Cow Girl by TopCat

“Even though we are the only ones here, we can’t have you making too much noise, so we will but a gag on you.” A large ball gag was soon holding her mouth wide open but no sounds but moans could get past it.

“First we must see what is your present milk production quantity. To do this and be sure that we get all your milk we will need a better method of removing your milk then through your nipples. I will insert a catheter into your main milk duct and this will allow rapid discharge of your milk. I will also be able to work the catheter deep into your milk glands to get all your milk. Now let’s insert those catheters into these magnificent tits. While Mistress Gail busied herself preparing her tools, Kitten stood between Carol’s legs and began to play with Carol’s pussy lips and clit. She started twisting her clit stud. Her actions distracted Carol from Mistress Gail only until Gail returned with a scalpel in hand. She took one of her nipples in hand and told Kitten to pull up on the embedded ring. She cleaned the area with disinfectant.

She stabbed the scalpel deep just below the nipple and areola junction. Blood and milk began to ooze out of the wound. Taking a swab, she cleaned the incision and found the main milk duct. She took a special catheter tube and inserted it deep into the duct. This tube had small holes along the length that would allow for the entry of fluid as well as an opening on the end. Carol’s screams would have been piercing if they were allowed to be heard. She had broken out into a sweat and even Kitten’s fingers pumping her pussy could not distract the pain. Once the tube was fully inserted, Mistress Gail used stitches to secure it in place and closed the wound.

Satisfied with one tit, Mistress Gail repeated the procedure on the other. When complete, two catheter tubes stuck out of Carol’s areolas. Milk already was filling the tubes up to the clamped off end. Kitten’s playful fucking now began to trigger Carol’s typical reaction. “Not so fast Kitten, we don’t want our little lab rat to enjoy this too much. If you make her come before I command, you will be punished.” Kitten slowed her touching to keep Carol on edge but not over the top.

“Now we will see how much you presently hold. Kitten, help me with the table.” Mistress Gail and Kitten adjusted some controls and Carol’s table flipped so she now facing the floor. Her massive tits hanging down like the udders they were. Kitten attached a capture bag to each catheter and opened the valve. Milk began to flow into the bag. Gravity was working well and soon each bag was half full.

“Hum, about a liter each. Now let’s see if we can get the last drops out. Kitten use the clamps please.” Kitten got a series of plumbers ring clamps used to tighten pipes. She opened them and started attaching them to Carol’s tits. Beginning at the base where her tits meet her chest, she turned the screw that tightened the clamp. Carol’s tits soon turned red from the pressure. The pressure caused more milk to be squeezed from Carol’s abused boobs.

“Add the rest of the clamps but don’t tighten them until I tell you to. I want her to feel the total effect of having her tits squeezed empty.” Kitten worked diligently and soon Carol had five one inch wide clamps circling each tit. At a signal from her mistress, she began tightening each clamp working from the chest out to the nipple. More milk filled the capture bag and Carol squirmed and cried from the pressure on her inflated tits. When Kitten had finished tightening each clamp to the maximum, Mistress Gail checked the total milk in each bag. “Much better, let’s take a break and enjoy this delicious milk. Bring the cookies Kitten.”

Each women clamped off the catheter and took a milk bag to a nearby table. Kitten retrieved some cookies from a cupboard. They sat together and chatted, drinking the still warm tit milk and dunking cookies. Carol still hung upside down looking at the floor and her abused, clamped tits. She wished she never had big tits and wondered how much more of this she could take.

Fifteen minutes later, Gail and Kitten had finished their snack, put the remaining milk in a refrigerator and came back to their experiment. “Now we must see the total capacity of these tits. We will use the catheters in reverse. Turn the table back over and take off the clamps on her right tit.” Carol was flipped back over and Kitten started taking off the clamps. As the blood started flowing back into Carol’s tit, the moans and groans grew louder. The marks left on Carol’s tit where the clamps had bite into her skin left a decorative pattern.

“We will us a special mixture of saline and a mild irritant to test your tit capacity. We will deliver the fluid into one tit at a time. This should be interesting.” Kitten brought over an IV stand from which she hung a massive bag filled with a bluish fluid.

“I put a blue dye into the fluid so we can see how the fluid fills you up.”

Kitten connected the catheter from her right tit to the hanging bag and looked at her mistress for permission to start the flow. With a nod from Gail the fluid began to flow. Carol’s tits were firm because of her youth and physical activity so they didn’t sag much when she lay on her back. Now her tit began to fill and it seemed to swell bigger and bigger, especially compared to her tightly clamped left tit. When gravity finished its work, Carol had taken in over half the bag’s contents. Her right tit felt like when she had missed many hours of nursing. Mistress Gail was not finished yet.

“I think we can get more in there. I like how her tit is taking on a bluish tinge.” She went over to the bag and began to squeeze it, forcing more of the fluid down the catheter. Carol squirmed in agony as her tit bloated out to outrageous proportions. The pressure began to cause the bluish liquid to squirt out her nipple in a high arch. “Oh look at that. We have a leak. Kitten, clamp that nipple shut. Kitten quickly got a large surgical clamp and squeezed it closed over Carol’s distended nipple. The flow stopped but Carol bucked in pain. Mistress Gail clamped off the catheter so none of the fluid would flow back up and began to feel Carol’s massive right tit.

“That must be uncomfortable having all that itchy fluid in your tit. But it makes it look so attractive. So prominent. I bet your mistress would love to see this. She might want you this large always. Maybe some implant or we could just leave the catheters in your tits and let her fill you up when she wants to. Let’s get some pictures of this Kitten, one clamped tit and one gusher.”

Carol was moaning in constant pain now. The occasional caresses by Kitten went unnoticed. The pain was too powerful. It felt as if her tit was about to explode. It had taken on a distinct bluish color. What added to the pain was the constant itching the irritant in the fluid caused. It was like a thousand ants were inside her tit eating it alive.

‘Kitten, take a reading on how much we got in and then let’s do the same thing to her left tit. I want some pictures of matching set of bloated knockers. Then we will have some fun with this toy.”

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