid the beautiful bunch of white and red roses on the dining table and opened the envelope that came with it.

She pulled out the card and nodded to herself.

“Miss you xxx and love you x baby xx”

With a sigh she retrieved the small gas lighter that she kept in her kitchen and set fire to the little card, letting it drop smouldering into her sink before it could burn her fingers.

Three kisses, followed by one and then two, meant that her instructions would be at the location known as 312. She needed to go out.

Exiting the Aspen Block, Ekaterina turned left onto 3rd Street NW, before a right onto F Street took her to Judiciary Square. She sat for a short while on the bench facing the Darlington Memorial Monument until she was happy that there was no one following or observing her. Standing she moved past the Gilded Bronze Fountain and to the small clump of trees that shrouded the nearby short wall.

Once again making sure that she was not being watched, Ekaterina moved the loose brick and pulled out the small folded piece of paper. On it was written 312b 7:30pm.

Ekaterina’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

A downpour of Summer rain had started by the time Ekaterina made it back to her apartment, the brown paper envelope folded to its smallest possible size and crammed into her purse. It was just after 8pm, and the drop had been made bang on time.

Shaking herself dry and slipping off her boots and jacket, the Agent opened the envelope and took out the small burner phone. No sooner had she put the SIM card in and switched it on and it rang.


“Agent Novikova?” It was a male voice, American twang with an Eastern European accent.




“Okay. Listen carefully. Tomorrow at 10am you will go to AI Tech, the Technology Company on the corner of 11th and 4th NW. You have an interview for the job of Personal Assistant to Aaron Snodgrass the CEO. Snodgrass is a multi-millionaire, he is also known as an arrogant, misogynistic womaniser …”

“Oh, Personal Assistant in a Tech company, thank you for the assignment …” Ekaterina was very clearly underwhelmed.

“Agent Novikova, what kind of female PA, do you think, is an arrogant, misogynistic womaniser going to employ … “

A slight pause, followed by, “… Yes, one that looks very much like you do.” The voice answered its own question. “This a very important mission.”

There was a mutual pause.

“You are not guaranteed the job but you MUST get it. Mister Snodgrass is also careless and irresponsible given his position, so you get that job, confirm back to us that you have it and then you will get your next instructions … Now, keep the burner but destroy this SIM Card. When you need to contact us, you will find instructions on how to get a new SIM from the same location.”

“Oh, okay but so what happens if …” But it was too late, the voice had gone, leaving Ekaterina alone with this new information, and a job interview to prepare for.

AI Tech HQ, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC

“Thank you so much! Keep the change!” Yulia said, smiling and closing the cab door. She had spent so long being Ekaterina since her brief incarceration in Moscow that she had to work hard to ensure that became immersed in Yulia once again.

She checked the time on her phone, and was thankful for the extra time she had – it was only 9:30am and here she was at the AI Tech HQ. Any last-minute touches and make up fixes could be done, and she’d have some time to calm her rattled nerves. A womanising misogynist … whatever it was that the Centre wanted from this assignment, it was not going to be easy on her.


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